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Nonlinear decision-making with enzymatic

neural networks S. Okumura1, G. Gines2, N. Lobato-Dauzier1, A. Baccouche1, R. Deteix1, T. Fujii1, Y. Rondelez2 &

A. J. Genot1 ✉
Received: 28 September 2020

Accepted: 9 August 2022

Artificial neural networks have revolutionized electronic computing. Similarly,
Published online: 19 October 2022
molecular networks with neuromorphic architectures may enable molecular
Check for updates
decision-making on a level comparable to gene regulatory networks1,2. Non-enzymatic
networks could in principle support neuromorphic architectures, and seminal
proofs-of-principle have been reported3,4. However, leakages (that is, the unwanted
release of species), as well as issues with sensitivity, speed, preparation and the lack of
strong nonlinear responses, make the composition of layers delicate, and molecular
classifications equivalent to a multilayer neural network remain elusive (for example,
the partitioning of a concentration space into regions that cannot be linearly
separated). Here we introduce DNA-encoded enzymatic neurons with tuneable
weights and biases, and which are assembled in multilayer architectures to classify
nonlinearly separable regions. We first leverage the sharp decision margin of a neuron
to compute various majority functions on 10 bits. We then compose neurons into a
two-layer network and synthetize a parametric family of rectangular functions on a
microRNA input. Finally, we connect neural and logical computations into a hybrid
circuit that recursively partitions a concentration plane according to a decision tree
in cell-sized droplets. This computational power and extreme miniaturization open
avenues to query and manage molecular systems with complex contents, such as
liquid biopsies or DNA databases.

Synthetic DNA has emerged as a versatile polymer to store and pro- from leaks that made the composition of layers delicate. Overall, fully
cess information at the molecular scale. It has powered a rich library molecular classification was only demonstrated on datasets that could
of computational molecular devices ranging from logic circuits5–8 to be linearly separated by a wide margin.
self-assembling automata9. Departing from the biological model of DNA-processing enzymes are the workhorses of biotechnology,
computation, most DNA computing devices imitate the Boolean para- synthetic biology and molecular biology. They perform an astound-
digm of electronics. However, their computing power has fallen short ing variety of transactions on DNA: production, degradation, cleav-
of the exponential growth of Moore’s law: their size has been plateauing age, ligation, scouting, cutting and pasting, and editing. In addition,
at around 5–10 logic gates for a decade6. In parallel, various groups enzymes are fast and processive, and their kinetic control is tight, mak-
have started looking at the brain, rather than the central processor ing them prime candidates for powering DNA computing devices.
unit (CPU), as an inspiration for computing with molecules1–4,10. This Previous reports showcased the power of enzymatic networks for run-
is because neuronal and chemical networks share striking similarities: ning advanced spatio-temporal dynamics like logic computation11,
massively parallel and recurrent architectures, analog and asynchro- switches12–14, clocks15–17, predator–prey oscillators18, quorum sensing19,
nous operation, fault-tolerant and redundant computations (Sup- spatial waves20, maze pathfinders21 and artificial morphogenesis22,23—
plementary Fig. 13). many of which still resist implementation with strand displacement
In 2018, Lopez et al. reported a DNA-based linear classifier4 that only. We set out to explore the potential of neuromorphic architec-
performs all of its computations with a non-enzymatic mechanism: tures combining the programmability of DNA with the efficiency of
toehold-mediated strand displacement. Using similar DNA-only mecha- enzymatic processing.
nisms on many more inputs and taking inspiration from competitive
neural networks1,2, Cherry and Qian reported in a tour de force a DNA
classifier for the MNIST database3. Together, these molecular classi- Linear classifier
fiers showcased the benefits of neuromorphic networks over Boolean Our neuromorphic networks are built around a generic enzymatic
circuits: massive parallelism, handling of analog inputs and tolerance neuron (Fig. 1) that emulates the perceptron proposed by Rosenblatt in
of corrupted patterns. However, these non-enzymatic classifiers had 195824. The neuron takes DNA or RNA strands as input. The state of the
limited decision margins, that is, they could not discriminate between neuron is encoded by the concentration of a short DNA strand α (the
two similar inputs belonging to different classes. They also suffered signal sent by the neuron). The neuron computes a weighted sum of its

LIMMS, CNRS-Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 2Laboratoire Gulliver, PSL Research University, Paris, France. ✉e-mail:

496 | Nature | Vol 610 | 20 October 2022

a b wi Xi + wj Xj > c
Input wi Xi + wj Xj < c
layer Weighted Threshold
Hidden wi < 0 sum step function
layer Output Xi
layer Out

Xj wj > 0

c e
Positive weight + α
α cTn
X2 Negative weight +

d Weight adjustment +

Amplification 2× α
Inactive α
X1 w1 X1 w1

α α α

Weight adjustment Summation Activation function

Normalized fluo. (t = 1,000 min)

10.0 10.0
α production (nM min–1)

0.8 [dT]
5.0 5.0
2.5 2.5 0.2 0.6 0
X1 (nM)
X1 (nM)

