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Learning Activity Worksheet (LAW)

Science 10
Name: ___________________________ Date: _________ Rating/Score_________


Activity 1. High or Low?
Directions: Study the reactant particles in low and high temperature.

Based on the illustration above, answer the following questions:

1. In which temperature does the reactant particles move faster?

2. In which temperature does the reactant particles move slower?


3. In which temperature has more energy? _________________

4. In which temperature of reactant particles will result in more frequent

collisions? ____________

Activity 2. Complete the table.

Directions: Complete the following table by indicating whether each of the following
scenarios would either increase or decrease the rate of reaction. The first one has been
done for you.

Scenario Increase or Decrease

Adding heat Increase
Removing heat
Lowering the temperature
Increasing the temperature

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Target Competency: Investigate how temperature affects the rate of chemical reactions.
Activity 3. Fill me Up!
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Choose your answers from the word bank.

gases reactants atoms homogenous covalent bond

The rate of a reaction depends on the particular (1) __________ and the
complexity of the bonds that have to be broken and formed in order for the reaction to
proceed. Slight rearrangement of (2) __________ is usually rapid at room temperature.
Ionic reactions occur very fast.

Reactions involving (3) __________ take place more slowly at room

temperature. The phase of the reactants can have an effect on reaction rate. (4)
__________ reactions (between like phases) occur more rapidly than heterogeneous
reactions. Reaction rates should be highest among (5) _____ rather than with liquids
and solids.

Activity 4. Effect of the nature of reactants

Directions: Watch a video from You Tube about the experiment on the effect of the
nature of reactants on the average rate of a reaction.


Based on the video how you will determine the effect of the nature of reactants on the
average rate of a reaction.


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Target Competency: Describe how the nature of reactants affects the rate of chemical reaction.
Activity 5. Guess the Word!
Directions: Choose the answer in the box to reveal the correct word that is being
described in each item. Write your answer on the blank provided.



1. A condition which occurs when the concentration of reactants and products

participating in a chemical reaction exhibit no net change over time.

2. It is a substance that takes part in and undergoes change during a reaction. It is

usually listed on the left side of the arrow. ___________________________.

3. When this happens, the rate of reaction increases with the increase in the
concentration of the reactants. ___________________________

4. It is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substances

to another. _____________________________

5. When new substance is being formed in a chemical reaction. It is listed on the

right side of the arrow. ___________________________

ACTIVITY 6. Where do I belong!

Directions: Below are the scenarios that have the greatest impact on the rate of chemical
reaction. Write A if it is relating to the physical state and B if it is all about the
concentration of materials.
1. Blowing air on a campfire to help gets it going. _____
2. Solid metal reactant and gas reactant are mixed. _____
3. More bubbles appear when a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid is added
to a magnesium strip than when a dilute solution of the acid is added. _____
4. A dust explosion occurs in a saw mill. _____
5. Steam condenses into liquid form. _____

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Target Competency: Explain how chemical reactions occur using Collision Theory; Discuss how the physical
state and the concentration of reacting materials affects the rate of chemical reaction. S10MT-IVh-j-24.4.3
Activity 7. What am I?
Directions: Identify the term/s related to chemical reaction to determine the factor that
could affect the rate of reaction. The letters from the squares will spell out the word we
are looking for

What is the factor that affects the rate of chemical reaction?

Activity 8. Graph Analysis

Direction: Below is a graph of the reaction between sodium thiosulfate—Na2S2O3 and
hydrochloric acid. Answer the following questions.


