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Tagoloan Community


National Service Training Program

A Narrative Report
Documentation of

Submitted by:
Desiree May A. Romo
Table of Contents...
1.0 Introduction............................1
2.0 Get to know the Instructor...........2
3.0 TCC's Goal Setting
3.1 Vision...............................3
3.2 Mission.............................4
3.3 TCC Hymn..........................5
4.0 All About Me
4.1 Bio-data............................6
4.2 My Learning Experience.........7
5.0 Documentation
5.1 Month of February
5.1.1 February 04,2023...........8
5.1.2 February 11,2023............9
5.1.3 February 18, 2023..........10
5.1.4 February 25, 2023..........11
5.2 Month of March
5.2.1 March 04,2023................12
5.2.2 March 11,2023................13
5.2.3 March 18,2023................14
5.2.4 March 25,2023................15
5.3 Month of April
5.3.1 April 01,2023..................16
5.3.2 April 15,2023..................17
5.3.3 April 22,2023..................18
5.3.4 April 29,2023..................19
5.4 Month of May
5.4.1 May 06,2023...................20
5.4.2 May 14,2023...................21
About:The National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of
2001 (R.A. 9163) was enacted in response to public clamor
for reforms in the Reserved Officers Training Corps
(ROTC) Program. This act affirms that the prime duty of
the government shall be to serve and protect its citizens.
In turn, it shall be the responsibility of all its citizens to
defend the security of the State; thus, the government may
require each citizen to render personal, military or civil
service. In the pursuit of these goals, the youth shall be
motivated, trained, organized, and mobilized in military
training, literacy, civic welfare, and other similar
endeavors in service to the nation.
The NSTP is a program aimed at enhancing civic
consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by
developing the ethics of service and patriotism while
undergoing training in any of its program components.
Its various components are specially designed to enhance
the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare of
the nation. All male and female students enrolled in any
baccalaureate or in at least two (2)-year
technical/vocational or associate courses are required to
complete the equivalent of two (2) semesters of an NSTP
Common Module for the period of at least 25-hours and any
one of the NSTP components listed below as a requisite for
1) Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)
2) Literacy Training Service (LTS)
3) Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
Under the NSTP law, state universities are required to
offer ROTC and at least one other NSTP component.
Furthermore, for NSTP courses, schools may collect not
more than 50% of the current basic tuition.
Republic Act No. 9163 (NSTP Act 2001)
Debby Bolanio

A very loving and approachable instructor. I can

feel the love and care she had for us during our
NSTP activities. She's surely one of the
instructors I will never forget.
A valuable and effective
member of the National
Service Training Program
(NSTP) who may serve as
agent in attaining quality
to life, sustain peace,
unity, cooperation and
growth of the target

To conduct capability
enhancement to the (3)
components CWTS, LTS,
and ROTC towards
straightening the values
and traits of the youth
while working closely
with a network of the
organizing within or
outside the college.
We are grateful to you dear Alma Mater, TCC our heart belongs to you.
Your light is our triumphant guide.
Your truth gives us freedom and might.
Bind as then for you are our breastplate,
the school whom our life entrust.
Tagoloan Community College and thus we shall win life's fight.
TCC truly we remain,
Tagoloan Community College our dreams not in vain.
TCC truly we remain, forever we remain.
Sweet are the days that we spent here.
Strong were the ties we've formed,
friendship that last forever, and help us in sunshine and in storm.
A heart like a weel-known river, and love, a vine-clad wall imprints both
mind, body, and soul,
in the picture each heart recalls.
TCC truly we remain,
Tagoloan Community College our dreams not in vain.
TCC truly we remain, forever we remain.
Hail to our Alma Mater, cherished truth, we then endeared.
We are her loyal children echoes joyfully her enduring melody
A school that glows and widens her color banners we lift and carry
Gold, white, and blue for victory
Emblems of truth, ideals, liberty that conquers everything in glory.
TCC truly we remain,
Tagoloan Community College our dreams not in vain.
TCC truly we remain, forever we remain.
Forever we remain.
All A bout
M e!
Personal Background
Name: Desiree May A. Romo
Mobile Number: 09631139800
Date of Birth: May 07, 2000
Place of Birth: Baybay City, Leyte
Address: Brgy. San Luis, Malitbog, Bukidnon
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Status: Single
Skills: Singing, Dancing

Educational Background
Elementary: Pangasugan Elementary School
Secondary: Baybay National High School
Senior High: Malitbog Agricultural Highschool
Tertiary: Tagoloan Community College
Course: Bachelor of Elementary Education
NSTP is a very challenging subject.
It was tiring, but I really enjoyed every
activity we have done especially on areas
outside the school premises.
The best thing about NSTP is that,
we can learn so much from our
experiences. We enjoy and we learn so
much at the same time. We are also able
to help the community even in our little
ways, and it was such a very fulfilling
I will surely miss this subject,
especially our instructor who inspires
and guides us everytime.

FEBRUARY 04, 2023

@gran d s t a n d

I really enjoyed
cleaning here because
of the ambiance of the
place. Cleaning here
early in the morning
is fun and refreshing.
February 11, 2023


We had a good time at the

garden. We worked as one
to make great
improvements to our
February 18, 2023


Heavy rain poured out that day. Due to

the heavy rain, we cannot go to our
assigned area so we made a
documentation of ourselves doing
household chores. I enjoyed it a bit, but I
missed cleaning at school.
February 25, 2023

@ s c h o o l

We bought some bermuda grasses.

Me and my friends had so much
fun bringing the grass at school

MARCH 04, 2023

Tree P l a n t i n g
@Sta. Cruz

It was a very sunny

day. The place was
very hot, but enjoyed
the activity. It was so
good that I was able
to help plating trees
for the environment.
March 11, 2023

@Tagoloan Dome

We had a seminar on
Basic Life Support. I
enjoyed the seminar. I
learned a lot about the
basic life support.
March 18, 2023

Heavy rain poured out that day. Due to
the heavy rain, our class was postponed.
The rain was very heavy around our
municipality, but the rain was moderate
around Tagoloan area so some of our
classmates who lived near the school
were told to clean the school garden.
March 25, 2023

@Sta . C r u z

On that day, we checked the trees

we planted last time. Unfortunately,
some of the trees died because of the
hot weather.
APRIL 01, 2023

@M a l a i b a

We visited the
community of
Malaiba. We
cleaned the day care
center there. I was
happy and enjoyed
our activity that day.
April 15, 2023

@Tagoloan Dome

We cleaned the area and

helped folding the donated
clothes for the fire
victims. My heart was
happy that I was able to
April 22, 2023

I came to school early that day. I
borrowed brooms from the other
section so that I could start cleaning the
area. Our plants started to die because
of the hot weather. We watered the
plants and rearranged the pots. Overall,
I enjoyed that day.
April 29, 2023

I was not able to

come to school that
day because I had
to go to the city for some
important matter.
M A Y 0 6 , 2 0 2 3

I was not able to

come to school again
because I was not
feeling well. I had
fever and asthma
attack that day.
May 13, 2023

@Sta . C r u z

On that day, we checked the trees

we planted again. Some of the trees died,
and some survived the heat. Then, we
put fences to protect the trees from getting
stepped on.

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