Hebrews 12 10

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Hey there, kiddo! Let's dive into Hebrews 12:10 and explore its meaning together.

So, in the Bible, Hebrews is a book that talks about faith and encourages people to keep
going, even when things get tough. In chapter 12, verse 10, it says something really
interesting. It says that our parents on Earth sometimes discipline us, right? They teach
us right from wrong and help us grow to be good people. Well, in the same way, it says
that God, who is like our Heavenly Father, also disciplines us.

But wait, what does "discipline" mean? Well, think of it like this: Imagine you're learning
to ride a bicycle. At first, it might be a little scary, and you might fall a few times. But
your parents are there to guide you, teach you how to balance, and help you get better.
That's what discipline means—it's about teaching and helping us become better.

Now, back to the Bible verse. It says that when God disciplines us, it's because He loves
us. Just like your parents want the best for you and want you to grow up to be a good
person, God wants the same for us. He wants us to become kind, loving, and wise

Sometimes, discipline might feel a bit hard or uncomfortable, just like when you have to
practice something over and over again until you get it right. But remember, it's all
because God cares about us and wants us to become the best version of ourselves.

So, the verse reminds us that when we face difficult situations or when things don't go
as planned, it's an opportunity for us to learn and grow. It's like God is teaching us
important lessons and shaping us into better people, just like your parents do when
they teach you important things.

Isn't that amazing? We have a loving God who cares about us so much that He guides
us and helps us become the best we can be. So, the next time you face a challenge or
something doesn't go the way you wanted, remember that God is with you, teaching
you and helping you grow, because He loves you like a caring parent.

Keep being awesome, kiddo, and never stop learning and growing!

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