Vicencio Et Al-2018-Near Surface Geophysics

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Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312  doi:10.3997/1873-0604.


Site characterisation in Barreiro urban area (Portugal) using

H/V and ReMi techniques
Henrique Vicêncio1,2, Paula Teves-Costa3,* and Paulo Sá Caetano1, 4
GeoBioTec, Pólo UNL, 2829-516 Monte da Caparica, Portugal
National Authority for Civil Protection, 1750- 377 Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Dom Luiz, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
Dept. Ciências da Terra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
2829-516 Monte da Caparica, Portugal

Received September 2017, revision accepted April 2018

Barreiro is an urban county located in the Lisbon metropolitan area (Portugal) with several hazard-
ous industrial facilities. This area shows a moderate seismicity, but due to its geotectonic location,
it has been subject in the past to earthquakes responsible for high social and economic losses.
Earthquakes that occurred in 1531 (Mw ≈ 6.6), 1755 (M ≥ 8) and 1909 (Mw ≈ 6) are examples of
destructive events that hit Barreiro. In this study, we present an analysis of ambient vibration meas-
urements together with local geology and geotechnical properties of the shallower units. Horizontal-
to-vertical spectral ratio (H/V) computed from ambient vibrations, shear wave velocity profiles, and
VS30 value distributions were compared with the geological and geotechnical properties of the shal-
lower units, looking for potential site effects.
Geotechnical characterisation was based on the analysis of 289 logs and 1109 Standard
Penetration Tests. A total of 214 refraction microtremor measurements were performed, obtaining
VS profiles and VS30 values for 34 different sites. The results from ambient vibration records carried
out at 136 sites (Vicêncio, Teves-Costa and Sá Caetano 2015) were also used. Spatial distributions
of VS profiles, VS30 values, the thickness of the shallow formations, the number of blows from
Standard Penetration Tests (NSPT values), and H/V peak frequencies are presented and discussed.
Correlations between these parameters were established. Three areas prone to seismic amplification,
for frequencies between 2.5  Hz to 8  Hz, were identified. Ground classification was performed
according to Eurocode 8 using the estimated values. The results will be made available to the
Barreiro municipality for support of land and emergency planning.

Key words: Site effects, Non-invasive methods, VS profiles.

INTRODUCTION Mexico 2003), the buildings whose natural period was equal or
It is well known that shallow, soft, surface layers may modify the close to the natural period of the ground suffered larger damage
characteristics of the seismic signal producing ground motion than the other buildings. The degree of proximity between these
amplification. In areas covered by such layers, the damage pro- two periods is responsible for a resonance phenomena (Navarro
duced by earthquakes may be much larger than expected as et al. 2004) that can double the building vibration amplitude
observed in several past earthquakes, such as Michoacán, (Keçeli and Cevher 2015), inducing more serious damage.
Mexico (1985), and Kobe, Japan (1995) (Mirzaoglu and Dýkmen The knowledge of the S-wave velocity (VS) profiles, which
2003). This phenomenon is usually referred to as site effect, and allows the study of the soil response to earthquakes, has been
has been widely studied by many researchers (e.g., Chávez- used for seismic susceptibility analysis in urban areas (e.g.,
García and Bard 1994; Duval et al. 2001; Giammarinaro et al. Borcherdt 1970; Boore 2004; Stephenson et al. 2015). Another
2005; Navarro and García-Jerez 2012). parameter used in this kind of analysis is the average velocity of
During a number of past earthquakes (e.g., Northridge, the S waves in the first 30-m depth (VS30). This parameter is also
California 1994; Kobe, Japan 1995; Izmit, Turkey 1999; Colima, used in Eurocode 8 (EC8) (IPQ 2010) and in seismic engineering
studies (e.g., Krammer 1996; Boore, Joyner and Fumal 1997;
* Rosset, Bour-Belvaux and Chouinard 2015).

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers 298

299 H. Vicêncio, P. Teves-Costa and P. Sá Caetano

Figure 1 (a) Schematic represen-

tation of the boundaries between
the North America, the Eurasia,
and the Africa plates, in the North
Atlantic Ocean and Portugal
Mainland location; (b) identifica-
tion of Barreiro county located in
the western central part of
Portugal and close to the Lisbon

