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Propofol Pharmacodynamics and Bispectral Index During

Key Moments of Awake Craniotomy
Martin Soehle, MD, PhD, MHBA,* Christina F. Wolf, MD,w Melanie J. Priston, PhD,z
Georg Neuloh, MD,y Christian G. Bien, MD,8z Andreas Hoeft, MD, PhD,* and
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Richard K. Ellerkmann, MD, PhD*

Results: Return of consciousness occurred at a BIS of 77 ± 7

Background: During awake craniotomy, the patient’s language (mean ± SD) and a measured Cplasma of 1.2 ± 0.4 mg/mL. The
centers are identified by neurological testing requiring a fully Marsh model predicted a significantly (P < 0.001) higher Cplasma
awake and cooperative patient. Hence, anesthesia aims for an of 1.9 ± 0.4 mg/mL as compared with the Schnider model
unconscious patient at the beginning and end of surgery but an (Cplasma = 1.4 ± 0.4 mg/mL) at return of consciousness. Neuro-
awake and responsive patient in between. We investigated the logical testing was possible as soon as the BIS had increased to
plasma (Cplasma) and effect-site (Ceffect-site) propofol concen- 92 ± 6 and measured Cplasma had decreased to 0.8 ± 0.3 mg/mL.
tration as well as the related Bispectral Index (BIS) required for This translated into a time delay of 23 ± 12 minutes between
intraoperative return of consciousness and begin of neurological return of consciousness and begin of neurological testing.
testing. At begin of neurological testing, Cplasma according to Marsh
Materials and Methods: In 13 patients, arterial Cplasma were (Cplasma = 1.3 ± 0.5 mg/mL) was significantly (P = 0.002)
measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography and Ceffect-site higher as compared with the Schnider model (Cplasma = 1.0 ±
was estimated based on the Marsh and Schnider pharmacoki- 0.4 mg/mL).
netic/dynamic (pk/pd) models. The BIS, Cplasma and Ceffect-site Conclusions: To perform intraoperative neurological testing,
were compared during the intraoperative awakening period at patients are required to be fully awake with plasma propofol
designated time points such as return of consciousness and start concentrations as low as 0.8 mg/mL. Following our clinical set-
of the Boston Naming Test (neurological test). up, the Schnider pk/pd model estimates propofol concentrations
significantly more accurate as compared with the Marsh model
at this neurologically crucial time point.
Received for publication April 2, 2016; accepted August 30, 2016.
From the Departments of *Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine; Key Words: awake craniotomy, propofol, pharmacokinetics,
8Epileptology, University of Bonn, Bonn; wDepartment of pharmacodynamics, target-controlled infusion, depth of anes-
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Sana Clinic Berlin-
Lichtenberg, Berlin; yDepartment of Neurosurgery, University of
thesia, bispectral index
Aachen, Aachen; zEpilepsy Centre Bethel, Mara Hospital, Bielefeld, (J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2018;30:32–38)
Germany; and zC3P Analysis, Pharmacy Department, Plymouth
Hospitals NHS Trust, Plymouth, UK.
M.S. and C.F.W. contributed equally.
Supported by departmental sources. Covidien plc supplied compli-
mentary electroencephalographic electrodes for study purposes.
Data presented here are part of the doctoral thesis of C.F.W.
R esections of brain tumors and pharmacotherapy re-
sistant epileptogenic areas are often performed using
the approach of an awake craniotomy.1–4 This means
M.S. and R.K.E. have received honoraria for lectures from Covidien
Germany (Neustadt/Donau, Germany). C.G.B. gave scientific advice that the patient is asleep during the beginning and the end
to Eisai (Frankfurt, Germany) and UCB (Monheim, Germany), of the surgery but is fully conscious and alert during parts
undertook industry-funded travel with support of Eisai (Frankfurt, of the operation to undergo neurological testing.5,6
Germany), UCB (Monheim, Germany), Desitin (Hamburg, Usually, propofol is used as the hypnotic agent and
Germany), and Grifols (Frankfurt, Germany), obtained honoraria
for speaking engagements from Eisai (Frankfurt, Germany), UCB
is applied via continuous infusion. To manage the in-
(Monheim, Germany), Desitin (Hamburg, Germany), diamed (Köln, fusion rates, anesthesiologists can either depend on
Germany), Fresenius Medical Care (Bad Homburg, Germany), and measures of anesthetic depths such as electroencephalo-
Biogen (Ismaning, Germany) received research support from diamed gram (EEG)-derived parameters (eg, Bispectral Index
(Köln, Germany) and Fresenius Medical Care (Bad Homburg, [BIS], Narcotrend, Patient State Index) or use target-
Germany). C.G.B. is a consultant to the Laboratory Krone, Bad
Salzuflen, Germany, regarding neural antibodies. The remaining controlled infusion (TCI) pumps which alter propofol
authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. infusion rates to achieve certain plasma (Cplasma) or effect-
Address correspondence to: Martin Soehle, MD, PhD, MHBA, site (Ceffect-site) concentrations based on pharmacokinetic/
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Uni- dynamic (pk/pd) models.7 At least 6 pk/pd models have
versity of Bonn Hospital, Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25, D-53105 Bonn,
Germany (e-mail:
been published for propofol application in adults,8–14 of
Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. which the pk/pd models proposed by Marsh et al9 and
DOI: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000378 Schnider et al10 are broadly used. As the different models

