Question Bank

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1. Activity : (To be done on punch sheets)

Make a creative file of 8-10 sheets in it .Now paste the pictures of animals on
each and write about the things that you can learn from them.

2. Things to learn : ( To be learnt from the notebook)

* Lesson 1: The Three Questions ( Honeycomb)

* Poem : A Squirrel.

* Lesson 2: A Gift of Chappals ( Honeycomb)

* Lesson 3: The Tiny Teacher (An Alien Hand)

3.Following questions to be done on separate sheet: Write a paragraph on these

topics which is given below: -

(a) Importance of Reading.

(b) Benefits of Morning Walk.
(c) The scene at a Railway station.


Ques:1. Rewrite the following groups of words to make them sentences

or phrases:-

(a) Match very exciting was it a.

Ans: .....................................

(b) And December are coldest the months year the January of.

Ans: .....................................

(C) Studying has morning she since been.

Ans: .....................................

(D) Movie an interesting.

Ans: .....................................

(E) Hurry in great a.

Ans: .....................................

(F) No of use me to shirt is the.

Ans: ...................................

Ques:2 Identify the following sentences. Write its kind of sentence.

Write (A) for Assertive, for Interrogative (Int.), for Exclamatory (Exc.),
for Imperative (Imp.)

(a) A spider was trying to come out of its web. .... ................
(b) I do not want to dance. ....................
(c) Where does this road lead to? .................
(d) May god bless you! .................
(e) Won’t you come to school tomorrow? ...................
(f) How intelligent the boy is! ....................
(g) Wish you good luck in the Examination! .........................
(h) What a beautiful scene! .........................
(i) An elephant never forgets. .....................
(j) Don’t laugh at the beggar. ..............
(k) Please, sign these papers. ..................

Worksheet – 2

1.Fill in the blanks with given clues:

(some, any, someone, anyone, something, anything etc.)

(a) I Saw ______ moving among the bushes. It wasn’t ______ that I could
(b) I can’t see ______ out there. There must be ______ wrong with your
(c) Their is ______ walking towards the house. Does____ know who it is?
(d) Isn’t there _____ knocking at the door? I was sure I heard _______
out there.
(e) There isn’t ______ milk in the Refrigerator. You should better ask
_____ to get us ______.
(f) I can’t carry ______ more since both my hands are full. Can’t you ask
_____ else to help you?
(g) We certainly don’t need _____ more bread, but we do need _____
more tins of sardines.
(h) Did______ come near my desk while I was out? _____ seems to be
missing from my drawer.
(i) She knows ______ about what has happened here, but she will not say
_____ about it to us.
(j) There is _____ at the door. Why don’t you open it? Is ____ the matter?

Q u e s : 2 Arrange the words in the correct order to form meaningful sentences:-

(i)dog / Rahul / with his / Pet / Playing / enjoys.

(ii) to / the company / goods / Vietnam /exports.
(iii) every / delicious / father cooks / evening / Pasta.
(iv) Brother/ an/ wants /be/my/ astronaut /to.
(v) Everything / will / sense / make / perfect / someday.

(vi) ship / violently / the storm / rocked / the

(vii) masterpiece / artist / painstakingly / the / his / worked at
(viii) gift / free / a/Dad / offered / firm/ by the /was.
(ix) I read / paper / in the / burglar / been / caught / had / the / that.
(x) nightfall / began / cricketers / the / at / their piercing calls.
(xi) wore / a hat/he/ of coconut / made / fiber/his / on / heard.
(Xii) parts / many / coffee / popular in /world/ the / is / very / of.
(Xiii) cave / could / explore / not/they/torch /the / without/a.
(Xiv) the storm /shed / damaged / the /was / during.
(xv) the dog / James / talking / sat next to / himself


Student do their English holiday homework in the separate notebook.