There are several seismic methods that allow the estimation of tion of building natural frequencies and checking for potential
VS variation with depth (VS profiles). Cross-hole, down-hole, up- resonance phenomena.
hole, and PS-logging tests are invasive methods that require drill-
ing holes. They provide VS estimations with high accuracy at a site SEISMOTECTONIC AND GEOLOGICAL SETTING
but are costly, time consuming, and difficult to perform in urban- Portugal mainland is located close to the boundary between the
ised areas. These constraints make their use difficult in investiga- Eurasian and African plates (Figure 1a). Due to this context, it
tions of local effects in large areas. Non-invasive methods, such as presents a deformation with NW–SE maximum compression
multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) (Park, Miller and and a convergence rate of 4 ± 0.2 mm/year (DeMets, Gordon
Xia 1999), refraction microtremor (ReMi) (Louie 2001), and spa- and Argus 2010). This deformation has been responsible for the
tial autocorrelation (SPAC) method (e.g., Aki 1957; Ohori, Nobata generation of the largest interplate and intraplate earthquakes in
and Wakamatsu 2002; Okada 2003; Wathelet, Jongmans and Europe (Custódio et al. 2015). Although the Lisbon region
Ohrnberger 2005), are performed on the surface using active or exhibits a moderate seismicity, it has been subject to cata-
passive (ambient vibration measurement) sources. strophic earthquakes in the past, such as those occurred in 1531
ReMi tests consist of acquiring ambient vibrations along a (Mw ≈ 6.6), 1755 (M ≥ 8), 1858 (M ≈ 7), and 1909 (M ≈ 6), that
line of geophones separated by a regular distance. This technique were responsible for high social and economic losses.
allows for rapid testing of large areas in a non-invasive and non- Barreiro is a county located in the Lisbon region (Figure 1b)
destructive way (e.g., Stephenson et al. 2005; Santisteban et al. with an approximate area of 36 km2. Statistical data compiled in
2012). Data analysis with the ReMi tests assumes that the propa- 2011 identified 73,242 residents and 8,772 buildings in this
gation of surface waves is isotropic and unidirectional (Strobbia county (INE 2011). The presence of several hazardous industrial
and Cassiani 2011). In places where the energy of the surface facilities (covered by the Seveso III directive) implies that seis-
waves does not propagate in an omnidirectional way along the mic risk assessment in this county should be carefully addressed.
line of geophones, the results may overestimate the true values In addition, the planned rehabilitation of some industrial areas,
of VS (Zywicki 2007; Rosenblad and Li 2009; Strobbia and converting them to residential use, should require the develop-
Cassiani 2011). Despite this possible overestimation, Rosenblad ment of detailed studies on site characterisation.
and Li (2009) compared between VS30 values obtained by ReMi The geological setting of the study area is mainly characterised
and MASW techniques, and found a very close match. Stephenson by a sedimentary series of Cenozoic formations (Pais et al. 2006)
et al. (2005) reached similar VS30, VS50, and VS100 values (average (Figure 2a). Pliocene and Pleistocene formations are formed by a
velocity of the S waves in the first 30-m, 50-m, and 100-m depth, predominantly sandy sequence; the Holocene deposits, composed
respectively) with ReMi and MASW techniques and using geo- by a sequence of sandy and clayey lenticular beds with lateral and
technical properties determined from boreholes. vertical facies variations, cover the shallow area of the Pliocene
The objective of this study is to characterise the seismic formation. Heterogeneous anthropogenic deposits (landfills) are
behaviour of Barreiro’s shallow formations, using the ReMi and also present. The Miocene–Pliocene boundary was identified by
H/V techniques, and checking for the potential site effects. To deep drilling and is located between 150-m and 200-m depth.
achieve this goal, the following tasks were performed: (i) seismic
characterisation of the shallow units, in terms of VS profiles and METHODOLOGY
VS30 values, using the ReMi technique; (ii) comparison of these During 2013 and 2014, Vicêncio, Teves-Costa and Sá Caetano
results with the soil natural frequency obtained by the Nakamura (2015) performed a large set of ambient vibrations measurements
method (Nakamura 1989, 2008; Vicêncio, Teves-Costa and Sá in this same area (Figure 2b). They applied Nakamura’s methodol-
Caetano 2015); (iii) discussion of the results using geotechnical ogy (H/V curves) to estimate peak frequencies (F0, F1) and respec-
data compiled from borehole measurements; (iv) identification tive amplitudes (A0, A1) of the shallow formations. They also
of areas in Barreiro that are prone to site effects; and (v) estima- presented the results of several geotechnical boreholes interpreta-

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
H/V and ReMi techniques 300

tion, with NSPT values for these shallow formations, estimating method produces a dispersion curve in the p–f domain, which is
the thickness of the different layers and the depth at which NSPT60 then picked, and the resulting dispersion picks modelled to pro-
(NSPT = 60) was reached. In the current study, results from ReMi duce a shear-wave velocity versus depth profile (VS profile) and
tests (VS profiles and VS30 values) will be presented, and all the the corresponding VS30. This method generates a model whose
data and estimated properties will be discussed together. Figure 2 dispersion response fits the imported dispersion curve picks
shows the location of the geotechnical boreholes, as well as the (Pullammanappallil and Louie 1994; Pei, Louie and
sites where field tests were performed. Pullammanappallil 2007). VS30 values could be also computed
Two types of ReMi records were performed: (i) active records using the following equation (1):
(using sledgehammer blows, distance between geophones 1.5  m
and shot offsets 6 m); (ii) passive records (distance between geo- ,(1)
phones 3 m or 5 m). In both types, a linear array of twenty-four
4.5-Hz vertical geophones connected to a Seistronix RAS-24
seismograph was used. Record duration was 2  s for the active where Hi and Vi correspond, respectively, to the thickness and the
experiments and 32 s for passive experiments, and the sampling shear-wave velocity of each layer. The sum is performed until the
rates were 1 ms and 2 ms, respectively. At least three records were depth reaches 30 m.
obtained at each site both for active and passive experiments. The It is also possible to perform a manual inversion starting
geophones were placed on road sides in order to reduce the angle from an initial model. In this study, the manual inversion was
between the array and the azimuth of the source (trying to avoid applied, and the initial model was defined, taking into consid-
VS overestimation). Passive tests allow reaching greater depths eration geological and geotechnical information and data from
than the active ones, and for this reason, the passive tests were boreholes: boundaries between shallow formations (Holocene)
carried out whenever possible. and the substratum (Pliocene) and/or NSPT values. However,
The recorded vibrations (also called ambient noise or ambient for comparison, VS30 values were also computed by automatic
vibrations) were dominated by Rayleigh waves. Separation inversion.
between Rayleigh and other types of recorded waves was done ReMi tests were performed at 34 different sites (Figure 2c). In
by applying a slowness–frequency (p–f) transform to the records each site, several records were performed, and consequently, sev-
(Thorson and Claerbout 1985; Pancha et al. 2008). Data process- eral VS profiles and VS30 values were obtained. For each site, an
ing was performed using the ReMi method of Louie (2001). The averaged VS profile was computed, using 0.1-m intervals, as well as

