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IEC61850 Client Library

Conformance Statement

23. Januar 2011

This documentation describes the scope of operation for the

PCS7 IEC61850 Client Library related to the following confor-
mance statements

- ASCI basic conformance statement

- ACSI models conformance statement
- ACSI service conformance statement
- Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS)

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1. ASCI basic conformance statement ......................................... 4

2. ACSI models conformance statement...................................... 5

3. ACSI service conformance statement ...................................... 7

4. PICS - Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement ..... 12

4.1 Profile Conformance for A-Profile ....................................... 12

4.2 Profile Conformance for T-Profile ....................................... 12

4.3 MMS InitiateRequest general parameters.............................13

4.4 MMS InitiateResponse general parameters...........................13

4.5 MMS service supported conformance table..........................14

4.6 Parameter CBB ...................................................................17

4.7 GetNameList .....................................................................18

4.8 AlternateAccessSelection....................................................18

4.9 VariableAccessSpecification ............................................... 19

4.10 VariableSpecification ........................................................ 19

4.11 Read ................................................................................ 19

4.12 Write.................................................................................20

4.13 InformationReport .............................................................20

4.14 GetVariableAccessAttributes ...............................................20

4.15 DefineNamedVariableList .................................................. 21

4.16 GetNamedVariableListAttributes ........................................ 21

4.17 DeleteNamedVariableList .................................................. 21

4.18 ReadJournal ..................................................................... 22

4.19 JournalEntry......................................................................23

4.20 InitializeJournal .................................................................23

4.21 FileDirectory......................................................................24

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4.22 FileOpen ...........................................................................24

4.23 FileRead ............................................................................24

4.24 FileClose .......................................................................... 25

4.25 GOOSE............................................................................. 25

4.26 GSSE ................................................................................ 25

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1. ASCI basic conformance statement

The basic conformance statement is defined in Table 1

Client / Server / Value /

Subscriber Publisher Comments
Client-Server roles
B11 Server side (of TWO-PARTY-APPLICATION- -
B12 Client side of (TWO-PARTY-APPLICATION- Y -

SCSMs supported
B21 SCSM: IEC 6185-8-1 used Y
B22 SCSM: IEC 6185-9-1 used

B23 SCSM: IEC 6185-9-2 used

B24 SCSM: other

Generic substation event model (GSE)

B31 Publisher side -
B32 Subscriber side N -

Transmission of sampled value model (SVC)

B41 Publisher side -
B42 Subcriber side N -
Table 1 – Basic conformance statement

Y = supported

N or empty = not supported

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2. ACSI models conformance statement

The models conformance statement is defined in Table 2

Client / Server / Value /

Subscriber Publisher Comments
If Server or Client side (B11/12) supported
M1 Logical device N
M2 Logical node N
M3 Data Y
M4 Data set Y
M5 Substitution N
M6 Setting group control N

M7 Buffered report control Y
M7-1 sequence-number N
M7-2 report-time-stamp N
M7-3 reason-for-inclusion N
M7-4 data-set-name N
M7-5 data-reference Y
M7-6 buffer-overflow N
M7-7 entryID Y
M7-8 BufTim N
M7-9 IntgPd N
M7-10 GI N 1
M7-11 conf-revision N
M8 Unbuffered report control N
M8-1 sequence-number N
M8-2 report-time-stamp N
M8-3 reason-for-inclusion N
M8-4 data-set-name N
M8-5 data-reference N
M8-6 BufTim N
M8-7 IntgPd N
M8-8 GI N

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Client / Server / Value /

Subscriber Publisher Comments
M8-9 conf-revision N

M9 Log control N
M9-1 IntgPd N
M10 Log N
M11 Control N

If GSE (B31/32) is supported


If SVC (41/42) is supported

M14 Multicast SVC N
M15 Unicast SVC N

If Server or Client side (B11/12) supported

M16 Time Y 2
M17 File Transfer N

Table 2 – Models conformance statement

Y = supported

N or empty = not supported

1 = General Interrogation is implemented in the Client Library with a standard read request
before buffered report registration.

2 = Time maps to SNTP Service. Because of this, Time functionality can be covered by
choosing correct S7-CPU or CP with supported SNTP service. Time resolution and accuracy
also depends on S7-CPU / CP functionality.

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3. ACSI service conformance statement

The service conformance statement is defined in Table 3

Services AA: Client Server Comments

TP/MC (C) (S)
S1 ServerDirectory TP N

Application association
S2 Associate Y
S3 Abort Y
S4 Release Y

Logical device
S5 LogicalDeviceDirectory TP N

Logical node
S6 LogicalNodeDirectory TP N
S7 GetAllDataValues TP N

S8 GetDataValues TP Y 1
S9 SetDataValues TP Y 2
S10 GetDataDirectory TP N
S11 GetDataDefinition TP N

Data set
S12 GetDataSetValues TP Y
S13 SetDataSetValues TP Y
S14 CreateDataSet TP Y
S15 DeleteDataSet TP Y
S16 GetDataSetDirectory TP N


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Services AA: Client Server Comments

