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“ < g E g : 8 3 é é g a % E * g ‘Our cover This is a kaleidoscope of all you will knit and crochet for the 2 to 6 year olds: The four-season sweaters, light, funny or comfortable, like this nweat- shirt with Kangaroo pocket knitted in stockinette and ribbing — page 16, the T-shaped pullover with mitten-pockets done in garter stitch ~ page 20, the little horse “knit'n sew” in stockinette and flowered fabric — page $2, the decor of their bedroom where all elements are coordinated ~ page $6, some bome-painted buttons for the bouclé yarn jacket — page $5. And also, the ‘wide collared sailor-style pullover for the juniors ~ page 43. Photos: Didier Kleynjans, CONTENTS MD 44 Letters Knitters’ letters Questions-Answers oe Improve 8 Socks: Knitted on two or four needles your technique 62 Afghan crochet, continued from Mon Tricot MD 43 Children IL The four-seasons of the under six year fashions olds: Their T-pullovers, their classic pullovers, their sporty pullovers, their vests, their short-coats, their dresses. Junior 26 Ensemble: Straight line pullover and fashions skirt. 43° The sailor-style pullover all-in-one piece Parents- 44 The comfortable father and son blouson children 46 The grandmother's jacket - large size - fashions: and her little girl's. 48 The mother and daughter crocheted dress, The dress and the little horse - 3 to 6, 6 to 9 months, I year. 54 The 2 to 6 year olds’ jacket with the make-your-own buttons. 56 Children’s bedroom and matching bathrobe. Gifts bor Baby 58 The six « mix'n match »pieces for Baby. 27° Directions for our patterns 6 Basic stitches and abbreviations. 7 Size chart - Weaving 30 Your favorite yarns Change of direst cards on Form 3578 shoul he Hitside, New Jersey, 07208. Publiahed tooatly. 2 Nd Ch hy New dency 07207, Cie des Edhilons de Alma 1, Ba de = 13002 Paris Téhs 26151. Publisher: Pascal Bourguignon Elon: Paulette Chevessus ‘Assistant editors: Elisabeth Richard, Alls, Pavie, Christiane Smadja ‘Kelting and Fashions: Antninette Komi, Danidle Avia pecan Forelgn editions: Chantal Colomban ene ‘Ant Studio: Sylvisne Pothier, Tanguy Tolila Production: ‘Thertae Valent, Justyna Wilga (Clreulation: Denise Hayoun Fino Tee 1c. Mesa, J Bowens pian e Nr Sits Geet ——<—<$<$—$_—$—<—_—__—__— Woo Telcos js published, by the « Compa fie des Editions de Alma» in French, German, American, English, Sanh, Ialian, Dutch and Portuguese MON TRICOT Is published every month, ‘The teproduetion of these exclusive models for commercial pus is sricty foe bbldden without the written authorization of the Editor. Copyright France and abroad. Reporter USA. Jean Meck Barber Same address and edliorial matters: UsSiAa MON TRICOT SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT BOX 2026, Hillside, Now Jersey 07208. CANADA: MON TRICOT clo, INTER. NATIONAL TRANSACTIONS 1300, rue Jules, Poitran-VilleSaint-Laurent-Québes HANAYS - Tel 192.67.69, ‘Newsstands distribstlon for US.A. by CURTIS CIRCULATION COMPANY 21, Henderson Drive-Went Caldwell - New Jersey 07 Knits for two to six year olds You knit for your children and for a long e you have been telling us you would like a magazine for two to six year olds: Here it is! s From the light pullovers to the heavy hooded jackets, this collection which you can make yourself, will keep your little ones warm all year round. The ultra-classic and ultra-practical shapes such as polo shirts, T-shaped or V-necked tank tops are personalized by the choice of textures: mercerized or natural cotton yarns, tweed or bouclé yarns, rustic or cabled yarns. By the blending of raised stitches: ribbing, giant garter stitch, raised double cro- chet, aran knit cables, and by amusing details such as the jacquard cat's head and the mitten-pockets. Improve your technique in making socks on two or four needles. See how easy they are to make for tiny little feet. From left over pieces of fabric, knit’n sew your own gifts. And please keep sending us your suggestions as to what you would like to find in your magazine. Before the children go back to school, we will have an issue for the six to twelve year olds. And when we meet again in a month, you will find the “Sun- Fashions” to make for the summer. The Editor. w basic stitche: CROCHET ols crochet (ae) hall double eroetat thd.) "rapes ren ® Noes 99 ha soning f yao. tepest yom * 18 ving ote ow Or ae arene stitch Eat iow tok abbreviations ohn”? rscht (Eapta i) sa ingen" ino whe ack a it (engian a2) Sea? ae. slipad Bee EEE SF ge af E mee ner eedia Enoth wn'oend ang parentheses: Aare sigsp used in knitting patterns to delenit 1 sequence of stitches” 10 be rape: throughout the raw, or as many times an spectied alter the last go, This, avoids lunnecossanly long. instructions, stiches appearing beface or alter the. asterisk a ‘worked only ance. It somenmes, hap thatin complicated patterns. other stich have te be repeated within the limite of fe biteritks. In these eases. supplemen: tary signs such ase and () aie used. dear knitter, We do not soll the materials indicated in ur book This is why we tty to recommend only ‘materials wery Invgely cittused and therefore available at your nearest yam shop. or Kemtting wool department i not, we only can advise you to select the most similar material end to adapt i fo your ploblags with yout creative ongi- nal ‘AL avary st09 of the editorial and pret. ing process, out instuuctons hava been Checked. However, MON TRICOT cannat fake roapensabilty for any error which may secur in the texts, Before venting to us for further inform tian, plessa chack first that you het the samo GAUGE as given, with your yarn and dispensable for successful knitting the gauge ou fa for perfect knitting and crochet results THE PAPER PATTERN (init enasntia| for crochet potterns) oa 1, Una troy sh at 2. Ip tect rorccucn tho! bash AAT 2. ind cretion tae yout mt needle and crochet hook sizes Grafting is #-method used to join two places of knitting togather. it consists of forming another mainly used when a seven soam is to join a facing atockinatts stitch ‘Tho: {eae stiches. should be linked together one by ane 03 shown in the above dhagram. The grafting stitchat fre shown ina darker shade 19 make to follow the sequence of ‘The stitches are linked from bortom to top as shown by the needle in the fm and then from tap to bartom ‘shown by the arrow. The work can Of courte be tured and the pieces Drafted ‘together ax foe plain stack neta stitch yy Orr Keto RAY garter Here there are three mavernients. The first 1s shown by the needle in the di. fram, and tha second and third By CWO) sirows AB shoulder width across front] CO shoulder width across back EA langth of shoulder F bust measurement G waist measurement H hip moasuroment El length to front waist JK length to back waist LM skirt length at front aed 8") | a lie" ae a twomathods shown in diagrams 2, working each method according t the number of stiches in the sb, Two, fpreces of ib can only ba joined eae yuan) | a4 se? | zat [ar eee = KN skirt longth at back i Bie) 2e eee With av boon eit AO outside sleave | Seu fae [aor ae ie | oF ie ie |e | ae fie RS inside leg (for pants) GT outside leg (for pants) ‘U thigh measurement IMPROVE YOUR TECHNIQUE Socks Hand knitted socks are more than ever in fashion for children as well as for adults. Here you will find the different ways of making them, their qualities and their drawbacks. The sacks worked Tha Tulle ye socks ON FOUR NEEDLES Tha socks ested in unde 8 of hela lhe deny sce The live ot the gal ob 5 on page continu in 2/2 nbbing worbing sires it ube: ecyie! socks a Sevossary hen piece masoutes 8 174 materials. pattern stitch $:3/4-10 1/29 fr oe yeatn Yat One \One-fwo-fwo)auipear 4 rou lh Blue 4 row wim Te ore oma (heb tae Ginen, dvcwe wth ei 4 os wih oie tolow er se pom Rad Se anor sis se cite tolena gauge Yolow amd Res See Soa Sao fit weeds any or xan 8 ge gauge 34 tows = 4” a 2/2 ribbing directions With Yollayr toe tha plain cole soct sizes To Mt 3-2-3-4 yr ole an easton 6 together ac tha aiicies uu gh and Blob for the Stas {48-6052) sts and werk in 1/7 ribbing Yor long enough leah stitches used 12raws, working the 3 Gather 1.4/9 sibbing. 