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Transfer function Transfer Function: Calibration

• Span
• Full Scale Output • This is inaccuracy
• Accuracy permitted by the
– May be specified as a % manufacturer when
of full scale or in the sensor is
absolute terms
– Eg a pressure sensor has
calibrated in the
100kPa input full scale factory
and 10 ohms FSO. We • Systematic in nature,
can specify the
inaccuracy as 0.5% or affects all future
500 Pa or 0.05ohms measurements

Hysteresis Non-linearity

• Deviation in
sensor output
when it is
approached in

Saturation Dead Band

• Even if the transfer • Dead band is the
function is linear, insensitivity of
at some level of the sensor to a
input stimulus, its
output will no
range of input
longer be signals.
• There may be the
risk of physical
damage the sensor
Repeatability Dynamic Characteristics
• Repeatability error is • A sensor does not change its output
caused by the inability state immediately when an input
of the sensor to parameter change occurs.
represent the same • The response time is the time it takes
value under identical for the sensor output to reach a final
conditions. settled state (within a tolerance band)
• Causes include • S = Sm(1-exp(-t/τ)); Sm = steady
state output, t is time, τ is the time
thermal noise, constant
temperature drift,
build up of charge,
material plasticity

Damping : Eg Temperature
Types of Dynamic Response
• A: unlimited upper and
lower frequencies
• B: Limited upper cut- off
• C: Limited lower cut- off
• D: first order upper and
lower cutoff frequency
• E: Narrow bandwidth

Example: A GaN based UV Response Function of UV

detector detector

Summary of Sources of Error or
Environmental Factors
• Storage Conditions
– Eg, lowest and highest storage temperatures • Characterisation Errors
– Eg DC offset, calibration errors,
• Short and long term drift
• Dynamic Errors:
– short (minutes, days) ; usually environment
– Eg a static sensor used in a dynamic environment
– long( months years) usually materials related
• Environmental errors;
• Temperature – eg self heating
– Specified range over which specifications are met; • Insertion errors:
sometimes compensated for by internal sensors – the sensor disturbs the system being measured
• Self- heating error. • Application errors:
– Eg thermistors. – incorrectly placing sensors, eg blood pressure monitor, ECG

Case Study: SNUPA Neutron impacts on 14N nucleus

• Basic Physics:
– When a neutron hits a nucleus
it can cause it to decay and
emit a gamma ray
– The Gamma ray is
characteristic of the type of n
atom hit. When 14N is struck a
characteristic -g ray is emitted
at about 10MeV

15N decays emitting an energetic

Intermediate unstable 15N forms
γ− ray
15N 15N
10 y
Protein measurement unit Gamma-ray
Bom b beat security scan
detectors M ARY AN N STEN B ERG

Thursday 3 M arch 1994

Thursday, 3 M arch 1994

The device used in yesterday’s terrorist-style bom b attack on the Adelaide headquarters of the National
Crim e Authority appears to have slipped through sophisticated detection equipm ent.
The letter-bom b attack, which was condem ned by the Prim e M inister as “a w icked and evil thing”, rocked
the NCA offices about 9.15am , killing a senior detective and injuring four other N CA staff.
The bombing has sparked an investigation by a special police taskforce draw n from the NC A and the
Australian Federal Police, with officers from the South Australian Police.
The Justice M inister, M r Kerr, said the NCA w ould not be intim idated by the attack. “I assure the Australian
public that the Governm ent and the NCA’s resolve to fight organised crime will only be strengthened as a
result of this cowardly attack on innocent people,” he said.
The head of the NCA, M r Tom Sherm an, said: “This is a very serious attack on the authority and its staff
m em bers and it w ill not be tolerated.”
Detective Sergeant G eoffrey Leigh Bow en, 36, is believed to have been handling the letter after it had been
exam ined, scanned and cleared by security staff at the NCA offices in W aym outh Street in the city centre.
He was killed when the explosion gutted an office on the 12th floor of the building. A second m an, an NCA
law yer, originally from Ballarat, was critically injured. H e was in a stable condition last night in an Adelaide
M r ******* said that despite the sophistication of the authority’s vetting procedures, there were som e
explosives, including plastic devices, that could not be picked up by scanners.
He said there was no reason to suspect any lapse in security procedures. “As I understand it, m ost of the
scanning devices — and I’m not a world expert in these m atters — focus on what I’d call ferrous elem ents,”
Now in operation at Neutron source he said.
“But there are som e plastics ... which can’t be picked by such devices.”
Monash Medical Centre under
Security was im m ediately tightened at NC A offices around the country in response to the attack. Security has
also been increased for m em bers and staff of the joint parliam entary com mittee m onitoring the NCA.
Late last night forensic and scientific detectives were at the scene examining fragm ents including hum an

Principle of Operation
• Explosives contain the element
TNT ≈ 20% Universal
RDX ≈ 40%
We detect the nitrogen using
nuclear techniques Analyser

SNUPA Prototype Proof-of-principle

Neutron source
Computer output anti-tank-landmine
SAFE or SUSPECT Gamma - ray
Completely detector
Operator automated
friendly 30 second scan
M19 landmine

Sample size 200 mm below

80 x 60 x 40 cm
Proposed anti-personnel Its not as easy at it looks at first
landmine detector
Large array of
Portable neutron gamma-ray
generator detectors

Neutron beam

Land mine

Summary : You should know:

• Definition of Sensors
• Sensor Classification
• The Transfer Function
Span Full scale output Accuracy
Calibration Error Hysteresis
Non-linearity Saturation
Repeatability Dead band
• Dynamic Characteristics
– Response time, frequency response
– Damping.
• Sources or error and uncertainty
– which are likely to degrade sensor reliability and performance.

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