32 | J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 30, Number 1, January 2018

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J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 30, Number 1, January 2018 Propofol PD and BIS During Awake Craniotomy

vary greatly in their estimations of propofol concen- patient in the recommended BIS range. A Portex tube was
trations for the same patient, it is important to know inserted through the nose, with the tip above the vocal
which model is implemented in the TCI pump at use. cords and the glottis. Therefore, the patients’ ability to
Recently, we compared the predictive performance speak intraoperatively was not impeded. However, the
of the Marsh and the Schnider pk/pd models during trachea could be intubated by advancing the tube under
awake craniotomy, and observed a significantly higher fiberoptic guidance if necessary. Oxygen (4 L/min) was
accuracy and trend toward a lower bias when applying applied by the nasal tube and spontaneous breathing was
the Schnider model.15 maintained throughout surgery.
Intraoperative language center identification re- The patients were transferred to the operation
quires an awake, alert, and responsive patient who is able room, where a scalp block was performed.18 In addition,
to perform a dedicated neurological test. As the patient is the skin was infiltrated with local anesthetics at the site of
anesthetized during the preceding period of surgery, it the Mayfield pins and skin incision. The neurosurgeons
takes time until propofol redistributes and propofol fixed the patient’s head in a Mayfield holder and per-
effect-site concentration is low enough to permit neuro- formed the craniotomy. After opening of the dura, the
logical testing. The aim of this study was to determine the propofol infusion was discontinued which defined the
time interval between propofol discontinuation, intra- time point “propofol discontinuation.” Patients were al-
operative return of consciousness, and begin of neuro- lowed to wake up and “return of consciousness” was
logical testing, respectively. In addition, we measured defined as response to verbal command. To do so, pa-
propofol plasma concentrations as well as anesthetic tients were asked every 20 to 30 seconds to open their
depth at the time points “propofol discontinuation,” eyes. In terms of neurological testing, the Boston naming
“return of consciousness,” and “begin of neurological test was applied19 being a measure of confrontation
testing,” and compared it with propofol plasma concen- naming. This consists of 60 black and white drawings.
trations and effect-site concentrations estimated accord- The test was started (time point “begin of neurological
ing to the 3 most frequently used pk/pd models testing”) as soon as the patients were alert enough to
implemented in TCI pumps. watch the drawings on a screen and to name them. If a
patient developed naming difficulties during electric
MATERIALS AND METHODS stimulation of a brain region of interest, this area was
considered as eloquent and was not removed during
Patients and Procedure surgery. After completion of the test, propofol infusion
Ethical approval for this study (Ethical Committee was resumed and tailored to keep the BIS in the men-
No. 226/08) was provided by the Ethical Committee of tioned range between 40 and 60. After the skin suture was
the Bonn University Hospital, Bonn, Germany (Chair- completed, propofol infusion was stopped again and after
man: Prof. K. Racké). After obtaining written informed emergence from anesthesia, the nasal tube was removed
consent from the study participants, patients undergoing while still in the operating room. Subsequently, patients
awake craniotomy were investigated in a prospective were transferred to the neurosurgical intensive care unit.
observational study. Pregnancy or an age below 18 years Patients received remifentanil only temporarily
were exclusion criteria. Pharmacokinetic results related to during the painful periods of Mayfield fixation, skin in-
the prediction error of the Marsh and the Schnider model cision and skin suture using a TCI system. To do so, the
were obtained from the same patients and published re- pk/pd model described by Minto et al20 was applied and a
cently,15 whereas pharmacodynamic data related to the low-target effect-site concentration of 0.8 ng/mL was set,
time points “propofol discontinuation,” “return of con- which permitted spontaneous breathing. To assess any
sciousness,” and “begin of neurological testing” are pre- potential interaction between propofol and remifentanil,
sented here. All patients were anaesthetized using the we estimated the remifentanil effect-site concentration at
“asleep-awake-asleep” technique.16 the 3 investigated time points. To do so, the above-
Upon arrival in the induction room, standard mentioned remifentanil pk/pd model was applied.20
monitoring was applied and a peripheral venous cannula Throughout the operation, BIS values and the
as well as a radial artery catheter were inserted. The propofol infusion rates were recorded and stored on a
electroencephalographic effect of propofol was quantified laptop computer every 5 seconds using the Win Log-
using the BIS. The BIS ranges between 0 and 100, in- Software (version 1.0, Aspect Medical Systems) and TCI
dicating an isoelectric EEG and full wakefulness, re- Bonn, an in-house build software, respectively. In addi-
spectively.17 Therefore, decreasing the depth of tion, crucial events during surgery such as propofol
anesthesia, as performed for intraoperative awakening, is discontinuation, return of consciousness or begin of
associated with increasing BIS values. The BIS-electrode neurological testing were manually recorded and later
(XP-Sensor) was attached to the right forehead and paired with BIS, propofol plasma concentrations and
connected to an A-2000 BIS monitor (Version XP, BIS propofol effect-site concentrations at the time of occur-
version 4.0; Covidien plc, Dublin, Ireland). The propofol rence. If a patient had to undergo 2 testing periods re-
infusion was started at a rate of 2000 mg/h until the BIS sulting in 2 values of BIS, propofol Cplasma and Ceffect-site
dropped to the desired range between 40 and 60. There- for the time points “intraoperative return of conscious-
after, the infusion rate was reduced stepwise to keep the ness” and “begin of neurological testing,” the mean value

