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Analyzation of a Short Story: The Necklace

The short story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant shows a great example of the
happenings in our society. The story is about a young woman named Mathilde Loisel, who
lived with her husband who worked as a clerk for the Minister of Education. She was
unhappy with her life because she had to live a simple life instead of living in luxury. One
day, her husband got an invitation to a party, thinking it would make her wife amused but
instead, she was upset because she complained that she doesn't have anything to wear for
the party. Her husband gave her money to buy a new dress and borrowed a diamond
necklace from her friend, Jeanne Forester. Mathilde and her husband attended the
celebration and had a good time. After the party, she realized that the jewelry was missing.
She didn't confess to her friend about it instead, they bought a new and identical necklace
to replacement of the missing one. Mathilde and her husband’s lives changed in the next
ten years to repay the debt of replacing the necklace until one day, she told the truth to
her friend, finding out that the necklace she borrowed was fake.

The theme of the story is very well-presented, as well as the conflict is introduced when
Mathilde Loisel lost the necklace. Each character portrays their emotions completely, it
embodies the characters to stand out. An example is the image of the main character,
insecurity, and greed, Mathilde Loisel desired to live a rich and luxurious life. The setting
occurred in Paris in the late 1800s. The plot of the story is properly arranged and
constructed accordingly. It also provides detailed information about the story which helps
the readers to understand the story in a much easier way.

The social institution of the story is also presented at the beginning, where Mathilde
wanted to live a rich life and wants to be fit into the upper-class community that’s why she
wanted to have an elegant look at the party because the people who attended are wealthy.

Maupassant delivers a valuable lesson to every reader that you should be honest about
your mistakes. If Mathilde confessed the truth to Jeanne, she would have known that the
necklace was fake, then she wouldn’t have lived a miserable life for years. There are also
some other life lessons we can learn and apply to our daily lives, an example is that we
should be mindful and careful of our things, and we should be contented with what we

As I was reading the story, I was able to understand, although some parts are quite
confusing. (dagdagan pa)

Overall, the short story is highly recommended to every reader for it provides not just
detailed information and description about life as a person but also a moral lesson that is
vital in every people

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