Figure 2 Geological setting of

Barreiro (base map). (a) Borehole
locations (black dots); (b) loca-
tions of the sites where H/V
curves were obtained (black tri-
angles) (from Vicêncio, Teves-
Costa and Sá Caetano 2015);
(c) locations of ReMi tests (red
diamonds). The numbers indicate
the locations of the old industrial
park (1) and the River Station (2).

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
301 H. Vicêncio, P. Teves-Costa and P. Sá Caetano

Figure 3 VS profiles obtained

from ReMi tests: (a) S-wave
velocity inversion characteristic
of some landfills (Type A);
(b) current profile exhibiting
small S-wave velocity inversions
(Type B); (c) current profile with-
out S-wave velocity inversions.
Red dashed lines represent the
initial models. L - landfill; A -
alluvium; P - Pliocene.

a mean VS30 value. At some sites VS profiles showing velocity inver- The results obtained with ReMi and both geotechnical data/
sions were identified, and the location of these sites has been interpretation and H/V curves were compared using six different
marked. To compare VS profiles and VS30 values with H/V and analyses:
geotechnical results, spatial distributions of those properties were (i) Spatial distributions of (i) Pliocene top estimated with VS
performed by interpolating the data with the use of the inverse- profiles and (ii) Pliocene top estimated with geotechnical
distance algorithm and computing the respective values in a 200 m data (boreholes). Directional analyses and scatter plots
× 200 m grid. Spatial distributions and numerical relations between between grids were performed.
grids were analysed, using two different approaches: (i) flow from (ii) Three-dimensional models for the shear velocity, using all
high to low grid values with continuous lines, to perform direc- VS profiles obtained with ReMi, and all NSPT boreholes
tional analyses. For VS30, the directional analysis was inverted (flow profiles, were estimated. From these models, VS and NSPT
from low to high values) to compare its spatial distribution with the values for three 2D horizontal sections were computed at
thickness of shallow formations and NSPT60 spatial distributions; −10 m, 0 m, and +10 m levels. Directional analyses and scat-
(ii) scatter plots and correlation coefficients (R2). ter plots between grids were performed.

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
H/V and ReMi techniques 302

(iii) The spatial distribution of VS30 was compared with the thick- boundaries were studied by Vicêncio, Teves-Costa and Sá
ness of shallow formations estimated from geotechnical Caetano (2015). The closest H/V curves to the central points
information and NSPT60 depth. Directional analyses and of the ReMi tests were used. When several H/V curves were
scatter plots between grids were performed. at the same distance to the ReMi central point, the mean
(iv) Numerical correlations between VS30, thickness of shallow values for peak frequencies and amplitudes were used.
formations, and depth of NSPT60 values were computed.
(v) Spatial distribution of VS30 was compared with the thickness Based on H/V peak frequencies (F0, F1) with corresponding spectral
of the shallow formations calculated from Holocene peak amplitudes greater than 2, areas prone to seismic amplification were
frequencies (F0 and F1), identified in the H/V curves, using identified. For further discussion, the natural frequencies of build-
an empirical relation in the form of equation (2) (Ibs-von ings with different heights were estimated using the relation derived
Seth and Wohlenberg 1999): by Oliveira and Navarro (2010) (equation (3)), where T is the natu-
ral period of the building and N is the number of floors, as follows:
H = a F0b,(2)
T = 0.045*N. (3)
where a and b are site-specific empirical constants.
(vi) Numerical correlations between VS30 and H/V frequencies From ReMi tests, 214 VS profiles were obtained at the 34 differ-
(F0, F1) and respective spectral amplitudes (A0, A1), related ent sites (Figure 2c). Each profile resulted from the inversion of
to the Holocene–Pliocene boundary, were computed (the the dispersion curve obtained from each record (with passive or
relation between peak frequencies and Holocene–Pliocene active sources). Mean VS profiles were computed for each site, as

Figure 4 (a) Pliocene top surface

(elevations in m) computed from
ReMi VS profiles; (b) Pliocene
top surface derived from borehole
logs; (c) difference between the
two estimated surfaces; (d) flow
from high to low grid nodes of the
Pliocene top surface presented in
(a); (e) flow from high to low grid
nodes of the Pliocene top surface
presented in (b); (f) correlation
between the two Pliocene top
grids presented in (a) and (b).

