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1. If an object allows most light to pass through , it is said to be a/an object.

A. opaque B. transparent C. translucent D. luminous

2. Which of the following statements about the eagle and corn plant is true?
A. Both organisms are producers
B. Both organisms are consumers
C. One is a consumer and the other is a producer
D. One is a consumer and the other is a saprophyte
3. Study the table below. The animals have been grouped according to their ability to protect themselves from
Moth Lion
Butterfly Tiger
Caterpillar Wolf
Walking stick X
Which of the following can X be?
A. eagle B. grasshopper C. stonefish D. chameleon
4. What is the method of heat transfer through liquid or moist air?
A. Radiation B. Conduction C. Convection D. Evaporation
5. Study the classification below.

renewable water
natural gas B
oil nuclear
coal C
natural gas

In which group does ‘nuclear’ best fit?

A. A B. B C. C D. B or C
6. Which of the following statements is an example of contact force?
A. magnetic B. gravitational C. electrical D. frictional
7. Which of the following statements below about energy from the sun are true?
A: It has the largest supply of energy.
B: It is the most available source of energy.
C: The energy from the sun is a major requirement for photosynthesis
A. A and B only B. A and C only C. B and C only D. A, B and C
8. Water flowing down from the dam spins the turbines inside the hydroelectric power plant which activates a
generator and produce electricity. Which of the following shows the correct transformation of energy?
A. kinetic energy  sound energy electrical energy  mechanical energy
B. kinetic energy mechanical energy  potential energy sound energy
C. potential energy  sound energy  mechanical energy  electrical energy
D. potential energy  kinetic energy  mechanical energy electrical energy
9. Which of the following forms of energy is produced by vibrations?
A. sound B. electrical C. light D. wind
10. Which statement is true when a ball is projected into the air?
A. The velocity is constant.
B. The ball will continuously move horizontally.
C. There is more kinetic energy as the ball goes higher.
D. The velocity of the ball is zero as it reaches its maximum height.
11. Study the table below. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
A. Walking along the street Law of Interaction
B. Jumping on a trampoline Law of Acceleration
C. A stone moved by a strong Law of Inertia
D. A marble has greater Law of Acceleration
change in velocity in a
given time than a
basketball pushed with
the same amount of force
12. A magnet is used to remove four different objects on top of a piece of paper. Which of the following materials
will not move?
A: needle B: gold ring C: silver coin D: paper clip
A. D only B. A and B only C. A and C only D. B and C only
13. Which of the following is not a method to demagnetize a magnetic object?
A. stroking B. heating C. hammering D. passing an alternating
14. What will happen when a large piece of a bar magnet is cut into four parts?
A. all have north and south poles
B. one piece has north pole only, three piece has south pole only
C. three pieces have north pole only, one piece has south pole only.
D. two pieces have north pole only, the remaining pieces have north and south poles
15. Which of the following factors does not affect the amount of kinetic and potential energy?
A. mass B. speed C. height D. vibration
16. When objects P and M are placed near the S pole of the suspended magnet, repulsion occurs with P while
attraction occurs with M. We can conclude that
A. Both P and M are magnets
B. Neither P nor M is a magnet
C. P is not a magnet while M is a magnet
D. M is not a magnet while P is a magnet
17. Which of the following correctly describes “weight”?
A. Weight and mass are the same
B. Weight is lesser than the mass
C. Weight depends on the gravity applied by earth
D. Weight depends on the position of the earth with respect to the sun
18. Which of the following describes what a force can do?

A: It can change the motion of an object

B: It is push or pull that is exerted on a body
C: It can pull all thrown objects towards the ground

A. A and B only B. B and C only C. A and C only D. A, B and C

19. The mass of a 25 N lead on the moon is
A. greater than 25N
B. equal to its mass on earth
C. less than its mass on earth
D. greater than its mass on the moon
20. Which of the following organisms will most likely live in dark and moist area?
A. toad B. mosquito C. caterpillar D. earthworm
21. The graph below shows the change in the population of mushrooms within a period of time. Which of the
following reasons would have caused the population of mushrooms change in such a manner?