1.3 1.3 20
0.4 30
0.6 0.6 50
0 0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.00 0 0.6 1.3 2.5 5.0 10.0 0 10 20 30 40 50
Weight activity w1 X2 (nM) α concentration at t = 0 (nM)

Fig. 1 | Architecture of DNA-encoded enzymatic neural networks. They produce species α or dTn whose steady-state concentration is
a, Multilayer neural networks can classify nonlinearly separable regions. proportional to the input Xi. Weights can be independently tuned with fake
b, Our individual neuron computes a weighted sum on its inputs and generates templates (fT) that compete with cT for the inputs. The activation function—a
an output if the sum exceeds a threshold c (linear classification). c, Chemical step function—is encoded in a bistable switch composed of an amplification
architecture of the neuron. The autocatalytic amplification of the output template (aT, which replicates the species α) and a drain template (dT, which
strand α (red arrow) is triggered when the weighted activation (blue and deactivates α and controls the bias). α concentration is monitored using a
orange) by input strands X i and X j overcomes the thresholding mechanism reporter template (rT). f, Experimental validation of the basic components:
(purple). fluo., fluorescence. d, The chemical neuron is powered by three weight adjustment on a single input (left), weighted summation on two inputs
enzymes producing (polymerase), cutting (nickase) and degrading (w1 = 0.5, w 2 = 1) (middle) and application of the step function on α (right).
(exonuclease) DNA. e, Building blocks of the enzymatic neural networks. Full traces are available in Extended Data Fig. 1.
Positive and negative weights are computed by converter templates cTp and cTn.

inputs thanks to converter templates. They act like programmable-gain a step function as the nonlinear activation function. The inputs here
amplifiers in analog electronics, the gain being tuned by the compo- are two DNA analogues of the miR-21 and miR-31 microRNAS (miRNAs),
sition of the templates (Fig. 1f). The neuron then takes an ON state which are involved in cancer25. The network is modular and can easily
(yielding a high concentration of α) if the weighted sum of inputs be rewired to accept different inputs or produce new outputs.
exceeds a concentration threshold, and remains OFF otherwise (low We tested the neuron in bulk (approximately 10 μl) (Fig. 2a). It is
concentration of α). In modern terms, this mimics a perceptron with sensitive (working with subnanomolar inputs), fast (classifying in a

Nature | Vol 610 | 20 October 2022 | 497

a 0.553X1 + X2 = 464 pM b –0.514X1 + X2 = –12.0 pM
X1 w1 > 0 X1 w1 < 0
α α

X2 X2
w2 > 0 w2 > 0 c/w2
0 0
0 c/w1 0
X1 X1

1,000 1,000

833 833

667 667

Fluo. (a.u.)
X2 (pM)
X2 (pM)

500 500
333 333 0 6
Time (h)
167 167

0 0
0 167 333 500 667 833 1,000 0 167 333 500 667 833 1,000
X1 (pM) X1 (pM)
c d
45 ʝ 45 ʝ 45 ʝ 41.8 ʝ 42.6 ʝ 43.3 ʝ
X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1

α α α α α α
X2 X2 X2 X2 X2 X2

15 nM 15 nM 18 nM

e f
1.35X1 + X2 = 244 pM 3.64X1 + X2 = 742 pM 1.49X1 + X2 = 473 pM –0.769X1 + X2 = –185 pM –1.80X1 + X2 = –301 pM –2.57X1 + X2 = –265 pM
500 500 500 500 500 500

Normalized α fluo. (a.u.)

400 400 400 400 400 400
X2 (pM)

X2 (pM)

X2 (pM)

X2 (pM)

X2 (pM)

X2 (pM)
300 300 300 300 300 300
200 200 200 200 200 200
100 100 100 100 100 100
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
X1 (pM) X1 (pM) X1 (pM) X1 (pM) X1 (pM) X1 (pM)

g h
X2 (pM) X2 (pM) X2 (pM) X2 (pM) X2 (pM) X2 (pM)
Normalized α fluo. (a.u.)

Normalized derivative
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 500 400 300 200 100 0 500 400 300 200 100 0 500 400 300 200 100 0
Shift of fluo. (a.u.)

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

of α fluo. (a.u.)
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 FWHM = 35 pM 0.6 37 pM 0.6 33 pM 0.6 29 pM 0.6 36 pM 0.6 36 pM
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
X1 (pM) X1 (pM) X1 (pM) X1 (pM) X1 (pM) X1 (pM)

i Pred. ON Pred. OFF Pred. ON Pred. OFF Pred. ON Pred. OFF j Pred. ON Pred. OFF Pred. ON Pred. OFF Pred. ON Pred. OFF
Act. ON

Act. ON

Act. ON

Act. ON

Act. ON

Act. ON
Sens. Sens. Sens. Sens. Sens. Sens.
2,810 58 1,883 59 3,126 202 3,195 76 2,168 214 1,384 174
98% 97% 94% 98% 91% 89%
Act. OFF

Act. OFF

Act. OFF

Act. OFF

Act. OFF

Act. OFF

Spe. Spe. Spe. Spe. Spe. Spe.