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
303 H. Vicêncio, P. Teves-Costa and P. Sá Caetano

well as mean VS30 values. For most VS profiles, it was possible to guish them from the “normal” landfills (with mean velocities of
make the correspondence between VS values and geological units 170 m/s).
(landfill, alluvium, and Pliocene) (Figure  3). This correspond- The minimum, mean, and maximum VS values calculated for
ence was established using borehole logs located near the central the shallow geological units were, respectively, 120–170–
points of ReMi tests. 225 m/s for landfills; 149–299–633 m/s for landfills2; 115–217–
Some profiles showed velocity inversions in depth, probably 335 m/s for alluvium; 215–465–1196 m/s for the Pliocene. The
due to the variation of material rigidity that constitutes those maximum value for the Pliocene formation was obtained with
units (Figure 3(a,b)). Two types of inversions were distinguished: passive ReMi tests that reached more than 40-m depth.
one usually associated to landfills (Type A) and another associ- Figure  4 shows the computed 2D spatial distribution of the
ated with heterogeneities that may be present in Holocene and Pliocene top (substratum) obtained from the mean VS profiles
Plio-Pleistocene units (Type B). Type A is characterised by VS (Figure 4a) and from geotechnical data (boreholes) (Figure 4b).
velocities of 400–500 m/s in the first few metre depths, followed A good spatial relation between the two distributions is observed:
by lower velocities (Figure 3a). Type B exhibits smaller VS inver- the 0  m and +20  m top Pliocene contour lines show a similar
sions (Figure  3b) and can be present with larger or smaller pattern, and the areas where the Pliocene top is deeper are also
expression along all VS profiles. With only one exception, Type similar. However, the topography of the Pliocene top computed
A is restricted to the landfills in the old industrial park and the with ReMi results is less sharp than the surface computed with
Barreiro River Station (see Figure  2c for location), which are borehole data: for example, the minimum ReMi elevations are
strongly affected by anthropogenic activity. These landfills, with −14.3  m, whereas the minimum borehole elevations reach
mean velocities of 300  m/s, were called “landfills2”, to distin- −51 m. This is probably due to the fact that both tests (ReMi and

Figure 5 Spatial distributions of

(a) NSPT at +10 m; (b) NSPT at
0 m; (c) NSPT at −10 m; (d) VS
values at +10 m; (e) VS values at
0 m; (f) VS values at −10 m. The
main isolines are highlighted for
an easier interpretation.

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
H/V and ReMi techniques 304

Figure 6 Flow from high to low

grid nodes of (a) NSPT + 10-m
height; (b) NSPT 0-m height; (c)
NSPT –10-m height; (d) VS
+10-m height; (e) VS 0-m height;
(f) VS –10-m height.

boreholes) were not performed at the same sites and, as already or lower than 20 may correspond to VS values equal to or less
referred, the presence of irregularities in the substratum. When than 300 m/s. In addition, the areas with NSPT values equal to
the ReMi tests and boreholes were performed at the same sites, or higher than 50 and VS values equal to or higher than 400 m/s
a closer similarity between the surface elevations was observed seem to be similar.
(Figure 4c). Flows from high to low grid values (Figures 4(d,e)) Flows from high to low grid values (Figures 6(a–f)) allowed
show very similar patterns, which confirm the likeness between us to conclude the following: (i) height +10-m horizontal sec-
those two spatial distributions. Nevertheless, it is possible to tions (Figure  6(a,d)) show a central area with the same spatial
identify an eastern area where the two distributions are not simi- distribution aligned with a N–S water stream; (ii) height 0-m
lar, probably due to the absence of geotechnical data. A scatter horizontal sections present high spatial similarities (Figures
plot between those spatial distributions shows a linear correlation 6(b,e)). The east–southeast area is an exception with different
with R2 of 0.7 (Figure 4f). flow patterns, probably due to the absence of geotechnical infor-
Figure 5 shows NSPT and VS spatial distributions for three mation; (iii) height −10-m horizontal sections (Figures 6(c,f))
horizontal sections at different levels: +10 m, 0 m, and −10 m. show the lowest spatial similarities. Nevertheless, this section
For 0-m and +10-m heights, the spatial distribution of NSPT10 presents three areas with similar flow patterns. Scatter plots
and NSPT20 contour lines are similar to the spatial distribution show low correlation coefficients for linear fits: (i) +10-m hori-
of 200  m/s and 300  m/s VS contour lines, respectively. For zontal sections with 0.4 R2 (Figure 7a); (ii) 0-m horizontal sec-
−10-m height, this relation is more diffuse, but it is still possi- tions with 0.3 R2 (Figure 7b). However, it is possible to observe
ble to see a slight relation between 400  m/s VS and NSPT50 that the dispersion is larger for higher NSPT values. The −10-m
contour lines. In general, it is possible to say that, for these horizontal sections present an even larger dispersive pattern
three horizontal sections, the areas with NSPT values equal to (Figure 7c).

