Final-Report-Unique Photography

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Butwal Multiple Campus

(Affiliated to Tribhuvan University)

Golpark, Butwal

Final Year Project Report

(Photo studio online appointment system)
(Course Code: ICT Ed. 486)

A Final year Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of
bachelor of education in information communication technology awarded by Tribhuvan University


This is certifying that this project is prepared by Kalpana Sharma (TU Exam Roll Number:50009), Suman
Pokhrel (TU Exam Roll Number:5014) entitled “Unique Photography” in the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bed. in Education and Information Technology has been well studied. In our
opinion, it is satisfactory in the scope and quality as a project for the required degree.

Signature of the Supervisor Signature of HOD

Signature of External Examiner Signature of Internal Examiner


The success and final outcomes of this project requires a lot of guidance and assistance from many people
and we are very fortunate to have got this all along the completion of this project. We are very glad to
express our deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to our highly respected and esteemed supervisor
Mr. Kamal Bahadur Thapa, Department of ICT, Butwal Multiple Campus for valuable supervision,
guidance, encouragement and support for completing this work. All useful suggestions for this whole
work and co-operative behavior are sincerely acknowledged.

We would like to thank Mr. Megh Raj Acharya, Coordinator Bed ICT, Butwal Multiple Campus
for us giving valuable guidelines and suggestions to complete this project. We would like to express our
sincere thanks to Er. Ananta Pandey former lecturer Butwal Multiple Campus (Currently Vice
Principal Nepathya Collage), for his support, valuable ideas and comments during start of the project
without which this project could not come in this form. Secondly, our sincere gratitude is due to Er.
Shiva Ji Bhusal for supporting us in Report structure and write up suggestion and provide suitable
working environment.

Finally, we thank to all our friends and teachers who have contributed directly or indirectly in the
accomplishment of this project.

Those sites that provide the service to get appointment directly from the photography studio are very popular
nowadays. Many photo shoot studios in worldwide like JCPenney Portraits, bookedin etc. have been
provided the facility to choose the photographer and appointment time within the studio. But if client wants
to choose the photographer / photo shoot studio from different studios in a single platform it has not been
possible. So, it is intending to develop a ‘Unique Photography – a photo studio online appointment
system’ that presents all the photographer/photo studio from different studios along with their available
time. Unique Photography is the web based application developed in PHP/MySQL in Sublime platform
using Apache server. This system maintains the list of photographers and photo studios of Butwal area along
with photo studio details. Studio schedules are shown so that user/clients/models can book the appointment
more conveniently. For this user must log in to the system. Users can also manage their profile. Next user
of the site i.e. studios can update their schedule and they can approve or reject appointment. First chapter,
included the project overview that gives the project description, objectives, features and scope. The second
chapter consists of literature review of the system. The third chapter describes the system analysis process
which includes requirement collection, requirement specification and feasibility study. In chapter four block
diagram, use case diagram, activity diagram and class diagram are included. Chapter five and chapter six
consist of system implementation and system testing respectively. The seventh chapter includes the overall
finding and results of the project.

Keywords: Photography Appointment, Online registration, MySQL, PHP, CSS, Reservation System,

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................. iv

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................... v

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................ ix

ABBREVIATION .......................................................................................................................................... x

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Background and Overview .............................................................................................................. 1

1.2. Problem Statement ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.2.1. Existing System ........................................................................................................................ 2

1.2.2. Proposed System ...................................................................................................................... 2

1.3. Objective .......................................................................................................................................... 2

1.4. Scope and Application ..................................................................................................................... 3

1.5. Features ............................................................................................................................................ 3

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 4

3. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 5

3.1. Block Diagram of Overall Project ................................................................................................... 5

3.2. Use Case Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 6

3.3. Activity Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 9

3.4. Context Diagram ............................................................................................................................ 11

4. SOFTWARE TOOLS ........................................................................................................................... 12

5. TESTING ............................................................................................................................................. 13

5.1. System Testing ............................................................................................................................... 13

5.2. Testing Phase ................................................................................................................................. 13

5.3. Level of Testing ............................................................................................................................. 13

5.3.1. Unit Testing ............................................................................................................................ 13

5.3.2. Integration Testing.................................................................................................................. 14

5.3.3. System Testing ....................................................................................................................... 14

6. RESULT ............................................................................................................................................... 17

7. LIMITATION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT ............................................................................. 18

7.1. Limitation....................................................................................................................................... 18

7.2. Future Enhancement ...................................................................................................................... 18

8. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 19

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 20

APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................. 21

Figure 3.1: Block diagram of overall project.................................................................................................. 5