TP/MC (C) (S)
S17 SetDataValues TP Y

Setting group control

S18 SelectActiveSG TP N
S19 SelectEditSG TP N
S20 SetSGValues TP N
S21 ConfirmEditSGValues TP N
S22 GetSGValues TP N
S23 GetSGCBValues TP N

Buffered report control block (BRCB)
S24 Report TP Y
S24-1 data-change (dchg) Y
S24-2 qchg-change (qchg) Y
S24-3 data-update (dupd) Y
S25 GetBRCBValues TP N
S26 SetBRCBValues TP
Unbuffered report control block (URCB)
S27 Report TP N
S27-1 data-change (dchg) N
S27-2 qchg-change (qchg) N
S27-3 data-update (dup N
S28 GetURCBValues TP N
S29 SetURCBValues TP N

Log control block
S30 GetLCBValues TP N
S31 SetLCBValues TP N

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Services AA: Client Server Comments

TP/MC (C) (S)
S32 QueryLogByTime TP N
S33 QueryLogByEntry TP N
S34 GetLogStatusValues TP N

Generic substation event model (GSE)

S35 SendGOOSEMessage MC N
S36 GetReference TP N
S37 GetGOOSEElementNumber TP N
S38 GetGoCBValues TP N
S39 SetGoCBValues TP N
S40 SendGSSEMessage MC N
S41 GetReference TP N
S42 GetGSSEElementNumber TP N
S43 GetGsCBValues TP N
S44 SetGsCBValues TP N

Transmission of sampled value model (SVC)

Multicast SVC
S45 SendMSVMessage MC N
S46 GetMSVCBValues TP N
S47 SetMSVCBValues TP N

Unicast SVC
S48 SendUSVMessage TP N
S49 GetUSVCBValues TP N
S50 SetUSVCBValues TP N

S51 Select TP Y
S52 SelectWithValue TP N

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Services AA: Client Server Comments

TP/MC (C) (S)
S53 Cancel TP N
S53 Operate TP Y
S55 Command- TP N

S56 TimeActivated-Operate TP N

File transfer
S57 GetFile TP N
S58 SetFile TP N
S59 DeleteFile TP N
S60 GetFileAttributeValues TP N

T1 Time resolution of internal - 3

T2 Time accuracy of internal - 3


T3 Supported TimeStamp - 3

Table 3 – Service conformance statement

Y = supported

N or empty = not supported

AA = Application Association

TP = Two Party
MC = Multicast

1 = GetDataValues maps to MMS Read service. Single Data-Attributes with the type of BOO-
LEAN, BITSTRING, INTEGER or REAL can be read. Complete Data- Objects with the type of
ALARM (with BOOLEAN, BITSTRING and TIMESTAMP value) can be read.
2 = SetDataValues maps to MMS Write service. Single Data-Attributes with the type of BOO-
LEAN, BITSTRING, INTEGER or REAL can be written.

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3 = Time maps to SNTP Service. Because of this, Time functionality can be covered by
choosing correct S7-CPU or CP with supported SNTP service. Time resolution and accuracy
also depends on S7-CPU / CP functionality.

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4. PICS - Protocol Implementation Conformance Sta-


The statement specify the communication features mapped to

IEC 61850-8-1.

Y = supported

N or empty = not supported

4.1 Profile Conformance for A-Profile

A- Services Client Server Comments

(C) (S)
A1 Client/server A-Profile Y
A2 GOOSE/GSE management N

A3 GSSE A-Profile N
A4 TimeSync A-Profile N

4.2 Profile Conformance for T-Profile

T-Profile Services Client Server Comments

(C) (S)
T1 TCP/IP T-Profile Y
T2 OSI T-Profile N
T3 GOOSE/GSE T-Profile N
T4 GSSE T-Profile N
T5 TimeSync T-Profile N

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4.3 MMS InitiateRequest general parameters

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
localDetailCalling Y 1
proposedMaxServOutstandingCalling Y 1
proposedMaxServOustandingCalled Y 1
initRequestDetail Y
proposedVersionNumber Y 1
proposedParameterCBB Y 1
servicesSupportedCalling Y 1
additionalSupportedCalling N
additionalCbbSupportedCalling N
privilegeClassIdentityCalling N

1 = These initiate parameters are delivered by the client to the the server, but they cannot
be changed by the user.

4.4 MMS InitiateResponse general parameters

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
localDetailCalled Y
negotiatedMaxServOutstandingCalling Y
negotiatedMaxServOustandingCalled Y
initResponseDetail Y
InitiateResponseDetail Y
negotiatedVersionNumber Y

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Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
negotiatedParameterCBB Y
servicesSupportedCalled Y
additionalSupportedCalled N
additionalCbbSupportedCalled N
privilegeClassIdentityCalled N

4.5 MMS service supported conformance table

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
MMS service supported CBB
status N
getNameList Y
identify N
rename N
read Y
write Y
getVariableAccessAttributes N
defineNamedVariable N
defineScatteredAccess N
getScatteredAccessAttributes N
deleteVariableAccess N
defineNamedVariableList N
getNamedVariableListAttributes N
deleteNamedVariableList Y
defineNamedType N
getNamedTypeAttributes N
deleteNamedType N
input N
output N
takeControl N

