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Reviewer in DRRR

4th Quarter
Thermometer - is used to measure how hot or cold the
surrounding air is?
Barometer - is used to measure pressure
Rain gauge – Type of instrument measures the amount
of precipitation.
Soil Creep - type of landslide has a very slow
movement which is hardly noticeable
Mitigation - . It is a pre-event disaster risk element
which lessens or limits the adverse impacts of hazards
and related disasters.
Exposure - refers to the proximity or closeness of the people,
property, systems, or other elements to the hazard zones that
are thereby subject to potential losses in case of any disasters
Risk Reduction Measures - These are various activities,
projects and programs that the communities may identify
after assessing and analyzing the risks that they face.
Risk Management - This is a collective term encompassing all
aspects of planning for, preparing and responding to disasters
and refers to the management of the consequences of
disasters and includes all the pre and post disaster
Risk Treatment It involves selecting and implementing one or more
treatment options. Once a treatment has been implemented, it
becomes a control or it modifies existing controls
Recovery and response - the two post event elements of disaster
risk reduction
Building a resilient community - main objective in creating DRRM
Local government units - considered as the frontliners disaster event
National DRRM council - a multisectoral body composed of the
heads of the different executive departments of government,
government institutions, local government associations, civil society
organizations, and the private sector
30% shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund (QRF) or stand-by
fund for relief and recovery programs
Landslide -a depression in the ground that resulted from the collapse of the
surface layer of the soil.
Signs of an impending geologic hazard may or may not always cause a landslide
or a sinkhole but the presence of two or more of these signs may indicate that
there is something wrong happening in the area which alerts people to be
cautious and careful about possible dangers that it may cause.
Sudden drainage of a pond - signs is distinct to sinkholes
Cracks around doors and window frames
separation between walls and ceiling floors
presence of odd bugs like slugs and centipedes in the home
Geological maps are uniquely suited to solving problems involving Earth
resources, hazards, and environments
Geological map portrays the distribution of rocks, deposits, or other geologic
features in a specified area.
Hydrometeorological Hazard - is an atmospheric, hydrological or
oceanographic nature that may cause loss of life
Towering clouds - A predicting sign of a typhoon where clouds are
often seen as fluffy, fair-weather cotton balls in the sky
If you are unable to evacuate a building during a fire emergency, find a fire
extinguisher and put out the flames

When there is a significant upsurge in precipitation it would cause a/an

increase in the level of ground water

Ground water pumping is an artificial cause of sinkholes can creates new

water diversion systems

volcanic eruption trigger a landslide because it attracts rain clouds, it alter

minerals to clay, volcanic gas dissolved in groundwater weakens rock, and
vibrations loosen the soil surrounding the volcano
The main reason why kitchen fires are the most common type of fire at home
is because cooking is left unattended

High rise buildings are built in with lightning rod, a metal wherein its tip is
found on top of the building while its bottom part is embedded into the
ground to prevent electrical overload

Three elements of fire are heat, fuel, and oxygen. Whenever these three
ingredients are present there will be fire. There is no exact mixture of the
three ingredients to produce fire. Fire can be prevented or extinguished by
removing any one of the ingredients.

Sand can be added to fire in order to extinguish it because sand removes

Disaster Risk Reduction is important because it builds a more equitable and
sustainable future.

Proper planning and harmonizing messages are the KEY element to avoid
confusion in an organization for disaster risk reduction awareness


• Check for injured and trapped persons near the slide, without entering the
direct slide area.
• If the landslide is caused by rainfall, watch out for flooding as it will follow the
same path taken by the debris flow.
• Wait until the structures on and around the sinkhole stops moving and do not
attempt to go back and retrieve your belongings.
Factors that can contribute to the severity of a flood:
• Heavy precipitation
• Deforestation
• Urbanization

Everyone is prohibited to go back to a burning house once he/she already left

because there is a slim chance of being able to get out again. Ensure your
safety if you discover that your house is on fire

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