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Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law

fluids flow across a channel confined circular cylinder
Garima Vishal1, Jyoti Tomar1, Ram Prakash Bharti*,1
Complex Fluid Dynamics and Microfluidics (CFDM) Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarak-
hand, India


Article History: In this work, the critical parameters for an incompressible flow of non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-
Received 18 February 2021 law fluids across a channel confined circular cylinder have been investigated numerically. The governing
Revised 2 May 2021 equations have been solved by using the finite volume method for the wide range of power-law (1n1:8)
Accepted 16 May 2021
fluids and for two values of wall blockage ratio (b ¼ 2 and 4). The present methodology has extensively been
Available online xxx
validated with numerical and experimental results available for limited conditions. Transitional insights of
channel confined cylinder, in particular, critical parameters indicating the transitions from creeping to sepa-
rating flows (i.e., onset of steady symmetric wake formation), and from steady symmetric wake to unsteady
Circular cylinder
Non-newtonian shear-thickening
asymmetric wake formation (i.e., onset of vortex formation) are investigated and presented in terms of the
Critical Reynolds number critical Reynolds numbers (Rec and Rec ). The relative impacts of unconfined and confined flows on these criti-
Wall blockage effects cal parameters have also been explored. In general, both onsets of the flow separation and wake asymmetry
Wake formation delayed with an increasing values of the power-law index (n) and the wall confinement (λ). The dependence
Wake transition of critical Re on n for the confined (finite b) flow are, however, completely opposite to that for unconfined
(b ¼ 1 ) flow, i.e., critical Re decreased with increasing n. The influence of power-law index on the onset of
vortex is quite stronger to that on the onset of wake formation. For instance, Rec for b ¼ ð2; 4; 1 Þ altered
from (12.5, 7.25, 6.25) to (30.5, 9.25, 0.75) and the corresponding changes with Rec are noted from (84.5,
70.25, 46.5) to (449.5, 179.5, 33.5) as n varied from 1 to 1.8, respectively. The Stokes paradox (i.e., no creeping
flow even as Re ! 0) apparent with unconfined flow of power-law fluids is irrelevant in confined flows,
under otherwise identical conditions. Finally, the predictive correlations for critical Re as a function of dimen-
sionless parameters (n and b) are presented for their easy use in engineering analysis.
© 2021 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction alteration of flow features beyond λ > 0:6 cannot be corrected based
on available data. It is, however, not applicable at the very low Rey-
Flow past cylinders of the circular and non-circular cross-sections nolds number (Re) in the two-dimensional laminar flow. The wall
is a dynamic area for research because of their fundamental and prac- blockage effects are significant at low Re even for negligible confine-
tical applications [e.g., see [18,19,24,30,59,86,89,90], etc.]. A reliable ment (λ < 0:001). As briefed elsewhere [8,9], reliable information is
source of knowledge is therefore required in order to understand the broadly available on the Newtonian fluid flow across a channel con-
hydrodynamic forces acting on the cylinder causing changes in the fined cylinder.
surrounding flow patterns. These phenomena can be observed in var- Furthermore, the wide ranging applications of the cylindrical
ious aerodynamics, chemical, and process industries where cylindri- geometry [19,22,23,82,95] encounter both the Newtonian and non-
cal geometry is used for the thermal processing of materials. Further, Newtonian fluids. An extensive knowledge is required to handle the
sensors and probes are used to measure the flow rate and other non-Newtonian fluids [20,39,54] such as polymer solutions, lubri-
parameters in the flowing fluid. For a Newtonian fluid flow over a cyl- cants, cosmetics, quicksands, asphalts, paints, pastes, creams, slurries,
inder, [90] summarized that the blockage effects are negligible for the muds, sludge, etc. experienced in processes and industries. One of the
smaller confinement (λ < 0:1). The flow gets modified in the range of recent and greatest use of non-Newtonian shear-thickening (or dilat-
0:1λ0:6, and suitable corrections can be made. The noticeable ant) power-law fluid, whose viscosity increases with increasing
shear-rate, can be seen in army as body armor or bulletproof jacket
material [3,13,36,57,75].
* Corresponding author. While significant amount of literature is available on the flow of
E-mail address: (R.P. Bharti). non-Newtonian fluids across a circular cylinder in both confined and
First author(s) contributed equally in this work.
1876-1070/© 2021 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

2 G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113

FDM finite difference method
CD total drag coefficient (Eq. 14), dimensionless
FEM finite element method
CDF frictional component of total drag coefficient,
FVM finite volume method
GAMG geometric-algebraic multi-grid
CDP pressure component of total drag coefficient,
OpenFOAM open source field operation and manipulation
PISO pressure-implicit split operator
CL total lift coefficient (Eq. 15), dimensionless
PIV particle image velocimetry
CLF frictional component of total lift coefficient,
QUICK quadratic upstream interpolation for convective
CLP pressure component of total lift coefficient,
D diameter of a circular cylinder, m
unconfined arrangements [e.g., see [1,6,7,10,16,19,21,25,26,
D rate of strain tensor (Eq. 5), s1
64,66,67,76,81,84,87], etc.], transitional insights of channel confined
f body force, N
circular cylinder submerged in the non-Newtonian fluids are still
FD total drag force per unit length of the
unknown. Therefore, this work aims to investigate the critical param-
cylinder, N/m
eters (in particular, critical Reynolds numbers) for transitions from
FDF frictional drag force per unit length of the cylin-
creeping to separating flows (i.e., onset of wake formation), and from
der, N/m
separating to transient flows (i.e., onset of wake instability or vortex
FDP pressure drag force per unit length of the cylinder,
FL total lift force per unit length of the cylinder, N/m
2. Background literature
FLF frictional lift force per unit length of the cylinder,
Fluid flow over a circular cylinder in both confined and uncon-
FLP pressure lift force per unit length of the cylinder,
fined arrangements has been explored continuously over the decades
[e.g., see [5,14,15,17,22,23,28,33,35,38,41,42,4451,60,72,74,78,80,
fv frequency of vortex shedding, s1
82,85,88,9194], etc.]. The detailed and reliable information of
H height of the computational domain, m
hydrodynamic and heat transfer features of such flows have been
I2 second invariant of the strain rate
reported in excellent review articles and books [e.g., see
tensor (Eq. 6), s2
[18,19,24,59,86,89,90], etc.]. Since the detailed literature of uncon-
L length of the computational domain, m
fined flow over a cylinder has been summarized in recent studies
Ld downstream length, m
[7,6668,76], only relevant studies are mentioned herein. For
Lu upstream length, m
instance, the flow of a viscoelastic fluid based on an implicit four con-
m fluid consistency index,
stant Oldroyd model has been investigated [82] by considering an
n flow behavior index, dimensionless
infinite domain with a moving cylinder placed between the walls. For
p pressure, Pa
a Newtonian fluid flow at Reynolds number Re ¼ 40, the drag coeffi-
Rec lower critical Re at onset of wake formation,
cient value was reported as 1.2. It was also shown that the low rota-
tional speed has great significance in the case of a Newtonian fluid.
Rec upper critical Re at onset of wake asmmetry,
Both drag and lift coefficients increase with an increase in rotational
speed. Whereas an opposite behavior was seen for shear-thinning
u velocity vector, m/s
fluids, i.e., the drag tends to decrease with an increase in rotational
uavg average velocity of the fluid at the
speed. D’Alessio and Pascal [26] have used the first-order accurate
inlet (Eq. 10), m/s
finite difference method (FDM) to solve the stream function and vor-
umax maximum velocity of the fluid at the inlet
ticity formulation for an unconfined steady flow of power-law fluid
(Eq. 10), m/s
across a cylinder. They presented the flow characteristics like drag
ux x-component of the velocity vector, m/s
coefficient, flow separation angle, wake length, and critical Reynolds
uy y-component of the velocity vector, m/s
number, etc. for limited flow conditions: Re ¼ 5 ð0:65n1:2Þ, Re ¼
x stream-wise coordinate
20 ð0:8n1:15Þ and Re ¼ 40 ð0:95n1:1Þ. Their results suggested
X critical Re normalized w.r.t. corresponding uncon-
the complex dependence of flow separation on power-law index (n),
fined flow (Eqs. 24, 26), dimensionless
i.e., the critical Reynolds number was obtained to be » 5 and » 6 for
y transverse coordinate
n ¼ 1:2 (shear-thickening) and 1 (Newtonian), respectively. Their
Y critical Re normalized w.r.t. corresponding uncon-
drag values, unfortunately, appears to be in error [25] due to unin-
fined Newtonian flow (Eqs. 24, 26), dimensionless
tended exclusion of a factor in one of their equation during post-
Dimensionless groups processing of results. Chhabra et al. [21] have replicated the work of
Re Reynolds number (Eq. 13), dimensionless [26] by using the corrected equation and second-order accurate FDM
St Strouhal number (Eq. 16), dimensionless for 1Re40 and 0:2n1:4. This flow field [21] was used by [77] to
explore the forced convection heat transfer characteristics of power-
Greek letters law fluids across an unconfined cylinder. Subsequently, a detailed
b wall blockage ratio, dimensionless systematic parametric study [7] of an unconfined steady flow of
h viscosity, Pa.s power-law fluids across a cylinder was performed by using the finite
λ wall confinement ratio (¼ b ), dimensionless volume method (FVM) for 5Re40 and 0:6n2. These investiga-
r density of fluid, kg/m 3 tions have qualitatively as well quantitatively suggested the stronger
s total stress tensor, N/m2 dependence of transitional behavior of flow separation, wake and
t extra stress tensor, N/m2 vortex formations on the fluid rheological behavior. The flow transi-
tional regimes, however, have not been systematically demarcated,
Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113 3