Population of Mushrooms

January February March April

Series 1

A. An increase in the number of occurrence of lightning

B. A decrease in the number of other decomposers
C. An increase in the amount of available nitrogen
D. A decrease in the number of trees

A. A and B only B. A and D only C. A, B and C only D. B, C and D only

22. Competition happens when two or more organisms compete for a common source of food. Which pair or
organisms show an example of competition?

A. bee and flower B. tick and dog C. snake and frog D. tiger and lion

A. B only B. D only C. A, B and D only D. A, B, C, and D

23. Study the food chain below.


Which does not describe the relationship between the organisms?

A. The population of the grasshopper will decrease when the population of the frog decreases
B. The population of the grass will increase when the population of the grasshopper decreases
C. If the population of the frog decreases, the population of the grasshopper will increase
D. The population of the frog will be affected by the amount of food available to the grasshopper
Use the food web below to answer questions 24 and 25.



24. How many producers are there in the food web?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
25. Which of the following organisms eats plant only?
A. B B. E C. F D. G
26. Which of the following food chain is correct?
A. chick  rabbit  snake  eagle
B. rice plant  chick  snake  fox
C. fox  frog  grasshopper  grass
D. mushroom  pigs  humans  bacteria
27. Which organism would you not find in a forest community?
A. Ant B. Crab C. Frog D. Snake
28. Which statements about a poinsettia plant are true?

A. It attracts pollinators
B. It has brightly colored leaves
C. It has specialized leaves called stipules

A. A and B only B. B and C only C. A and C only D. All of the above

29. Which of the following human activities does not positively impact the environment?
A. Conservation of water
B. Conservation of electricity
C. Preservation of historic buildings
D. Improper disposal of waste materials
30. Which of the following electric-generating materials is likely to run out in the future?
A. Dam B. Crude oil C. Windmill D. Nuclear power
For nos. 31-33, refer to the diagram below to answer the questions.

The diagram below shows the length of a spring when two objects of different mass are attached to it.


31. What is the change in length of the spring when an 80 g load is attached to it instead of 60 g?
A. 0.5 cm B. 2 cm C. 4 cm D. 16 cm
32. What should be the mass of the load attached to the spring so that the length of the spring becomes 10 cm?
A. 10 g B. 20 g C. 40 g D. 50 g
33. What kind of energy does an extended spring have?
A. elastic B. kinetic C. potential D. stretched
34. Study the classification below.
Which of the following must be the letters M, S, and A, respectively?

M worm


A light


A. biotic, plant, abiotic B. insects, biotic, energy

C. abiotic, scavenger, D. biotic, abiotic,
biotic decomposer
35. Animals need heat to live. Animals can be categorized according to how they regulate their body temperature
and where they get their heat. Which of the following characteristics must a conformer possess?

A. Heat is obtained from the environment

B. Heat is obtained from metabolic reactions
C. Temperature is regulated by the environment
D. Temperature is regulated by internal mechanism

A. A and B only B. A and C only C. B and D only D. C and D only

36 Study the two groups of objects below.
Gold Wood
Silver Plastic
Copper Rubber
Aluminum ceramic
The objects have been classified according to .
A. their magnetic property
B. how light is being reflected
C. ability to conduct electricity
D. the materials they are made of
37 Study the two groups of objects below.
Group A Group B
Paperclip Coins
Thumbtack Paper
Stapler Chalk
What can X and Y be?
A. key ring and B. pen knife and padlock C. bicycle chain and 14K D. Knife blade and metal
aluminum foil earring spoon
38. An ambulance uses energy to warn vehicles on the road from afar to give way to it.
A. light B. sound C. movement D. electrical
39. The diagram shows a simple bell.