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
305 H. Vicêncio, P. Teves-Costa and P. Sá Caetano

Figure 7 Correlation between grids

for: (a) NSPT + 10 m and VS + 10-m
height; (b) NSPT 0m and VS 0-m
height; (c) NSPT –10 m and VS –10-m

In Figure  8, mean VS30 values, thickness of shallow forma- low formations (h), there is a decrease in VS30 values (Figure 10a).
tions and NSPT60 spatial distributions both obtained with geo- Testing an exponential relation to fit the experimental data, the
technical data (boreholes), are displayed. Those distributions best solution is obtained by the following equation (equa-
show a fair spatial relation: lower VS30 values are present in areas tion (4)):
with greater thickness of shallow formations and deeper NSPT60.
In general, it is possible to observe that (i) the areas with VS30 less VS30 = 400 e−0.023h.(4)
than 340  m/s correspond to shallow formations thicknesses
larger than 10 m and (ii) the zones where NSPT60 is reached at Likewise, VS30 values decrease with the increasing depth where
14-m depth present VS30 < 360m/s. VS30 and thicknesses of shal- NSPT60 was reached. However, in this case, a linear fit satisfies
low formations show a significant area with the same flow pat- the experimental data better (Figure 10b).
tern, with an ENE–WSW orientation (Figure  8(d,e)). VS30 and The thickness of the shallow formations can be estimated using
NSPT60 depth show a more restricted area with similar spatial a relation of the form of equation (2). Several authors derived
distribution located in the eastern area of Barreiro (Figures parameters a and b for this equation using data from different geo-
8(d,f)). Scatter plots show very low correlation coefficients (R2) logical environments (e.g., Ibs-von Seth and Wohlenberg 1999;
for linear fits: (i) 0.3 for VS30 and thicknesses of shallow forma- Parolai, Bormann and Milkereit 2002; Ozalaybey et al. 2011; Roux
tions (Figure 9a) and (ii) 0.4 for VS30 and NSPT60 (Figure 9b). et al. 2012). Vicêncio (2017) tested these relations for the thickness
Numerical correlations between VS30 values and the thickness of the Holocene in Barreiro and found that the most appropriate
of the shallow formations and NSPT60 depth are presented in was the relation presented by Parolai, Bormann and Milkereit
Figure 10. Only boreholes located at less than 300 m from ReMi (2002) (equation (5)):
central point were used in these calculations. The first relation
shows that, as expected, for an increase in the thickness of shal- H = 108 F0−1.551.(5)

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
H/V and ReMi techniques 306

The thickness of the Holocene shallow formations from H/V frequencies. So, it is possible to roughly estimate VS30 values for
peak frequencies (F0 and F1) were estimated using equation (5) the Holocene shallow formations in Barreiro from the H/V peak
(Figure 11). Comparing the thickness of the shallow formations frequencies (FP) associated with the contrast between the
with VS30 distribution (Figure  8a), it is possible to observe that Holocene and the Pliocene, using the obtained relationship
lower VS30 values and greater thickness of shallow formations (equation (6)), as follows:
(lower peak frequencies) are well related.
Figure 12 shows two relations for the VS30 values (obtained VS30 = 21.5 FP + 239.8. (6)
with ReMi tests) and the H/V curves obtained by Vicêncio,
Teves-Costa and Sá Caetano(2015) on the Holocene forma- Due to the high dispersive pattern exhibited by the relation
tions in Barreiro: the first relates VS30 values with H/V peak between VS30 and H/V peak amplitudes, it is not advisable to
frequencies (Figure  12a) and the second with the respective use the derived relation to estimate VS30 values. However, in
H/V peak amplitudes (Figure 12b). Only H/V results obtained general, highest peak amplitudes correspond to higher VS30
in sites located at less than 300  m from ReMi central points values.
were used. Regarding peak frequencies, it is possible to verify From all Remi tests VS30 values were also computed using an
that (i) values higher than 6  Hz correspond, to VS30 values automatic inversion procedure (without initial model). The differ-
higher than 360 m/s (Soil Type B from EC8) and values lower ences between the VS30 values obtained through manual and auto-
than 6 Hz correspond, with only one exception, to VS30 values matic inversions allow to conclude that, (i) for 67.7% of the sites
lower than 360 m/s (Soil Type C from EC8). (n = 23 tests), the differences were lower than 25  m/s; (ii) for
Despite the small correlation coefficient, it is still possible to 11.8% (n = 4), the differences were between 25 m/s and 50 m/s;
observe a linear tendency between the VS30 and the H/V peak (iii) for 20.5% (n = 7), the differences were greater than 50 m/s.