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Soehle et al J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 30, Number 1, January 2018

was calculated. Pharmacokinetic and dynamic analysis

TABLE 1. Patient Characteristics
was performed offline.
No. patients 13
Sex 7 women, 6 men
Pharmacokinetic and Dynamic Analysis Age (y) 43 ± 15
Propofol Plasma Concentration (Cplasma) Weight (kg) 75 ± 11
Height (cm) 174 ± 6
The propofol plasma concentration (Cplasma) was Body mass index 24.9 ± 3.2
measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography in a Duration of surgery 253 ± 42
certified laboratory (C3P analysis, Pharmacy Department, (min)
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, UK). To do so, arterial Duration of awake 107 ± 32
blood samples were drawn intraoperatively at propofol period (min)
Brain pathology Therapy resistant epilepsy (focal cortical
discontinuation, return of consciousness, and begin of dysplasia, n = 3)
neurological testing amongst others. Plasma was sepa- Brain tumor (glioma, n = 10):
rated by centrifugation and stored at  201C until anal- Astrocytoma or oligodendroglioma
ysis. In addition, propofol plasma concentration was (WHO grade II, n = 3)
Astrocytoma or oligoastrocytoma
simulated in 5-second intervals based on the pk/pd models (WHO grade III, n = 5)
of Marsh et al9 and Schnider et al10 according to the re- Glioblastoma (WHO grade IV, n = 2)
corded propofol infusion rates.21 Calculations were per-
Data are shown as mean ± SD.
formed in an Excel spreadsheet called “excelsior.xls” WHO indicates World Health Organization.
developed by Bruhn and Bouillon22 and validated in
comparison with the Tivatrainer-software (version 9.1,
GuttaBV, available at
sciousness and were able to undergo neurological testing
Propofol Effect-Site Concentration (Ceffect-site) during the awake period.
Three patients had to be tested twice and therefore
Propofol effect-site concentration was calculated by
had 2 periods of intraoperative awakening. Table 2
simultaneous pk/pd modeling as described in detail else-
and Figures 1–3 show BIS, propofol plasma concen-
where23 based on the following differential equation:
  tration and propofol effect-site concentration at the time
dCeffect-site /dt ¼ Cplasma  Ceffect-site ke0 ; points “propofol discontinuation,” “return of conscious-
ness,” and “begin of neurological testing” for the pk/pd
ke0 denotes the equilibration constant and determines the
models of the Diprifusor (Marsh), Braun Space (Schnider),
rate by which propofol is distributed between the plasma
and Asena PK (Schnider tpeak) TCI.
and effect compartment. In this study, 2 different ap-
proaches of how to choose appropriate ke0 values were Propofol Discontinuation
applied: Firstly, predefined (published) ke0 values of 0.26/ When the propofol infusion was stopped, patients
minutes (Marsh et al9) and 0.456/min (Schnider et al24) as were asleep with a BIS of 40 ± 12 and a measured Cplasma
implemented in the Diprifusor and Braun Space TCI, of 2.5 ± 0.8 mg/mL (Table 2). Cplasma was significantly