38 219 70 781 106 1,336 67 300 121 1,218 115 1,956
85% 92% 93% 82% 91% 94%

Prec. NPV .
Accu. Prec. NPV Accu. Prec. NPV Accu. Prec. NPV Accu. Prec. NPV Accu. Prec. NPV Accu.
99% 79% 97% 96% 93% 95% 97% 87% 94% 98% 80% 96% 95% 85% 91% 92% 92% 92%

Fig. 2 | Operation and tuning of linear classifiers in bulk and microdroplets. e,f, Computation in droplets. The smoothed plots show the fluorescence of the
Here the input X 1 and X 2 are DNA analogues of miR-21 and miR-31. a, Positive- α reporter in droplets prepared with varying concentrations inputs (measured
weighted classification with two positive converters and a bistable switch after 6 h). The red line is a linear fit of the OFF/ON boundary. g,h, Slicing of the
(left). This classifier partitions the concentration space with a negative-sloped fluorescence (black/green curve) and its derivative (grey curve) along one of
line (right). The matrix of plots shows the dynamics of the classifier in bulk the diagonal (dashed white line in the smoothed plot). The full-width at
(around 10 μl), measured by following the fluorescence of the reporter over 6 h half-maximum (FWHM) of the derivative is a proxy for the decision margin
at 45 °C, for varying combinations of inputs. For clarity, the background is of the classifier (that is, the distance between unambiguously OFF and ON
green when the classifier finishes in the ON state and grey otherwise. b, Computation regions. i, The confusion matrices show the number of ON and OFF droplets in
of a negative-weighted classifier for the same concentrations of inputs. This each plot, based on their actual (act.) fluorescence and predicted (pred.) value
classifier partitions the concentration space with a positive-sloped line (right). according to the linear fit. The corresponding accuracy (accu.), precision
c, Tuning the weights and bias of a positive-weighted classifier (the activity of (prec.), sensitivity (sens.), specificity (spe.) and negative predictive value (NPV)
an input is modulated by changing the composition of its converter and fake are indicated on the sides of the matrices. a.u., arbitrary units.
templates). d, Effect of temperature on a negative-weighted classifier.

few hours) and sharp (OFF and ON states are clearly demarcated). We Overall, this microfluidic setup offers a superb control of concentra-
then shrunk volumes by a factor of 105 with droplet microfluidics26. We tions and temperatures, and enables a precise visualization of the
immobilized a layer of droplets with the classifier in a silicon chamber—a decision boundary (Fig. 2c,d). End-point analysis confirms the exqui-
material with excellent optical, thermal and mechanical properties27— site sensitivity and robustness of the classifier in these approximately
and incubated the chamber in a thermal platform (Extended Data Fig. 2). 100 pl compartments: OFF and ON regions remain clearly delineated

498 | Nature | Vol 610 | 20 October 2022

a 1 c

α fluo. (a.u.)
Continuously parametrized
family of rectangular functions
Drain β
Input Hidden Output 0
layer layer layer 0 35 nM
α activates γ 0
1 1

γ fluo. (a.u.)
let7a α 30 nM

Fluo. (a.u.)
γ 0
β 0
β inhibits γ 25 nM

β fluo. (a.u.)
Decrease Increase
drain β drain β 20 nM
Drain β 0
tuning 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 Let7a (pM)
0 Let7a concentration
α β γ
45 1 45 1 45 1

Normalized β fluo. (a.u.)

Normalized α fluo. (a.u.)

Normalized γ fluo. (a.u.)

40 40 40
Drain for ћ (nM)

Drain for β (nM)

Drain for β (nM)

35 35 35

30 30 30

25 25 25

20 0 20 0 20 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Let7a (pM) Let7a (pM) Let7a (pM)

Fig. 3 | Synthesis of a parametric family of rectangular functions with a scanning of the concentration of input and a parameter of the network
multilayer perceptron. a, A microRNA input activates two neurons (α and β) in (the concentration of drain for β) . The steady-state fluorescence of α, β and γ
the hidden layer. The output neuron γ is activated by α and inhibited by β. As a (after 14 h) are shown against the concentrations of let7a and β drain.
result of these opposing actions, γ is only active when α is active and β inactive— c, Smoothed horizontal slices in the γ plot (grey arrows) reveal the tuneable
producing a rectangular function on the input. b, Droplet microfluidic rectangular function.