except for a couple of flow conditions. Sivakumar et al. [76] focused formation at Re ¼ 50 for 0:4n1:8 and the size of symmetric vorti-
on the investigation of the critical parameters for non-Newtonian ces decreased with increasing n. At Re ¼ 75, unsteady flow for 0:4n
power-law fluids flow across an unconfined circular cylinder. They 1:2 and steady flow for 1:2n1:8 is reported due to the higher
reported the critical values of the Reynolds number (Rec and Rec ) as a damped nature of effective viscosity of shear-thickening (n > 1) fluid.
function of the power-law index (0:3n1:8) for the onset of wake Similarly, the flow was recorded to be unsteady for 0:4n1:4 and
separation and the onset of transition from steady symmetric to steady for 1:4n1:8 at Re ¼ 100. Further, [43] have investigated an
steady asymmetric wake formation. The wake separation was seen to onset of vortex shedding and the effects of Reynolds and Prandtl
postpone from Rec ¼ 6:5 to 12 as the fluid behaviour changed from numbers for confined flow over a semi-circular cylinder. For
Newtonian (n ¼ 1) to shear-thinning (n ¼ 0:3), whereas it prepones λ ¼ 0:25, the onset of vortex shedding is noticed at Re ¼ 69:5 § 0:5
from Rec ¼ 6:5 to 1 as the fluid behaviour changed from Newtonian for a Newtonian fluid.
(n ¼ 1) to shear-thickening (n ¼ 1:8). Similarly, they noted that in The in-depth analysis of existing literature on the flow over a
case of shear-thinning fluid, with an increase in n < 1, the transition channel confined circular cylinder suggests that the critical parame-
from steady wake to unsteady wake delays (critical Re shifts to a ters for Newtonian fluid flow are known for very limiting governing
higher value), whereas in case of shear-thickening fluid, the transi- and influencing parameters. To the best of our knowledge, none of
tion preponed with increase in n > 1. The critical Re values further the prior studies has revealed the detailed characterization of con-
suggested an appearance of ‘Stokes paradox’ [55,79] for the power- fined flow regimes for non-Newtonian fluids. The corresponding fea-
law fluids flow over an unconfined cylinder. These stronger depen- tures for unconfined cylinder, however, have been established in the
dencies of flow regimes on fluid rheology motivated us to explore the literature [76]. The present work, therefore, aims to strengthen the
transitional behavior of regimes for the flow of non-Newtonian existing literature through numerical investigation of critical param-
power-law fluids across a channel confined cylinder. eters indicating the onset of wake formation and the onset of wake
Fluid flow across a channel confined cylinder has been investi- instability for the flow of non-Newtonian power-law fluids over a
gated by various researchers over the decades [e.g., see channel confined circular cylinder by systematic variation of the Rey-
[810,16,17,35,42,56,70,71,9295], etc.]. Since the detailed literature nolds number (Re) for a broader range of wall blockage ratio (b) and
on confined flow over a cylinder has been briefed elsewhere [8,9], flow behavior index (n).
only relevant studies are mentioned herein. For instance, [95]
explored the flow characteristics of Newtonian fluid over a cylinder
3. Problem statement
confined in a channel by using the finite element method (FEM).
They observed delay in the flow transition (from symmetric wake to
Consider a two-dimensional (2-D) fully developed flow over an
periodic vortex shedding) with an increase in wall confinement. Vor-
infinitely long circular cylinder (diameter D) confined between the
ticity contours were also reported for a steady state regime and
middle (H=2) of the two parallel plane walls separated by distance H
observed that when the cylinder was placed in the middle of the two
(Fig. 1). The wall blockage ratio (b) is defined as b ¼ H=D and the
walls, wake was symmetric but as the cylinder shifted towards one of 1
wall confinement ratio (λ) is given as λ ¼ b . The flow of incom-
the walls, a significant reduction in wake vorticity was observed. [71]
pressible non-Newtonian power-law fluid is approaching a cylinder
have analyzed the wall effects in the two-dimensional flow past a cir-
placed at upstream length (Lu ) measured from the inlet to center of
cular cylinder using the finite volume method (FVM). Critical Rey-
the cylinder, and the outlet (or exit) boundary is located at down-
nolds number and Strouhal number was calculated for different wall
stream length (Ld ) from the center of a cylinder. The total length and
confinements (0:1λ0:9). For λ ¼ 0:5, the critical Reynolds number
height of computational domain are L ð¼ Lu þ Ld Þ and H, respectively.
was reported as 125.23. A monotonic increase in critical Reynolds
Based on the above approximations, the flow governing equa-
number, as well as Strouhal number, was observed with an increase
tions, namely, mass continuity and momentum transport equations,
in blockage ratio. Further, [8,9] have explored the two-dimensional
can be written as follow.
Poiseuille flow of non-Newtonian power-law fluids across a channel
confined circular cylinder using the finite volume method (FVM). r ¢u ¼ 0 ð1Þ
Their parametric studies have reported both detailed as well as local  
flow and forced convection characteristics by systematic variations of @u
r þu¢ ru f  r ¢s ¼ 0 ð2Þ
wide ranges of flow governing and influencing parameters @t
(1:1b4, 1Re40, 0; 2n1:8 and 1Pr100). The dependence of
where r, u, f and s denote for the fluid density, velocity vector, the
wake structure in Newtonian fluids on wall confinement appears to
body force and the stress tensor, respectively. The stress tensor (s ),
be consistent with other studies [15,70,71]. The wake size was
the summation of the isotropic pressure (p) and deviotoric stress ten-
observed to enhance with decreasing value of the flow behavior
sor (t ), is given by Eq. (3).
index (n). Because of the wall confinement effects, the flow separa-
tion found to postpone (or prepone) in shear-thickening (or shear- s ¼ pI þ t ð3Þ
thinning) fluids. [70] have conducted 2D-2C-PIV experiments to The rheological equation of state for incompressible fluids is given
investigate the confined (b ¼ 3) flow downstream of a circular cylin- elsewhere [11,20,27,61] as follows
der placed between parallel walls for 30Re277. Their results com-
pared well with the theoretical solutions [53] based on fourth order t ¼ 2 hD ð4Þ
Range-Kutta method to calculate pathlines, and bilinear interpolation The rate of strain tensor (D) is given by
to find particle velocity. The first instability appeared at critical Rey-
1h i
nolds number Rec =108 was in good match with the simulation D ¼ Du þ ðDuÞT ð5Þ
results, i.e., Rec =97.5 [15] and Rec =101 [71], respectively. They also 2
found that the size of the recirculation region was greater as com- The second invariant (I2 ) of the rate of strain tensor (D) for two-
pared to that in an unconfined flow configuration. This effect can be dimensional flow is given by
argued on the basis that the wall effects stabilize and flatter the mean I2 ¼ 2ðD : DÞ ð6Þ
recirculation region in the case of confined flow [8,15,71]. Subse-
quently, [10] have explored two-dimensional unsteady flow charac- For a power-law fluid, the apparent viscosity (h) is given by
teristics of power-law fluids across a channel confined cylinder for pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
h ¼ mg_ ðn1Þ where g_ ¼ I2 =2 ð7Þ
50Re100 and 0:4n1:8 at b ¼ 4. They reported smooth wake
Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