respectively were used. Secondly, a fixed “time-to-peak” (P < 0.01) overestimated by both the Marsh (Cplasma =
approach was applied as described in detail by Minto 3.8 ± 0.7 mg/mL) and the Schnider model (Cplasma = 3.5
et al.25 Here, ke0 was calculated so that the maximum ± 1.0 mg/mL, Fig. 1). In contrast, Ceffect-site did not differ
propofol effect will occur at a predefined time-to-peak between the models (Fig. 1).
(tpeak) of 1.6 minutes. This approach is implemented in The remifentanil infusion was stopped 26 minutes
the Asena PK TCI. (median, 25% quartile = 17 min, 75% quartile = 63 min)
Statistics before. A remaining median remifentanil effect-site con-
centration of 0.05 ng/mL (25% quartile = 0 ng/mL, 75%
SigmaPlot for Windows version 12.3 (Systat Soft-
quartile = 0.13 ng/mL) was calculated for the time point
ware Inc., Germany) was used for the statistical analysis.
of propofol discontinuation.
In case of normal distribution, the parameter sets were
compared applying a paired t test, otherwise Wilcoxon Intraoperative Return of Consciousness
rank sum test was performed. A statistical significance Patients regained consciousness 10.5 ± 3.2 minutes
was assumed when Pr0.05. All data are displayed as after stopping the propofol infusion. At return of con-
mean value ± SD unless mentioned otherwise. sciousness, a BIS of 77 ± 7 as well as a Cplasma of
1.2 ± 0.4 mg/mL were measured. The Schnider model
RESULTS predicted a similar Cplasma of 1.4 ± 0.4 mg/mL, whereas
Thirteen patients were included, whose character- the Marsh model predicted a significantly (P < 0.001)
istics are shown in Table 1. Patients received remifentanil higher Cplasma of 1.9 ± 0.4 mg/mL at “return of con-
for a duration of 35 minutes (median, 25% quartile = sciousness” (Table 2 and Fig. 2). The propofol effect-
22 min, 75% quartile = 39 min) during the painful period site concentration according to the Marsh model
of the first asleep period. All patients regained con- (Ceffect-site = 2.3 ± 0.6 mg/mL) was significantly (P < 0.001)

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J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 30, Number 1, January 2018 Propofol PD and BIS During Awake Craniotomy

TABLE 2. Propofol Concentration and EEG Effect According to the Marsh and Schnider Model at 3 Time points
Discontinuation of Propofol Return of Begin of Neurologic
Parameters Infusion Consciousness Testing
BIS 39.5 ± 12.1 76.6 ± 7.1 92.4 ± 5.7
Cpl measured (mg/mL) 2.47 ± 0.76 1.15 ± 0.40 0.84 ± 0.27
Cpl Schnider (mg/mL) 3.47 ± 0.95 1.39 ± 0.41 1.01 ± 0.43
Cpl Marsh (implemented in Diprifusor) (mg/mL) 3.82 ± 0.69 1.88 ± 0.44 1.33 ± 0.52
Ce Schnider (implemented in. Braun Space) (mg/mL) 3.83 ± 1.07 1.52 ± 0.44 1.06 ± 0.48
Ce Schnider tpeak (implemented in Asena PK) (mg/mL) 3.84 ± 1.07 1.58 ± 0.49 1.08 ± 0.50
Ce Marsh (mg/mL) 4.11 ± 0.74 2.27 ± 0.60 1.51 ± 0.69
Data are shown as mean ± SD.
BIS indicates Bispectral Index; Ce, effect-site concentration of propofol; Cpl, plasma concentration of propofol; tpeak, modified pharmacodynamic model to obtain a
fixed time to peak effect of 1.6 minutes.