2.2/2 ribbing. Sesbesic ats chosen to make th say The tube-style socks with no-hell shaping are all knitted on two noedies In 2/2 ribbing and closed by weaving. It is an ultra-easy pattern, and since ‘the heel is not shaped, it is better to use it for babies or as heavy sport socks to be wor with ski ar hunting boots, for example. Striped or multi- coker ie tubs are youn fun to wear with country- clogs. Socks cable pattern socks materials Spor Weight Yam: One 50gr ball af Pingousn Super (168 yds per 80 gr bal in Ecru. See group 8 on page 30. Double: olnied neadiea to, 2 and Ao & oF a8 10 gia gauge Cibia heecla sizes Children’s: Fit shoe size: 6-7-8 Diractions for 2nd and fd sites are given in acon ness stitches used 4.2/2 ribbing, 2. Stockinette Stitch (xt ot Sas busie stiches on page € pattern stitches 1. Stockinetts Stith In round: Every: tow Knit. 2 Raverws Stockinette Stitch in rounds: 91) cow Purl 3, Gables Warkos fn 4 sis in rounds. Every 4rounds, 2 ste to cable neodia and lnave at back of work, K nant 2atu. K 2st from cable eect gauge 2a sty = 4" = 93 cows, with na. 4 nigedies in roverse at st OUR ADVICE Hf you draw a few rounda of olaatic thread through the 2/2 ribbing at the ‘0p, the. socia will amy well in placa. directions With no. 2 naples, eaut on 40 184-48) ste ‘evonly catributed pn 3 needles, and work 2/2 nbbiog in rounds. Work even until piece measures 2 1/4" trom beg. Change {0 no. 4 readies and cont in rayerne at ft, ineing.T eabia at each side ot lag. Work avon in pat. until piece memuras 4 3/4. (5 1/2-0 1/4P" trom bog For call. dec. 1 at Dbafore and after the center | (2-1) sis of 1 panel in reverse st at batweun the cxbles which marke the center back at leg and heel). Repeat thane Zdecs once mare ‘when piece measures 64/4 (7-8P* tram eg Wark ever in pat on rem. 36 (40-44) Hie unt piece macsures 8 (89/48 1/2 fram beg ‘Shape heei: K-16 (16-20) ate ithe 2-ts of w cabin, the 12114-16) sts tam, ater decs,. vse 2 ste of other rable). leave rem. 20 (22.24) sts of instep an @ heediivs. Work back and forth in atat on 16 118-20) ste for 1 1/2". ahd purl row. Than shape hee! as tallows: KO (10-11), SKBO (alip 1 at, K next st, pass sip st over), KI, turn; sip Vat P 4. P2 fog. PY, twins slip 1st, KS, SKPO, KI. {urn Hip 1 st, P6, P2 tog, P 2, tue, eon working in oame manner until no ate famain at each aids — 11 (12-15) sts remain, and K row, Then pick um and K 7 IB-9) st down the loft edge of heel, work 10 ‘The cable dasign socks matching the ran knit pullover shown on page 17 are knitted on double-pointed needies in cabled stockinette stitch with 2/2 ribbed borders. They ara the most classical, they take the shape of the feet without any bulky scam. They are & little more difficult to make for the non-expert knitters. Fit children's shoe size: 6, 7, 8, Sport Weight Yarn. the 20 (22-24) ste fof on 2 needa, suck Up ancl K 7 (@-9) ats at sthar si¢8 of hae! 9nd cont in bunds, working the msiep ats between the cables in reverse at et. and ihe other ats in st st Evary her round, work Goce thus Kt atin s¥St Knaxt 2 #3 toy K to last 3stz in stat SKPO. K1 Rep theso docs. every other round 3 (4-8) more times ~ 87 (40-43) sis tamain Werk even on fem. ata until piace measures 3 (3 1/24)" rom adgas of heel ‘Shape toe: Work ta the last 9st in ravers st of instep, 2 st tog 12, SKPO: Work sume des. at othar sige of font SKPO. Ka, K2 sts fog Cont in #tst on all ss. rep, decs. at ach vide, overy athor round 6 (7-8) more mes Brosk yor, leaving tnd long erough 1 draw through rem. O (6-T)ate. Pull tight, turn 10 wong. side and securely, Moke another sock in same manner openwork trimmed socks materials Sport Weight Yam: Ore. (One-Two) 50 9r balis of Pingaun Super 4 1188 yds per 60 gr ball, Sea group B on page 30 Double-pointad naedies na 2 oF suze 10 ave gauge sizes Todalurs’. Fit show site 5-4-9 Directions for sizes 6 and 7 are given in parentheses stitches used 1. Stockinette Stitch (sit! See bate stiches on pags 6 2. Stockinatta Seteh in rounds: Every rourd Knit gauge 2434-38 ows OUR ADVICE To shape the eat tooth’s hem, it easier to piek up all the loops of knitted on 4 needies in opanwork stockinette atitch. Like the cable design socks, since the same tech- niqua is used, they take the shope of the leg and of the foot wasily. The drawbacks are identical and they may be a little more difficult 12 make for non-expert knitters, This ultra practical bicolor pullo alto an ultra-easy one piace crochatedi pattern that you will make withou any problem, because: m Its stite are singla erochet and half double erg chet. mi Ite shape is straight withog ony increases or decreases. m Its ishing is reduced 10 the siony ripping seams. Children: 2, 4, 6 old, Light Waight Yarn. For ins tions, tum ta page 27, 12 oF) VER UPFFEPPERE, D> DPa EDI IPR orked! all in one in hat and framed by ‘a row of aingle crochet. Childran: 2. 4 6, 8 years old. Light Weight Cotton Yarn, For instructions, tum to page 28. Their classics A. polos witht crown Jone all in ribbing, ‘and short sleeves, The border is knitted in garter stiteh, Childien: 2, 4, 6 years old, Light Weight Bouclé Yarn, For ins] Muctions, tum to page 29 ' Their classics Thi aweatehin with « kangeroo pocket Is knitted in stockinatte stitch and 2/2 ribbing. Children’ 3-4-5 years old. Sport Weight Yarn For instructions, turn to page 29 Aran knit «with creased: over shaw! collar. Cables and dia mond design stand out over 8 stockinette stiteh bs matching = round. The are knitted on Children Their classics A cat's head done in ga over a stockinette tite! omates the front of thi ul: over with raglan sleeves. Children: 2-4-4 years old. Sport Weight Yarn. For instructions, ten to page 32 stiteh ind jacquard design motits the solid background of this armholed and crewenecked pullover dane in garter stitch framed by 2/2 ribbing. Children: 4-5:6 years ft Weight Yam. For instruc to page 33 that are of the front of this T-shaped Knitted in atockinette stiteh, of is edged in garter stiteh. The mittens are alae, done slitch, Children: 2 Knitting Worsted Weight, For ins A kangarso pocket on one side a legend embroidered on the ather side give & personal touch ta this pullover Tt is all knitted in stockinerte stitch framed by 3/1 ribbing, and embroi dered in chain stitch, Children: 4-5 & years old. Knitting Worsted Weight rietiona, turn to page 34, Their sweaters Ss, Their coats ing. This three-quarter length shaw! collar, fastening 2 ‘matching hat. Chit = old, Ki For instrue Ki dren Worst tum to JUNIOR STYLE Casual knits Today's young girls choose straight, comfortable shapes, easy to wear and easy to knit and crochet. Ensemble: Great over a shirt, a kimono-sieeved pullover, worked in one piece and a stightly flared skirt, Knitted in reverse stockinetts stiteh, emphasized by stripes. The hems’ are knitted in stockinette stiteh, and the neck border in 2/2 Misses: 12.14. Boucld Yan. For instructions, turn to page 38 OUR INSTRUCTIONS Contved trom page 10 directions Cast on 38 (40-44) ets evenly distributed fon Snieedies, and work rounds in att Work & rounds, mext round: work eyelets thus. yo, 2 ats tog. rap. team * e/Ound. {ot eat tooth's ham. Work 8 rounds in stst Nem: Unravel the cast-on raw, slipping ‘each loan on needies; fold hem along ‘ayalets, then K 1 round, britting tog. oach “st with eorresponding