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Problem Statement: Limited Client Portfolio in Morocco Compared to France

Market Factors:

Difference in market size and demand:

Morocco has a smaller market compared to France, resulting in a limited number of potential clients,
prospects, and leads that would require electronic cards, or the services linked to it.

Industry concentration:

The electronic cards industry is more concentrated in France, with a higher number of companies
requiring these services. Which would mean that there is much more possibilities in France.

Sales Approach:

Inadequate market research:

Insufficient understanding of the Moroccan market's specific needs, challenges, and industry
dynamics related to electronic cards and the services linked to it.

Lack of localized sales strategies:

OB electronique didn’t develop targeted sales approaches that address the requirements and
demands of Moroccan clients in the industry.

Cultural Differences:

Varied business practices and expectations:

There is a Differences in business customs, negotiation styles, and relationship-building practices

between Moroccan and French companies.

Communication Channels:
Limited awareness of local communication channels:

Insufficient utilization of communication platforms, industry-specific publications, or trade events to

reach potential clients in need of electronic card sales and repair services.

Ineffective use of digital channels:

Underutilization of digital marketing strategies, including search engine optimization, targeted online
advertising, or industry-specific online communities in Morocco.

Customer Preferences:

Different procurement processes and criteria:

Variances in procurement practices, decision-making factors, and supplier evaluation methods

between the two countries.

Localization of offerings:

Limited customization or adaptation of product offerings, service packages, or warranty options to

meet the specific needs and preferences of Moroccan clients.

In order To expand the client portfolio in Morocco, OB should conduct comprehensive market
research, develop localized sales strategies, build relationships with local industry associations,
leverage digital marketing channels, and customize offerings to meet the specific requirements of
Moroccan clients, they should also focus on creating a sales strategy that is adapted to the
Moroccan culture, and the Moroccan client’s mindset and way of doing things.

5 WHY’s:
Problem: Limited Client Portfolio in Morocco Compared to France

First why: Why is the client portfolio limited in Morocco?

That would be because the company has not been able to attract and capture enough clients
in Morocco.
Second why: Why has the company struggled to attract clients in Morocco?

the company's marketing campaigns have been ineffective in reaching the target audience.

Third why: Why have the marketing efforts been ineffective?

Because the company's marketing campaigns and strategies were not readapted to the
specific needs and preferences of Moroccan clients.

Fourth why: Why haven't the marketing messages and channels been tailored to
Moroccan clients?

Because the company lacks understanding and informations about the local market and
customer behavior in Morocco.

Fifth why: Why does the company lack understanding of the local market and customer
behavior in Morocco?

Because the company did not conduct an in-depth market research to gain insights into the
Moroccan B2B electronic industry.

Based on the comprehensive analysis conducted, it is discernible that the fundamental issue
underlying the limited client portfolio in Morocco for OB (the observed company) lies in their
deficiency in conducting thorough and extensive market research and analysis, particularly
pertaining to the Moroccan B2B electronic industry. In order to rectify this situation and
expand their client base in Morocco, it is imperative for the company to prioritize the
undertaking of comprehensive market research initiatives. Such endeavors will facilitate the
acquisition of valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of customer behavior,
preferences, and industry trends specific to the Moroccan market. Subsequently, armed with
this knowledge, the company can adeptly tailor their marketing messages, strategies, and
channels to effectively appeal to and engage with their Moroccan clientele.

Low Sales Conversion Rate:

Priority: High
Urgency: High
A low conversion rate indicates inefficiencies in the sales process, affecting revenue
generation. It requires immediate attention to improve sales performance.

Ineffective Lead Generation:

Priority: High
Urgency: High
If the sales team is struggling to generate quality leads, it can hinder the pipeline and future
sales. It is a significant concern that requires attention. But it is less urgent than low sales
conversion rates.

Inefficient Sales Processes:

Priority: High
Urgency: Low
Inefficient sales processes can lead to wasted time and resources. While it needs attention,
it does not require immediate action as it does not severely impacting sales outcomes.
Inadequate Sales Reporting and Analytics:

Priority: Low
Urgency: Low
Explanation: While sales reporting and analytics are important for tracking performance, it
may not directly impact immediate sales outcomes. It can be addressed in a more relaxed

Based on the above assessment, here is the prioritized list using the Eisenhower Matrix:

High Priority, High Urgency High Priority Low Urgency

Inefficient Sales Processes

Low Sales Conversion Rate
Ineffective Lead Generation

Low Priority, High Urgency Low Priority, Low Urgency

Inadequate sales reporting and


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