4 G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of flow across a channel confined circular cylinder with physical boundary conditions.

where m and n being the power-law fluid consistency index and the The effect of fluid consistency index (m) can be accounted through
flow behaviour index of the fluid (n < 1, ¼ 1, > 1 correspond to a variation of Re for a given density of fluid (r), characteristic length
shear-thinning, a Newtonian and a shear-thickening fluid). (D) and characteristic velocity (uavg ).
The fluid consistency index (m) represents for the shear-indepen- The lower critical Reynolds number (Rec ), and upper critical Rey-
dent average viscosity of the fluid, whereas, the flow behaviour index nolds number (Rec ) are defined as the Reynolds numbers at which the
(n) determines the extent of deviation of fluid behaviour from New- flow transits from creeping to separating (i.e., onset of wake forma-
tonian nature. The apparent viscosity (h) of shear-thickening (n > 1) tion), and the flow experiences a transition from the two-dimen-
fluids decreases and shear-thinning (n < 1) fluids increases with sional (2-D) steady ‘symmetric’ flow to ‘asymmetric’ flow, i.e., onset
decreasing shear rate (g_ ). of vortex formation, as defined elsewhere [76]. The 2-D symmetric
The flow problem under consideration (Fig. 1) is subjected to the wake flow regimes occur for the Reynolds number range in between
following physically realistic boundary conditions. The flow is these two critical limits (Rec ReRec ).
assumed to be fully developed at the inlet (x ¼ 0), i.e., left boundary. The total drag coefficient (CD ) can be defined as the sum of the
Mathematically, the following conditions are applied at the inlet: pressure and frictional components of drag as follows.
ux ¼ up ðy; nÞ and uy ¼ 0 ð8Þ FD
CD ¼ CDP þ CDF )
ð1=2Þru2max D
where, the fully developed velocity profile for the laminar flow of
power-law fluids through a channel (of height H) is given by [8,9] as ¼ þ ð14Þ
follows ð1=2Þru2max D ð1=2ÞruUmax
2 D

"   # where FD is the total drag force per unit length of cylinder. The CDP

 2y ðnþ1Þ=n
up ðy; nÞ ¼ 1  1   umax for 0yH ð9Þ and CDF are the pressure and frictional contributions of CD . The FDP
and FDF are the pressure and frictional contributions of FD , as defined
The maximum velocity (umax ) is related to the area-averaged velocity elsewhere [8,9,66,67,76].
(uavg ) as follows The total lift coefficient (CL ) can be defined as the sum of the pres-
  sure and frictional lift coefficients as follows.
2n þ 1
umax ¼ uavg ð10Þ FL FLP FLF
nþ1 CL ¼ CLP þ CLF ) ¼ þ ð15Þ
ð1=2Þru2max D ð1=2Þru2max D ð1=2Þru2max D
The standard no-slip condition has been applied at the lower (y ¼ 0)
and upper (y ¼ H) channel walls, and on the surface of the cylinder, i. where FL is the total lift force per unit length of cylinder. The CLP and
e., CLF are the pressure and frictional contributions of CL . The FLP and FLF
are the pressure and frictional contribution of FL , as defined else-
ux ¼ 0 and uy ¼ 0 ð11Þ where [66,67,76].
The Neumann condition has been imposed on the exit (x ¼ L) bound- The Strouhal number (St), the dimensionless frequency of vortex
ary as follows shedding, is defined as
@ux @uy fv D
¼0 and ¼0 ð12Þ St ¼ ð16Þ
@x @x uavg
The computations are performed in the full computational domain Here, fv is the frequency of vortex shedding. The critical Strouhal num-
shown in Fig. 1. The numerical solution of the above mentioned gov- ber (Stc ) is defined as the Strouhal number (St) at the upper critical
erning equations Eqs. (1) and ((2)) in conjunction with boundary con- Reynolds number (Rec ). For a steady flow regime, the values of both
ditions Eqs. (8)((12)) results in the velocity (u) and pressure (p) the lift coefficient (CL ) and the Strouhal number (Stc ) tends to zero.
fields. The above detailed mathematical model has been solved by using
At this point, it is important to introduce some definitions used in the unstructured finite volume method (FVM). The subsequent sec-
this work. The dimensionless parameters are obtained by using D, tion has briefly discussed the numerical methodology.
uavg , D=uavg , ru2avg , ðuavg =DÞ2 , mðuavg =DÞn , mðuavg =DÞn1 as the scaling
variables for length, velocity, time, pressure, rate of strain, shear
stress, and viscosity, respectively. 4. Numerical method
Reynolds number (Re) for non-Newtonian power-law fluid flow is
defined as follow: In this work, the flow field equations in conjunction with realistic
boundary conditions have been solved using the unstructured finite
rDn uavg
Re ¼ ð13Þ volume method (FVM). Since the detailed discussion of the finite

Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113 5

volume method (FVM) is documented in various standard text/refer- [34,40,62]. The OpenFOAM solver uses a ‘collocated grid’ approach on
ence books [e.g., see [2,4,12,31,73,83], etc.], only the brief approach is an unstructured polyhedral non-uniform grid with arbitrary grid ele-
recapitulated here. In the finite volume (FV) approach, the general ments. In this grid arrangement [58], all the flow variables are com-
transport equation, i.e., governing partial differential equations, for a puted and stored on the ‘centroid’ of a control volume (CV). Implicit
general scalar variable (f) are first integrated over the finite control approach is used to discretize the temporal derivative. The suffi-
volumes (CVs) into which the domain has been discretized [73,83]. ciently refined suitable unstructured grid has been generated by
Z Z Z Z using an open-source program. The “Non-Newtonian Icofoam” (tran-
dV þ r ¢ ðrufÞdV  r ¢ ðrGf r fÞdV ¼ Sf ðfÞdV sient solver for incompressible, laminar flow of non-Newtonian flu-
V |fflfflfflfflffl V |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} V |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} V |fflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflffl}
convective term diffusive term source term ids) solver has been used to account for the rheological model
transient term
behavior. The “generalized GAMG” (geometric-algebraic multi-grid)
solver is used to solve the algebraic equations. The “smoothSolver”
The Gauss theorem ( V ð r ¢ uÞdV ¼ @V dS ¢ u) is subsequently applied (solver using a smoother for both symmetric and asymmetric matri-
to transform the volume integral of the convection and diffusion ces) is used to obtain the velocity field. The “PISO” (pressure-implicit
terms into surface integral. Here @V is the surface integral over the split-operator) scheme is utilized for coupling of pressure-velocity
control surface @V. The surface integrals are further linearized by and non-Newtonian power-law model for viscosity. Relative toler-
interpolating the cell centered values to the face centers of CV. The ance of 106 has been used in computations of velocity and pressure
discrete equations for each term yielded as follows. fields.
I X Z 
dS ¢ ðrufÞ ¼ dS ¢ ðrufÞ  Sf ¢ ðrufÞf ¼ Sf ¢ ðrufÞf ð18Þ
@V |fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} f
convective term
f 6. Choice of numerical parameters

I X Z 
The complex fluid flow problems have a significant concern
dS ¢ ðrGf r fÞ ¼ dS ¢ ðrGf r fÞ  Sf ¢ ðrGf r fÞf ¼ Sf ¢ ðrGf r fÞf ð19Þ
@V |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} f f about the reliability and accuracy of numerical results. Their
diffusive term
hydrodynamic nature is intensely sensitive to relatively small
1X changes in flow governing and influencing parameters. Therefore,
ð r fÞP ¼ ðSf ff Þ ð20Þ a suitable choice of numerical parameters is vital to obtain the
|fflfflffl{zfflfflffl} V f
gradient term numerical results free from numerical artifacts, ends effects, etc.
Z The problem under consideration has the three flow governing
parameters (namely, wall blockage b, Reynolds number Re and
Sf ðfÞdV ¼ Sc VP þ Sp VP fP ð21Þ
V |fflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflffl} flow behavior index n) and two flow influencing parameters
source term
(upstream and downstream lengths of the channel, Lu and Ld ; and
The integrants in the above Eqs. (18)(21) are approximated by grid points distribution). The correct choice of influencing parame-
the second order accurate mid point rule. The centroid (P) gradients ters is obtained by performing the domain and grid independence
are approximated by the Gauss theorem, which is second order accu- tests over the range of flow governing parameters considered
rate. The dS represents an infinitesimal surface element with associ- herein, to ensure that the new results presented hereafter are free
ated normal (n) pointing outwards of the surface @V and ndS ¼ dS. from the numerical artifacts and ends effects.
The source term approximation is exact for constant or linearly vary-
ing Sf with in CV, otherwise second order accurate. In Eq. (21), Sc 6.1. Domain independence test
and Sp are the constant (or linear) and non-linear parts of source
term. The domain independence study has been carried in two steps, (a)
By using the above approximations Eqs. (18)((21)), the general Ld test with a fixed Lu , and (b) Lu test with the selected Ld in previous
transport equation (Eq. (17)) over all CVs can be written in the fol- step. First, the downstream length (Ld ) independence test has been
lowing semi-discrete form. performed by systematic variation of Ld ¼ Ld =D as 20, 40, 60 and 80
Z X X with the fixed value of upstream length (Lu ¼ Lu =D ¼ 10). Table 1
dV þ Sf ¢ ðrufÞf  Sf ¢ ðrGf r fÞf ¼ ðSc VP þ Sp VP fP Þ ð22Þ summarizes the influence of downstream length (Ld ) on the drag and
V |fflfflfflfflffl f |fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} f |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
transient term convective flux; Jc;f diffusive flux; Jd;f source term lift coefficients (CD and CL ) for the extreme values of the blockage
ratio (b ¼ 1:1 and 4) and flow behavior index (n ¼ 1 and 1.8) at a
The surface fluxes are obtained at the faces of CV without integrating
fixed Reynolds number (Re ¼ 40). The G2 grid (details shown in
within CV. The conservativeness of FVM is retained through this
Table 2) is used in the domain independence test cases. While CD val-
transformation. Since all variables are computed and stored at the
ues have negligible variation with an increase in Ld , CL values show
centroid (P) of CVs, face (f) values appearing in the convective and
stronger dependence at lower Ld . Keeping in mind the excessive
diffusive fluxes (Jc;f and Jd;f ) are computed by using the interpolation
enhancement in computational efforts, i.e., simulation time, with
from the centroid values of CVs at both sides of face. In this work, the
insignificant changes in the drag and lift values for Ld > 40, the down-
temporal derivative, convective and diffusive fluxes terms are discre-
stream length Ld ¼ 40 is believed to be sufficient to produce the accu-
tized using time-implicit scheme, 3rd order accurate QUICK (Qua-
rate results.
dratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinematics) scheme
Having selected the downstream length (Ld ¼ 40), the upstream
[37,52], and 2nd order accurate CD (central difference) scheme,
length (Lu ) is tested by variation of Lu as 10, 15 and 20. Table 1 also
respectively. The algebraic equations resulting from the above dis-
shows the influence of upstream length (Lu ) on CD and CL for two
cussed procedure are solved using the solution procedure discussed
extreme blockage ratio (b ¼ 1:1 and 4) and for the two extreme val-
in subsequent section.
ues of flow behavior index (n ¼ 1 and 1.8). The influence of Lu is seen
to be qualitatively similar to that observed in Ld test. A negligible
5. Solution procedure alteration in the drag and lift coefficients for Lu > 15 is observed with
an excessive increase in computational cost. Therefore, based on the
In this work, the flow field equations in conjunction with realistic trade-off between computational efforts and accuracy, upstream
boundary conditions have been solved using the unstructured finite length Lu ¼ 15 and downstream length Ld ¼ 40 are believed to be suf-
volume method (FVM) based open-source solver OpenFOAM ficient to produce the results free from end effects.
Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

