Cleansing Bed Bath

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
5000 Philippines


DEFINITION: Bathing client while on bed.

1. To stimulate circulation in order to:
a. Increase functioning of the skin.
b. Promote muscular relaxation.
c. To relieve muscular fatigue.
2. To clean skin and refresh the patient.
3. To observe unusual signs and symptoms.


 Two bath towels
 Two washcloths
 2 washbasin (for complete or partial bed bath)
 Soap and soap dish
 Bath blanket or top spread
 Clean gown or pajamas
 Hygenic acids, such as skin lotion, deodorant or powder
 Pitchers with warm water
 Bed pan or urinal and toilet paper
 Linen hamper or laundry bag
 Disposable gloves
 Bed linen (optional)
 Table protector
 Comb

1. Assemble all equipments at bed side.
2. Assess the client’s preferences for bathng Promotes participation and sense of comfort.
practices, frequency of bathing, preferred time
and day, type of hygenic products used.
3. Consider client’s condition and review order of Prevents accidental injury to client during
precautions concerning client’s movement on bathing activities.
4. Explain procedure to client. If partial bath is to Promotes client cooperation and participation.
be performed, ask how much bath client wishes
to complete.
5. Adjust room temperature and ventilation, and Prevents rapid loss of heat during bathing.
close room doors and windows. Close curtains Ensure privacy.
around bed.
6. Offer client bedpan or urinal. Provide towel Client will feel more comfortable after voiding,
and wash cloth for client. prevents interruption of bath.
7. Wash hands. (Optional) Apply gloves Reduces transmission of microorganisms.
according to institutional policy.
8. Pull side rails up. Fill wash basin two thirds Raising side ails maintain safety as you leave
full, with water 43-46 C (110-115 F) Dip client’s the bedside. Warm water promotes and revents
fingers in water to test temperature tolerance. chilling. Testing temperature prevents accidental
burning of client’s skin.
9. Bring client toward side closer to you. This facilitates access without undue reaching
and straining.
10. Remove pillow if allowed and raise head of Removal of pillow make it easier to wash client’s
bed 3-45 degrees. Place bath towel under ears and necks. Placement of towel prevents
client’s head. soiling of bed linen.
11. Loosen top covers at foot of bed. Place bath Removal of top linens prevents them from
blanket over top sheet. Fold and remove top becoming soiled or moist during bath. Blanket
sheet from under blanket. If possible, have client provides warmth and privacy.
hold bath blanket while you withdraw the sheet.
12. If top sheet is to be reused, fold it and place Proper disposal prevents transmission of
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
5000 Philippines

on the back of the chair. If not, dispose in microorganism.

laundry bag; don’t allow linen to come in contact
with your uniform.
13. Remove client’s gown or pajamas while Provides full exposure of body parts during
maintaining privacy. If extremity is injured or has bathing. Undressing unaffected side first allow
reduced mobility, removal starts from unaffected easier manipulation of gown over body part with
side. If client has intravenous (IV) tube, remove reduced ROM.
gown from arm without IV first.
14. Place the bath towel over client’s chest Prevents soiling of bath blanket.
under the chin.
15. Immerse washcloth in water and wring Mitt retains water and heat better than loosely
thoroughly. Fold washcloth around fingers of held washcloth, keeps cold edges from brushing
your hand to mitt. against client, and prevents splashing.
16. Wash the client’s eyes with plain warm Soap irritates eyes. Use of different section of
water. Use different section of mitt for each eye. mitts reduces infection transmission. Bathing
Move mitt from inner to outer canthus. Soak eye from inner to outer canthus prevents
encrustation on eyelids for 2-3 minutes with secretion from entering nasolacrimal duct.
damp cloth before attempting removal. Fry Pressure can cause internal injury.
thoroughly but gently
17. Ask client about reference for using soap on Soap tends to dry face more quickly because it
face. Wash rinse forehead, cheeks, nose, neck is exposed to air more than any other body
and ears. Dry well. parts.
18. Remove bath blanket over client’s arm that is Bathing far side first prevents reaching over
farthest from you. Place bath towel lengthwise clean area.
under arm.
19. Lower side rails if moved to opposite side. Soap lowers surface tension and facilitates
Bath arm with soap and water using long, firm removal debris and bacteria when friction is
strokes from distal to proximal (finger to axilla). applied during washing. Long firm strokes
raise and support arm above (if possible) while stimulate circulation. Movement of arm exposes
thoroughly washing axilla. axilla and exercise joint normal ROM distal to
proximal to increase venous return to the heart.
20. Rinse and dry arm and axilla thoroughly. If Excess moisture causes skin maceration or
client prefers, deodorant or talcum powder. softening. Deodorant controls body odor.
21. Fold bath towel in half and lay it on bed Soaking soften cuticles and calluses of hand and
beside client. Place basin on towel. Immerse loosens debris beneath nails. Soaking also
client’s hand in water. Option: allow hand to enhances feeling of cleanliness. Thorough
soak for 3-5 minutes before washing hand and drying removes moisture from between fingers.
fingernails. Remove basin and dry hand well.
22. Repeat 18-21 for the other arm.
23. Check temperature of bath water change if Use of warm water maintains client’s comfort.
24. Cover client’s chest with bath towel and fold Prevents unnecessary exposure of body parts.
blanket down to umbilicus.
25. With one hand, lift edge of towel away from Maintains warmth and privacy. Secretions and
the chest. With mitted hand, bathe chest using dirt collect easily in areas of tight skinfolds.
long firm strokes. Take special care to wash
skinfolds under female client’s breast, lifting
breasts if necessary. Keep chest, covered
between wash and rinse periods. Dry well.
26. Place bath towel lengthwise over chest and Prevent chilling and exposure of body parts.
abdomen. (tow towels may be needed) Fold
blanket down to just above pubic region.
27. With one hand, lift bath towel. With mitted Moisture and sediments that collect in skinfolds
hand, bathe abdomen, giving special attention to predispose client to skin maceration and
umbilicus and abdominal folds. Stroke from side irritation.
to side. Keep abdomen covered between
washing and rinsing. Dry well.
28. Cover chest and abdomen with top bath Prevents unnecessary exposure.
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
5000 Philippines