fo0p. Cont. in rounds tnd st st Purl Fst.0n every round to mark, the center of back, and simulate the back seem. Werk even until piece maasure 41/4 (4 3/4-8F from oyelets, then dc ‘nlf thus: (on the 6 sts at back o! leg) SEPO. (slip 1st K nest st, pane alipped st over), P'1, R2 tog. Rep. these dece. ance more, at 10 112-12) rounds intervals, At eam tema, as the first dec. on wach ‘side of leg, begin openwark pattern. On the 5 sts before and after the 17 113-16] front fag ste, work thus K 2.ats tog. yo, K 1. vo, ‘SKPO. Repeat openwork pattern, On every ‘other round. until piece measures 6 1/4 (7-8)" trom beg, Shape heal: K-38 (17-10) ats (tho P 1 for Back seam eing in conter:, leave rem. 17 18-21) instep st. on 2 needles. Wark in stat on all ste (do fot purl the center st anymore) for 12 (14-18) rows, snd purl row, Than shape we! a6 follows” K 8 (10-1 1)ats, SKPO, K1, tum: stip 1a P 4, P 2st tog, Py twin: alip 11st, KB, SKPO, K1, turn: slip TH PB, P 2ate tog. Pi, turn; cont working ingame manner until no. sie famain at each side = 9 (11-11) ste famain, end K row: Then pick up and K & 19-10) ste down the left edge of hel, work the 17 (19-21) sts lat on 2 neodies, pick ‘up and 8 (9-10) sts at other side of heat = 42 (48-521 sts. Cont. in rounds and st st (on all sia, and on every ether round, K tog the fiat st of instep with the praceding st ‘and SKPO with the last st of instag and the following at 5 (6-7) timas = 32 136-40) ste ‘remain, Work aven in rounds and st st until piece mensured 29/6 (3-91/2" trom of heal ‘Shape tos: Work docs. thus: SKPO'with the last st of fowtep and the following az * K 6 (7-8) as, SKPO* (2 times) - 4-dees in 1 round Repeat these 4 decs. every other round 6 (6-7) more times, always taking for the doce, the 2 ais following the precading doc. — Bate remain. Break yarn, leaving fend long enough to draw through ng 8. Pull tightly, turn to wrong, side and fasion secur Make another sock in same manner — ator on page ultra-easy pullover What you should know bafore starting your work. Crochet vocabulary: ‘Yarn over hook iyo}: ts to take the yarn ‘var the hook by passing the hook first Under {from left to right then var the yarn, Draw up a foope It 12 dravy the yer (in fact the yarn’ over} with the ezochat Mook through the atten into which the crochet hook tad been inserted (Draw through one or weveral loops: its 10 ‘raw the yen (yo) with the crochet hook ‘through the iogp ot the loops already on hook Crochet selvages In crochet the-dgea will be more supple and avon iat the Beginning of each row, You replace the fies st by: ch 1 if working in oc. ch2 i working in hde; ch3 working ih de, and ch 8 worming Ih tr Te ‘continue tha row. skip the fet such as itis repiaeed by the cheins. At tha end of every tow, work tho lsat sutch by inserting the hook under the 2 top strand of tha chains |W the beginning of the previous raw. ‘Weight Yam: Thre (Four-Four! ‘5O.or. balls of Pingouin Sctinario (310 yas er 50 g¢, ball distributed as follows: Two (Trree-Threo) bolle in Ectu, One. ball in Red. See Group A on page 30. Crochet ook B or size to ge gauge. sizes Children's: 2, 4, 6 years, Directiona for 4 and 6yrs are. given in psranthes Meouuremonts for fest size are given on chart stitches used 1. Chain (chi make a oop on hook then ‘poss hook under thread (yo) od deaw a aap through ® repeat from * for number of stitches required (leundation chain) which ia tha basis of all crochet work 2, Single erochet (sc): * inzert hook into a stitch, yarn ower hook, deaw up «leap, yarn over hook, draw through the last Z loops ‘on Haak * repeat from * to * 3. Half double crochet (hdc) * yarn over hook. ingert hook into a stitch, yarn’ over hook, draw up a loop, yarn over MOOK, draw Up @ lcop, yarn aver hook: daw. through the 3 logps on nook * repeat trom * to gouge 24 sin= 4° — 18 rome =4in de directions front With lad chain 66 172-76) Work in sc.and when piece maagures 1" fram beg. henge to Ecru and continue working 1h de. When piece messures 61/4 (7- 7.8/ay” fram beg, end wrong side and for sMpovea, at sach edge, cher 14 (16-22) ‘once, Work even on the 82 (108-120) sis thot obtained ag when plsce measures (9.3/4 (11-12 1/47" trom beg. change to Fag wd work ie. 27 When piace momsuros 10/2 (11 9/4 12 1/2" from beg, and wrong side and shape neck: Wwork scrote the 28 (34.98) st6 at night ‘edge, then chain 30 (4044), skin tha ‘canter 36 (40-441 sia and work across the 28 (94.98) sts at ltt edge. When piece roeaaures W213 1/4)" rom beg ehange ts Eon and work in de. Wher piace measures 14 1/2 (16 1/2-17 3/4)" from beg. end wrong side and at each edge leave unworked 14 (18-22) sts. Work ‘een on the remaining €4 (72-76) ste and ‘when piece measures 19.3/a (221/2- 244/2F" fram beg. change 1 Fled and work in sc. When piece measures 20 3/4 (23 1/2.28 172" from beg. brook yorn and fasten off cufts At lower edge of each sleeve work 46 (50: Sahec Work 1 row with Ecru and 3 (4-6) rows with Red end break yarn and fasten ott finishing So side seams dnd sleeve seams shown an nape #9 pullover materials Light Weight Catton: Three |Four-Fout) Ope balls of Caton Nature! (220 yx par 50pr bal) in Ecc See Group A on nage 30 Steel croches hook no.2 or size fo give gauge sizes Childéon’s 2-4-6-8 yrs. Directions for 4. 6 and Gyre ore givan in parentheses, Measurements for first ize are given on hart stitches used 11.Single crocht (scl 2. Double crochet dc): See basic ats on page 6 pattern stitch Flow 1: wrong side of work lecing you ch3. than 1 de in each st flow 2: ch, *1dc inserting nook oriontally in Tide, T'de ineerting hook normally in nat de® Row 3 and following rows: same as Row 2 ingerung hook horontally in the de which ‘were worked normally, afd ingerting hook normally in the dc wich were worked horsontaily on previous row: this is done 20 that the raised de.a7e always one above the other gauge 26 sis = ait, in Pattern = 18 rows = 4 directions The pullover is worked in one arecs. Begin at lower edge of back (Chain 65 (70-75-80) and work in Pattern st Work avon unt! piece massuros 7 (7 3/68 3/4-8 1/2¥" from bog. than at ‘each edge, for sleeves, chain 26 (30-32- 34) once, Work evan in Pattern stitch on the. 121 (130-189-148) ats thus obtamned and won piace measures 11 1/2 (12 1/2- 13:3/4-157" trom bag, sahape ack: Work one row cross 43 (47-87-85) sta, Wh Goporataly chain 3B (36-37-38) sie id continue tow working In thee sts oawe unworked sha 36 (36:37:38) axa of front. and end row working in the last 43 (47-51-88) stu Work even in Pattarn st. land when plaoe measures 16 3/4 (97 1/4- 19-20 1/2F" trom beg., at each ada, leave 28 (30-22.34) sts unwWorked and continue working on the remaining 85 (70-75-80) eta for 7 (7 3/4-8.3/4-9 1/29" and break yorn and fenton off finishing On wrong side of wark join side seams and underarm paama with | row ote, inserting hook through both thicknesses and working 2c in each space: wt (ower acige of sineves, work in same way but an right ida of work over a height of 2 1/4" tor cuff of sieeve. Along lower edge of pullover and MG Neck edge wark 1 round of re thu: * Fac ingecing hook honzontally. in 1 faised de. 1.00 in follwing space. stip de, repeat from * around, &t lower edgo Of sleeves. of wrong side of work, work & TOW in se, working 2 8¢.in each space. Fold back sleeve cuff ower 7 1/2" shen oF be 4 green tank top matoriols ight Waight Cotton: Three (Three-Thiee- Four) 50gr_balls of Pingouin coton Rustique {178 yas, per BOor ball In Green, See Group A on page 30, Kiting mmedies no.2 or sive to Give gauge sizes ‘Children’s 2-4.6-8 yrs. Directions for 4.6 28 and 8 yrs ara given in parentheses Moasurements for lit size are given on chart stitches used 1, Stockinatio st. 2.Garter st. See basic sts on page 8 gauge fag =4"= 39 tone =a nt directions front Cast on 86 (90-94-98) sts and work in Gartar at. When place massuree 1” tom beg. continue i Stockinatte st Work oven until piece measures 8 3/4 (9 3/4-10 1/2- 1141/2)" trom beg. end purl raw and in Stockinetta ‘shape armhoex: ‘At sch edge, evary other row, bind aft: 7 ¥8-8-) sin fonca), Sats (oncel: 2th Foncal, and 1-at (twice), Work aven on the Famaining &4 (56-80-82) stu and when ince moasuros 14 V2 (02 1/4-12 1/2. ‘4a)" trom treg.. end purl raw and shape neck: Bind olf the center 18 (18-1 continue each siete 9 rampining 19 (20-21-22) sts at each edge. ‘and #1 neck. every otter row. bind off 5 sis 1 (2-1-1) times and 6 (0-6-6) ma tance, and wher pete rmeasuinns 11/2 (16 17.1/4-18)" for, beg. end pull row, ane ‘shape shoulder: Bind off the remaining 8 (10-10-11) stp back Work same as for front but neck when piece meaaures 1241/8 (3-13 1/4 13. 