Graph 1. Graph of the reaction between sodium thiosulfate—Na2S2O3 and hydrochloric acid

1. How long does it take for a 0.06M to react?


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Target Competency: Discuss how the physical state and the concentration of reacting materials affects the
rate of chemical reaction. S10MT-IVh-j-24.4.3
2. How long does it take for a 0.12M to react?
3. How can you relate the amount of concentration to the rate of reaction

Activity 9. Data Analysis

Directions: Below is a table of the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.
Five magnesium ribbons with the same length are put in 5 test tubes. 20 ml of
HCl into test tube A, 18 mL into test tube B, 16 mL into test tube C, 14 mL into
test tube D and 12 mL into test tube E. Water is added into test tubes B, C, D
and E until the solution reaches 20 ml. Answer the following questions.
Reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid

Time to dissolved the magnesium


A (20mL HCl) 2 minutes and 44 seconds

B (18mL HCl and water) 6 minutes and 2 seconds

C (16mL HCl and water) 16 minutes and 24 seconds

D (14mL HCl and water) 25 minutes and 15 seconds

E (12mL HCl and water) 30 minutes and 8 seconds

1. In the above experiment what are the variables that need to be held constant?
2. What concentration took the shortest time to dissolve the magnesium completely?
3. What concentration took the longest time to dissolve the magnesium completely?
4. Describe in your own words the effect of concentration to the rate of reaction.

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Target Competency: Discuss how the physical state and the concentration of reacting materials affects the
rate of chemical reaction. S10MT-IVh-j-24.4.3
Activity 10: Rate of Reaction
Directions: The following statements describe factors that affect the rate of chemical
reactions. Use the word bank below to complete the statements.

Catalyst Pressure Concentration Surface Area
Effective Unchanged Collision Frequency
collide activation Temperature

The (1)________________affects the energy of the particles and how quickly

they (2)____________________. Increasing the (3) ___________________ of a
system can lead to an increase in (4)____________________ rate. It also affects the
(5) ___________________ with which the particles collide and how
(6)_____________________ the collisions are. The energy required for any reaction to
take place is called the (7)____________________ energy for that reaction. The (8)
____________________, measure of how crowded the particles are in a solution and
the frequencies of (9) ______________________. It changes the frequency of collision.
(10) _________________, measure of how much solid is exposed to reaction and
therefore how many (11) ____________________ take place. It changes the frequency
of collision. The presence of a (12) ____________________ speed up a chemical
reaction but is (13) _____________ chemically. They work by lowering the activation
(14)__________________ for the reaction.

Activity 11. Effect of catalysts and reaction rate

Directions: Watch a video from You Tube about the experiment on the effect a catalyst
has on the reaction rate.

Based on the video answer the following questions:

1. Which chemical compounds are acting as catalysts in these reactions?

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Target Competency: Explain how the presence of catalyst affects the rate of chemical reactions.
2. What causes the bubbles that form in the reaction?
Activity 12. Connect me not once but thrice!
Directions: Match column A (Human activities) with column B (possible solutions) and
column C (description) using a line. The first one has been done for you.

B1 C1
B4 Practice proper disposal of garbage, avoid
throwing of garbage in bodies of water.

Solution B2
________ Make it a habit to check and clean all
possible breeding of harmful insects instead
Description: of using insecticides.

Solution B3

Picture: C3
We must use paper boxes as food containers
Description: instead of using styrofoam to lessen pollution.

Solution B4

Picture: C4
Plant more trees that convert carbon dioxide
Description: to oxygen that helps clean the air.

Solution B5
Practice the 3 Rs at home Reuse, Reduce,

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Target Competency: Identify and suggest ways to control different chemical reactions in the environment.

Answer the question:

1. Describe how you dispose your garbage in your house. Do you think it is proper
or could it lead to pollution?
_ ________________________________________________________________

Activity 13. Arrange Me!

Directions: Arrange the following process in soap making. Write the numbers 1-6 on the
blanks provided.
1. 2.

_____ Weigh the oil _____Weigh the lye

3. 4.

_____ Prepare all the materials. _____ Heat the oil

5. 6.

_______Pour the soap into the molder ______ Combine the oil and lye
and put it in the covered box and mix

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Target Competency. Perform simple activity on the different factors affecting the rate of reaction

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