Virtue Ethics - Quiz Assignment

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Jenica S.



The Case of: People vs. Baloloy, G.R. No. 140740, April 12, 2002

On the evening of August 3, 1996, the body of an 11-year-old girl named Genelyn was
found. The one who discovered it was Juanito Baloloy who claimed that he had caught sight of it
while he was watching frogs in a nearby creek. However, based on his alleged extrajudicial
confession that he himself raped and killed the girl, coupled with the circumstances which linked
him to it, the said crimes were attributed to him.

The following injuries are sustained by the victim:

1. 2.5-inch lacerated wound at her left neck, front of the head;
2. 1-inch wound at her right cheek, just below the first wound;
3. multiple contusions on her chest;
4. contusion at the right hip; and
5. fresh lacerations on her vagina at 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions.

A Brgy. Captain named Ceniza testified also before the trial court the following: When
she asked the people at the wake of the victim about the rope (which was found at the place
where the body of the victim was found) Juanito claimed it to be his. Ceniza brought Juanito
away from the others and asked him why his rope was found at the place where Genelyn’s body
was discovered. Juanito answered: “I have to claim this as my rope because I can commit sin to
God if I will not claim this as mine because this is mine.” Ceniza further asked Juanito to tell her
everything. Juanito told Ceniza that his intention was only to frighten Genelyn, not to molest and
kill her. As to how he raped her, Juanito told Ceniza that he first inserted his fingers into
Genelyn’s vagina and then raped her. Thereafter, he threw her body into the ravine.

Processing/ Critical thinking questions:

1. Can you see any virtue on the part of the accused before committing the crimes of rape
and murder? If yes, why do you think the accused raped and killed the victim?

Yes, I see virtue in the part of the accused before he commits the crime. The accused
committed the crime for the virtue of happiness. He rape and killed the victim because he
see goodness in it or he see that he would get satisfaction from doing it. It was discussed
that in everything a man does, he seek goodness as an end. Every person has their own
definition of goodness it greatly depends on their own character and understanding. So,
Juanito Baloloy committed the crime for his own contentment and happiness.
2. Before committing the act of rape, do you think the accused see as an end the feeling
of happiness? Why?

It said that happiness is the one we always seek before doing any actions. So, the
answer to the question is yes, the accused see as an end the feeling of happiness. If we go
back to the case the accused told the Brgy. Captain that his only intention is to frighten
the victim. We could assume from his intention that if the victim got scared this will put
happiness to him in a way that he’s the only one who knew.

3. What particular virtue do you think is applicable here, that if possessed, will hinder the
accused to do such crimes?

I think there are two particular virtues that the accused should have in him to
avoid committing the crimes of rape and murder. The first virtue is prudence and the
other one is temperance. If Juanito Baloloy think first of the possible consequences of his
actions and if he did not let himself become aggressive the crime could be prevented to

4. What are your other realizations in the given case? State them in 3 sentences.

In the case of Juanit Baloloy, I’ve realized that impulsiveness might put us in a worst
situation. As a rational being who has the capability to think thoroughly, we should think
first multiple times the possible consequences of our actions before we do it. Then, if it
might hurt or harm anyone in anyway possible then we should not do it.

Carlo Acutis: Millennial generation has a Blessed

He was only 15 years old when he died in a hospital in Monza, Italy, in 2006, offering all his
sufferings for the Church and for the Pope.

He loved playing soccer, video games, and had a sweet tooth. Carlo couldn't say "no" to Nutella
or to ice cream. Putting on weight made him understand the need for self control. It was one of
the many struggles Carlo had to overcome – to learn how to master the art of self control, to
master the virtue of temperance, starting by the simple things. He used to say, “What’s the use of
winning 1,000 battles if you can't beat your own passions?” 

Carlo's motto reflects the life of a normal teenager who strived to be the best version of himself,
living the ordinary in an extraordinary way. He used his first savings to buy a sleeping bag for a
homeless man he often saw on the way to Mass. He could have bought himself another video
game for his game console collection. He loved to play video games. Instead, he chose to be
generous. This was not an isolated instance. His funeral was packed with many of the city's poor
residents that Carlo had helped, demonstrating that the generosity he had extended to the
homeless man on his way to Mass had been offered to many other people as well.

When he was given a diary, he decided to use it to track his progress: "good marks" if he
behaved well and "bad marks" if he did not meet his expectations. This is how he tracked his
progress. In that same notebook he jotted down, “Sadness is looking at oneself, happiness is
looking at God. Conversion is nothing but a movement of the eyes”.

Processing/ Critical thinking questions:

1. Do you see Blessed Carlo Acutis as a virtuous person? If yes, use your knowledge in
Virtue Ethics and explain why you see him as such. If not, explain and qualify your
answer using Virtue Ethics.

Yes, Blessed Carlo Acutis is a virtuous person his generosity makes him a virtuous
one. He is a person who always give to others. From our virtue ethics it was discussed
that virtue should be practice in order to become virtuous. Blessed Carlo Acutis makes
giving as a habit therefor as he do it frequently he was able to become more generous
each day.
2. What specific virtues can you see in his life? If there are, state and explain.

Blessed Carlo Acutis, showed the virtue of temperance. Temperance is a moral
virtues for moderation or self restraint. Carlo knows that to become virtuous it would take
time and do not happened in a day or overnight. He started his self- control by doing
simple things. He showed self- control especially in the situation where he could use his
money to buy himself a video game or any sweets but Blessed Carlo Acutis chose to used
his money to buy something for the homeless people.

3. Do you think Blessed Carlo Acutis is correct in dedicating his life to God? What do
you think are his reasons?

Yes I think it is right that Carlo Acutis dedicated his life to God because he see
goodness in doing it, which if we look in any perspective is right as well. Letting God be
the center of our life causes us many good things. It gives us strength to overcome many
challenges and patience to wait for things to happen us we undergo different phases in
life. It put happiness and goodness to our life.

4. What do you think will be the situation of our country (Philippines) if all millennials
have the same characteristics as Blessed Acutis had? Explain.

If all millenials in our country has a character like Blessed Carlo Acutis there would
be many positive changes. Usually there are many millenials in our country who causes
trouble, many were being involved in gang wars and several vices. There are also
millenials who are becoming unproductive each day for the reason that almost all of their
time are only to their gadgets. If all millenials in the Philippines has self- control there
would be less wars that involves youth, there would be no youth who would be engaged
themselves in different vices and lastly, the productivity of the youth in doing valuable
things would be higher.

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