3/4)" trom beg, finishing Sew left shoulder seam. Pick up and knit 140 (146-162-188) sta along nock edge Work in Garter st On fourth row. work 20 decs, evenly apsced, Work ever on the ominng 120. (126-192-198) ate and when pisoa measures 1/2" from fet row in Gartor st bind off sll ste once Sew nght shoulda’ seam. Along auch armhole edge. piek up and énit 86 (82-88-104) sts and ‘work in Gariae st On fourth tow. work 12 decs. evenly soaced. Work even an the remaining 74 (80-96-02) ¢ts snd when piece meagutes 3/8" from fret: row in Garter at, bind of all ste once Sew side seams, Ne eee eee ee eee a EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEE shew om nage 16 tubular tweed pullover materials Boucle Yam: Five (Five-So) 40 or balls af Pingouin Pascadou (140yds par 4097. baill in Yellow Tyeawd. See Novelty ‘Yarns. on pag’ 30. Knitting noaies no. 1 ‘and no.2 oF size to give gauge, Two buttons 1/2" in cuameter sizes Childran's 2-4-6 yrs. Directions for 4 and Gyee are given in perentheses Measuraments for fret site are. ghan an hart stitches used 1.-Gartor st. See basic sts on page & pattern stitch ‘9/2 wbbing: Row 1: °K 3, P2* RowZ ‘and following rows: Knit the K sts and Purl the P ate gauge 28 ste= 4” = 42 towne” In 3/2 ribbing with 0 2 needles back With no. t needles cast on 68 (94-88) ate ‘and york in Gartar st Whon piece mossures. 11/4" hom beg. change to fo. 2 needles and continus in 9/2 ribbing. ‘Work oven until place measures @ (0.374 10 4/2P fromm beg. end wrong side and Shape wmbolat: [At gach: edge, every other row, bind of Bata (twicel, 2 sts 1 (1-2) tines. Werk ven on the remaining 73 (78:78) sts uns Place measures 14 1/4 (15 1/4-18 1/20" from bag. and wrong side and Shapa neck and shoulder: Bind off the canter 8 (10-10) sis and continue ‘each side separately on the femaniing 32 (24-34) $49, and at neck, very other raw, bind aff 6 ss twice) and ft anme time for shoulder, every othe row, hind off 8 ia 213-3) times, Gs 1 10-01 times. front Wotk seme eg for back. but when piece messumms 9172 (10 1/4-11)" trom beg. ‘and wrong side ant ‘Shape neck: Bind off the centar 7 (8-81 sta and continus feech side separately an the remaining 33 (36-35) is at each side When piece measures 11.172 (12 1/2/13 9/4)" from ia an a ao beg. 01 neck edge. every othor raw, bind oft; Sts (twicel, 2ate (once), 1st ‘{Bumeal, Work even on the ramaiming 22 (24.24) sis and when piece measures 14 1/4 (15-153/4F" from beg., end wrong wide, and Ax armhole ose, every other raw. bind oft Bats 2 (3-3) times. Gta 1 (0-01 times, sleeves With no. 1 needles cast on 48 (50-54) ats and work In Garter st. When piece measures 11/4" from beg, change to 0.2 needles and continue in 372 Hibbing working 10 ines evenly spaced serats fist row. Work oven on the 68 (60-64) sts thus obtained and when proce messures 4 1/4 (4.3/4-SF" fram beg..-and wrong side ond Shape cop: ‘At each dg, every other row, bind off 2 pts (11 times! and bind off the remaining 14 (36-20) sta once. Fastening band and neck edge border: Withine. 1 needles cast on 10 str and work in Garter st When piece measures 2 (2.1/4-2.3/4)" from beg. lex these ate ‘an @ stitch older, Work # second similar border, but when piece measutes 1 1/4 {1 1/2-2)" fromm bag, work a buttenhote thus: K #'eta, bind off 2st, K-#sts On ext row, cast on 2 sts over bound-off te ‘When the fastening bends aro completed, after the 10 ptt on neetile, mat on 78 (S0- 35} ats for ack edge border. and slip onto needa the 10-st lett on stitch holder. 86 (300-106) sis thus stand 11/2" after frat work a second buttonnole Work even for 3/8” more than bind off sis once. finishing Saw tide taume and shoulder seams. Sew Sisove sears ond sew in sieqven: Sow fastening bands tind neck edge border ta neck edge placing the Buttonholas on laf Side af ont Sew on butions. opposite puttanioles eon on wage 18 blue pullover ‘Sport Weight Fi ‘Yar: Five (Five balls of Pingouin Canfortabta ( 50.9 ball cistibuted as follows: Four {Four-Five) balls in Blue: One bail in Ecru See group 8 on page 30) Knitting needies no. be size to give gauge. Stitch holda sizes ‘Children’s: 3-4-5 years old. Directions tor aes 4 and 5 are given in parentheses Measurements for first size are given on chan stitches used 1.2/2 bing. 2. Stockinatte Stiteh (st st) Soe basic stches on page 6. gauge sts = 4” - 30 rows =" in stockinatte With Blue yarn, cast on 62 (66-70) sts and ‘work in, 2/2 ibang for 1.1/2". Cont in at Si, increasing sts avenly spaced across the firat row ~ 88 (72-78) sts. Work eva ‘until piece mansures 3” trom beg. end purl row ‘Shape pocket: « 18 (19-20) sta. leave these sis on holder, inc. | at in next st, K to last 18 (19-20) sts, ond laave thane last sts-on a st holder, turn, Inc. 1 atin first ind cont on thase 34 (36-98) ats. Work ‘Bn last row ~ 32 (34-96) etx and pull row, [Leave these ats on m at holder. Break yan, Pockat lining: Cast on 32 (34-96) sts separately and work in ot st for 4", end purl raw: Slip to Fight hed non te is grou af 1B {19- 20) ft on Roider 2 ight adge. K the 32 (34-36) ais of pockot ling. skp to toh hand needle, the last grove of 18 118-20) st left on holder, K 10 end ~ 68.(72-761 3, Work even for 4", and punt rom ‘Nest rowe K 18 (19-20) st, place the 32 (34-36) na lat on holdot in iroat ot the 32 (4-36) nis of pocket lining ang cont the ow. knitting tag. 1 st of pockat wih 1 st of pocket fining. K last 1B.(18-20) ste. Cont. in st at on il 68 (72:76) cis Work oven Until “proce messures 91/2 193/4- 4O1V2F trom beg. end putt a 134 (96-6) wa, leave thove ott on a st holder, K to end Work each side ‘Ssoparately, decraasing | st at neck edge once every, 4 rows, and once every other row* (7 mea), When piece messures, Gontinued on cage 3 29 your favorite yarn This chart will help ate tochoose a yarn corresponding to the yarn used in our directions, Before Beginning your wor of ricot ‘equivalent yarns be sure you can knit or crochet to the exact gauge specified in the directions Group A = Light Weight - on No. 2 needies: @ stitches to one inch - on No. 3 needles: 7 stitches ta one Inch. Pisce Conan m8 00 9) ierer ung. presi ee eh Recent 32yce Pingoun Gaine af hy Bingoun Magemoasi Brean Madara eo Bingorts aby ¢40 0) Bingoun Bei'da chamons (80 g) Beogouin Searers (29 Piagouin Super bate (60 g) rar ce ra cre Pon ee oe Bucite Penang eS a Se fet ae ies Sete merionna ox) abn seese sees # Columba Mineres Nate Sowing C3 188 ye conte sah settee, a ‘Wink Pomeudeut (1-03) c cont & Cres Hea bi vee 297 vos ‘ince 8 Eve Whe Sort (1 3 sere bere 33h Pogue (1 0x) 180 yt Groupe B - Sport Weight re a SRN ory PINNERIN Eas en ‘Mewogue SoseBesseeees 8a $363505; esha ec Specter ff fa Brand Sacto’ (d 08) Setery Specney och 210 yan 108 yan ere ‘Glimmer Sgarivweight (Zoe) 226 yun Cont 6 Clark's Fed Heer ince Soon) fernciae Colt Twas erat Bera Eoorapas 0) ger Bea Son iy {1 ea) Beret Derieine. Ungar Boy Bor, Ungar