Figure 8 Spatial distributions of

(a) VS30 (m/s) values computed
from Remi VS profiles; (b) thick-
ness (m) of the shallow forma-
tions estimated from geotechnical
boreholes; (c) NSPT60 depth (m)
derived from borehole logs;
(d) flow from low to high grid
nodes of VS30 (m/s); (e) flow from
high to low grid nodes of the
thickness (m) of the shallow for-
mations; (f) flow from high to
low grid nodes of NSPT60 depth

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
307 H. Vicêncio, P. Teves-Costa and P. Sá Caetano

Figure 9 Correlation between

grids for VS30 (m/s) and (a) thick-
ness (m) of the shallow forma-
tions; (b) NSPT60 depth (m).

Figure 10 Correlations between

VS30 (m/s) and: (a) of shallow
formation’s thickness (m) esti-
mated from geotechnical bore-
holes; (b) NSPT60 depth (m) esti-
mated from borehole logs.

These results suggest that, in about 80% of the sites, VS30 presents where the natural frequencies range is between 3.4  Hz and
a stable value and can be estimated with a good approximation. 3.5 Hz. Applying equation (3) and considering that each build-
The H/V curves obtained by Vicêncio, Teves-Costa and Sá ing’s floor has a 3-m average height, we can conclude that struc-
Caetano (2015) allowed identifying three zones with H/V peak tures/buildings with 18-m height can suffer resonance phenom-
amplitudes greater than 2 that can be prone to seismic amplifica- ena in this zone. However, we do not know if the natural frequen-
tion: zones A, B, and C (Figure  13). Natural frequency of soils cies of industrial structures fit equation (3), which was derived
ranges between 5 Hz and 8.1 Hz in zone A, between 2.5 Hz and for ordinary buildings.
4.7 Hz in zone B, and between 2.2 Hz and 5.3 Hz in zone C. Using Another hazardous industry is located on Holocene terrains
equation (3) (from Oliveira and Navarro 2010), it is possible to but in an area where it was not possible to perform neither
estimate the natural frequency of buildings from their heights or ReMi nor H/V tests (Figure 13, number 2). Nevertheless, val-
number of floors. For instance, buildings with three to four floors ues obtained from boreholes showed that the thickness of the
will exhibit natural frequencies between 7.4 Hz and 5.5 Hz. This shallow formations at this site varies between 10 m and 12 m.
means that these buildings may suffer resonance effects in zone A Using the derived relation VS30-thickness of shallow formations
(VS30 values between 360 m/s and 460 m/s were obtained in this (equation (4)), VS30 values would range from 313 to 299  m/s.
zone). Buildings with five to nine floors will exhibit natural fre- Using now the VS30-H/V peak relation (equation (6)) and the
quencies between 4.4  Hz and 2.5  Hz and may suffer resonance former estimated VS30 values, the natural frequency of the soil
effects in zones B and C (in those two zones, VS30 presented values at this location will range between 2 Hz and 3 Hz. Consequently,
lower than 320 m/s). structures/buildings between 21 m and 28 m may undergo reso-
Zone B has one hazardous industry (covered by the III Seveso nance phenomena in this area (of course, this is only a rough
Directive) located on Holocene terrains (Figure 13, number 1), estimation).

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
H/V and ReMi techniques 308

A third factory is located on Pliocene terrains, near the boundary Some VS profiles show two different types of velocity inversions
with the Holocene (Figure 13, number 3). In this area, it was not (A and B) (Figure  3(a,b)), probably due to the variation of the
possible to perform H/V tests, but several ReMi tests were carried material’s rigidity with depth. Similar inversions were obtained
out nearby. The F0 spatial distribution computed by Vicêncio, Teves- in Brazil by Gandolfo (2011) and Barros, Gandolfo and Rocha
Costa and Sá Caetano (2015) allowed the estimation of natural fre- (2012) in studies where VS profiles were computed using the
quencies higher than 5 Hz for this site. Using the Vs30–H/V correla- MASW method. These authors concluded that those inversions,
tion (equation (6)) and VS30 values computed from ReMi tests per- which are very similar to the Type A inversions in Barreiro, were
formed in the area around the industry, which range between associated with very compact artificial layers (landfills) over
340 m/s and 360 m/s (Figure 8a), the natural frequency estimated natural formations.
for the soil will be between 5 Hz and 6 Hz. These results indicate Type A VS inversions were observed mainly in the former
that structures/buildings between 10  m and 13  m could undergo industrial area (see Figure 2c for location), where landfills have
resonance phenomena. However, the soil frequencies and the natu- great development. These units are made up of very heterogene-
ral frequencies of the industrial structures must be confirmed using ous materials that rapidly vary from site to site and can include
ambient vibration tests or some other adequate method. structural reinforcements and compacted materials (Geocontrole
1982). In this region, landfills consist mainly of sandy soils
DISCUSSION dredged from the Tagus River. However, materials resulting from
Different VS profiles were obtained in the studied area sampling clearing, lithic fragments, pyrite slags, and phosphogypsum
different geological formations dependent on their location. materials up to 7  m thick may also be present (Geocontrole
1982). These characteristics should be responsible for the Type
A velocity inversions in Barreiro.
Type B inversions can be present in Holocene and Plio-
Pleistocene formations. The variable hydrodynamic conditions
that ruled the alluvial deposition, together with irregularities of
the substratum, have probably originated an irregular geometry
and irregular granulometric composition of those materials
(Geocontrole 1982). Plio-Pleistocene sandy formations may
show granulometric variations, which may include pockets of
clay and sandy material. These variations may be responsible for
Type B inversions observed in the Holocene and Plio-Pleistocene
units. Santisteban et al. (2012) and Odum et al. (2013) obtained
similar inversions associated to alternations of sand, clay, and
landfills in Spain and Puerto Rico, respectively.
ReMi results and geotechnical soil properties showed similar
spatial distributions. For example, when the Pliocene top is deeper
Figure 11 The thickness (m) of the shallow formation computed from (meaning thicker superficial formations), this corresponds, in gen-
H/V peak frequencies using Parolai, Bormann and Milkereit (2002) rela- eral, to lower VS30 values. Nevertheless, some differences between
tion (adapted from Vicêncio, Teves-Costa and Sá Caetano (2015). those distributions were identified. The Pliocene top in this region