Figure 3.2: Use case diagram client/user ........................................................................................................ 7
Figure 3.3: Use case diagram for photographer.............................................................................................. 8
Figure 3.4: Use case diagram for system admin ............................................................................................. 9
Figure 3.5: Activity Diagram for client/user ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 3.6: Activity diagram for photographer............................................................................................. 11
Figure 3.7: Context diagram of the system ................................................................................................... 11


Table 5.1: Test Objective- Admin Login ...................................................................................................... 14

Table 5.2: Test Objective-User Registration ................................................................................................ 14
Table 5.3: Test Objective-User Login .......................................................................................................... 15
Table 5.4: Test Objective-Add Photographer ............................................................................................... 15
Table 5.5: Test Objective-Add Photo Studio ................................................................................................ 15
Table 5.6: Test Objective- Book Appointment............................................................................................. 16
Table 5.7: Test Objective-Edit client profile ................................................................................................ 16
Table 5.8: Test Objective-Change user password ........................................................................................ 16


HTML : Hypertext Markup Language

CSS : Cascading Style Sheet
PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor
SQL : Structured Query Language


1.1. Background and Overview

The Online Photo Studio Appointment system is a web based appointment system. It provides
models or any customer an easy medium of booking a photographer’s appointment. This is an
internet based system that overcomes the issue of managing and booking appointments according to
customer’s choice or requirements. This appointment system has feature to allow client for taking
appointment of studio from their place.

Along this it will also provide the power of direct interaction between photographers of customer
choice as and when required for your small problems. It can also enable customer to upload their
portfolios, photoshoot requirements, etc. which can be viewed by photographer’s/photo studios. It
can also maintain list of photographers, available appointment time, and booked appointment, cancel
appointment and view his appointment history. In sort, it is a system where client choose their
photographer and take appointment from photo studios at preferred time in online easily.

1.2. Problem Statement

In our country to get an appointment from photographer first you need to go to photo studio then
take a receipt. After taking a receipt one has to wait for the photographer to become free to service
clients. This process is very time consuming process and also no guaranty that photographer is
appointing clients in scheduled time. Also you have no choice to change the photographer or photo
studio. Due to these reasons Photo studio and appointment system running nowadays is very tedious,
boring and time consuming. So, to overcome this types of problem this online photography
appointment system is proposed.

The method of planning and managing the photographer’s time according to his calendar is the most
challenging task in this system. The main issue arise here is to provide best services to the customers
or model’s in their preferred time without disturbing the photographers’ routine and as soon as
possible. Such task is solved by managing the large database precisely. The online photographer
appointment system will be very useful to choose the photographers of your choice in your preferred
time. Using this system, you will also be able to see list of photo studios, available appointment time,
booked appointment time etc.

1.2.1. Existing System

Existing system is based on traditional appointment scheduling methods. Cumbersome, time

consuming, constant manual management, inefficient and more often than not, frustrating. Paper
scheduling can mean a great deal of phone calls to ensure multiple clients are not being booked for
the same slot. It is difficult to keep track of new bookings, re-bookings, cancellations, etc. This is
not only taxing for the business in terms of the permanent hands always required for manual
appointment management but it also greatly compromises the operational efficiency of the
organization. More staff resources need to be engaged for other pressing tasks in the facility. An
unorganized appointment desk can mean unhappy clients. Because of problem in manual
management of information and inconvenience in providing services to the clients, online
appointment system was proposed.

1.2.2. Proposed System

This system is simple and easy to use. This system is not only time-saving but provides the solution
to the need for a convenient scheduling system. It can be solved through online and computerized
processes, income generating assistants too, that provides operational convenience and promotes
relations built with clients. The main aim of this system is to provide easy and convenient way to
reach for photo studios and appointment to the desired photographers and it covers different photo
studios which the existing system does not provide. It provides following features:

 Convenience, Ease, Accessibility.

 Service available round the clock.
 Management of information is easier and efficient.
 Save resources.
 Offering clients/customers greater choice and convenience, thereby, improving customers
trust and loyalty.
 E-marketing.

1.3. Objective

The main objectives of this project work on online photographer appointment system are as follows:

 To reduce waiting time of customers.
 To digitize the manual appointment system.
 To provide direct interaction between photographer and clients for appointment.
 To ensure easier, reliable and faster appointment service.

