Global Readings 1 Unit 7

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Global 1

Literacy Book 1
Lucy Crichton, Paul Mason, and Kaj Schwermer
A Primary Literacy Anthology

with Digital
Student’s Book

Lucy Crichton • Paul Mason • Kaj Schwermer

Get Ready to Read

Look Around See,
See, Think, Wonder
Think, Wonder

A Look at the picture. What do you see?

There are people. I see an animal.

B What do you think?

I think the deer is lost.

It’s sunny.

C What do you wonder?

Why is it there?
Is there a zoo?

D Think and discuss. Where do you want

to explore?

E Look at this picture from the reading. What

do you think is inside? Discuss.

Now read What’s Inside?

104 Activating Prior Knowledge About Places in Town and Nature Unit 7 105
I’m dark inside, but
don’t sleep!
I have a lot of seats.

And there’s popcorn
for you to eat.

h a t
A riddle
is a word puzzle.
Can you guess
the answers?

h a t
They’re all over town.
They open and close. Ware
Words in Context
They’re big and small,
short and tall. Find these words in the reading. What do you think they mean?

seat  popcorn  place  hours  snack  handle  mystery

106 Reading a Poem Unit 7 107

I’m a quiet place.
Pick something from my bookcase. I’m open all day.
You can learn how to make rice or I have yummy food.
all about flowers. Come in for a snack.
It’s OK to sit here for hours. Bring your friend, too.

h a t h a t
Wam Wam
I? I?

I’m a beautiful place.

I have old things inside.
Walk around and you can see I’m a special tree.
a lot of art and history. Who put a door
handle on me?
Does someone live inside?

h a t It’s a
I? Which door
do you want
to open?
108 Unit 7 109
Explore the Reading Get Ready to Read

A Read and match.

A Look at the pictures. What happens next? Think and check ( ).
a. library
Beginning Middle End

b. café
Illustrator will provide corrected images

c. movie theater

Predicting helps us read. We use what we know about the beginning

of the story to guess the ending.
d. museum
B Look at these pictures from the reading and draw. What happens next?

Beginning Middle End

movie theater cinema

B Read and answer. Where is it?

1 Where is it dark inside? At the movie theater.
2 Where can you learn how to make rice?
3 Where can you find old things?
4 Where can you find snacks? C Think and discuss. What’s your ending?

In my ending, they go swimming.

C Draw and share. Think about where you live. What interesting doors are there?

Where is it? Can you guess?

I think it’s the museum. Now read Butterfly Forest

110 Understanding the Reading; Social Studies Link Predicting Endings 111
“Are you OK, Freddy?” asks his sister.
“Yes! Come and look at this.”

“We’re coming!” the girls shout.

They run over.

What do the
children do

Flora, Freddy, and Preeti are playing in the forest.

Freddy throws the Frisbee into the trees. Words in Context
“Can you get the Frisbee, please?” asks Preeti. Find these words in the reading. What do you think they mean?

butterfly  Frisbee  shout  hold  key  follow  beautiful

112 Reading Fantasy Unit 7 113

“What is it?” asks Flora.
“It’s a butterfly, silly.”

Ah - a h - c hoo

“Wow! It’s sitting on

your nose,” says Preeti.
“It doesn’t think you’re
scary,” says Flora.

“What’s in the river?” asks Preeti.

“Can you get it?”
“No, Freddy, don’t!” “I don’t know. Hold my hand.”

114 Unit 7 115

“What is it?” asks Freddy. “Where are the
“It’s a key!” butterflies going?” “Where are we?” asks Preeti.
asks Preeti. She puts the key into the lock.
“Let’s follow them!”

“This is cool,” says Flora.

“It’s so beautiful.”
“Can we play Frisbee here?”
“Freddy! ”

“They’re fast. Come on!” says Freddy.

What do you What do

think they you like in
find? the butterfly

116 Unit 7 117

Explore the Reading

A Read and choose the answer. Why do we look around in new places?
Think Together
1 What are the children doing in the forest? A Write and share. What new places do we find in the readings?
a. playing table tennis b. climbing trees c. playing Frisbee
2 What is the butterfly sitting on? We find a museum.
a. Freddy’s foot b. Freddy’s head c. Freddy’s nose
3 What do they find in the water?
And a butterfly garden.
a. a fish b. a key c. a lock
4 How do they open the door?
a. They use the key. b. They push the buttons. c. They don’t open it. B Think and discuss. Imagine you look around a new place.
Where do you go? How do you feel? Do a Think, Pair, Share.
5 What is behind the door?
a. Frisbees b. butterflies c. food I go to the butterfly garden. I’m happy there.

B Read and write the name. Who says it?

My Reading Journal
1 “Can you get the Frisbee, please?” Preeti
Imagine you have a key. What door does it unlock? Draw the place.
2 “Come and look at this.”
3 “Where are the butterflies going?” Preeti Flora
4 “This is cool.”
5 “Can we play Frisbee here?”
6 “Where are we?” Freddy

C Think and discuss. You explore a new place. Where do you go? What do you find?

I explore my park.
I find a lot of new animals.

Phonics f l– and fr–

Listen and say.
f loat f lap f ly friend f ries fruit You meet the authors of the readings. What question do you ask?
Now find more words starting with f l and fr in the reading.

118 Understanding the Reading; Relationship Skills; Initial Blends with fl and fr Making Connections About Places in Town 119

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