by a linear and sharp boundary (Hill coefficient of around 16, Extended function. Taking a single input at concentration x, this function is con-
Data Fig. 5). This endows the classifier with a narrow decision margin stant inside the interval cmin< x < cmax and null outside. Such window
(Fig. 2c): it can discriminate between inputs whose concentrations functions are widely used in electronics to filter signals, but biologi-
differ by only about 10–20% (such being the case in majority voting cal systems also use them to produce a response when the input is
over 10 bits, see below). The statistical metrics of performance (such neither too big nor too small28. To demonstrate biological relevance,
as accuracy) are in the range of 80–99% (Fig. 2i). we selected a human microRNA as the input (let7a, involved in develop-
Versatile linear classification requires negative weights. We opted ment, cancer, aging and metabolism29).
for a strategy of induced inhibition, in which an input produces a To instantiate the two thresholds cmin and cmax, we use a hidden layer
drain template13, which in turn suppresses the replication of the sig- with two neurons: α is activated by low concentrations of input and
nal strand—implementing a negative weight (model in Supplementary activates the neuron γ in the second layer, whereas neuron β is activated
Information Section 2). This strategy was successful in bulk and droplets at high concentrations of input, but inactivates the neuron γ (Fig. 3a).
(Fig. 2b,d), also producing a sharp demarcation between OFF and ON, This architecture—in which two neurons have opposite actions on the
although the boundary is slightly less linear than for positive weights output—mimics an incoherent feedforward loop (a ubiquitous motif
(Hill coefficient of around 63, Extended Data Fig. 5 and Supplementary in gene regulatory networks28). This three-neuron network defines a
Information Section 2). family of functions on let7a, which are parametrized by the weights
The chemical neuron is analog and its computation varies continu- and biases of the neurons. We expect the bias of β—that is, its drain con-
ously with its parameters. On the one hand, this can be used to program centration—to linearly control cmax, independently of cmin. We thus fixed
the parameters of the neuron, for instance changing the bias by tuning the concentration of all species but two, the drain for β and the input
the drain or the weights by tuning the converters (Fig. 2c). On the other let7a, scanned them with microfluidics and read out the three neurons
hand, it makes the neuron sensitive to uncertainties in experimental at steady state (Fig. 3b,c). As expected, the concentration cmin is inde-
parameters. However, we find that the deviations are likely to be mini- pendent of the drain for β (as shown by the vertical black strip in the α
mal for a typical operation. More precisely, we analysed the sensitiv- plot); the concentration cmax varies linearly with the drain for β; and the
ity of the bias of a single-input neuron to the drain and temperature. activated region of the output γ is correctly computed as the intersection
A pipetting error of around 3% in the concentration of the drain (typical of the activated (green) region for α and the inactivated (black) region
for a calibrated pipette) translates into an approximately 10% error in for β. Taking smoothed horizontal slices of these two-dimensional plots,
the bias, and an error of around 0.1 °C in temperature (typical reproduc- we extracted the profiles of individual functions in the family (Fig. 3c).
ibility for a thermocycler) translates into an approximately 2% error in Those plots confirm that the output rises and then falls sharply with the
the bias (both measured for drain = 20 nM and T = 41.5 °C, Extended input, although the rise is steeper than the fall (this asymmetry is due
Data Fig. 4). In addition, we used the power of the chemical neuron to the asymmetry of the bistable switch, which is easier to turn ON than
to implement majority voting, a central Boolean function, on a 10-bit OFF). The width of the rectangular function is linear with the drain and
vector (Supplementary Information Section 3). varies between around 35 pM and (at least) 90 pM of let7a.

Rectangular functions Recursive space partitioning

Nonlinear classification requires the composition of multiple layers, Finally, we composed linear classifiers with a logic gate to classify non-
which we demonstrate here on the canonical example of a rectangular linearly separable regions and compute a decision tree. In health care,

Nature | Vol 610 | 20 October 2022 | 499

a c
Q1: w・X > –c1 ?

α Q1
Q2: w′・X > c2 ? β



Q2 Q2
γ β
No γ

b X1 X1 X1
Analog Neural Logical
α Normalized α fluo. (a.u.) Normalized β fluo. (a.u.) Normalized γ fluo. (a.u.)

0 1 0 1 0 1
Input Hidden Output
layer layer layer
X1 800 800 800

600 600 600

X1 α

X2 (pM)

X2 (pM)

X2 (pM)
γ 400 400 400
X2 β 200 200 200

β 0 0 0

0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
X1 X1 (pM) X1 (pM) X1 (pM)

d e Input Hidden Fit by SLP

layer layer 800
α 600

X2 (pM)
600 200
0 200 400 600 800
X2 (pM)

X1 (pM)
Fit by MLP
Input Hidden Output
layer layer layer 800

α 600
X2 (pM)

X2 200
0 γ
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
X1 (pM) X1 (pM)

Fig. 4 | A hybrid network computing recursive space partitioning. a, A space with two linear classifiers that are indirectly coupled by competitive inhibition
partitioning tree takes a point X = (X 1, X 2) in the concentration plane, and at (membership is read out by fluorescent reporters). The output layer is logical
each of its nodes, tests if X is a member of the corresponding half-plane. and decides membership of the γ region with a NOR gate (which turns its
Computation finishes when a leaf is reached. The tree can be traversed in three fluorescence OFF if X is a member of either the α or β region). c, Fluorescence
ways, partitioning the plane into three convex regions. b, Architecture of levels of α, β and γ, measured in approximately 25,000 droplets after 16 h.
a hybrid network computing the partitioning tree (Supplementary Fig. 5). d, Merged fluorescence plots. e, Fit of d by a single-layer perceptron (SLP, top)
The inputs are two strands encoding a position (X 1,X 2) in the concentration and a two-layer perceptron (bottom). MLP, multi-layer perceptron. The
plane. The hidden layer is neural and decides membership of the α and β region hatched filling indicates erroneous areas in which two classes are outputted.