1.4. Scope and Application

Nowadays every people have busy life and no one wants to spend their time uselessly. In every area
of services customers want the best services which they preferred without wasting time and in less
effort. In the case photography sector or any business sector, customer wants good service without
wasting their time. With the improvement in the technology it is possible to save the people time
and effort in the online appointment booking. The thought of starting this project has come after
hearing from many people that how they are spending their time to wait for a photo shoot and
analyzing the photo studios. Since there is problem in getting photographer’s appointment in Nepal,
and hence the thought of this project was generated. In the coming future with the growing use of
technology and internet the proposed project will be very useful. In contrast, the overall scope of
this system includes:

 All photographers’ available time of appointment.

 Information update, review and maintenance.
 Creates user’s unique identity.
 Separate photo shoots and administration role.

1.5. Features

The project is based on providing the list of photographers from different studios along with their
time slot. All the information related to photographers is provided so that clients can choose the
required specialist as well as the time and the place. Customers can also rate the photo
studios/photographers according to their choice. Another special part of the project is that client can
directly search the photographer if they know already instead of scrolling all the photographer’s
information. Searching in this project are done by using the Binary Search Algorithm.

Some important features of this project are listed below:

 The system provides user, the login and signup features. If a user is new to the system, he/she
has to sign up for accessing the system and if the user already has account then he/she can
access the system.
 User having profile can have features like searching photographer by photographer’s
category and photographer’s name, viewing photographers, viewing profile and updating it,
booking photographers etc.
 The system consists of database that stores information regarding the photographer, photo
studio, photographer’s category and other information. The database also stores the
information like photographer booking information by user, appointment history, user/clients
ratings, and user details.
 Database for information storage of photographer and clients/users.
 Security features for changing password of users.
 User interface and web application.
 The system provides admin features like adding new photographer, photo studio, category,
editing photographer’s detail to database, managing CMS (content management system),
viewing booked appointment, viewing photographer’s info, changing password and adding


The application of modern information technology dominated so far by the use of Internet websites
and online reservation systems, gives competitive advantage to other with same establishment.
However, the potential competitive advantage can be transformed into real advantage if only the
website is built [1]. As a result, the research was conducted on the facts related to the system are
related to this system.

An Online Booking System is software which allows a potential user to book for a service through
website [2]. Booking systems have been implemented in the single clinics and polyclinics. The
system serves for managing appointments for different sources [3]. This kind of system makes
clients’/users life easier. The use of online services nowadays becomes more necessary in various
fields. It is because of the advantage and useful effects to many people when it comes to the online
reservation. Because our society is facing rapid growth of needs, availability and development of
different commercial web-based application [1].


3.1. Block Diagram of Overall Project

The block diagram of overall project is shown below:

Client View Appointment

Register/Login Photographers Booking

View Manage
Studio Login Appointment Appointment

Figure 3.1: Block diagram of overall project

Client Resister/Login:

This is the first module of the system. In this module client/user can log in or register. For the new
user to enter to the system they must register themselves to the system. Registered users can use
their email and password to enter to the system.

View Photographers Details:

In this module client/user can view all the detailed information about the photographer. Here user
can meet photographer of different specialization from different studios. The schedule of the
photographer’ are also shown to the user.

Appointment Booking:

In this module clients can book the appointment by directly entering the photographer information
and time if he already knows that. If he is unaware about photographer, he can go through
photographer page.

Photographers Login:

Photographer is another user of the system. Photographer can Login to the system by using his/her
email and password. After logging into the system he/she can go to own dashboard where he/she
can view his/her profile and update schedule.

View Appointment:

Photographer and Client can view their appointments. Photographer can view his/her today’s,
upcoming or previous appointments or he/she can also search for appointments by date. Clients’ can
view their appointment history.

Manage Appointments:

Photographer can view appointments for him/her from different clients. He/she has the authority to
accept or reject appointments. Clients can also view their appointment history and manage them.
Client can cancel their appointments.

3.2. Use Case Diagram

The use case diagram is used in presenting the system requirements of any proposed system. A use
case is a realistic description of the workflow of the system and it is used to explicitly describe
intentions and actions of users. The use case diagram, which present the system requirements are
used to show how the proposed system work in practice. The interaction between actor and use cases
are also described using use case diagram. The use case diagram of the Photographer appointment
booking system is presented in figure 2, figure3 and figure4 respectively.