Which of the following shows the correct energy change when the switch is closed?
A. kinetic energy to electrical energy to magnetic energy to sound energy
B. chemical energy to electrical energy to kinetic energy to sound energy to kinetic energy
C. kinetic energy to chemical energy to electrical energy to magnetic energy to kinetic energy to sound energy
D. chemical energy to electrical energy to magnetic energy to kinetic energy to sound energy
40. What energy transformation takes place when fireworks explode?
A. chemical energy to sound energy, and heat energy
B. kinetic energy to sound energy, heat energy, and light energy
C. chemical energy to sound energy, heat energy, and light energy
D. kinetic energy to chemical energy to sound energy, heat energy, and light energy
41. Friction is undesirable when .
A. a person walks B. holding a glass C. a machine produces D. a ball moves
heat downward in a slope
42. Which of the following does not exhibit the spring exerting a force on the load?

43. Which statement is false?

A. Friction helps us to walk
B. Friction is always a nuisance
C. Friction always generates heat
D. Friction acts to oppose motion
44. Which of the following actions helps to reduce friction?
A: Applying oil on the door hinge
B: Changing the bald tire of a bicycle
C: Adding rollers to a chest of drawers
D: Sticking a slip-resistant mat in the bath tub

A. A and B only B. A, B, and D only C. A, B, and C only D. all of the above

45. Which of the following is not a force?
A. Mass B. Pull C. Friction D. Weight
46. Jullian pushes a marble towards a wall as shown in the diagram below. What could happen when the marble
hits the wall?

A: The marble changes its shape.

B: The marble decreases in size
C: The speed of the marble decreases.
D: The marble changes its direction of motion
A. A and D only B. A, B, and C only C. C and D only D. A, C, and D only
47. When a magnet was placed near a metal rod, the metal rod moved away. Which of the following can you
A. The magnet was made of iron
B. The magnet attracted the metal rod
C. The metal rod was made of iron
D. The metal rod was also a magnet
48. Study the food web below.

Which does not describe what will probably happen when the ladybirds are removed from the food web?
A. The population of the birds will increase
B. The population of the plants will decrease
C. The population of the aphids will increase
D. The population of the caterpillars will decrease
49. Study the illustration on the right. Which statement is true?

A. C is prey of B
B. D and C are predators
C. A and C are producers
D. A, B, and F are consumers.

50. Which of the following factor(s) will cause a decrease in the population of the toads in a pond community?

A: Reduction in the amount of rainfall.

B: Increase in the number of predators
C: Decrease in the number of prey
D: Disease

A. B only B. B and C only C. A and B only D. A, B, C and D

51. Different populations living together form a
A. habitat B. pond C. community D. population
52. Study the diagram below.

How many populations can you see in the picture at

the right?

A. 1 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
53. Some species of fish can migrate from saltwater to freshwater. These species can maintain the amount of salt
in their body. These organisms are called
A. anadromous B. catadromous C. osmogomous D. thermogomus
54. Which set of organisms consists of only two populations?
A. beetles, cockroaches, houseflies, maggots
B. wrigglers, toads, mosquitoes, tadpoles
C. toads, frogs, tadpoles, salamanders
D. caterpillar, moths, butterflies, sparrows
55. Patricia is a petrologist. While studying a beach rock, she noticed that it has different layers. What type of rock
is the beach rock?
A. metamorphic B. sedimentary C. extrusive igneous D. intrusive igneous
56. What could be the causes of global warming?
A: Floods C: Methane Emission
B: Deforestation D: Burning of fossil fuel
A. C only B. A and B only C. A, B, and D only D. B, C, and D only
57. Which of the following explain(s) how a camel adapts to life in the desert?
A: A camel can take in a lot of water at one time.
B: A camel stores a lot of water in its humps in case it is thirsty and cannot find water.
C: A camel stores its body fats in its humps so that it can lose its body heat quickly and hence control its
body temperature.
A. A only B. A and B only C. B only D. A and C only
58. Study the diagram below.

59. A lever is a board or bar that rests on a pivot by turning point called fulcrum. From the table below, choose
the letter that corresponds to the characteristics of a first class lever and its example.

60. Which of the following statements about the muscles tissue are true?

A: It provides heat in our body. C: It gives shape in our body

B: It gives protection to our organ D: It delivers nutrients in our body
A. A and B B. C and D C. B and C D. A, B and C

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