6 G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113

Table 1 changes in the gradients that may encounter during the computa-
Domain independence test for flow around a channel confined cylinder. tions. Overall analysis, thus, suggests the adequacy of grid G7 with
Re ¼ 40 b ¼ 4, n ¼ 1 b ¼ 4, n ¼ 1:8 b ¼ 1:1, n ¼ 1:8 reasonable computational efforts for the ranges of conditions being
considered herein this work. Based on our previous experiences, grid
CD 104 CL CD 104 CL CD
G7 is believed to be sufficiently refined to produce the results to be
Ld (a) Downstream length (Ld ) test with Lu =10 reliable and accurate within § 1  2%.
20 1.706567 -1.64 2.582733 -5.80 43378.69
40 1.706576 -2.72 2.582745 -9.60 43378.90 7. Results and discussion
60 1.706573 -3.80 2.582736 -9.63 43378.79
80 1.706565 -3.89 2.582725 -9.63 43378.69
In this work, 2-D transient simulations for flow over a channel
Lu (b) Upstream length (Lu ) test with Ld =40 confined cylinder have been performed for the channel blockage ratio
10 1.706576 -2.72 2.582745 -9.62 43378.90
of b ¼ 4 and 2 over the wide range of power-law index (1n1:8).
15 1.706582 -3.05 2.599991 -9.66 43377.03 The Reynolds number (Re) is varied in the gaps of 0.5 and 1, starting
20 1.706595 -3.33 2.608500 -9.74 43376.55 from critical Re for unconfined (b ¼ 1 ) flow of power-law fluids,
until the critical conditions are obtained. The critical parameters have
been deduced through visualization of flow streamlines (c), pressure
Table 2 coefficient (Cp ), friction coefficient (Cf ), and lift and drag coefficients
Grid independence test at Re ¼ 40 for blockage ratio of b=1.1 and 4. (Nc, d, and D
(CL and CD ) profiles.
are the number of grid points on the surface of cylinder, the minimum and maxi-
mum grid spacing, respectively). Before the presentation of new results, the present numerics have
been validated with the existing literature for its efficacy and reliability.
Grid specifications b ¼ 4, n ¼ 1 b ¼ 4, n ¼ 1:8 b ¼ 1:1, Table 3 compares the present drag coefficient (CD ) values with the
n ¼ 1:8
1 1 existing literature for Newtonian (n ¼ 1) and non-Newtonian
No. Nc d D CD 10 CL4
CD 4
10 CL CD
(n ¼ 1:2 and 1.8) fluids flow across a cylinder placed in confined
G1 240 60 60 1.70649 -0.27 2.5858 -2.00 37177.30 (b ¼ 4) and unconfined (b ¼ 1 ) mediums for three values of Rey-
G2 240 100 100 1.70658 -3.05 2.6000 -9.66 43377.03
nolds number (Re ¼ 1, 20 and 40). It can clearly be seen that the pres-
G3 240 160 160 1.70686 -0.90 2.4146 -9.55 43496.43
G4 360 60 60 1.71123 -5.10 2.5695 -8.35 43172.65 ent results are matching closely with the literature values. For
G5 360 100 60 1.70569 -7.80 2.4586 -7.00  instance, an analysis of Table 3 yields the maximum relative differ-
G6 360 100 100 1.71102 -7.70 2.5846 -17.00 43544.74  
G7 480 100 60 1.70502 1.00 2.4588 -5.00  ence, dr ðfÞ ¼ ðfliterature  fpresent Þ=fpresent , between the present and
G8 480 100 100     45144.74
G9 480 160 60 1.70519 2.40    literature values of drag coefficient dr ðCD Þ » 2:75% and » 0:75% for
G10 600 100 100     45740.47 Newtonian unconfined (b ¼ 1 ) and non-Newtonian confined
(b ¼ 4) flows.
Based on our previous experiences [79,6668,76,81], such a
6.2. Grid independence test small deviation is prone in numerical studies due to inherent charac-
teristics of numerical techniques and methodologies used in related
The grid independence test is performed by taking various literature studies. The numerical results, therefore, presented hereaf-
unstructured non-uniform grids (G1 to G10) with different mesh ter can be considered to be accurate within § 1  2%.
sizes at the channel edges and the varying number of points over the
circumference of a cylinder. The grid specifications are noted in 7.1. Onset of flow separation and wake formation
Table 2. Included in Table 2 is the dependence of grid structure on
the drag and lift coefficients (CD and CL ) for two extreme values of This section presents the condition of transition from the creeping
the blockage ratio (b ¼ 1:1 and 4) and flow behavior index (n ¼ 1 flow to two-dimensional (2-D) symmetric wake flow in terms of the
and 1.8) at a fixed Reynolds number (Re ¼ 40). lower critical Reynolds number (Rec ). The flow characteristics about
An analysis of Table 2 shows the insignificant changes in CD and CL both the horizontal (x, yc ) and vertical (xc , y) axis passing through the
values with the refinement of the grid structure for Newtonian center (xc , yc ) of the cylinder are analyzed to locate the transitional
(n ¼ 1) fluids. However, the grid structure played a significant role at conditions. The flow patterns in the creeping flow are known to be
a more considerable value of the flow behavior index (n ¼ 1:8). Fur- symmetric about both horizontal and vertical axis. Besides, both the
ther, the computational efforts have enhanced many folds in obtain- pressure and viscous stress profiles over the surface of the cylinder
ing the solutions by refining the grid structure from G1 to G10. emerge to be symmetric.
The strong non-linearities associated with complex fluid flow sim- As the flow transits from creeping to symmetric wake flow,
ulations require a sufficiently refined grid to capture the sharp streamline patterns, and pressure and viscous stresses over the

Table 3
Comparison of drag coefficient values for steady power-law fluid flow over a cylinder.

b¼ 1 b¼4
Re ¼ 40 Re ¼ 20 Re ¼ 40 Re ¼ 1

Source n¼1 n¼1 n¼1 n ¼ 1:2 n ¼ 1:8 n¼1 n ¼ 1:2 n ¼ 1:8

[29] 1.5220 2.045 - - - - - -

[32] 1.4980 2.000 - - - - - -
[65] 1.5100 2.010 - - - - - -
[63] 1.5740 2.111 - - - - - -
[8] - - 1.7034 1.8793 2.4765 28.536 32.591 51.453
[10] - - 1.7039 1.8781 2.4770 - - -
Present work 1.5365 2.0547 1.7050 1.8730 2.4588 28.566 32.597 51.429

Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113 7

Fig. 2. Streamline profiles representing the lower critical Reynolds numbers (Rel Rec Reu ) for various values of power-law index (n) for wall blockage of b ¼ 4 and 2. The Reynolds
numbers Rel and Reu indicate ‘no flow separation’ and ‘flow separation’, respectively.