Figure 12 Plots of the mean VS30

(m/s) obtained for the Barreiro’s
Holocene formations versus the
peak values of the H/V curves
obtained by Vicêncio, Teves-
Costa and Sá Caetano (2015):
(a) peak frequencies; (b) corre-
sponding amplitudes. A linear fit
is presented. The horizontal lines
are the velocity boundary
between B and C soil classifica-
tion (EC8).

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
309 H. Vicêncio, P. Teves-Costa and P. Sá Caetano

lacustrine and fluvial Quaternary sediments; higher VS30 values

were associated to more rigid material (Pleistocene and Holocene
glacial–fluvial deposits).
The relationship obtained between VS30 values and H/V peak
frequencies in Barreiro (equation (6)) is similar to those obtained
by McNamara et al. (2014) (VS30  =  51.90  H/V  +  254.3) and
Stephenson et al. (2015) (VS30 = 59.6 H/V + 199).
According to some authors, VS30 values correlate well with
local amplifications (e.g., Mucciarelli and Gallipoli 2006; Odum
et al. 2013). The VS30 and the H/V amplitudes correlation in
Barreiro (VS30  =  39.0  H/V  +  253.9) is similar to the results
obtained by Mucciarelli and Gallipoli (2006) for average ampli-
tudes: Soil Type B (EC8 classification) in Barreiro presented,
except for one situation, amplitudes larger than 3 (Figure  12b)
and Mucciarelli and Gallipoli (2006) obtained average ampli-
tudes between 3.41 and 3.65; Soil Type C in Barreiro presented
amplitudes below 3, and Mucciarelli and Gallipoli (2006)
Figure 13 Areas prone to seismic amplification (A, B, C). H/V peak obtained amplitudes between 2.67 and 2.92. These results indi-
frequencies, inside these areas, are also presented. Base map is the sur- cate that, despite the inexistence of a linear fit, it is still possible
face geology superimposed over the aerial image (Google Earth 2014). to assign the soil classification with a reasonable approximation.
The numerical correlations achieved between VS30 values,
was eroded 18,000 years ago, when the sea level was 120 m below thickness of shallow formations, and NSPT60 depth (determined
present (Dias, Rodrigues and Magalhães 1997). This process may from logs located at less than 300 m from ReMi central point)
have originated substratum irregularities (on the Pliocene), which (Figure 10) are in agreement with the spatial relations found for
explain the variations in its elevation. These variations and the fact these properties (Figure 8). The Vs30-NSPT60 coefficient correla-
that ReMi and borehole tests were often performed at different tion (R2 = 0.8) was higher than the VS30-thickness of shallow
sites may explain the differences observed in geotechnical and formations coefficient correlation (R2 = 0.6).
ReMi data spatial distributions. Table 1 presents VS values obtained by several authors using
VS and NSPT variations computed for three horizontal eleva- different techniques for landfills, alluvium, and Pliocene units in
tions (−10 m, 0 m, and +10 m) showed a good spatial relation. Portugal and other countries. In general, we can verify that, with
Both values increase with depth and show similar spatial distri- only few exceptions, VS values in Barreiro are similar to those
bution: lower values in the Holocene and higher values in the obtained by other authors (Gandolfo 2011; Carvalho et al. 2016).
Plio-Pleistocene. Directional analysis allowed concluding that The maximum Pliocene VS value obtained in this study is
0-m and +10-m elevations showed stronger spatial relations than higher than the results obtained by other authors (e.g., LNEC
−10 m elevation. 2006; Carvalho 2013). This is probably due to the fact that, at
The obtained differences on VS30 values computed through larger depths, it is possible to find materials with higher rigidity
automatic or manual inversions indicate that the estimation of and velocity. In some cases, the VS profiles obtained with ReMi
this parameter must be very robust giving a very approximate tests reached 40-m depth, which is larger than the depths inves-
value in about 80% of the cases. However, for about 20% of the tigated in the other two mentioned studies (20 m).
cases, VS30 can attribute a wrong soil classification. Computing
VS30 values only through manual inversion the differences CONCLUSION
between the obtained values are very small with about 90% of The fact that ReMi results (VS profiles and VS30 values) are in line
the cases presenting differences lower than 25 m/s. with geotechnical data (thickness of shallow formations, NSPT60)
The distribution of VS30 values also showed a good relation- and H/V curves (frequencies and amplitudes) gives confidence to
ship with the thickness of shallow formations and with NSPT60. the estimations obtained with this method. However, the use of
The lowest VS30 values were located in areas with thicker shallow an initial model (based on geology and geotechnical properties)
formations and deeper NSPT60; smaller thickness of superficial is recommended for robustness of result.. But in general, land-
formations and shallower NSPT60 areas (in Plio-Pleistocene) fills, alluvium, and Pliocene shear-wave velocities were similar
showed highest VS30 values. These results are similar to those to the ones obtained by other authors.
obtained in Ljubljana (Slovenia) by Rošer and Gosar (2010), This study also demonstrates the usefulness of the ReMi
who computed VS30 values using extended SPAC (Okada 2003) method to undertake and complement geotechnical and site
and ReMi methods. They achieved a good spatial distribution effect studies in urban areas. This approach enables obtaining a
between VS30 and geology: lower VS30 values were present in soft large amount of VS profiles and to compute VS30 values in a short

