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Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato



Idioma Extranjero 1.

Evidencia: Assignment 4 Text file .

Fecha: 10/10/2020.

1.- My partner´s book is interesing.

2.- My partner´s back is gray.
3.- My wife´s dress is red.
4.- My wife´s shoes are black
5.- My son´s truck is yellow.

1.- That woman has a beautiful hat
2.- That woman has a old televisor
3.- That boy has a small toy.
4.- I have a blue car in my home
5.- I have a black suit.
6.- I have a orange cat.
7.- He has a new guitar.
8.- He has a new book.
9.- She has a wonder ful bag.
10.- They have a wonder ful black dog.

1.- There is computer tolos in work room.
2.- There is a pizza shop on the road.
3.- There is a dog in the company.
4.- There are some birds on the ceiling.
5.- There isn´t any person in the main entrance.
6.- There is not any error on your mail.
7.- There aren´t any snack in may home.
8.- There isn´t any soda in the store.
9.- Is there a circus on thes city.
10.- Are there car on your garage?

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