02AdvancedThinkAhead4 Mod4 SecB

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MODULE 4 Section B Test Name: Mark: .

Choose the correct answer.

1. At school, we sometimes have to learn poems … .
a. aloud
b. by heart
c. accurately
2. You … won the race. You didn’t try hard enough.
a. should have
b. could have
c. might have
3. Something … happened to Tom. He never misses a lesson.
a. must have
b. could have
c. shouldn’t have
4. If you don’t … Alex about his appointment, he’ll forget.
a. remind
b. recall
c. recognise
5. You … said anything. It was supposed to be a surprise.
a. couldn’t have
b. shouldn’t have
c. might not have
6. He … heard us. We were talking so loudly.
a. must have
b. might have
c. should have
7. You should eat blueberries. I’ve read they can … your memory.
a. recall
b. boost
c. remind
8. You can trust her. She never … .
a. tells the truth
b. tells a lie
c. tells a joke
9. She … known. Nobody ever said anything.
a. shouldn’t have
b. could have
c. couldn’t have
10. It … rained last night. The ground is still wet.
a. may have
b. could have
c. must have

 Advanced Think Ahead 4 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

MODULE 4: Section B Test

11. David … the people at the party even though he hadn’t seen them since childhood.
a. recognised
b. reminded
c. daydreamed
12. Let’s call him. He … forgotten about our meeting.
a. might have
b. should have
c. may not have
13. Tom was staring out of the window and … during the lesson.
a. recalling
b. daydreaming
c. making an effort
14. I’m sorry. I … behaved that way.
a. shouldn’t have
b. couldn’t have
c. can’t have
15. The teacher spoke to Ben’s parents about his … to pay attention in class.
a. disorder
b. loss
c. inability
16. I … worn a coat. I didn’t realise it was going to be so cold today.
a. must have
b. might have
c. should have
17. Meg was … of a man staring at her from across the room.
a. likely
b. conscious
c. powerful
18. I … left the door unlocked. I should go back and check.
a. must have
b. may have
c. shouldn’t have
19. We are … that medical science will find cures for many illnesses in the next 20 years.
a. powerful
b. conscious
c. positive
20. Sometimes I forget what I wanted to say. I worry about my … of memory.
a. loss
b. inability
c. disorder

 Advanced Think Ahead 4 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  2

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