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Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
relinquishControl N
defineSemaphore N
deleteSemaphore N
reportPoolSemaphoreStatus N
reportSemaphoreStatus N
initiateDownloadSequence N
downloadSegment N
terminateDownloadSequence N
initiateUploadSequence N
uploadSegment N
terminateUploadSequence N
requestDomainDownload N
requestDomainUpload N
loadDomainContent N
storeDomainContent N
deleteDomain N
getDomainAttributes N
createProgramInvocation N
deleteProgramInvocation N
start N
stop N
resume N
reset N
kill N
getProgramInvocationAttributes N
obtainFile N
defineEventCondition N
deleteEventCondition N
getEventConditionAttributes N
reportEventConditionStatus N
alterEventConditionMonitoring N

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Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
triggerEvent N
defineEventAction N
deleteEventAction N
alterEventEnrollment N
reportEventEnrollmentStatus N
getEventEnrollmentAttributes N
acknowledgeEventNotification N
getAlarmSummary N
getAlarmEnrollmentSummary N
readJournal N
writeJournal N
initializeJournal N
reportJournalStatus N
createJournal N
deleteJournal N
fileOpen N
fileRead N
fileClose N
fileRename N
fileDelete N
fileDirectory N
unsolicitedStatus N
informationReport N
eventNotification N
attachToEventCondition N
attachToSemaphore N
conclude Y
cancel N
getDataExchangeAttributes N
exchangeData N
defineAccessControlList N

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Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
getAccessControlListAttributes N
reportAccessControlledObjects N
deleteAccessControlList N
alterAccessControl N
reconfigureProgramInvocation N

4.6 Parameter CBB

MMS parameter CBB Client Comments

(S) sup.
greater N
bit 5 N
bit 8 N
bit 9 N

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4.7 GetNameList

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request Y
ObjectClass Y
ObjectScope Y
DomainName N
ContinueAfter N
Response+ Y
List Y
MoreFollows Y
Response– Y
Error Y

4.8 AlternateAccessSelection

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
accessSelection N
component N
index N
indexRange N
allElements N
alternateAccess N
selectAccess N
component N
index N
indexRange N
allElements N

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4.9 VariableAccessSpecification

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
listOfVariable N
variableSpecification N
alternateAccess N
variableListName N

4.10 VariableSpecification

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
name N
address N
variableDescription N
scatteredAccessDescription N
invalidated N

4.11 Read

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request Y
specificationWithResult Y
variableAccessSpecification Y
Response Y
variableAccessSpecification N
listOfAccessResult Y

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4.12 Write

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request Y
variableAccessSpecification Y
listOfData Y
Response Y
failure N
success Y

4.13 InformationReport

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request Y
variableAccessSpecification Y
listOfAccessResult Y

4.14 GetVariableAccessAttributes

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request N
name N
address N
Response N
mmsDeletable N
address N
typeSpecification N

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4.15 DefineNamedVariableList

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request Y
variableListName Y
listOfVariable Y
variableSpecification Y
alternateAccess N
Response Y

4.16 GetNamedVariableListAttributes

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request N
ObjectName N
Response N
mmsDeletable N
listOfVariable N
variableSpecification N
alternateAccess N

4.17 DeleteNamedVariableList

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request Y
Scope Y
listOFVariableListName Y

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Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
domainName N
Response Y
numberMatched Y
numberDeleted Y
DeleteNamedVariableList-Error Y

4.18 ReadJournal

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request N
invokeID N
journalName N
rangeStartSpecification N
startingTime N
EntrytoStartAfter N
rangeStopSpecification N
endingTime N
numberOfEntries N
EntryToStartAfter N
TimeSpecification N
EntrySpecification N
Response N
invokeID N
listOfJournalEntry N
entryIdentifier N
originatingApplication N
entryContent N
moreFollows N

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4.19 JournalEntry

Parameter Client Comments

(S) sup.
occurrenceTime N
additionalDetail N
entryForm N
data N
event N
currentState N
listofVariable N
variableTag N
valueSpecification N
annotation N

4.20 InitializeJournal

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request N
journalName N
limitSpecification N
limitingTime N
limitingEntry N
Response+ N
entriesDeleted N

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4.21 FileDirectory

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request N
filespecification N
continueAfter N
Response+ N
listOfDirectoryEntry N
MoreFollows N

4.22 FileOpen

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request N
filename N
initialPosition N
Response+ N
frsmID N
fileAttributes N

4.23 FileRead

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request N
frsmID N
Response+ N
fileData N
moreFollows N

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4.24 FileClose

Services Client Comments

(S) sup.
Request N
frsmID N
Response+ N

4.25 GOOSE

Services subscriber publisher Comments

GOOSE Services
SendGOOSEMessage N N
GetGoReference N N
GetGOOSEElementNumber N N
GetGoCBValues N N
SetGoCBValues N N
GSENotSupported N N

4.26 GSSE

Services subscriber publisher Comments

GSSE Services
SendGSSEEMessage N N
GetGsReference N N
GetGSSEDataOffset N N
GetGsCBValues N N
SetGsCBValues N N
GSENotSupported N N

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