© 2018 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2018, 16, 298-312
H/V and ReMi techniques 310

Table 1 VS values obtained by several authors using different techniques for landfills, alluvium, and Pliocene formations.
Units VS (m/s) Techniques Places References
Landfill 120–225 ReMi Barreiro (1) This study
Landfill 200–254 ReMi Spain Santisteban et al. (2012)
Landfill 172 ReMi Porto Rico Odum et al. (2013)
Landfill 2 149–633 ReMi Barreiro (1) This study
Landfill 2 220–470 MASW Brasil Gandolfo (2011)
Alluvium 115–335 ReMi Barreiro (1) This study
Alluvium 450–590 ReMi Cascais (1) Carvalho et al. (2016)
Alluvium 184–239 ReMi Porto Rico Odum et al. (2013)
Alluvium 51–348 Cross-hole Sacavém (1) Oliveira et al. (1997)
Alluvium 150–240 Cross-hole Down Town Lisbon (1) LNEC (1998)
Alluvium 100–230 SASW Lower Tagus Valley (1) Lopes (2005)
Alluvium 140–290 Cross-hole Lisbon (1) Freitas et al. (2014)
Alluvium 206–436 (2) Portugal Mainland (1) Silva et al. (2015)
Pliocene 215–1196 ReMi Barreiro (1) This study
Pliocene 160–516 Cross-hole Mitrena-Setúbal (1) LNEC (2006)
Pliocene 218–349 Refraction Setúbal (1) Carvalho (2013)

(1) = sites in Portugal.

(2) = VS values estimated using geological and topographic properties.

time, allowing a more detailed EC8 site/soil classification. The Finally, to confirm the characteristics of areas prone to seis-
EC8 constitutes the standard for seismic-resistant design in mic amplification, it is essential to carry out additional studies.
Europe, and it adopts the average shear-wave velocity in the first For instance, it will be suitable to perform 1D ground response
30 m (VS30) for site classification. The distribution map of VS30 analysis to estimate the natural frequencies and amplification
values for Barreiro highlights that the Plio-Pleistocene areas factors of the different soil types. Besides, it is necessary to
have the best ground conditions corresponding to EC8 Soil Type undertake studies on the seismic behaviour of the existing
B. However, within this unit, a small area is found that presents buildings, including the determination of their natural frequen-
lower velocities (between 340 m/s and 355 m/s), falling into Soil cies, not only common residential buildings but also industrial
Type C. Most Holocene areas belong to EC8 Soil Type C, show structures.
lower VS30 velocities (230–290  m/s), and present the worst
ground conditions. The VS30 distribution map for Barreiro can be ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
used for the urban planning of the new development areas that The authors wish to thank the colleagues who helped during the
are intended to be constructed in the near future. field work: Afonso Loureiro, Andrés Gago, Carlos Graça, Inês
The understanding of the relation between H/V peak frequen- Bruno, Joana Carvalho, João Bonacho, João Brissos, Luísa
cies and geological or geotechnical boundaries (e.g., between Rodrigues, Mónica Cabral, and Pedro Rodrigues. Thanks are
shallow formations and substratum) allows establishing a corre- also due to the Barreiro Volunteer Fire Fighters and the Barreiro
lation between peak frequencies (F0, F1) and VS30 values. Municipal Civil Protection Service for all the support provided
Three areas prone to seismic amplification were identified, as during the field work.
well as buildings that may undergo resonance phenomena. These The authors would like to thank Daniel Vendas and all com-
preliminary results can be used (i) for urban planning in order to panies that provided geological and geotechnical data. Finally,
avoid the overlap of natural frequencies of soils and buildings and the authors specially thank the two anonymous reviewers whose
(ii) to identify existing buildings that may undergo resonance questions and comments helped to improve this paper.
effects. This identification can be used to reinforce the buildings
(and/or changing their natural frequencies), to prepare the response REFERENCES
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