decision trees are often used for making a diagnosis based on a clinical and comprises two computational layers (Fig. 4b): a hidden neural
presentation, and they are gaining traction in molecular diagnosis, layer deciding membership of the α and β region with linear classi-
for instance for classifying tumours based on the expression levels of fiers, and a logical layer deciding membership of the γ region with a
miRNAs. Taking as input a point X = (X1, X2) in the concentration plane NOR gate: its fluorescence is high only when both α and β strands are
(Fig. 4a), the algorithm starts from the root node of the tree and gradu- absent (Extended Data Fig. 7). Memberships of the α and β regions are
ally moves toward the leaves. At each node, the algorithm queries the computed by two linear classifiers. By tuning the working temperature
membership of the input to the corresponding half-plane and moves (Extended Data Fig. 8), we found conditions for which the two linear
to either child based on this membership (YES/NO). The algorithm classifiers become indirectly coupled18 and α represses β. The network
finishes when it reaches a leaf, giving the result of the classification. then correctly partitions the concentration space into three nonlinearly
Here, we partition the two-dimensional concentration plane into separable regions (Fig. 4c,d). We trained two artificial neural networks
three nonlinearly separable regions (α, β and γ). The network is a hybrid on the experimental data: a single-layer perceptron and a two-layer

500 | Nature | Vol 610 | 20 October 2022

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Nature | Vol 610 | 20 October 2022 | 501