surface of the cylinder show asymmetry about the vertical axis (i.e., in (1n1:8) and wall blockage (b ¼ 2 and 4). The critical Reynolds
the fore and aft) of the cylinder. In contrast, all the flow characteris- number (Rec ) can, thus, be marked as the lowest point or appearance
tics are symmetric about the horizontal axis, similar to the creeping for the two-dimensional symmetric wake flow regime.
flow. Furthermore, the pressure coefficient over the surface of cylin- Based on the above discussed analysis, the effects of power-law
der remains positive (Cp > 0) in creeping flow whereas it becomes index (n) and wall blockage (b) on the onset of flow separation and
zero (Cp ¼ 0) at the point of flow separation [7,8]. The friction coeffi- wake formation in terms of critical Reynolds number (Rel Rec Reu )
cient (i.e., dimensionless wall shear stress) also equals to zero have been recorded and presented in Table 4. For the comparison
(Cf ¼ 0) at the point of separation. In this work, the dimensionless purpose, the results for an unconfined (b ¼ 1 ) flow over a circular
stream function (c) values adjacent to the cylinder, and pressure and cylinder are also obtained and included in Table 4, which are repli-
friction coefficients (Cp and Cf ) over the surface of a cylinder are com- cated and consistent with those reported in the literature [76].
pared about the vertical axis (i.e., in the fore and aft) of the cylinder Table 4 shows that the critical Reynolds number (Rec ) increases,
to identify the lower critical Reynolds number (Rec ). The stream func- i.e., flow separation delays, with an increasing value of the power-
tion value at the surface of a solid cylinder is assumed to be zero, law index (n) for a fixed wall blockage (b). Similarly, the flow separa-
c ¼ 0. The flow is believed to be without separation, i.e., creeping tion is seen to delay with an increasing wall confinement (i.e.,
flow, for c105 adjacent to a cylinder and the pressure coefficient decreasing b) for a fixed value of the flow behaviour index (n).
remains positive (Cp 0) in the rear-side of the cylinder. For larger The dependence of Rec on n shown for the confined (b ¼ 2 and 4)
values of c > 105 , onset of flow separation and symmetric wake for- flows is, however, completely opposite to that for unconfined
mation is considered due to the loss of vertical (i.e., in the fore and (b ¼ 1 ) flow and Rec decreased with increasing n. The wall confine-
aft) symmetry. ment is very likely stabilizing the local flow acceleration generated
The value of Reynolds number (Re) at which stream function value due to the cylinder and causes the delay in the flow separation for a
changes from c105 to c > 105 and the pressure profile transits given flow behaviour index (n), as shown elsewhere [8,9] through
from positive (Cp > 0) to zero (Cp < 105 ) is recorded as the lower the streamline and isotherm profiles. It is noteworthy that there is
critical Reynolds number (Rec ), under otherwise identical conditions. ‘no creeping flow’, i.e., Stokes paradox, for highly shear-thickening
Fig. 2 shows the streamline profiles schematically representing for (n > 1:8) fluids [55,76,79] flow over an unconfined cylinder, whereas
the ‘no separation’ (at Rel ) and ‘separation’ (at Reu ) of the flow in the the critical Reynolds number (Rec ) increases in confined flows with
close vicinity behind the cylinder for a range of power-law index increasing value of the power-law index (n). For instance, the lower
Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

8 G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113

Table 4
Critical Reynolds numbers (Rel Rec Reu and Rel Rec Reu ) as a function of power-law index (n) and wall blockage (b).

Lower critical Reynolds number (Rec ) Upper critical Reynolds number (Rec )

n b¼2 b¼4 b¼ 1 b¼2 b¼4 b¼ 1

1 12 < Re <
13 7.0 < Re <
7.5 6.0 < Re <
6.5 84 < Rec < 85 70 < Rec < 70.5 46 < Rec < 47
1.2 15 < Rec < 16 7.5 < Rec < 8.0 3.5 < Rec < 4.0 149 < Rec < 150 88 < Rec < 89 43 < Rec < 44
1.4 19 < Rec < 20 8.0 < Rec < 8.5 2.5 < Rec < 3.0 219 < Rec < 220 106 < Rec < 107 40 < Rec < 41
1.6 24 < Rec < 25 8.5 < Rec < 9.0 1.5 < Rec < 2.0 345 < Rec < 346 156 < Rec < 157 36 < Rec < 37
1.8 30 < Rec < 31 9.0 < Rec < 9.5 0.5 < Rec < 1.0 449 < Rec < 450 179 < Rec < 180 33 < Rec < 34

critical Reynolds number (Rec ) for unconfined (b ¼ 1 ) flow reduces (shown in Table 4) to broaden the usefulness in the design and engi-
from » 6:25 to » 0:75 with increase in flow behaviour index (n) from neering and expressed by Eq. (23).
1 to 1.8. It thereby suggests that further increasing level of the shear-
Rec ðn; bÞ ¼ a4 n4 þ a3 n3 þ a2 n2 þ a1 n
thickening (n > 1:8) is expected to result in wake formation even at R
e ! 0 and no appearance of the creeping flow (i.e., Stokes paradox). It þ ða0 § DÞ for 2b 1 ; and 1n1:8 ð23Þ
is, however, not the case with confined flows (finite b) and Rec
increased from » 12:5 to » 30:5 and from » 7:75 to » 9:25 with The coefficients (a0 to a4 and D) appearing in the above predictive
increasing n from 1 to 1.8 at b ¼ 2 and 4, respectively. It is attributed correlation (Eq. (23)) are noted in Table 5.
to the complex interplay between the inertial and frictional forces. In comparison to an unconfined (b ¼ 1 ) flow wherein Rec have
The inertial force ( / u2 ) remains constant whereas the viscous force shown quartic (i.e., 4th order) dependence on n, it shows linear and
( / un ) increases with increasing flow behaviour index (n) for a fixed quadratic dependencies on n for b ¼ 4 and 2, respectively (see
blockage ratio (b). The viscous effects remain confined in the thin Eq. (23) and Table 5).
hydrodynamics boundary layer near the solid walls wherein both vis- Further, the relative impacts of flow behaviour index (n) and wall
cous and inertial forces are of the same order. The boundary layer blockage (b) on the onset of wake formation are analysed by normal-
thickness for the flow of a power-law fluid over the flat surface is izing the critical Reynolds number (Rec ) with respect to (a) an uncon-
also known to increase with increasing n and decreasing Re [69]. Fur- fined flow of non-Newtonian fluids (Xc ), and (b) an unconfined flow
thermore, the minimum flow area between the channel wall and cyl- of Newtonian fluids (Yc ), as defined by Eq. (24).
inder surface reduces with decreasing blockage ratio (b, i.e.,
Rec ðn; bÞ Rec ðn; bÞ
increasing confinement) which in turn enhances the maximum local Xc ¼ and Yc ¼ ð24Þ
Rec ðn; 1 Þ Rec ð1; 1 Þ
flow velocity (umax ) and thereby enhancement of the local Reynolds
number (Re). Fig. 3a and 3 b depict the complex dependence of the normalized crit-
The functional dependence of the lower critical Reynolds Rec ðn; bÞ ical Reynolds number (Xc and Yc ) on the dimensionless parameters (n
is presented through the statistical analysis of the numerical data and b).

