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Celebrating National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) in the Humanities

Historical Impact: European Settlement on Indigenous

Objective: Understand the impact of European settlement on Indigenous Australians
and appreciate the significance of NAIDOC Week in celebrating Indigenous cultures
and contributions.


TASK 1: Introduction:
1. Write down your understanding of the terms 'European settlement' and 'Indigenous Australians'.
Write your answer here:

2. Why do you think Europeans chose to settle in Australia?

Write your answer here:

TASK 2: Comprehension Activity:

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

"When Europeans first arrived in Australia in 1788, they began to build penal colonies, towns, and farms.
This had a significant impact on Australia’s Indigenous peoples. By 1900, the number of Indigenous
Australians was less than a quarter of what it had been before European settlement.

Food became scarce as land was cleared, and access to water and sacred sites became difficult or
impossible. Western diseases, to which Indigenous Australians had no natural immunity, wiped out entire

Despite these challenges, Indigenous peoples have continued to play a crucial role in Australia's society
and culture. Their contributions have been significant and varied, and have greatly enriched Australia's
national identity.

This recognition is particularly evident during NAIDOC Week, a week-long event that acknowledges and
honours the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples."

1. What were the main impacts of European settlement on Indigenous Australians?
Write your answer here:

2. How did the arrival of Europeans affect the population of Indigenous Australians by 1900?
Write your answer here:

3. How did European settlement affect access to food, water, and sacred sites for Indigenous
Write your answer here:

4. What is the purpose of NAIDOC Week?

Write your answer here:

TASK 3: Essay Writing:

Celebrating National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) in the Humanities
Use the essay writing template below to write a short essay (around 500 words) on the topic "The Impact of
European Settlement on Indigenous Australians and the Importance of NAIDOC Week". Use the
information from the comprehension activity and your own research to support your points.

Essay writing template:

Essay Title: "The Impact of European Settlement on Indigenous Australians and the Importance of NAIDOC

Introduction (Approximately 75 words):

Start with a hook: a compelling fact, statistic, or statement to grab the reader's attention.
Provide some background on the topic of European settlement in Australia.
State your thesis: a clear statement of what your essay will argue or demonstrate.
Write your introduction here:

Body Paragraph 1 - European Settlement (Approximately 150 words):

Topic Sentence: State the main idea of this paragraph (e.g., "European settlement had a profound impact
on Indigenous Australians.")
Evidence: Provide specific examples or facts about the impact of European settlement.
Explanation: Explain how this evidence supports your thesis.
Write your body paragraph here:

Body Paragraph 2 - Impact on Indigenous Australians (Approximately 150 words):

Topic Sentence: State the main idea of this paragraph (e.g., "The arrival of Europeans significantly affected
the Indigenous population.")
Evidence: Provide specific examples or facts about the impact on Indigenous Australians.
Explanation: Explain how this evidence supports your thesis.
Write your body paragraph here:

Body Paragraph 3 - NAIDOC Week (Approximately 150 words):

Topic Sentence: State the main idea of this paragraph (e.g., "NAIDOC Week plays a crucial role in
acknowledging and celebrating Indigenous cultures and contributions.")
Evidence: Provide specific examples or facts about NAIDOC Week.
Explanation: Explain how this evidence supports your thesis.
Write your body paragraph here:

Conclusion (Approximately 75 words):

Restate your thesis in a new way.
Summarise the main points you made in your body paragraphs.
End with a closing thought: a broader implication, a future prediction, or a call to action.

Write your conclusion here:

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