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MODULE 1 Section A Test Name: Mark: .

Choose the correct answer.

1. In 2011, an underwater earthquake off Japan’s coast … a tsunami.
a. restored
b. banned
c. caused
2. According to scientists, hurricanes have become stronger because of … .
a. global warming
b. renewable energy
c. oil spills
3. My friend and I … for the beach clean-up last weekend.
a. volunteered
b. has volunteered
c. have volunteered
4. Eating fish from this polluted river is a … to people’s health.
a. source
b. threat
c. destruction
5. Brian … never … before, so he’s a bit nervous.
a. didn’t … fly
b. has … flown
c. hasn’t … flown
6. The biologist … several times recently about how plastic harms marine life.
a. spoke
b. has spoke
c. has spoken
7. How … you first … about the effects of global warming?
a. did … heard
b. have … heard
c. did … hear
8. The article … the factory’s use of harmful chemicals.
a. exposed
b. banned
c. restored
9. In 2018, the volcanic eruption of Mt Kilauea in Hawaii changed the … of the area.
a. landscape
b. fossil fuels
c. destruction
10. This suburb of London was once filled with … and old trees.
a. drilling
b. sources
c. wildlife

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MODULE 1: Section A Test

11. When … they … a month in the rainforest in Costa Rica?

a. have … spent
b. did … spent
c. did … spend
12. The mayor often talks about environmental issues, but she never … .
a. raises money
b. takes action
c. brings them back to life
13. Jane and I … recently because we’re both so busy.
a. didn’t meet
b. hasn’t met
c. haven’t met
14. I hope one day all cars will use … like solar power.
a. oil spills
b. renewable energy
c. sources
15. Conservationists … the local wildlife in order to preserve its habitat.
a. haven’t studied
b. has studied
c. have studied
16. Why … you … your project yet?
a. didn’t … finish
b. hasn’t … finished
c. haven’t … finished
17. Excuse me, but could you please move? You are … .
a. in the way
b. out of the way
c. by the way
18. I … already … the documentary series Planet Earth.
a. did … saw
b. have … seen
c. have not … seen
19. What did you … in the competition?
a. earn
b. win
c. gain
20. Experts don’t know what … the oil spill last week.
a. has caused
b. have caused
c. caused

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1 Aug 2018 Corinna

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