higher as compared with the Schnider model (Ceffect-site = DISCUSSION

1.5 ± 0.4 mg/mL) and the Schnider tpeak model (Ceffect-site = To our knowledge, this is the first study that ac-
1.6 ± 0.5 mg/mL). tually measured Cplasma (1.2 ± 0.4 mg/mL) at intra-
operative return of consciousness during awake
craniotomy. The Schnider pk model predicted a similar
Cplasma (1.4 ± 0.4 mg/mL), whereas the Marsh pk model
Intraoperative Begin of Neurological Testing significantly overestimated Cplasma (1.9 ± 0.4 mg/mL) at
Patients were able to perform the Boston Naming the time point of “return of consciousness.” This differ-
Test 23 ± 12 minutes after cessation of the propofol in- ence can be explained based on pk/pd parameters: In
fusion. At begin of neurological testing, a BIS of 92 ± 6 comparison with the Marsh model, Schnider and col-
and a Cplasma of 0.8 ± 0.3 mg/mL were measured. The leagues postulate an B3-fold smaller central compart-
Marsh model predicted a significantly (P = 0.002) higher ment volume V1 (Table 3), resulting in a faster increase in
Cplasma of 1.3 ± 0.5 mg/mL as well as a significantly Cplasma during the onset of anesthesia. However after a
(P < 0.001) higher Ceffect-site of 1.5 ± 0.7 mg/mL as com- while, this effect vanishes as propofol distributes to the
pared with the Schnider model (Cplasma = 1.0 ± 0.4 mg/ peripheral compartments V2 and V3, which is determined
mL, Ceffect-site = 1.1 ± 0.5 mg/mL, Ceffect-site tpeak = 1.1 ± by the micro rate constants k12 and k13.26 Both k12 and k13
0.5 mg/mL, Table 2 and Fig. 3). are much higher for the Schnider than the Marsh model

FIGURE 1. Plasma (left side) and effect-site (right side) con-

centration of propofol at the time point when the propofol
infusion was stopped intraoperatively. The boxplots denote FIGURE 2. Propofol concentrations as measured in plasma
the propofol concentration as actually measured (white), and (white), and as calculated based on the Marsh (dark grey) or
as estimated according to the Marsh (dark grey) or Schnider Schnider (grey) pk/pd model. Concentrations were de-
(grey) model. The modified Schnider pd model, which applies termined in plasma (left side) and effect-site (right side) at
a modified ke0 to achieve a fixed time to peak effect is in- return of consciousness. “Schnider tpeak” denotes the modified
dicated as “Schnider tpeak.” Schnider pd model with a fixed time to peak of 1.6 minutes.

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Soehle et al J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 30, Number 1, January 2018