Table 5
Predictive correlation coefficients.

b a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 D
Re (Eq. 23) 1 198.75 -520.6250 523.4375 -234.3750 39.0625 0.25
4 4.75 2.5000 0 0 0 0.25
2 12.50 -12.5000 12.5000 0 0 0.50

Rec (Eq. 25) 1 -360.50 770.4167 859.3750 427.0833 78.1250 0.50

4 -7541.00 23239.0000 -26280.0000 13029.0000 -2376.3021 0.50
2 - 10980.00 33384.0000 -37491.0000 18531.0000 -3359.3750 0.50

Fig. 3. Normalized critical Reynolds numbers (Xc and Yc ) as a function of power-law index (n) and wall blockage (b).

Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113 9

Fig. 4. Streamline profiles representing the upper critical Reynolds numbers (Rel Rec Reu ) for various values of power-law index (n) for wall blockage b ¼ 4 and 2. The Reynolds
numbers Rel and Reu indicate ‘symmetric wake flow’ and ‘asymmetric wake flow’, respectively.

Qualitatively, the normalized factors (Xc and Yc ) are seen to wake formation regime. In particular, the wake formation is consid-
enhance, i.e., flow separation tends to delay, with increase in both ered to be the steady and symmetric for the value of lift coefficient
the flow behaviour index (n) as well as the wall blockage ratio (b). approaching to zero (CL 104 ).
The influences of dimensionless parameters (n and b) are stronger Fig. 4 displays the streamline profiles for the shear-thickening
for highly shear-thickening (n  1) fluids in comparison to those (1n1:8) fluid flow over a channel confined cylinder for blockage
seen for Newtonian and mildly shear-thickening (n1:4) fluids. Simi- ratio of b ¼ 4 and 2 at the two Reynolds number Rel and Reu indicat-
larly, the normalized factors (Xc and Yc ) are greatly enhanced at small ing the ‘symmetric’ and ‘asymmetric’ wake flow, respectively. The
values of wall blockage (b). For instance, a factor Xc ¼ 40:67 and upper critical Reynolds number (Rel Rec Reu ) is thus marked as the
12.33 is noted for b ¼ 2 and 4, respectively at n ¼ 1:8 against a factor lowest point or appearance for the two-dimensional asymmetric
Xc ¼ 2 and 1.16 at n ¼ 1. Qualitatively similar trends are also wake flow regime. The dependence of the critical Reynolds number
observed in case of the normalized factor Yc . For instance, a factor of (Rec ) indicating the onset of wake instability on the power-law index
Yc ¼ 4:88 and 1.48 is noted for b ¼ 2 and 4, respectively at n ¼ 1:8 (n) and the wall blockage (b) is presented in Table 4. The results for
against a factor of Yc ¼ 2 and 1.16 at n ¼ 1. unconfined (b ¼ 1 ) flow are also obtained and listed in Table 4 for
The complex influences of flow behvaiour index and wall block- the comparison purpose, which are consistent with those reported
age on the wake formation, observed in this section, are also elsewhere [76].
expected to influence the onset of wake instability. The subsequent Similar to the onset of flow separation (i.e., Rec ), the flow transi-
section thus explores their effects on the onset of wake instability. tion from symmetric to asymmetric wake formation also delays with
strengthening of shear-thickening (i.e., increasing n1) behaviour of
7.2. Onset of wake instability fluid for a given wall blockage (b). For a given fluid (i.e., fixed n), the
transition of wake instability also delays with decreasing value of b
This section presents the onset of wake instability, i.e., the condi- (i.e., increasing wall confinement). For instance, the critical Reynolds
tion of transition from the two-dimensional ‘symmetric’ to ‘asym- number (Rec ) value increases from » 70:25 to » 179:5 and from »
metric’ wake flow regime in terms of the upper critical Reynolds 84:5 to » 449:5 with increasing value of power-law index (n) from 1
number (Rec ). In addition to the visualization of streamlines profile, to 1.8 at blockage ratio (b) of 4 and 2, respectively. In contrast, Rec
the value of lift coefficient (CL ) over a cylinder has been analyzed to decreases with increasing value of power-law index (n) in uncon-
demarcate the transition from steady ‘symmetric’ to ‘asymmetric’ fined (b ¼ 1 ) flow. For instance, Rec value decreases from » 46:5 to
Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

10 G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113

Fig. 5. Normalized critical Reynolds numbers (Xc and Yc ) as a function of power-law index (n) and wall blockage (b).

