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Regulations Category Of Number Plates

1971 &1998
There are categories of number plates issued by the Licensing Office. It is important to
note that Government vehicles of various ministries are registered by the Chief Mechanical
Engineer, Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications while army vehicles are
handled by the Military Transport Officer (MTO).

The old number plates introduced in 1971 are still in use. However, they are no longer
being manufactured. Where the old numbers need replacement, the vehicle must be re-
The various categories of Number plates:-

1. Private
2. Central Government.
3. Local Government and Urban Authorities
4. Statutory Corporations;
5. Duty Free/ Tax Exempt;
6. Diplomatic
7. Personalized Registration Plates;
8. Dealers Plates
9. Motor cycles.

NOTE: All numbers are embossed on the prescribed plates.

Feature Specifications for Registration Plates

1) Private Ordinary Plates- these plates are issued for motor vehicles for which taxes and duties have
been paid. They are issued in ascending order.
The characters for the front plates are embossed in black with a reflective white background while
the rear is in black with yellow background.

Fig. 1.A:Front Plate-Private

Rear plate-private

The maximum number of characters is seven both front and rear.

Example UAE 106M above, etc.
Note the motorcycle have similar combinations but with one rear plate.

2) Central Government Vehicles.

These are issued by the CME. Example UG 0001W the last letter indicates the relevant Ministry.
For example, E for Education, W for Ministry of Works etc.

Fig.2 Government : Motor Cycle (rear)

Additional special round plates can be fixed on the above Number Plates of vehicles of the
Following persons:-
Vice President VP
Speaker of Parliament SP
Deputy Speaker of Parliament DSP
Chief Justice CJ
Prime Minister PM
Deputy Prime Minister 1DPM
Cabinet Minister CM
Minister of State MS
Member of parliament MP (Optional)

3) Local Government and Urban Authorities

The number is issued by the CME. The maximum number of characters is seven
e.g. LG 001 01 for Kampala district.

4) Statutory Corporations.
Issued by Licensing Office (MVRU) with maximum number of character as seven e.g UAA 265F
The characters for both front and rear plates are embossed in white against a reflective blue

Fig 3 A:
Statutory (square) -rear

Fig. 3.A: Front rectangular

5) Duty Free/Tax Exempt
Issued by Licensing Office (MVRU) and the maximum number character are seven embossed in
white against a reflective red background for both front and rear.

Who qualifies for the duty free numbers?

1.UN bodies, expatriates, diplomatics or any organisation that is exempted from
paying taxes.

Who qualifies for exempt numbers?

1. When government undertakes to pay taxes on behalf of an Individual or investment company or
2. When the minister of finance gives a prerogative to exempt the MD OR CEO
3.People returning home are exempted from paying taxes on their personal effects including a car,
he has owned for two years.
4. People or companying temporarily importing vehicles, a given a customs bond 10. eg spedag
may be gonna work on a given road for 2-3 years. spedag would be allowed to import graders,
caterpillars and any other equipment tax free.
5. In case, there is an emergency and an organisation comes in to offer relief, eg MSF doctors
would be allowed to import vehicles free of taxes.
6. Vehicles adapted to the disabled people are also exempted from taxes.
7. Specialised vehicles like refrigerated trucks  are also exempted from taxes. even the bullions
owned by UBC or WBS are exempted from taxes.

Fig. 4. A: Duty Free/Exempt -front

Fig. 4.A: Duty free/Exempt (rear)

6) Diplomatic Vehicles
Issued by (MVRU) with maximum character of nine for both front and rear.
Characters for front and rear plates are embossed in blue with a reflective white background.
Example CD 01-700U.

Fig.5: Diplomat
7) Personalized Plates/Registration Numbers
The owner of a motor vehicle may apply for personalized registration plates on payment of
prescribed fees. The Maximum number of character is nine for both front and rear.
However they can be less depending on the wish of the taxpayer.
The word “UGANDA” appears in the middle section of the top of the number plate.

The front plates are embossed in green, with a reflective white background; while the rear is
embossed in green with yellow background. These Number Plates are not transferable. When the
vehicle is sold off, the customized number plates shall be surrendered and the vehicle shall be re-
registered as in 2.2 with private numbers or other numbers as the case may be.

The owner of the customized number is free to use the same personalized number plates on any
other vehicle owned by him having de-registered or newly imported.

A registration fee is charged as for normal registration.

Another fee is charged over and above the normal registration fee, being a charge for the
privileged use of personalized number plates. Currently the fee is sh 3.0million.
2% of the registration fee paid over and above the normal registration fee is paid to transfer
customized number plates to another vehicle.

Fig.6: A. Front personalized Fig 6: A Rear personalized

8) Dealers Plates
The maximum number of character is seven e.g. U40246D for both front and rear. The front and
rear plates are embossed in red with a reflective white background. Please note that dealers
License and registration plates are not transferable

Fig.7: Dealers (garage number plate)

Fig.7: Dealers (garage number plate)

Identification Of A Number Plate

It is important to note that both front and rear Number Plate must bear the National Flag and a
security Hologram both at the top left hand side with a strip all round the registration plate. The
Manufacturer’s Mark is inscribed at the left hand side below the security Hologram. Below the
manufacturer’s Mark is the serial number of the plate.

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