Methods Data Fig. 2), which comprised a copper plate (16 cm × 4 cm × 0.5 mm)
and two Peltier elements (Adaptive, 40 × 40 mm2 ET-161-12-08-E)
Materials equipped with CPU coolers as a heatsink (Enermax, AM4 ETS-N31-02)
DNA strands were purchased fromIntegratedDNATechnologyorBiomers, and controlled by a Peltier controller (TEC-1122, Meerstetter). The
resuspended in 1X Tris-EDTA buffer (Sigma-Aldrich) and stored at temperature near each Peltier element was read by a Pt100 sensor
−20 °C. DNA templates were chemically protected from enzymatic (RS-Pro, 10 mm × 2 mm probe, 4-wire, Class A). The chamber was incu-
degradation with phosphorothioate backbones on their 5ʹ ends. bated either in a uniform temperature field (by setting the two Peltier
The DNA polymerase (Vent (exo-), M0257) and nickases (Nb.BsmI, elements to the same temperature) or in a temperature gradient (by
R0706 and Nt.BstNBI, R0607), Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA9000S), setting the two Peltier elements at distinct temperatures). The chamber
were purchased from New England Biolabs and stored at −20 °C. The was imaged with a motorized Nikon Ti2-E epifluorescence microscope,
exonuclease was expressed by our means in Escherichia Coli and puri- equipped with a light-emitting diode light source (pE-4000, CoolLed),
fied by chromatography according to a published protocol36 and a sCMOS (scientific complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) 
stored at −20 °C. This is a thermophile variant of RecJ that works in camera (Prime 95B 25 mm, Photometrics), a ×10 objective (CFI Plan
the temperature range around 40–50 °C, for which the templates were Apo Lambda S 10X, numerical aperture = 0.45, Nikon) and appropriate
designed, enabling fast melting and release of the output strands from filters (purchased from Semrock or Chroma). After acquisition, images
the templates. (Note that this enzymatic framework can be redesigned were unshaded with the BaSiC plugin40 and stitched41 in ImageJ before
to work at 37 °C, as demonstrated by recent experiments with biologi- further processing.
cal cells37.)
The surfactant for droplet generation (Fluosurf) was purchased Analysis
from Emulseo (France) and stored dry at room temperature away from After acquisition, the images were processed with Mathematica accord-
light. Before use, the surfactant was freshly dissolved in fluorinated ing to previous protocols26,38. In brief, the images were segmented to
oil (HFE-7500, 3M). Fluorescent dextrans with a molecular weight of individually detect the droplets and their fluorescence intensity in
10,000 Da were bought from Thermo Fischer (dextran Cascade Blue each channel was extracted. The fluorescence of the Dextran barcodes
D1976, dextran Alexa Fluor 594 D22913 and dextran Alexa Fluor 647 was converted into concentrations of inputs or templates, and the
D22914) or Xarxbio (Dextran Cy7 R-CD7-002). fluorescence of the reporters was normalized. For multiplexed experi-
ments, the droplets were separated into subpopulations using the cor-
Sample preparation responding dextran barcodes. For droplets incubated in a temperature
The mastermix (containing all common reagents at constant concen- gradient, the local temperature was linearly interpolated with respect
trations and excluding the varying reagents) was assembled on ice. to the positions and temperatures of the Peltier elements. To smooth
We first mixed the DNA templates, the buffer and the dextrans, then the raw droplet plots, we replaced the raw fluorescence of each point
added BSA and enzymes. After gentle vortexing, the master mix was by the median fluorescence of the k nearest points (including the point
split into several tubes and the varying reagents were added with their itself), where k is a fraction (typically between 1 and 2% and adjusted
fluorescent dextrans for barcoding. according to the plot) of the total number of droplets (which also
Bulk fluorescence traces were acquired with a Biorad CFX96 thermo- includes calibration droplets that extend beyond the plotted area26).
cycler. For distributions with dissimilar ranges or physical dimensions (for
instance in Fig. 3, where the input varies over 100 nM, whereas the
Microdroplet generation drain varies only over 20 nM, or in Extended Data Fig. 4, where one
Droplets of varying compositions were generated with an in-house coordinate is a concentration whereas the other is a temperature),
microfluidic platform according to published protocols26,38. In we normalized the distributions by their standard deviation before
brief, we connected tubes containing an aqueous or oil solution to a finding the nearest neighbours.
flow-focusing microfluidic chip: a polydimethylsiloxane device rep- We fitted the separatrix of the linear classifiers as follows. First, we
licated by soft-lithography from an SU8 or Silicon mould (height of binned the droplets along one axis, say X1, by groups of around 100
around 55 µm) and plasma bonded to an approximately 1-mm-thick droplets. For each bin, we then determined the position of the boundary
glass slide. The solutions from the aqueous tubes merge inside the chip along the X2 axis by running a moving median on the fluorescence of the
into a common channel that intersects the oil channel, resulting in the droplets and finding the first X2 for which the median hit a given thresh-
formation of monodisperse droplets at the exit of the junction. The old. (We chose a common threshold of 0.3, rather than 0.5, because
droplets’ composition was controlled by varying the pressure applied to it fitted the datasets for the negative classifier better—which had a
each aqueous tube with a pressure controller (MFCS-EZ from Fluigent). slightly lower fluorescence at their boundaries). This procedure yielded
We scripted the pressure profiles (with AutoIt) to explore an interval, a set of points on the boundary, which we linearly fitted to extract the
a rectangle or a cube in the concentration space. The droplets were equation of the separatrix.
collected in a pipette tip planted at the outlet before being transferred We used Mathematica to train a single-layer perceptron (three
to a chamber for imaging. nodes in its output layer) and a multilayer perceptron (two nodes
in its hidden layer; three nodes in its output layer) on the smoothed
Imaging data of the space-partitioning network. The activation function was
After droplet generation, the emulsion was spread into a monolayer a logistic sigmoid. For the training of the single-layer perceptron,
inside a silicon chamber closed by a coverslip. The silicon chambers we adjusted the initial weights and biases to approximately match
were fabricated by standard microfabrication (photolithography and the boundaries of the three regions, which was found to improve the
deep reactive ion etching) by opening a square (1 × 1 cm2) or a rectangle subsequent training. We trained both nets for 50 rounds, without a
(1 × 3 cm2) with a depth of around 50 μm in a silicon wafer. The coverslip test set.
and the chamber were rendered hydrophobic by spin-coating 10%
Cytop CTL-809M (Asahi Glass) and baking at 180 °C for 1 h. After using a
pipette to fill the chamber with droplets, the chamber was sealed with a Data availability
thin coverslip (thickness approximately 170 μm) by capillarity by leaving Source data are provided with this paper. Source data for the drop-
a layer of oil between the silicon and the coverslip. Then the chamber let microfluidic experiments are provided within the Supplementary
was incubated inside a custom platform for thermal control39 (Extended Information.
17F17796 to A.B. and Core-to-Core Program on Advanced Research Networks to T.F.),
Code availability the Japanese MEXT (studentship to N.L.D. and R.D.), the ERC (CoG ProFF 647275 to Y.R. and
StG MoP-MiP 949493 to G.G.) and the CNRS (MITI DNA2 grant to A.J.G. and G.G.). We also
The code is available upon request. acknowledge support from the RENATECH microfabrication network in France for the
fabrication of the silicon chambers. A.J.G acknowledges support from the ESPCI (Joliot
36. Yamagata, A., Masui, R., Kakuta, Y., Kuramitsu, S. & Fukuyama, K. Overexpression, chair) and G.G. acknowledges support from LIMMS for a travel grant. We thank
purification and characterization of RecJ protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 and its N. Aubert-Kato and L. Cazenille for discussions.
core domain. Nucleic Acids Res. 29, 4617–4624 (2001).
37. Van Der Hofstadt, M., Galas, J.-C. & Estevez-Torres, A. Spatiotemporal patterning of living Author contributions S.O., G.G. and N.L-D. performed the experiments. N.L-D. and R.D.
cells with extracellular DNA programs. ACS Nano 15, 1741–1752 (2021). designed the silicon chambers and the thermal gradient platform. A.B. provided support with
38. Baccouche, A. et al. Massively parallel and multiparameter titration of biochemical the enzymatic toolbox. T.F., Y.R., G.G. and A.J.G. supervised the research.
assays with droplet microfluidics. Nat. Protoc. 12, 1912–1932 (2017).
39. Deteix, R. et al. Droplet-based investigation of a biochemical bistable circuit for sensitive
Competing interests T.F., Y.R. and G.G. have filed a patent on the PEN DNA toolbox (patent
and noise-free detection of nucleic acid. In microTAS 2019 (Chemical and Biological
no. WO2017141067A1).
Microsystems Society, 2019).
40. Peng, T. et al. A BaSiC tool for background and shading correction of optical microscopy
Additional information
images. Nat. Commun. 8, 14836 (2017).
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at
41. Preibisch, S., Saalfeld, S. & Tomancak, P. Globally optimal stitching of tiled 3D
microscopic image acquisitions. Bioinformatics 25, 1463–1465 (2009).
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A. J. Genot.
Peer review information Nature thanks Chunhai Fan and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for
Acknowledgements This research was supported by the French ANR (grant SmartGuide to their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.
A.J.G.), the Japanese JSPS (DC1 fellowship 18J22815 to S.O., postdoctoral fellowship Reprints and permissions information is available at