» 33:5 with increasing value of n from 1 to 1.8, respectively. These flow over unconfined cylinder that onset of wake instability (Yc ) is
trends of the onset of wake instability are qualitatively consistent strongly influenced than that the onset of wake formation (Yc ).
with the literature [9,71,76] for the limiting conditions. The frequency of vortex shedding is considered to be one of the
To broaden the usefulness of the results, the functional depen- prime characteristics of the asymmetric wake flows. It is presented
dence of the critical Reynolds number (Rec ) on the power-law index herein in terms of the Strouhal number (Stc ) at the critical condition.
(n) and blockage ratio (b) is expressed by the following predictive Fig. 6 shows the Strouhal number (Stc ) and total time-averaged drag
correlations (Eq. (25)). coefficient (CD;c ) as a function of power-law index (n) and the block-
age ratio (b) at the critical values of the Reynolds number (Rec ). Both
Rec ðn; bÞ ¼ a4 n4 þ a3 n3 þ a2 n2 þ a1 n
Stc and CD;c have increased with an increasing wall confinement (λ)
þ ða0 § DÞ for 2b 1 and 1n1:8 ð25Þ whereas Stc decreased and CD;c increased with increasing n, under
otherwise identical conditions. While the critical Reynolds number
Based on the statistical analysis of numerical data, the coefficients (Rec ) has shown complex dependence on n, i.e., increased for con-
(a0 to a4 and D) appearing in the above predictive correlation fined cylinder and decreased for unconfined cylinder, interestingly,
(Eq. (25)) are noted in Table 5. The critical Reynolds number (Rec ) the critical Strouhal number (Stc ) decreased with increasing n, irre-
values, in general, have shown quartic (i.e., 4th order) dependence spective of the wall confinement (λ ¼ b ). An increasing Stc with
on the power-law index (n), irrespective of the wall interference increasing λ, irrespective of fluid behaviour (n), seems to be consis-
(b). While the functional dependence is even (i.e., 4th ) degree poly- tent with the existing literature [86,89,90] for Newtonian fluids, as R
nomial of n for all b, notably, the leading coefficients (i.e., a4 =a0 ) is ec has increased with decreasing b. Such trends of Rec are attributed
positive for confined (b ¼ 2 and 4) whereas negative for unconfined to the complex interplay of non-linear viscosity, flow suppression by
(b ¼ 1 ) flow. The predictive expressions thereby suggest a the channel wall and increase in the flow velocity with decreasing
decreasing value of Rec with increasing n for b ¼ 1 and vice versa flow area between the cylinder surface and channel wall with
for 0 < b < 1 . increasing channel confinement (λ).
To further understand the effects of n and b on the onset of wake In summary, both onsets of wake formation and wake instability
instability, Rec has been normalized with respect to (i) an unconfined are influenced in complex manner with increasing degrees of shear-
flow of non-Newtonian fluid (Xc ), and (ii) an unconfined flow of New- thickening (n > 1) and wall effects (b < 1 ). The conceivable explana-
tonian fluids (Yc ), as defined by Eq. (26). tion for the preceding discussion can be given as follows. The flow
field in the proximity of a cylinder depicts the complex interplay
Rec ðn; bÞ Rec ðn; bÞ
Xc ¼ and Yc ¼ ð26Þ between the inertial, frictional, and pressure forces persisting in the
Rec ðn; 1 Þ Rec ð1; 1 Þ
fluid. These forces scale non-linearly and differently with characteris-
Fig. 5 a and 5 b display the complex dependence of the normalized tic velocity (uavg ), power-law index (n), and characteristics length
factors (Xc and Yc ) on the dimensionless parameters (n and b). The (D). In the present modeling framework, the frictional and inertial
normalized (Xc and Yc ) values have shown qualitatively similar forces scale as Fv / unavg and Fi / u2avg , respectively. In case of shear-
dependence to that of critical Reynolds number (Rec ) on dimension- thickening (n > 1) fluids, the viscous force (Fv ) grows whereas inertial
less parameters (n and b). The wake transition, in comparison to force (Fi ) remains unchanged with increasing value of power-law
unconfined flow, is delayed, i.e., Xc increased with decreasing b and index (n) for the fixed velocity (uavg ). In contrast, both forces Fv and Fi
increasing n. grow with increasing velocity (uavg ) for a given fluid (i.e., fixed n),
Similarly, in comparison to Newtonian fluid flow over unconfined however, Fi > Fv as n < 2. The relative influence of these two forces
cylinder, the transition is strongly delayed, i.e., Yc increased with (Fr ¼ Fv =Fi / uavg
) strengthen with decreasing fluid velocity (uavg )
decreasing b and increasing n. The comparison of Figs. 3 and 5, how- and with increasing fluid behaviour index (n). Additionally, the
ever, shows that the blockage effects are stronger on onset of wake apparent viscosity (h) increases, above the Newtonian viscosity, with
formation (Xc ) than that on the onset of wake instability (Xc ). The increasing shear rate (g_ ) in shear-thickening (n > 1) fluids. In turn,
reverse trend is, however, observed with respect to the Newtonian the viscous effects dominate over the inertial effects with increasing

Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

G. Vishal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2021) 113 11

Fig. 6. Dependence of critical (a) Strouhal number (Stc ) and (b) time-averaged drag coefficient (CD;c ) on the power-law index (n) and wall blockage (b) at critical Reynolds
number (Rec ).

confinement (b from 1 to 2) even far away from the cylinder. In  Influence of power-law index (n) on critical Re is contrasting in
case of unconfined flow, the viscous effects dominate in the close confined (b < 1 ) and unconfined (b ¼ 1 ) flows. With an
vicinity of the cylinder whereas the inertial effects govern the flow increasing value of n, the critical Reynolds numbers (Rec and Rec )
far away from the cylinder [76]. increased in confined flow and decreased in unconfined flow. The
Such a complex interactions of the forces yield non-monotonic critical Re values have increased with decreasing b from 1 to 2,
trends seen in the preceding sections. irrespective of the fluid behaviour. For instance, Rec changed from
The decrease in the critical Reynolds numbers (Rec and Rec ) with 6.25 to 12.5 at n ¼ 1 and from 0.75 to 30.5 at n ¼ 1:8. Similarly, R
increasing power-law index (n) leading to the ‘Stokes paradox’ in ec altered from 46.5 to 84.5 at n ¼ 1 and from 33.5 to 449.5 at
unconfined flow is consistent with the above explanation. The far away n ¼ 1:8.
boundaries have no impact on the wake formation/instability in uncon-  Both flow separation (i.e., wake formation) and asymmetry (i.e.,
fined flow. An introduction of the wall blockage further accentuates wake instability) behind the cylinder delayed with increasing
these influences due to coupled interaction of the additional hydrody- level of shear-thickening (n) and wall confinement (b).
namic boundary layer developed on the walls and the fluid rheology.  Wake length enhances but wake width suppresses with increas-
The hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness (dt ) is inversely propor- ing n and b.
tional to the fluid velocity (uavg ) as dt / Re½1=ð1þnÞ  Fr ½1=ð1þnÞ over the  Stokes paradox (i.e., no creeping flow), apparent in unconfined
planar surface. In turn, the supplementary viscous force experienced by flow, is not relevant in confined flow of power-law fluids over a
the fluid layers resist and stabilize the flow in complex manner due to cylinder.
non-linear variations of fluid velocity and viscosity in the boundary
layer regions. As the confinement increases (i.e., b decreases), the flow
remains stable for the larger range of velocity or Reynolds number. The Finally, the predictive correlations for the critical Re as a function
confinement boundary therefore have stronger influence on the wake of power-law index (n) and wall blockage (b) are presented for easy
dynamics. The trends discussed in preceding sections have therefore use in design and engineering of the relevant processes.
shown an increase in the critical Reynolds numbers (Rec and Rec ) with
increasing fluid behvaiour index (n) and decreasing blockage ratio (b). Declaration of Competing Interest
The stoke paradox observed in unconfined flows of power-law fluids
would never be apparent in case of confined flows, under otherwise All authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. The
identical conditions. authors certify that they have NO affiliations with or involvement in
any organization or entity with any financial interest (such as hono-
Concluding remarks raria; educational grants; participation in speakers bureaus; mem-
bership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other
In this work, the onsets of wake formation and instability are pre- equity interest; and expert testimony or patent-licensing arrange-
sented and discussed in terms of the critical Reynolds numbers (Rec ments), or non-financial interest (such as personal or professional
and Rec ) for the two-dimensional flow of non-Newtonian shear- relationships, affiliations, knowledge or beliefs) in the subject matter
thickening power-law fluid over a channel confined circular cylinder. or materials discussed in this manuscript.
The mathematical model equations have been solved using the finite
volume method for a wide range of conditions, namely, power-law Declaration of Competing Interest
index (1n1:8), and wall blockage (b ¼ 2; 4). Unconfined (b ¼ 1 )
flow results have also been obtained and presented for comparison The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
purpose. The streamline (c), pressure (Cp ), viscous (Cf ), lift (CL ) and interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
drag (CD ) coefficients profiles are analysed to obtain the critical con- ence the work reported in this paper.
ditions. The following observations can be made from this work.
 Both critical Reynolds numbers (Rec and Rec ) expressed complex
dependence on the flow governing and influencing parameters (n RPB duly acknowledge the Sponsored Research and Industrial
and b). Consultancy (SRIC), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee
Please cite this article as: G. Vishal et al., Critical parameters for non-Newtonian shear-thickening power-law fluids flow across a channel
confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 1, 2021;17:43]

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confined circular cylinder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021),

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