29. Expose far leg by folding blanket over toward

midline. Be sure perineum is draped.
30. Bend knee by positioning your arm under Prevents soiling of bed linen. Support of joint
leg. While grasping client heel, elevate leg from and extremity during lifting prevents strain on
mattress slightly and side bath towel lengthwise musculoskeletal structures.
under leg.
31. Ask client to hold still. Place bath basin on Sudden movement by client could cause spillage
towel on bed and secure its position next to foot of bathwater. (this step is omitted if client is
to be washed. unable to hold leg in basin).
32. Unless contraindicated, use long, firm, Promotes venous return. Long, firm strokes
strokes in washing from ankle to knee, knee to should not be used for clients with blood clots.
thigh. Dry well.
33. Do the same with leg near you.
34. With one hand supporting lower leg, raise it Proper positioning of foot prevents pressure
and slide basin under lifted foot. Immerse one from the edge of basin against the calf. (Note: if
foot at a time. Make sure foot is firmly places on client is unable to hold leg in basin, do not
bottom basin. immerse; simply wash with washcloth).
35. Soap foot, making sure to clean between Secretions and moisture may be present
toes. Rinse and dry well. If skin is dry, apply between toes. Lotion helps to retain moisture.
lotion according to patient’s choice.
36. Cover the client bath blanket, raise side rail Drop in water temperature during bathing can
for client’s safety, and change bathwater. cause chilling. Clean water reduces
microorganism transmission.
37. Lower side rail. Assist client in prone or side- Exposes back and buttocks for bathing.
lying position (as applicable). Place towel
lengthwise along client’s side.
38. Slide bath blanket over shoulders and thighs. Maintain warmth and unnecessary exposure.
39. Apply disposable gloves (if not done yet) Prevents contact with microorganisms in body
40. Wash, rinse, and dry back from neck to Skinfolds near buttocks and anus may contain
buttocks using long, firm strokes. Pay special fecal secretions that harbor microorganisms.
attention to folds of buttocks and anus. Give
back rub.
41. Change bath water and washcloth. Prevents transfer of microorganisms from anal
area to genitalia.
42. Assist client in side lying or supine position. Maintains client’s privacy, clients capable of
Cover sheet and upper extremities with towel performing partial bath usually prefer to wash
and lower extremities with bath blanket. Expose their own genitalia. Skinfolds are site for
only genitalia. Wash, rinse, and dry perineum. accumulation of secretions and moisture.
Give special attention to skinfolds. If client is
able to do perineal care, leave wash cloth, basin
and soap with in easy reach and leave area.
43. Dispose gloves in receptacle. Prevents transmission of microorganisms.
44. Apply additional body lotion or oil as desired. Moisturizing lotion prevents dry and chapped
45. Help the client to put on a clean gown. If one Dressing affected side first, allows easier
extremity is injured or immobilized always dress manipulations of gown over body part with
affected side first. reduce ROM.
46. Comb client’s hair. Women may want to Maintain client’s body image.
apply make-up.
NOTE: Mouth care, nail care, ear care, hair care
will be demonstrated separately.
47. Straighten client’s bed. Provide clean environment.
48. Discard soiled linen in dirty linen bag. Prevents transmission of infection. Clean
Replace call light and personal possessions. environment promotes comfort. Keeping call
Leave room as clean and comfortable as light and articles of care within reach promotes
possible. safety.
49. Note skin areas that were previously soiled Techniques used during bathing should leave
reddened or showed early signs of breakdown. skin clean and clear.
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
5000 Philippines

50. Record type of bath and client’s tolerance to Timely documentation maintains accuracy of
bathing. Note significant findings, joint or muscle client’s record. Record condition of akin and
pain. Record level of assistance required by document response to therapy such as turning
client. and positioning.

Note: Refer to Transmutation Table for reference

Total Score: ________________ Students’ Signature: _________________

Total No, of checked Yes: _______ Instructors’ Signature: _________________
Equivalent: ________________

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