Extended Data Fig. 1 | Experimental validation of the basic components of adjustment: w1 corresponds to the ratio of X1toα (cT) and X1tof (fT) (10 nM total).
a chemical neuron. To demonstrate the weighted summation mechanism The production of α from various concentrations of X1 is directly monitored
(a, weight adjustment and b, summation), we used high concentrations of input using 25 nM of rTα. b, Summation of X1 and X 2: all samples contain 5 nM X1toα,
strands, which allows for the direct visualization of the linear production of α 5 nM X1tof (w1 = 0.5) and 10 nM X 2toα (w2 = 1). The production of α from different
strand (i.e. in absence of the amplification reaction that composes the activation concentrations of X1 and X 2 is directly monitored using 25 nM of rTα. c, Activation
function). The threshold activation function and the possibility to control the function: the amplification reaction of samples containing various initial
bias (c) is estimated by measuring the concentration of α required to trigger the concentrations of α is monitored in real-time. The bias (i.e. amplification
amplification reaction at given drain template (dTα) concentrations. a, Weight threshold, noted t) is tuned according to the concentration of dTα.
Extended Data Fig. 2 | Thermal setup for droplet incubation and imaging. the plate and the chamber. Two Peltier elements, separated by ~ 7.5 cm, impose
a, After generation, an emulsion is spread into a monolayer of droplets inside a thermal gradient across the copper plate. Pt100 sensors report the local
a silicon chamber. Silicon offers ideal conditions for imaging and incubation: temperature near each Peltier element to a Peltier controller. The whole setup
high thermal conductivity, mechanical rigidity and optical reflectivity. is encased into a 3D printed frame that is fitted into the microscope stage.
The inset shows a monolayer of droplets imaged by fluorescence. Scale c, Side view of the setup. Heat is extracted from the Peltier elements with CPU
bar = 500 μm. b, Bottom view of the setup. The chamber is fixed against cooling fans.
a copper plate by capillarity by sandwiching a drop of mineral oil between

Extended Data Fig. 3 | Microfluidic workflow for measuring the changing their common mastermix. This allowed us to vary the concentrations
dependence of the separatrix on the concentration of reagents. of converter templates or drain templates in the master mix. After generation,
a, We determined the equation of the separatrix in the (X 1,X 2) plane for we simultaneously imaged the three subpopulations together. To that end,
3 conditions in a multiplexed experiment. We first performed 3 rounds of we sequentially and gently filled a chamber with each population: the
droplet generation. During each round, we scanned the (X 1,X 2) plane by mixing subpopulations remained spatially separated. We then incubated and imaged
3 tubes (which all derive from the same master mix) and collected the emulsion the chamber. During image processing, we separated the subpopulation by
in a separate tube. Between each round, we changed the set of 3 tubes - thus selecting 3 distinct regions (shown as red boxes in the right picture).
Extended Data Fig. 4 | See next page for caption.
Extended Data Fig. 4 | Design and kinetics of the linear classifier. a, Full production overcomes the removal by the exonuclease and the drain, and α is
architecture of the linear classifier for one input X 1. The classifier comprises amplified up to the ON state. Otherwise, α is removed down to the OFF state.
three templates: a converter template (which produces α when bound to its The existence of an unstable steady state is controlled by the shape of
input X 1), a autocatalytic template (which autocatalytically replicates α), and a production and removal curves, which must intersect at three points. The shape
drain template (which deactivates α). The strand α is continuously degraded by of the removal curve is controlled by the concentrations of drain templates,
the exonuclease. b, Production and removal curves showing the rate of exonuclease and polymerase (for the inactivation step in the drain). The shape
production of α by the autocatalytic template (left), and the rate of removal of of the production curve is controlled by the concentration of autocatalytic
α by the drain template and the exonuclease (middle). Inactivation by drain templates, polymerase and nickase. c, Microfluidic mapping of the dependence
template is fast but quickly saturated, whereas degradation by the exonuclease of the bias on X1 to the drain. We prepared droplets with varying concentrations
is slow but linear. This interplay creates a kink in the removal curve, resulting in of drain for α and input X1. We incubated the droplets in a temperature gradient,
the existence of 3 intersection points between the production curve and the and imaged their content after 6 h. The top plots show the fluorescence of
removal curve. The upper and lower intersection points are the two stable droplets in the space (drain, X1), the colour indicating the level of α. The bottom
steady states (OFF and ON), whereas the middle point is an unstable steady plots show the fluorescence of droplets in the space (temperature, X1). The red
state, a threshold which controls the crossover between autocatalytic lines are linear fit of the boundary, with equation indicated above each plot.
production and removal. If α is over the threshold, the drain is saturated, The concentration are in nM and the temperature in Celsius.
Extended Data Fig. 5 | Enzymatic classifiers have stronger nonlinearities in dashed. b, Steady-state fluorescence of our negative-weighted enzymatic
and higher sensitivities than a state-of-the-art nonenzymatic classifier. linear classifier (Fig. 2d, left), and its fit by a Hill equation cn/(cn+xn).
a, Steady-state fluorescence of a reported negative-weighted nonenzymatic c, Steady-state fluorescence of our positive-weighted enzymatic linear
linear classifier4. The fitted Hill equation cn/(cn+xn) is shown in plain, the classifier (Fig. 2c, middle) and its fit by a Hill equation xn/(cn+xn). Hill equations
interpolation from the 8 points along the diagonal of Fig. 3d of ref. 4 is shown were fitted with a prefactor to improve the goodness of fit.