FIGURE 3. Plasma (left side) and effect-site (right side) con-

centration of propofol at the time point when the Boston FIGURE 4. Example of the propofol concentrations obtained
Naming Test was started. The boxplots denote the propofol from a 54-year-old woman (weight = 64 kg, height = 176 cm)
concentration as actually measured (white), and as estimated following dura opening during awake craniotomy. Time
according to the Marsh (dark grey) or Schnider (grey) model. points of note are marked as “propofol discontinuation,”
The modified Schnider pd model, which applies a modified ke0 “return of consciousness,” and “begin of neurological
to achieve a fixed time to peak effect is indicated as “Schnider testing.” Propofol concentrations in plasma (solid line) or
tpeak.” effect-site (dashed line) as predicted by the Marsh and
Schnider model are shown in black and grey, respectively.
Time points at which plasma samples were drawn are in-
dicated by a black cross.
(Table 3), therefore a higher amount of propofol dis-
tributes to V2 and V3, resulting in a lower (yet non-
significant) Cplasma for the Schnider model at the time Sahinovic et al27 measured a lower median Cplasma
point at which the propofol infusion stops (propofol of 0.7 mg/mL (interquartile range [IQR], 0.5 to 0.8 mg/mL)
discontinuation). Subsequently, propofol is eliminated as at postoperative return of consciousness in neurosurgical
determined by k10 and redistributed according to k21 and tumor patients and predicted a lower Cplasma according to
k31. Cplasma decreases faster according to the Schnider the Schnider pk model of 0.9 mg/mL (IQR, 0.8 to 1.1 mg/
model (Fig. 4), since it postulates an B4-fold higher mL). Lobo and Beiras28 reported a higher estimated
elimination constant k10 (Table 3), resulting in significant Ceffect-site Schnider at return of consciousness of 2.0 ±
lower Cplasma at return of consciousness and begin of 0.1 mg/mL and a higher BIS (85 ± 2) as compared with
neurological testing in comparison with the Marsh model our data (Ceffect-site Schnider = 1.5 ± 0.4 mg/mL, BIS = 77
(Figs. 2–4). In addition, the Schnider model is charac- ± 7) despite the same surgery, endpoint (eye opening and
terized by an almost 2-fold higher equilibration constant following orders) and pk/pd model (Schnider) used. In
ke0, resulting in a faster equilibration between plasma and our study, patients regained consciousness intra-
effect-site as well as a faster decrease in Ceffect-site (Fig. 4) operatively 11 ± 3 minutes after propofol discontinuation
during periods of decreasing plasma concentrations (and which is similar to the median of 9 minutes (IQR range, 6
vice versa). Hence a significantly lower Ceffect-site is esti- to 13 min, n = 98) reported by Keifer et al,29 and in be-
mated at return of consciousness and begin of neuro- tween the 4.7 and 15 minutes observed by Lobo and
logical testing by the Schnider versus the Marsh model. Beiras28 and Olsen,30 respectively.
Obviously, regaining consciousness is not enough to
successfully perform a dedicated neurological test such as
TABLE 3. Central Compartment Volume and Microconstants the Boston naming test. In fact, patients need to be alert
According to the Marsh and Schnider Model for the Example enough to watch the screen, to concentrate on the
of a 54-Year-Old Woman (Weight = 64 kg, Height = 176 cm) drawing, to recognize and to name the presented item.
Parameters Marsh Model Schnider Model This explains, why further time subsequent to return of
consciousness is required for the propofol concentration
V1 (L) 14.6 4.3
k10 (L/min) 0.119 0.459
to decrease to values as low as measured Cplasma of
k12 (L/min) 0.114 0.297 0.8 ± 0.3 mg/mL, and an estimated Ceffect-site of
k21 (L/min) 0.055 0.068 1.5 ± 0.7 mg/mL (Marsh model) or 1.1 ± 0.5 mg/mL
k13 (L/min) 0.0419 0.1958 (Schnider model). Consequently, the BIS increased from
k31 (L/min) 0.0033 0.0035 BIS = 77 ± 7 (return of consciousness) to BIS = 92 ± 6
ke0 (L/min) 0.26 0.456
(begin of neurological testing).

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J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 30, Number 1, January 2018 Propofol PD and BIS During Awake Craniotomy