Sign Up

Log in

Get Appointment

View |Appointment

View Profile


Edit Profile

View Appointment

Figure 3.2: Use case diagram client/user

Log in

Add Schedule

Approve / Reject

View Appointment

View Profile

Figure 3.3: Use case diagram for photographer

Log in

Add Photographer

View Photographer

Delete Photographer

Admin Add Schedule

Edit Photographer

Figure 3.4: Use case diagram for system admin

3.3. Activity Diagram

The Activities that are involved in the Organization are illustrated in the following Activity



Enter username and


Enter name, Phone, etc

Search Book Appointment

My Profile History
Photograph Appointme
er nt

View Photographer
View Change
Edit Profile Appointment Password View Detail

Appointment Status
Create New Appointment

Check Available Appointment


Try New Receive appointment

Appointment confirmation

Log out

Figure 3.5: Activity Diagram for client/user
The work process of this system for client/user goes in this way: First user/client should register
himself/herself into the system. After registering user can now login using email and password to
enter into the system. After entering to the system user/client can view photographer, search
photograph according to studio or specialization, view his/her profile, edit profile and change
password if required. The main thing user/client can do in this system is to book appointment online
according to user preference if available. If preferred appointment is not available, the user is
suggested to try new appointment. User can also view his appointment history if he/she wants. User
can also view whether his/her appointment has been approved/rejected, pending/expired. User/client
can also cancel his appointment.

Figure 3.6: Activity diagram for photographer

The work process of this system for photographer goes in this way: First the photographer should
login into the system. After logged in into this system, photographer can view his profile,
appointments and he/she can approve or reject appointment. photographer can edit his schedule,
view todays, upcoming and previous appointments.

3.4. Context Diagram

Client / User Verified Appointment

Sign up or Log in

Appointment system
Update schedule

Add schedule
View Appointment

Add photographer

Administrator Photographer
Add Studio Log in

Figure 3.7: Context diagram of the system

The Context diagram shows the main process within the system that generalizes the function of the
entire system in relation to external entities. It shows the surficial overview of system of
photographer appointment booking system, Administrator managing all the photographer's details
and photographer managing the appointments.


In this system PHP is used for server side web development. PHP files store all text, HTML, CSS,
Java Script, code as well as PHP code and help to make dynamic website. Similarly, PHP is used to
run SQL query to store, retrieve, and manipulate the information contained in database. Also this
project used PHP to create, open, read, write and close files on the server and it is used to encrypt

Similarly, with PHP, the system can connect to and manipulate database. MySQL to store clients
and photographer’s information, product information and other several information. MySQL is a
database system that run on a server.

It is used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language of this
system. Similarly, CSS language help to make color, fonts, background, margin, padding on website.
It is used to style web pages and user interfaces written in HTML. Bootstrap framework is also used.

To create web pages, HTML language helps to build login forms, sign up, table, image processing,
and perform other various operation which run in browser. A web browser can read HTML files and
compose them into visible or audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but
uses them to interpret the content of the page. HTML describes the structure of a website
semantically along with cues for presentation, making it a markup language rather than a
programming language.

JavaScript, a dynamic computer programming language is used in the system to allow client-side
scripts to interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the
document content that is displayed mainly in client’s registration form.


5.1. System Testing

Testing is an activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and

determining that it meets its required results. Although crucial to software quality and widely
deployed by programmers and testers, software testing still remains an art, due to limited
understanding of the principles of software. The difficulty in software testing stems from the
complexity of software. Programmer doesn’t completely test a program with moderate complexity.
Testing is more than just debugging. The purpose of testing can be quality assurance, verification
and validation, or reliability estimation. Testing can be used as a generic metric as well. Correctness
testing and reliability testing are two major areas of testing. Testing is a trade-off between budget,
time and quality.

5.2. Testing Phase

It has been done comprehensive testing ranging from the initial phase and up to the delivery and
maintenance phase. The testing phase is the separate phase which is performed by a different team
after the implementation is completed. There is merit in this approach; it is hard to see one’s own
mistakes, and a fresh eye can discover obvious errors much faster than the person who has read and
re-read the material many times. Unfortunately, delegating testing to another team leads to a slack
attitude regarding quality by the implementation team.

5.3. Level of Testing

System has been testing using varieties of levels. Levels of testing has been done in the proposed
system are described below:

5.3.1. Unit Testing

In this testing, the smallest testable piece of software that can be compiled, linked, and loaded. In
the system that developed, has taken the different procedures and interface as the small unit and
tested individually. This test is normally done by programmer while developing the system.

5.3.2. Integration Testing

This test is mainly done to check the correctness of interaction between units of the system. While
building the single system by merging existing libraries, it necessarily to do integration testing.
Different modules done by our team member of the system developed is tested by using this test.

5.3.3. System Testing

System testing tests the behavior of whole system defined by the scope of the development project.
It might include tests based on risks as well as requirement specification, business process, use cases
or other high level description of system behavior, interaction with operating systems and system
resources. It is most often the final test performed to verify that the system meets the specification
and its objective.