Extended Data Fig. 6 | Majority voting weight adjustment. a-b. Trigger spiked individually (123 ± 11 min on average, hence a coefficient of variation of
production by 10 converter templates at 1 nM concentration (a) or adjusted less than 10%). In these conditions, all samples amplify within 150 min (except
proportionally to the production rate, arbitrarily choosing X3 as reference (b). for the negative control, NC), suggesting that the production rate for each
c. Comparison of the production rate from panel a. and b. At constant cT input is too high to unambiguously classify samples with less than 5 inputs from
concentration, we observed large rate discrepancies depending on the input samples with more than 5 inputs. f. Effect of the cT bundle concentration on
sequence (mean production rate = 39 pM ± 18 pM/min). A factor of 4.6 was sample classification. To further reduce the weight of all inputs, we decreased
computed between the fastest and the slowest converter template. Balancing the concentration of all converter templates from 1 X to 0.04 X. For the lowest
the cT concentration reduces the coefficient of variation from 47 % to 14 % concentration of cT bundle, no amplification is observed within 1000 min for
(29 +/−4 pM/min). d-e. Majority voting with balanced cT concentrations. all samples (from 0 to 6 inputs). 1X cT bundle results reproducibly in the
In a first attempt, we perform a majority voting experiment on 28 samples. amplification of all samples (except the negative control, NC), with a poor
Concentrations of the 1X cT bundle were 0.8, 0.7, 1.2, 1.9, 3, 0.6, 1.2, 0.5, 1.4, 1.4 nM, discrimination between 4, 5 and 6 inputs samples. Interestingly, we observed a
respectively from X1 to X10. Enzyme concentrations were set to 70 u/mL sharp threshold between ≤ 2 and > 2 inputs with a 3-fold dilution of the cT
Vent(exo-), 300 u/mL Nb.BsmI and 23 nM of ttRecJ. d. Amplification curves for bundle concentration. This demonstrates that the amplification threshold can
the 28 samples spiked with 0 to 10 inputs (5 nM each, various combinations). be tuned finely by adjusting the production rate of all inputs, allowing to set an
e. Bar chart of the amplification times (Cq). As expected, Cq are negatively arbitrary number of input voters to return a positive answer. Finally, 0.15 X of cT
correlated to the number of spiked inputs (the more inputs, the faster the bundle allows us to compute a majority voting algorithm, set a clear
amplification). Interestingly, all ten inputs exert a consistent activation force discrimination between 4 and 6 inputs.
on the switch, triggering the amplification between 112 and 148 min when
Extended Data Fig. 7 | Operation of the NOR gate. a, A NOR gate is formed by thermocycler, with and without template. The presence of the template
hybridizing a template strand (accepting α or β as primers) with a molecular induces a large fluorescence increase, due to the hybridization of the beacon.
beacon γ. In the absence of α and β, the fluorescence of the molecular beacon is c, A two-layer network with the NOR gate as its output (left) and its truth table
high because its dye and quencher are far apart. This codes for the ON state of (middle) The network consists of two linear classifiers (α and β), each accepting
the gate. If α or β is present, it induces polymerase-mediated displacement of a distinct input (X 1 or X 2). The correct operation of the network is verified by
the molecular beacon from the template, resulting in a low level of fluorescence. fluorescence: presence of either input drives the polymerization of the gate
b, Verification of the assembly of the beacon with the template. The and the displacement of the beacon, leading to a drop in fluorescence.
fluorescence of the beacon is monitored as the solution is cooled in a

Extended Data Fig. 8 | Thermal dependence of the space partitioning with temperature. At low temperature (~43 °C), α and β coexist, as indicated by
network (Fig. 4). Droplets with the network and varying inputs were incubated the yellow region. When temperature increases, the yellow region shrinks and
in a graded temperature field to reveal how the quality of classification varies disappears, indicating that α and β do not coexist.

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