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1. K2 Discuss a sequence of steps in designing and analysing an algorithm.

2. K1 a What is an algorithm? Discuss criteria of an algorithm with an example. -06-
b  Define Time and space complexity.      -04-
3. K2 Explain all asymptotic notation Big O, BigΩ, and Big theta used to compare orders of
growth of an algorithm. -10-
4. K3 If T1(n)= O(f(n)) and T2(n) = O(g(n)) , then show that T1(n) + T2(n)= O
( max( f(n),g(n)). -
5. K4 Explain the general plan for analysing the efficiency of a recursive algorithm. Write the
algorithm to find a factorial of a given number. Analyze its efficiency -10-
6. K3 Design an algorithm for checking whether all elements in a array are distinct or not.
Derive its worst complexity. -10-
7. K4 Design an algorithm to search an element in an array using sequential search. Analyze
the Best case worst case and average case efficiency of this algorithm . -10-
8. K2 Solve the recurrence relation:- M(n)=2M(n-1) +1. Take M(1)=1,M(n) is given for n>1.
9. K2 Write an algorithm to find the product of two matrices and obtain its complexity -10-
10. K2 Design an algorithm for arranging the numbers in ascending order using selection sort
technique with an example. Derive its worst complexity -10-
11. K2 a) Compare the order of growth of 1/2n(n-1) and n2
b) Compare the order of growth of log2n and n
c) Compare the order of growth of n! and 2n
12. Discuss Brute Force String matching algorithm. Illustrate with an example. -10-

Module 2
1. K4 Design merge sort algorithm. Analyze its best case, average case, and worst-case time
efficiency. -10-
2. K2 Write the control abstraction for divide and conquer technique
List out the advantages and disadvantages of divide and conquer approach. -10-
3. K3 Apply quick sort algorithm to sort the list E, X, A, M, P, L, E in alphabetical order.
Draw the tree of recursive calls made. -10-
4. K4 Write the recursive algorithm to perform binary search on list of elements. Derive its
worst case complexity. -10-
5. K2 Explain the general plan of divide and conquer technique.  Consider the following
choices of a, b and f(n) (c being a constant ) and solve the recurrence relation using masters
theorem. -10-
a) a=2,b=2 and f(n)=cn b) T(n) = 7T(n/2)+18n c) T(n) = 9T(n/3)+4n
2 6

6. K3 Illustrate the tracing of merge sort for the following set of

number { 310,285,179,652,351,423,861,254,450,520} . Write the tree of recursive calls made. -

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