Sey Couraie Ungert Beale Groupe C - Knitting Worsted Weight ‘or 4 stitches to one inch. Fengauin ana (80 9 Pagosa oor (0a) Forint et cog) INNERIN Frenton Pacta a 7 seen Marvel Torat Ds sINNERIN ian Fanarman (con) 37 aoe Shed algeae vor IMRAN Onars (4 ox BPINNERIN Comansion Spinion ea) EINER Bay ey on Tent ” ' Beeston tonne swore (20 Bast Brand Windom (2 0a) ina 83 ae = on No. 7 needies : 6 stitches to one inch - on No. 8 needies: S838 35588 sa: SST gen ESunb Mines ay Se ‘Selumsie tot tly Bane (on a sere ent sei fet REESE mr co Groupe D - Heavy Weight - on No. 9 or 10 1/2 needies: 3 or 3 1/2 oF 4 stitches to one inch. Baoui Banaue 0 $0 va Pomle ear iS aon Doce oo (ea) Pingouin Nets Cortortoi (89g) BeRNERIN un (100 9, SEISREDIN Ba (to (hae) it (4.9) ‘ula ranen Angers C1) Novelty Yarns rule Soule Native 05) Pingouin Concares 5 Broun Hehe a Breen Mii (400 ¥55835833333 eetuennsess! pees Lr ucla yu crac) eile Spice Eom naw Buy untuk {2 20) si mat i eden sce Sonne Gets ONS mua Yon Pega Mane Naess Om 00: 2 ie oo ine 0 Pigeun Bratt foo) Ree cee Fos atte econ fee Bernat Mohali Pie (80 g) Bens va 2 Bech Sey (est Boron rane (50 9) Berna ieansun (22 15408 atts Conwnyed trom page 2 14.1/2 (18 1/4-18F" from beg ‘Shape shoulder: ‘Ataemnole edge. avery other row, bind of. 1 (7-8) ata (twieel: and rem. B sts (once Slie te peodia the sts lott on holder, and Work same as for first side, reversing shaping, beck With Blue yatn, cast on 62 (68-70! ete ant work in 2/2 ribbing for 1-1/2" Cont in at it increasing 6 sis evenly spaced across 8 (72-76) ats. Work even und! piece measures. 14 1/2 (18 14-16)" from beg., end purl row ‘Shape mock and shoulders: Bind off conta 18.sts and work each side ‘eparntely on rem, 26 (27-29). as, At neck ope, every other row, bind off, 3 ate icncel; 2ate (once! At same time, at mola edges. every other row, bind off 6 (7-8) ats (twice); and B.ce lonce) sloeves With Blua yarn, cast on 42 (46-80) ts and work in 2/2 ribbing for 1.1/2" Cant. is at Hh increasing "st at each edge, every ‘rows (10 times} - 62 (06-701 ats, When woce measures 7 (81/4-8 1/2" from ag. end purl row. Change to Eeru, and nit Vrow in at at, snd Srows in 2/2 tibbing. Change 10 Blue, knit 1 row in stat. find 3 rows in 2/2 ribbing. Change to Ecru, bait Trow jn st st. and 3 (ows in 2/2 ibbing. Bind off all sta once. collar With Blue yarn. Gast on 78 {82-86} sts and work in 2/2 ribbing for 3 1/2" Bind of al Ha hoe, naekline v-ingart Wath Biue yarn, east on 46 and war in 2/2 sinbing Work 2 raws oven. than dec: Yst at each edge, avery ather row (14 rimea), then at same edges. cee. 2 at. ‘every othar raw (A times), ind off ram 2ats ones neck border With Eoru yarn, cast on 116\(122-126) ana ‘and work 12 rowa in striped pattern, same a8 for top of sleeves, inc ‘each edge, every othr 10 498) ats. When 12 raw0 Steam-press on wiong ‘aide With Tbacksttch. new shoulder soars, saw side ms over 10 1/4 (10 1/2-19)" to leave ‘open. Sow sieve soams ond sew in sleeves. Saw the Two ands of neck order together and sew arcund edge Seo tackling Vein bborday, Sew eollar on bas neck border, the sides of collar being ot same liyel a3 upgar edge ol V-nsert Pocket border: With Blue yr. across each pocket ‘pening, piek ub and K3O sta, and work 2/2 ribbing for 3/4" Bind off once. Seve pocket borders to Fant Sew pocket lining fn wrong fide of work aran knit pullover materials ‘Spore Weight Yarn: Four (Four-Frva) 50 ge oils of Pingouin Super {18S yds per BO ge ball! in Ecru. See group B on page 30. Kriting needles na, 2 and no. 4 ‘of bum to ge gauge Coble needie sizes Toddlers: 2-34 years old. Directions for ies 3 and 4 are ghen in parentheses Mesmiroments for frat size are givan on ha stitches used ‘2/2 ribbing. 2. Stockinettn Sutoh (st th pattern stitches 4, Rares ett: Purl cn sight side of work Kenton wrong tide of work 2. Braided rib ass right hand neodie\ bebind the fret on ett needle, K the 2nd st through back af Joon, then X the first st and drop both sts rom lett needle, Raw 2: Pass right hand nendle behind the fist at on left rrniedla, P tha Qndat. thar P the frst st These 2 rows form the patter. 3. Gable: worked on 4 sts in st. Every 4 raves work thus. stip 2 sta on cable neadie and leave fa back of work Knext 2 sta, K 2ste from able needle. 4, Diamond pattem: worked ona number of sia in¢ multiple of 6 + 4 Flow 1: * 4. Crass 28 (pass right needle in rant of first at. K 2nd at, than frst at) * 4 Row 2.and all even numbered rows: f the K sts and P the Piste as they face you Flow 3: P 3, * Gross 1 A (nase right hand neadie in front of first et K 2nd, P first ot) Cross 1 L Nei first at on cable noodle find leave at-tront of work, P 2nd wt K first fa trom cable naedial. P2*. P1. Row Bs 2, SGross 1A, P2, Crom 11%, P2 Row #:P2.K1. * PA. Cross 2 ilp fir st on cable needie and leave at front of work, K 2nd st, then K fiest st fron. cable pendie!*, 4, K 1, P2 Rew: P 2, Cro 1" P2, Cross 1.8, Coose 1L* Row PS. cross TL. Crose 1A P2 Row 1: with no 4 neetlen With no. 2 needles, cast on 76 (78-80) sts fand work in 2/2 sibbing for 2” Change to fa-4 needles and work In patter ae follows 10 (11-12) ate in reverse: st st 2ate in Braided rin, PS, Cable 4, FS, Zain in Braided rib, 26 ate in raveres at St for Genter panel, 2 ets in Braided fib, Pa. Cable é, P3, 2 ute in Beaidod nb. 1011 12) stein revernerst at Work even in pat. a8 estabiahod until piece measures 1/2 (3/410. V/a)" Wom bog. and wrong side ‘Shape armholos: Bind off Sats at bag, of net 2 rows. and a sime edges, every other row. bind al 2ats (once), dee. 1 e113 timenl ~ 00 (02. (Ba) ts remain. Work een, in pat uot piece measures 18 3/4 (14 1/2-18 1/4" from bag. end wrong side Shape aboulders: ‘Al each adge. every other raw. bind of Teta (3 tinea) Leave rem 18 (20-22) sta Gan a stitch holder, front Work same as for back, working tha 26 st of canter panal in Diamond pattars | Work ‘armhole dees. tame as for back. then work ‘even until pioce maasuras 10 1/4 (10 9/2- IP trom beg. end wrong sida ‘Shape neck: Work on the sts at right edge and on the 28 sts of center panel (leava rem 16 sts Gn & stitch holder). At neck edge, evary other row, sip on a stitch holder 2 sts (Gtimes), 1st (12 times! When piece measures 13.3/8 (141/216 1/4)" fram beg. end wreng sie ‘Shape shoulder: At right edge, every other row, bind off 7 sts (9 times} Slip t0 loft hand needle the 16 sis of right sida Jett on holder, cast on 28 ¢18 to the Fight of these 16 sts, and work samme as for (ist sie, reversing all shapings sleeves: With 0.2 faeces, cant on/44 (46-48) ste ‘and work in 2/2 nbbing for 2". Change to 0.4 needles and cont. in reverse st, working the 2 center sis jn Braided rib. Work 10 rows even, then inc: 1 at at each edge, every 10 rome (6 times! ~ 86 (68- 80). sts. When pect massuras 91/2 {10.1/4-11F" from beg. end. wrong side ‘Shape cap: Bind off 3 sts ot beg. ot next 2 rows, and at same edges, avery (otha row, bind of 2 ata (4 timed) oe 1 2 (4 moa): bind OM 2 stu (3 meal: 3 ets (once): rem. 8 (10- 12) aia once collar Slip 10 no. 2 needle all the ste leh on stitch holders (left front, bck, right front] and 11 row, knitting twice in’ each stitch: Neat row: Slip the first 4B sts on right hand 2/2 ribbing, 10. the last 45 ss, loave theso sts on loft hand needle, Cont, in 2/2 ribbing, working 3 more sts from each nestle at the end of each roy, ‘nti al the sta ara worked, Bing off all oz socsaly ing Sow side seams Sew shoulder soars Sew sleeve seams and sow in sleeves. On wrong ide of work, saw Front naek edge Using slipatitenes. Block SK “0 ‘none on age 12 cat pullover materials ‘Sport Weight Yarn: Five (Five-Sia) 50 ar balls of Pingoutn Contortable (140 yas. par 5O.qr bolll distributed a8 falows Four (Fourfivel balls: in Green; One bali in Orange: a few gr. in