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It was shown in table 2 that there are 56.6% male respondents and 43,3% female respondents.

Problem number 1. Do young people accidentally see some disturbing videos about pornography

on the internet?

Table 3. Young people who accidentally watched Pornography .

Ages Percentage of Percentage of

YES NO people who said people who said
yes no

12-13 years old 1 3 1.66% 5%

14-15 years old 17 4 28.3% 6.66%

16-17 years old 26 7 74.2% 20%

Table 3 shows how many percent of young people who said yes or no if they accidentally saw or

watched a pornography video. 1.66% of 12-13 years old people are the one who said yes, 28.3%

of 14-15 years old are the one who said yes, 74.2% of 16-17 are the one who said yes, 5% of

12-13 years old are the one who said no, 6.66% of 14-15 are the one who said no, 20% of 16-17

are the one who said no.

Problem number 2. What are the impacts of watching pornography to young people these days?

Table 4. Respondent's Answers.

Respondents Their experiences

Respondent 1 The respondent said Seeing an adult film makes him interested in it.

Respondent 2 The respondent said he felt Dopamine.

Respondent 3 The respondent said It makes him want to know what it feels like and
looks like.
Respondent 4 The respondent stated that everyone in her age keeps talking about it
and keeps watching it.

Respondent 5 The respondent shared that when he was a kid he was curious about it
so he started knowing things about that.

Table 4 shows the experiences of the young people these days of having an impact on Internet

Pornography. It was shown in the table that some of them are interested in it and don't know

anything about Internet Pornography.

Problem number 3. How does Internet Pornography affect an individual’s mind?

Table 5. The impact of pornography on the respondent’s mind.

Respondents Their Experiences

Respondent 1 The respondent shared that It affects her thoughts and when
everytime she watches those videos I feel embarrassed.

Respondent 2 The respondent said she got addicted to inappropriate videos.

Respondent 3 The respondent said It changes his Behavior.

Respondent 4 The respondent said she gets comfortable and addicted in watching

Respondent 5 The respondent stated that It affected her mind every time she
heard some things like "Malaki, Maliit, Bundok".
Table 5 shows how young people's minds get affected by watching pornography, some of them

become addicted and their behavior gets changed.

Problem number 4. Why is it important to study about the impacts of Internet Pornography?

Table 6. Respondent’s responses

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