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MA 5112, Spring 2023 IIT Bombay

Introduction to Mathematical Methods

Midsemester Take home exam 2

1. Consider the function

u0 (x) := (x − a) + α
Prove that Z bp Z bp
1+ (u′0 (x))2 dx ≤ 1 + (v ′ (x))2 dx ∀v ∈ A
a a
A := w ∈ C1 [a, b] such that w(a) = α, w(b) = β .

Is it TRUE that Z b Z b
L(u′0 (x)) dx ≤ L(v ′ (x)) dx ∀v ∈ A
a a

for whatever choice of the Lagrangian L(p) as long as it is convex in the p variable?
Justify your answer.

2. A Lagrangian L(x, u, p) is said to be a null lagrangian if the associated Euler-

Lagrange equation is satisfied by all v ∈ A ∩ C2 [a, b].
Give three examples of non-trivial Null Lagrangians.

3. Write down the Euler-Lagrange equations for the following Lagrangians:

• L(x, u, p) = 2πu 1 + p2

• L(x, u, p) = 12 p2 − V (u) for a smooth function V : R → R

You need not solve the Euler-Lagrange equations that you obtain.

4. Write down the Hamiltonians associated with the following Lagrangians:

• L(x, u, p) = u
• L(x, u, p) = u 1 + p2

5. Can two different Lagrangians be associated with the same Euler-Lagrange equation?
Justify your answer.

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MA 5112, Spring 2023 IIT Bombay

6. Consider the Lagrangian

1 2 2 1
L(x, u, p) = p − 1 + u2
2 2
and consider the corresponding functional
Z 1
I(u) := L(x, u(x), u′ (x)) dx.

A := w ∈ C1 [0, 1] such that w(0) = w(1) = 0 .

Answer the following questions with justification:

• Is it TRUE that I(u) ≥ 0 for all u ∈ A?

• Consider the ZERO function

v(x) = 0 ∀x ∈ [0, 1].

Find the value of I(v).

• Does there exist a sequence of function un (x) ∈ A such that

lim I(un ) = 0?

• What is the value of

inf I(u)?

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