As Table 2 demonstrates, calculated plasma and both were based on the same (arterial) sampling method.
effect-site concentrations at return of consciousness and In contrast, the Marsh model, which is based on venous
begin of neurological testing varied significantly accord- sampling might underestimate the arterial propofol con-
ing to the pk/pd model applied. When using certain es- centration. However, this holds true only during running
timated values to manage anesthesia in awake propofol infusions. At least 60 seconds after stopping the
craniotomies, it is therefore essential to know which pk/ propofol infusion, it makes no difference, as to whether ar-
pd model the TCI device is applying to correctly interpret terial or venous samples are drawn (personal written com-
estimated Cplasma and Ceffect-site values displayed by the munication with Gavin N.C. Kenny 2016, coauthor of the
TCI pump. The Diprifusor incorporates the Marsh pk Marsh model). Since the data presented here were obtained
model with a ke0 of 0.26/minutes. For both the Asena PK following cessation of the propofol infusion, the method of
and the Braun Space TCI pump, the user can choose blood sampling would not have affected our results.
between the Marsh and the Schnider pk model as well as Our results were obtained during awake craniotomy
between plasma and effect-site targeting. However, for the in neurosurgical patients and are not necessary trans-
Schnider model in effect-site mode, the Braun Space ap- ferable to other patients and other anesthetic techniques.
plies a fixed ke0 of 0.456/min, whereas the Asena PK For instance, Barakat et al36 reported that changes in BIS
calculates an individual ke0 to achieve a fixed time-to- and sedation scores correlated better with the Marsh than
peak effect of 1.6 minutes. Therefore, we chose appro- with the Schnider effect-site concentrations in patients
priate pk/pd models to simulate the performance of the undergoing orthopedic surgery under spinal anesthesia
TCI pumps Diprifusor (Marsh model), Braun Space with propofol sedation.
(Schnider model), and Asena PK (Schnider tpeak model). Our study is limited by the number of 13 patients
Accordingly, we expected that intraoperative return of included, which is attributable to the fact, that awake
consciousness occurs at different propofol concentrations craniotomies are restricted to specific and rare indications
during awake craniotomy when using these TCI pumps. such as tumors or epileptic foci in the vicinity of the
For the Diprifusor, this would translate to a Cplasma of language center when extraoperative mapping (the
B1.9 mg/mL, for the Braun Space to a Ceffect-site of 1.5 mg/ standard procedure in Bonn)37 using subdural electrodes
mL, and for the Asena PK to a Ceffect-site of 1.6 mg/mL is not feasible. Patients received remifentanil during short
(Asena PK). Considering the far lower interindividual and painful periods such as Mayfield fixation, skin in-
variability of BIS (CoVar = coefficient of variation = cision and suture which might have confounded our
SD/mean value = 9.3% and 6.2% at return of con- study. Any remaining remifentanil effect during the 3
sciousness and begin of neurological testing, respectively) investigated time points is unlikely, given the short re-
compared with Cplasma (CoVar between 23.4% and mifentanil half-time of 3 minutes38 and the fact that the
42.6%) and Ceffect-site (CoVar between 26.4% and 46.3%), remifentanil was stopped 26 minutes earlier than the
it seems recommendable to use a processed EEG device to propofol infusion. The remifentanil effect-site concen-
account for the interindividual variability. tration of 0.05 ng/mL, which was calculated at the time
point of propofol discontinuation, is at least a magnitude
Limitations below the concentration, where a clinical relevant inter-
Both TCI and BIS monitoring are intended to sup- action with propofol would be expected.39 Therefore, we
port and guide the anesthesiologist, but limitations must exclude a confounding effect of remifentanil at the first
be kept in mind: For instance, the pk/pd models im- time point (ie, propofol discontinuation) and even more
plemented in TCI devices were obtained in relatively small at the subsequent time points of return of consciousness
study populations from which a given patient might de- and intraoperative testing.
viate to some extent. However, Schnider et al31 “found no Patients were evaluated not constantly but rather
evidence that TCI is not at least as safe as anesthetic ad- every 20 to 30 seconds for the occurrence of return of
ministration using constant rate infusions.” This is based consciousness and the ability to begin with neurological
on experience with TCI which has been used for >20 years testing adding an error of a few seconds to the time points
in millions of patients. Therefore, TCI is considered a measured.
“mature technology” and is approved or available in at
least 96 countries.32 The BIS monitor has been shown to
correlate with the estimated effect-site concentration of CONCLUSIONS
anesthetics,33,34 which is an accepted indicator of anes- To perform the Boston Naming Test during awake
thetic depth.34,35 Even though this correlation is close craniotomies, patients are required to be fully awake and
(coefficient of determination r2 between 0.8335 and 0.92,21 cooperative with plasma propofol concentrations as low
it is not perfect (r2 = 1.0). These limitations have to be as 0.8 mg/mL. At this time point the Schnider model es-
taken into account when using these technologies. How- timates similar propofol concentrations, whereas the
ever when doing so, both TCI and BIS monitoring are very Marsh pk/pd model significantly overestimates propofol
helpful in guiding anesthesia in our opinion. concentrations. Moreover, the Marsh model significantly
Arterial blood sampling could produce higher pro- overestimates the actual propofol plasma concentration
pofol concentrations than venous sampling. Therefore during neurologically crucial time points such as return of
our study might have favored the Schnider model, since consciousness. Therefore, in a clinical setting of awake

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Soehle et al J Neurosurg Anesthesiol  Volume 30, Number 1, January 2018

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