System testing has been performed at the completion of each feature and is still taking place to make
improvements on the existing System. The system testing cases that have been done have been listed
below along with the test output.
Test Case 1:
Table 5.1: Test Objective- Admin Login

Precondition Input Data Steps Expected Actual Result

Outcome Result
Admin Account 1. Enter valid email Redirect to Successfully Pass
should be should be address and valid admin login
logged in. registered password. dashboard.
2. Press Login

Test Case 2:
Table 5.2: Test Objective-User Registration

Precondition Input Data Steps Expected Actual Result

Outcome Result
For new user Enter valid 1. Enter first and User Successfully Pass
information last name. successfully registered
2. Enter valid email registered and
and password. redirect to
3. Enter gender, login page.
contact number,
address, Age

Test Case 3:

Table 5.3: Test Objective-User Login

Precondition Input Data Steps Expected Actual Result

Outcome Result
User must be Valid user 1. Enter valid email Redirected to Successfully Pass
registered email and address user login
password 2. Enter valid dashboard
3. Click login

Test Case 4:

Table 5.4: Test Objective-Add Photographer

Precondition Input Data Steps Expected Actual Result
Outcome Result
Admin should Enter valid 1. Enter Photographer Photographer Pass
be logged in. information photographer inserted and successfully
related to name, associated display on inserted
photographer studio name, user
contact dashboard
2. Enter insert

Test Case 5:

Table 5.5: Test Objective-Add Photo Studio

Precondition Input Data Steps Expected Actual Result
Outcome Result
Admin Enter valid Enter Photo studio name Photo studio Studio Pass
should be information inserted successfully
logged in. regarding inserted
photo studio

Test Case 6:

Table 5.6: Test Objective- Book Appointment

Precondition Input Data Steps Expected Actual Result
Outcome Result
Client should Enter valid 1. Enter your actual Show Appointmen Pass
be logged in. information name, phone age appointment t will
related to 2. Chose booked booked
photographer photographer, successfully if when all the
studio, the condition
appointment appointment was
time and date is available fulfilled.
shown by

Test Case 7:
Table 5.7: Test Objective-Edit client profile

Precondition Input Data Steps Expected Actual Result

Outcome Result
User should User Edit information Update the Users Pass
be logged in. Information user information
information was updated
and display and user
the client information
detail was

Test Case 8:

Table 5.8: Test Objective-Change user password

Precondition Input Data Steps Expected Actual Result

Outcome Result
User should Enter valid 1. Enter current User User Pass
be logged in. password password password password
2. Enter new updated updated
password successfully successfully
3. Re-enter new


This project focuses on developing a website that lists all the photographers and their related studios
of the Butwal area from which they can choose the photographer and set the appointment with them.
The system consists of three major parts, and they are: user/client, photographer and administrator.
User can get appointment from the photographer and photographer can approve/reject the
appointments as well as edit schedule. Whereas administrator can add photographer edit or delete

To check the available appointments user can view the photographer details or system itself notifies
for the unavailable appointments. In addition to appointment booking users can also view the latest
news related to photo shoot. They can view their profile, edit profile and change password.

The administrator of this system has authority to add photographer, specialization and photo studio
information to the website. They can also manage the content of the website.


7.1. Limitation

There exist limitations to some extent. But these limitations can be overcome with some
enhancement in the work. The following list includes some of the limitations in our project:

 Online payment facility is not available.

 Administrator cannot view the users/client details.
 Appointment request by user may not be considered by the photographer.
 Only Selected Registered Photo studio / Photographer with in a Butwal area are listed.

7.2. Future Enhancement

This application avoids the manual work and the problems concern with it. It is an easy way to obtain
the information regarding the services that are present in this system Photo studio.

Well the team members have worked hard in order to present an improved website regarding the
information about the various activities. Still, it found out that the project can be done in better way.
To make this system that have thought of following features:

 Transform into mobile application

 Video conferencing with photographer
 Cover more area
 Online payment


With the development of web based Photographer Appointment booking system, clients are able to
book and manage their own appointment with ease. The system provides a quick view of their
appointment at the view appointment history page. Users/client can also cancel their appointment.
This function could indirectly help to reduce the number of missed appointments and client’s no-
show up for their appointment. The system is mainly designed to facilitate appointment booking
between the client and the photographer. The system delegates some administrative work to the
clients by allowing them to manage their own appointment and personal profiles. Time will not be
wasted on converting paper-based appointment record into electronic-based.









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