Black for embroidary See group B on page 30. Knitting needles No 4 and no 8 oF sue to gue gauge double-pointed neadies no 4 Spich holdar sizes Children’s® 29-4 years old. Directions for sizes 3 and 4 are given in parentheses Menauremants for first size are ivan on chart OUR ADVICE Note: When following design on chart, ramamber that each squire represents 4, 2/2 ribbing, atch (: R 2, Stockinotte ‘Gam coun oar bane sashes oh with no 8 nendies. directions ‘front With Grean yarn and ne. 4 neeties, cast on 66 (70-74) sts-and work in 2/2 ribiing for 32 1.1/2 Change 10 no. 8 needies and com. in stst Work evan unt! piace measures 2 (21/4-2 3/87" from beg, end purl row. Next row: Work the jacquard matit on the enter 1Osts, following chart for design Use a bobbin for ach color, and cious vyarna at back of work at aech change of color After the first 12 rows. Work 2 incomplete ows on the #18 in gorter st, and 4 rows on ail st, hus. * t row on the sts in att at Fight edge, and on the foil sts in garter st. tum; 1 rove on the sts in garter st, tuen. ‘row on the sts in garter st, and of) the fol. sts in stat at left sdge, turn: 3 rows on ail sth, cop. from "10% 10 more times The jacquard matit 13. completed. With Green yarn, cont. im at st. Work aven unt piece measures (83/410 1/20" from beg. end purl raw. ‘Shape neck nd ragtens Divide for neck. working each side separstoly on 33 (36-37) ste At armhaie edge, dec. 1 st every athor row 12. (14 16) times; doc. 2 sts lance): 3:ts (once) 4ata (once), At amme time, st neck eg dee. 1 8 exety other fow (8 times); than dec. 1 nt every 4 rows (4 timash When-one side is completed. join yarn neck and work same ax for frat side, feversing all shapings, back Work sama as for front, omitting. the Jacquard motit, Work evon until plac moasures @ (93/410 1/2)" Vrom bap, id uF row, ‘Shape raglan: Onc. 1 at at each edge. every other row 18 (20-22) times At same time as the fast tagian dex. bind off cantar 16 sts for back neck, and Working each sid Beparately, ‘work Zrows even ‘on fem 6 518 Bind oft ‘once. right sleeve ‘With Green yarn and na, 4 nondios. cast on 42 (48-60) sis and work in 2/2 ribbing for 1 1/2". Change to oo. 6 needles and cant ist at Work & rows even, thet i. fa ‘each edge. every Brower (6 times) — 84 (56-62) sts When piece measures ® ch 8dge, every other row 18 (20-22) times, then at ng edge” ovary ‘ther row, bind of Bate (once): 4s twice); 3 sts foncel. At same: time at fet Odge, dec. 1 st every other row Irwice) loft sleeve. Work same as for right aleeve, reversing al shapings finishing Steam-prass on swrong side. Saw side soars Sew staove seams ond bow in sleeves Neck bosder: With double-pointed needles no,4 and Green yarn, pick up and K 108 (110 114) sts around neck exiga, distributed evenly on 3 nddles. Bogin at point of nck and work in 2/2 nbbing tor 7 rows (work back and forth). At each adge-at point af neck edge. every other row, dec. Ta (3 umes). Bin off rem. 100 (108-108) ste ‘once. Sew seam at point of neck edge Embroider in satin 30h a wiengle owe Ihe ‘porter st with Block yarn, for te nase: and {n @ach side, embroider the whiskers In stor avteh shows on page 13 geometric jacquard matoriate ‘Sport Weight Yarn: Six (So-Sovon) 50 gr bala ef Pingouin Confortabie (140) yds par 50a. ball distributed as follows: Five (Fre-Sm) bells in Ecru; in each of {he folowing colors. Green, Blue, Orange, Brown See group 8 on pape 30, Knitting ‘needles no, 8 oF sro to Give gauge. Stitch holder. sizes Children's) 46-8 yoars old. Directions for sizes & and 6 are given in parentheses. Meseiront fr fat abe are gen on a stitches used 1. Garter stitch. 2. 2/2 ribbing. See basic stiches on page 6, gauge 21 sit = 4” = 42 cows-= 4” in gartor itch directions: front ‘With Ecru yarn and no. 5 needles. cast on 88 (80-94) ste and work in 2/2 ritybing for TVA 1/R-2F Con in garter st, decresaing 22 st= erarly_ spaced. acract tha fet tow — 66 168.721 stn remain Wan pisos measures 2 (2 1/4254" from beg. on the Sth cor of garter st begin the geometrc pattern and work That light edo lacing) 43. (44-46) ats Fors. 23 (24°26) st Groen ((hese lat sts ila ecge, wl be worked wrth Groen for S2:ows), Work in. pattem, until 10 rows Ecru ore completed. Work the ist 33 stu vith Brown yarn, the next 10 (11-13) sta Ywth Ecru yarn, end with Grean, To shape the trangia, very other row, work 1 less at vets Brown yarn, and. 1 mora-st with Ecru yarn. End triangle wth. 2 sts Brown, At tame tena, won tha 52 rows Groen are completed. ater the Brown sts, work acraes row with Ecru for Grows Then ngle shaping corect ei at let, with Blue Yarn for 1B rows. When the Brown visngle 15 completed, work 2rows Ecru tkeeoing Blue pat correct) and at right edga, work with Orange the frst 82 sts, until end of font Work in pat, x established uni piece mansures 10-972 (11-41 1/29" from beo. (When the 18 rows Blue at completed, cont with Eom yarn) End wrong sida Shape armholes: Bind off 3 ate at beg. of nxt 2 rows - 60 (62-66) sta remain, Work even in pat. unt piece measures 13 1/2 1141/4189" from beg. end wrong side. ‘Shape neck: Bind off penter 10ste, and working each hola edge, every ather row. bind oft Bie 1 (2-1) times, 8 (0-11) sis once, When one aide is completed, join yarn neck and camplete same as first side frversing shaping. back With Ecru yarn, cast on 88 (90-04) sts and work in 2/2 ripbing for 1 1/4 (1 1/2-2" Cont. in garter et decreasing 22 ets evenly fapneed acrose the first row — 66:(88-72) sts. Work avon until piece measures $0 VRK1-11 1727 rom beg. ond wie a ‘Shape armholes: Bind off 3 sis at beg. of next 2 rowe ~ 80, (62-66) sis remain. Work even until piece measures 14.1/2 (15-18 9/49" from bea. fend wrong aide ‘Shape neck and shouldare: Bind off canter 10.ets, and working wach Side separately. at nock edge. every other tow. bind off; 3st (oncal: dec. 1st (S times). At same time as the lant rack Gee. at armhole saya, evmy other 10W, bin off @ stm 1 (251) mas. B (O-11) sts left sleeve With Ecru yarn, cast on 52 154-86) ats and work in 2/2 ribbing for 1 1/2", Continua in anor st Work even for 22 rows On the 230d row, work the first 23 (24:26) ts with Eoru yarn, and tho next 26 (30-31) sts wiih Brown yarn. Work in pat Gelablished for 1G rows Cont with Eery yam. Work even until _pisce measures 13 1/2 (14 1/4-18)" from bea. end wrong side. Bind off all sis once right sleeve: ‘With Eoru yarn, cast on 62 (64-66) ats and work in 2/2 ribbing for 11/2". Cont, in garter st_ Wore even for 42 (44-45) rows. On the 3rd (451h-46th) row, work the frst 23 (30.31) ain st right edge with Blue yarn. and rem. 23 (24-25) stm with Eon yarn Werk in pat as established for 1B rows, Cont with Ecru yarn. Work avery Until pias (14 1/4189" from beg, fend wrong wide. Bind off all ats once finishing ‘Stearr-press. Sew left shoulder seam, With Bou yam, pick up end & 42 (44-46) ote ‘seats back neck ede and G2 (54-56) ste feress front neck edge ~ 94 (98-102) st Werk 2/2 ribbing ar 1/4" Nat row: tog, the 2 sts of each purl rib, across row. Bind off ram. 71 (74-77) ste once Sew ‘igh “shoulder seam end neck bord seam, Sev side soars. Sew sleove seams and sew in sleeves pullover with mittens ‘materials Knitting Wormted Weight: Six (So-Seven) 50 gr balls of Pingowin Sport 180 vie per 5Ogr ball) in Rod. See groupe on ape 30. Knitting neadies no. # oF size 10 ive gauge, Circular needle no. 5 for mittens Measurements for fit size are gwen on chart stitches used 1. Stookinatte Stitch (st st] 2 Garter Stich. See basic stitches on page & gauge 18 ais = 4"—23 rows =4" in siackinatte st with no 7 needles directions This pullover ie worked in- ane piece Begin at lower edge of back With 90.7 oedles. cast on 84 (58-62) sts and work In garter st for 10 rows: Cont. in st st work ‘ven until piece measures 9 1/2 19 3/8 10 1/4)" trom Bog. ‘Shape sleeves: At each ade, cast on 42 (44-46) sts once = 138 (140-164) ats. Work the frat Ste and the Inst § ate at each edge in garter et for borders and rem, 126 (136-184) ate in Stet, Work even_undi_ piece measures 4113/4 (32 1/2-13 1/4)" from beg. then ‘work the canter 30.