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Shark hat Pattern

Shark hat Pattern!


tail fin 1

with grey yarn and I hook ch2

rnd 1: 4 sc in 2nd ch from hook.- 4 stitches
rnd 2: *2 sc in next sc 1 sc in next sc* 2 times- 6 stitches
rnd 3: *2 sc in next sc 1 sc in next 2 scs* 2 times - 8 stitches
rnd 4: *2 sc in next sc 1 sc in next 3 scs* 2 times - 10 stitches
rnd 5: *2 sc in next sc 1 sc in next 4 scs* 2 times - 12 stitches
rnd 6: *2 sc in next sc 1 sc in next 5 scs* 2 times - 14 stitches
rnd 7: 2 sc in each of the next 3 stitches, 1 sc in each of the next 3 stitches, (decrease over next 2
scs) twice

(this part is kind of tricky, i just counted that i did 42 sc's as i went around) counts as about 2.5 rnds

next rnd:(decrease over next 2 scs) twice, 1 sc in next 23 sts

(decrease over next 2 scs) twice, 1 sc in each of next 3 sts, (decrease over next 2 scs) twice, single
crochet in next 2 sts, slip st looseley into next stitch and fasten off 8 or 9 sts total

rnd 29- 41: 1 sc in each st around - 64 sts

check to see if it is a good size, like if it is too big. if it is too big decrease evenly for 2 rows till it is the
perfect size. if it is perfect continue evenly for 2 rows.
end off gray at 43 rows
with pink, attach yarn with a single crochet near where you ended with grey and work 1 sc in the
BACK LOOP ONLY for 1 row, end off pink and attach white.

with white attached to where you ended pink and a G hook, (ch 4, sc in snd ch from hook, hdc in next
ch, dc in next ch) skip 1 stitch and slip stitch tightly to next stitch. repeat around hat and then finish off.

EYES (make 2)
with eye color yarn and I hook ch 2
6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
switch color to white and looseley sc 1 in each stitch around, join with loose slip stitch and end off with
a long tail to sew
eyes should lie flat if you did this loose enough.
with black and a tapestry or yarn needle, sew a streat line from one end of the pupil to the other end.

FINS (make 3)
Note: this is kind of confusing, so you can make this however you want, you might come out with a
better way than I did)

with I hook and grey yarn, work rnds 1-7 as you did tail fins
next rnd
2 sc in each of next 2 sts, 1 sc in each of next 2 sts, 1 hdc in each of next 2 sts, 1 dc in next st, (1
treble crochet in each of next 3 sts, but finish them off together so it is one stitch), 1 dc in next st, 1
hdc in wach of next 2 sts, 1 sc in each of next 5 ssts, finish off leaving a long tail for sewing.

attach side fins at around rnd 28

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