(32-94) ate in gortar st to shepe neck barder. for 9 rows Shape back meck: Bind off center 20 (22-24) ste end cont. each wide wepatately on tem. BS (62 155) ste at ach aide, siwaye working the Bate at neck edge in gartar st. and the Bats at edge of sleeve in garter st tho ram, sis in att Work aver for 18 rows. When Cant on 20 (22-24 ow between the 10 groupe of sta. and cont. on he 138 (146- 33 154) sta thus obtained. Work 10 roms in {garter st on center 30 (92-34) sts for neck border, aod cont, in stat, keeping sleeve orders correct. Work sven until pisce meciuros 17 1/2 (18 1/2-193/4)" from beg. Bind off the 4244-46) 18496 for sleeves, and cont in stat on rem. 54 (58-62) ss for 83/4 (9.9 1/2)". Then Work Sowa in garter st Bind off all sts once. Mittens (pockets) ‘With circular needie no. 5. cast on 34 (36+ 338) sis and work back and forth in garer Ht for 10. (12-14) rom ‘Shape thumb: 15 (16-17)-s0m, yo, K 4 sts. yo, K 15 (16- 17) sts:- 36 (38-40) sts, Repeat these incs. % i" . 1m * every 4 roves (3 times) ~ 12 st8 for thumbs Work 10 (12-14) rows on these 12 sts (gave rern. 15 (1-17) sta at each side on holders). When the 10 (12-14) rows are. ‘Dats tog. across rove (tical afd with threaded peedie, draw ‘ivough tom. 3 ats and fasten off Slip to needles the 30 (32-34) st eft on ‘holders, jon yarn and workin garter a for 16 (18-20) rows. Shape top KY SUK 2th tog, K 9110-11) ts, € 20 2 #18, K2 Hts top. 9 (10-11 8s, K 2ms tog, K 1. Repeat these dacs, every See te tietl Bind off rem. sts once. Steam-press lighty. Sew side seams and sleeve seams. Sew mitten nears. Sew one mitten on each side of front. placing thumbs toward center and the top right above ths lower edge in garter abitch, as ‘shawn on picture, shown on gage 21 hello baby pullover matoriats Knitting Worsted Weight: Eiht (Nine Ning) 50.91. balla of Monsieur Pngoun 190 yds por 50 gr, bald in Yatlowy, afew oF ‘of same yarn in Navy Blue. See group Con ‘page 30. Keitting needles na. 6 and no. 7 OF ‘Size to gwe gauge Doubie-poinned eedies no. 6. Suich holders sizes Children's: 4-8-6 years oid Directions for sizea 5 and 8 are given in poranthesca, Massuraments for fiat site are given on hart OUR ADVICE ‘4. Garter Sttteh 2. Stockinetto Suech sts, {see basic stiches on page 6) pattern stitch ‘3/1 ribbing: Row 1: °F 3.1 * Row2:K the K sta and P the P sis as they face you. gauge 17 = 4" ~ 29 rows =4” in rockinette st with no. 7 pedies. directions back With na, 6 needles, cast on 82 (54-56) atx 34 and work in 3/1 ribbing, Work even for 2144", Change ta na. 7 needles and cont in stat Werk even untilpiece measures 11 (14.1/2-12¥" from. beg. end purl row. ‘Shape armholes: Bind off 3 sts at beg. of next 2 rows. and at same edpes. every other row, dec 1st (swiced 42 (44-48) ats remain. Work even fn tom. st unt! piece measures 13.9/8 (14 1/2-18 1/4)" from bag. ond purl row ‘Shape shoulders: Bind off 2 sts at beg of naxt2 rows, and st fame edges, evary other row, bind olf 2 (7 times). Leave ram. 10 (12-141 sts on a fitch hoider, front Work same es for back until piece ‘measures 3° from beg. end nurl raw. ‘Shape pocket: 116 (17-18) sts, leave these ste on.a af holder. K 20 ste leave ram. 16 (17-18) sta fn a st holder, and cont. in st st on center 20s ford 1/2", end purl row, leave these sta on @ at holder. Pocket With no? Readies. cast on soparately 20 sts, and work in st st for 3A". anding url row. Slip 10 ngedie the 16 (17-18) lot om holdar at night edge, and « i 20 sts of pockat lining, slip to le hand heedio the 16 (17-18) ts lok on holder at lett edge. and K to-end, then wark in at t ‘on all 62 (64-56) sts for 3.1/2", ond knit row, Next rows P18 (17-18}sts, bind off Conter 20 sts, P to end. Naat row: K 16 (17-18) ts, Khe 20 ats of pocket left on st holdge, K't3 end Work even on all 62 (B4- BG)sts same as for back When piece measures 13 3/4 (161/216 1/4)" trom bog. end purl row. ‘Shape shoulders and neck: Bind off 2 ste at beg. of next 2rowe, and at ‘tame eciges. avery cthar row, bind ott 2 ate (Gtmea) ‘At same time, wtien piece measures 15 (163/4-16 1/24" trom bog. (4th shoulda dec! sip to at holder the center 8-110 T2}ats for front, neck. working each side separately and keeping shoulder docs. ‘Correct. at neck edge. every other row: aia to at holder: 2ts ttwicel, 1 st (oncel right sleeve With a6 readies, cant om 40 (42-44) aig ‘and werk in 341 ribbing Work even for 2.2/4", ending on right side of work, ‘Change to na. 7 needios. and cont. in sts) (the wong side becoming the right side when folding back cuff. Dec. 6 sta eventy spaced gcross the Fist row — 34 (BB 38) sts rom, Work even for 12 rows, them (nc. 1st at each edge. every. 12 rows (4 tumen): ~ 42 144-46). 141/46 18-41 row Bing ott 2 ath at boo. of naxt 2 rows, and at sama. edges, every other row, Bind oft ats (6 times). Cont in garter at on com 14 (16-18) sis, decresing 1 st at nach edge, avery 11/2" liwice! When pide ‘measures 71 (22-231" feam beg. end pull At right edge, every other rom, leave oni fitch holder: 3 (2-8) ats twice). 2 (3-3) sts (wee) lett sloove Work same as for ght sleeve verning all shepings finiahing With no.6 needles. pick up and « 21 st fon each ecige of packet and wack in 3/) tibbing for. 1 1/4" Bind off once. Une slipauiches to sew ecckat ribbed borders and packat lining. On bask, embroieer the lettars in chain stitch with Biack yarn, Sew ide daama Sew sleeve seams and sew in leeves Collar, Slip all te ats Jelt on holders to double: Dointed needies no. 6 and work round in 3/1 ribbing, incrsasing 20sts_ evenly spaced noross the first row — 68 176 84) sts, Work evan lor 4.1/4". Bind off all \8§ loowely, Fold beck collar to wrong sida, ‘and alipstitch sround neck edge. RS ‘owe on page 22 argyle vest and socks materiais ‘Sport Waight Yam: Four [Four-Fve) 50 gr balls of Pingouin Super 4 (165 yes per Or. ball in Grey; 10gr- of same yarn in ‘a2ch of the following calars: Red, Green, Ecry. See grou 8 on page30. Knitting fapdlee no-2 and no. & or ame to gue (gauge, Five buttons 1/2" in dismetar sizes Children's: 4-5-8 years old, Directions for fires 6 and 6 a1 given in parentheses Measuroments for first size are givan on chat stitches used B.A dtive 3, Seshnete Sa oto stitches on page (s 2 Eretdany: Gupteats Stich geuge 25 Hs «4°32 rowe= 4" in sockinatte st ath no. 4 needles Sweater: 120 gr. back Wit Gray and no. 2 Aasdles. cast on 78 180-82) sts and work in 1/1 ribbing for 1.1/4". Change to no. 4 needies and cont in-st st. Work evan until piece measures 83/8 (7 172-8 VAP" from beg. od purl fw, Shape armholon: Bind off sts at beg of nest 7 rows. and at fame edges. ovary other raw, bind off Boats lonce) ; 2 sis twice): dec. t st 1 12-3) fms; than doe. Ter at each edge, every ‘rows twee) ~ 6Osts remain ‘Work won unvil pece messures 11. 1/2 (12.1/2-12:3/4Y" tom beg, end pul row: Ing. Vist at beg of next 2rows, work Brows oven, then inc. Tat at beg of next Drown ~ 64 ats When piece mensuros 13 (14-16 1/49" from beg. end purl row ‘Shape neck and shoulders: 22 wi, Inova these sts on @ sich holder find of canter 1O et. K to end. Working eck edge, every 2 sts nach side separate! ‘other now, bind off: sts (once). twice! ‘At same time, when mesures 13 1/2 (149/2-18 9/4)" trom ‘beg, at armhole edge, avery ether row. ne find off sts (3 umes). Slip ro noedl 22.5 (ef on Polder, jin yarn at neck work same as for frst side, reversing shapiogs. fight front With Grey and no: 2 naedies, cost on. 38 (BEAD) ste and work in 1/1 ribbing for 11/4" Change to ne. 4 needles and cont io. st st Work even unt piece measures 63/4 (7 1/2-8.1/49" from beg. end dur row. Shape armhole: At left edge. every other row, bind off: & sts lonce); 3 sta force); 2 ats (wical: dec. 1 8t 1 (2-3) timas; than dec. 1 at every 4 rows (twee), When pisce measures ® (8.3/6 91/27" fram beg. end purl. row, hape neck: AY right edge, Tat from edge, deo. tat, avery 4 rows {10 times) At sama time, when piece measures 19 1/2 (121/2- 13.3F4)" from bog. at left edge, inc, Vat ser Brow tweak i pat, xaoing unit piece meatures {ava ta /a-seaay om oon. ond ‘At laf edge, every other row) bind off 8 sts lrwice): and rem. 3 (4-8) ats once. left front Work same as for right front, reversing all shapings finishing Staam-pinad. Embroider siavie pattern following design on chart. Sew shoulder reams. With Grey and no 2 noadies. pick nd K 112 (1161 20) ete around @ach armhole and work in 1/1 nibbing for 8/8" Bind off ss loosely, Wah Gtoy and no, 2 nesdles, pick up an K 88 (96-104) sts up right front, 38 ses aoross back nack, 88 (96-104) sis down Jett front, and werk in 1/1 ribbing Buttonhole rows on the 2nd row, 5 sty within lower edge ‘of let front, tind off 2ate: work 4 move buttonhaies 1-3/4 (2- 2.1/4)" apart Next row: Cast on 2 ats over bound off ats, When nibting messuies 5/8" from beg. bind oft all nts loosely. Sew side seama, Serv buttons Socks: 70 gr. directions With Grey and no-2 feedlles. east on 42 (46-50) sts and work in st st. Work 4 rows than P-1 raw on nght side of work, to mark fold for hern. Change to no. 4:needias and oni. in st ab Work even until pieee measures 6 (8 1/48 3/4)" thom bog. ten nz 1s ot aach ada. Rep. doe when piece mensuros 7 1/2(B-B 1/2)" ~ 38 (42- 46) sts remain Work even an rem sts until piece menus 89/4 (9 12-101/4"" from beg, end purl row. heal: (Wight hatte) Work on the first 9 (10-111 ats ony leave ram 29 (32-35) sta on a st holder, Work evan for 12 (14-16) rawa, than dee. ae folows lnght side facing! K3, X2 tog, urn, PA, turn, K4,K 2 tog. turn: P65, turn: KS, K2 tog, turn: PG, tum: KE (7) or the frst ano. 27d sures. For the 376 size) 56,52 tog..tun, P tun: 7 Altar thane 6 (7-71 ss, pick up ard K7 (8-8) te along the edge of tha 12 (14-18) rows, than K the 20 (22-24) ats of insta of on st holder, ond cont. on rem, 9 (10:11) stn for Jett halsheel. work same as for right halthes), After picking up the 7 (8-8) ae along the edge of the 12 (04-18) rows Worked oven for the lett hal 2 sts tog. 12 (1416) sta trom and SKPO (lip 1 at. K noxt a tt over! 12.(14-18) sts from loft ad these docs. every cther row 4 (6-6) mm aaping them in ine one above 1 36 (40-44) sts romain When proce measures 31/2 (4-4 1/49" trom edge of heel (where ate ware picked upl, and purl rove ‘Shape top: KO (7-8). K2 tog. K 2. SKPOL K 12 {4 16), 2 top, K2. SKPO. KO (7-8), rap. these decs. every other rov, 6 (7:8) more times, keeping them in line an above te ‘other, When the deca. ate. completed. break yarn leaving end long enough to draw through rem) sts. Pull and fasten securely Sew back sam with a close whipped wutch Maka another sack in same manner 35 crochet finish cardigan matorials Sport Yam: Five (Fwvo-Sie Sid 50g balle af Pingouin Super 4 (165 yds pat 50 ot. bal) distributed 28 follows: Four \Four-Five-Five) balis in Gray: One ball im Light Grey See group 8 on page a0 Kaitling nendies no.2 and no. 4 or see to give gauge Crochet hook aire B. five buttons 6/8" in diameter sizes Children's. 2-9-4-5 years old. Directions fot sizes 3-4-5 are given in parenthenes Measurements for first size are ghen on chart stitches used 1.1/1 ribbing. 2. Stockinette Stitch (st st) ‘3.Single Crochet (se) (sso basic stiches on page 6) . Corded edging stiteh: Work in) ac from Welt 10 right, atyays inserting Crochet hook 15 the right of the stitch just made gouge 24 gis = 4" ~ 31 rons =4' Sitch with no. + nemdlen directions Fight front With Grey and no: 2 nondies, cast on 38 (36-98-38) sts and work in 1/1 ribbing for 11/2", Change to no. 4 needles and cont {st ot, Work even until piece measures 23/4 (3-31/2-4)" trom beg. end purl tow. ‘Shape pocket: Work the center 18st in 1/1 ribbing, kouping the @ (10) sts at each end in a st {for Grows. Than bind off once the canter 1Guts. and keep the 9 (10) sts. atwach and Instockinete 36 Pocket tining: With Grey and no 4 neadies. cast on 1 ats and work in st st far 2", Place these Vast between the six left on. snare Needle, and cont in st st on all 38 (36-38- 38) sta. Work even until piece measures ® (8 1/4-83/4-0F" trom beg., end puri row, Shape armhole: Dac, Tt at left edge, every other tow (5 times) = 31 131-33-93) ats rom. Work ‘sve unl ploce measures 11. (11 3/4: 12.1/2-43 1/49" from beg. end put row. ‘Shape neck: At right edge, every ether row bind al & (6-6-8) tt (once, Aste (once): 2 ste fence): dec 1 at (twice) ~ 18 sts remain. When piece measures 13 1/2 (14 1/4-18- 1B aay" trom beg. ihape shoulder: ‘At armhole edge, every other revs, bind oft sts (vice! loft front Work same as for right front, reversing all shapings back The back is worked in two pieces. Segin with ahs side: With Grey and no. 2 Nesdies, cast on 36 (35-38-36) ats and Work in 1/1 ribbing lor 1 172". Change to pa. 4 needies and cont. in st st, Work even lund! piece measures 8 (8 1/4-83/4-B)" {rom beg. end pull row, ‘Shape armhole: At right edge. every other row, dec. 1 at & (4-546) times = 31 (31-33-33) sts remain Work even until place measures 18 1/2 (14.1/4-18-48.3/4"" from beg, end purl ‘Shape shoulder and neck At right: edge. every other row, bind eft St ‘st same time, 2 left ede VOste toncel; and’3 13-55) ste ‘Work left sido of back in same manner, reverning all shapings. sleoves With Gey and no, 2 needles. cam on 42 44-46-48) ots and work in. 171 ribbing for 11/4" Change ta no. 4 needies, and cont i st st Work 10 rome ven, ther ine. 1 st fat each edge, every 10 raw (5 times) — 82 (84-56-55) sin. When piece meesuras 8.3/4 (91/2-10 1/4-11" trom beg., end url row. Shape exp: Decrease 1 st st bop. of next 12 rows, Bind oft remaining 40 (42-44-46) ats once finishing Staam-press. Sow shoulder seama With Light Grey yarn and erschet hook, work row in se across center adige of o8ch ‘back. Join the: two pieces with 1 rw in ‘sorded edging, Work | raw in sc acroas the ge of each slonve cap Work. 1 row in so crOSE the edge of vach front (seam sk cont. geross each front ermhale, dow each back armhole, across the ‘edge of teach back (som side} Join’ sido seams with 1 row ip corded 20g1ng. Join sleeve seams and etin ‘siseves in same manner ‘Neck border: With Grey and iio: 2 neediee, pick up and X30 (90-22-32) ste around ight front ack edge, 32 (32-36-96) ste around back rack edge, and 30 (30-32-99) sts around tet ront neck odge-~ 92 (921100-100) stg Wore in 1/1 ebbing for 8 row: Bind off all sts once Front borders: With Groy and ne. 2 naadtes. pick up and 78 (62-86-90) ste across lott trom edge land work in 1/7 ibbing Buttonhole row: fn the 4th row, work 5 buttonholas thus Work 4 te, * bind off 2 wis, work 15.(18- 1718) sts * (4 unas), bine off 2 ats, work 4st, Next raw: Cast oy 2 sts over bound off sts, When 8 rows are completed, bind ffl sts ance. Wark right front. border in same manner, omitting buttanhales. Sew. Pocket linings Sew buttons Qc ____ shown om pape 24 Novelty , Bovoié Yarn: Nine (Nin 50.9r. balls of Pingouin Rustique Boucle (S0yds per bell) in Rus. See Neavetly yarns on page 30. Crachet hooks size | and H or site to gue gouge, Four wooden toggles. sizes (Children’s 4-6-6 yrs. Directions for 8 and stitches used 1.Single erochet (sc) 2. Hall Double cerochet (hcl. See basic ats on page 6 gauge 12 ate= 4° ~ 18 rows 4" in de with crohat hook H.

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