2.पाठ्र्पुस्तकबालमिाभारतपाठ 1 से 10 पढो।प्रत्र्ेकपाठसेदो-दोप्रश्नोत्तरगि
ृ -कार्यकीकॉपीमेकीजिए।

3. ननबंधऔरअनुच्छे दलेखनकक्षाकार्यकीकॉपीमेकीजिए:-

ननबंध- 1 वर्ायऋतु 2 मिात्मागााँधी

ु छे द-1 ववद्र्ार्थी 2 प्रदर्
ू ण

4. हिन्दीकाकोईसमाचारपत्रपहढएऔरउनमेसेसंज्ञा, सवयनाम, ववशेर्ण, औरक्रिर्ावालेशब्दछांटकरललखो।( गि

ृ -कार्यकीकॉपीमेकुल
10-10 शब्दप्रत्र्ेककेललए)

• ननम्नललखखत प्रश्नो के उत्तर अपनी पुस्तक बाल मिाभारत के आधार पर दीजिर्े:-

1. मिाभारत की कर्था सबसे पिले क्रकसको कंठस्र्थ कराई गई र्थी?

2. मिारािा शांतनु किााँ के रािा र्थे ?

3. गंगा क्रकसकी पत्नी र्थी ? ...

4. गंगा के चले िाने से रािा का मन कैसा िो गर्ा र्था ?

5. पांडवों ने राज्र् क्रकसको सौंपा र्था ?

6. कौरवों ने किााँ पर राि क्रकर्ा र्था ?

7. शांतनु के सामने पत्नी बनने के ललए गंगा ने क्र्ा शतय रखी र्थी?

8. अपने पुत्रों को नदी की धारा में बिाने के बाद गंगा किााँ िाती र्थी?

9. गंगा िब आठवें बच्चे को लेकर नदी की ओर चली तब शांतनु ने उससे क्र्ा किा?

10. दे वव्रत कौन र्थे?

11. सत्र्वती कौन र्थी? रािा शांतनु ने उसे किााँ दे खा?

12. केवटराि ने शांतन के सामने क्र्ा शतय रखी र्थी?

13. दे वव्रत क्रकस प्रनतज्ञा के कारण भीष्म किलाए?

14. सत्र्वती से शांतनु को क्रकतने पुत्र प्राप्त िुए। उनके नाम बताइए।

15. शांतनु के बाद िजस्तनापुर के लसंिासन पर कौन बैठा?

16. चचत्रांगद कौन र्था?

17. भीष्म और शल्र् के बीच र्ुद्ध क्र्ों िुआ?

18. भीष्म से बदला लेने के ललए अंबा ने क्र्ा प्रर्ास क्रकर्ा?

19. अंबा परशुराम के पास क्र्ों गई?

20. ववदरु कौन र्थे?

21. ववदरु क्रकस स्वभाव के व्र्जक्त र्थे?

22. ववदरु ने धत
ृ राष्र द्वारा दर्
ु ोधन को िुआ खेलने की अनुमनत हदए िाने पर क्र्ा क्रकर्ा?

23. धमयदेव का िन्म क्रकसकी कोख से िुआ र्था?

24. कणय का पालन-पोर्ण क्रकसने क्रकर्ा र्था?

25. पांडु के पजत्नर्ों का नाम बताएाँ।

26. दर्
ु ोधन भीम से ईष्र्ाय क्र्ों करता र्था?

27. धत
ृ राष्र के क्रकतने पुत्र र्थे? वे क्र्ा किलाते र्थे?

28. पांडव क्रकतने भाई र्थे? उनके नाम बताइए।

29. भीम को मारने के ललए कौरवों ने क्र्ा फैसला क्रकर्ा?

30. कंु ती ने अपने पुत्रों के प्रनत कौरवों के वैर-भाव दे खकर ववदरु से क्र्ा चचंता व्र्क्त की?

31. पांडवों ने क्रकन-क्रकन गुरुओं से अस्त्र-शस्त्र की लशक्षा पाई ?

32. अिुयन को चुनौती दे ते समर् कणय ने क्र्ा किा र्था?

33. अंग दे श का रािा बनने के बाद कणय ने िब सभा में अचधरर्थ को दे खा तो क्र्ा क्रकर्ा?

34. परशुराम ने िोध में आकर कणय को क्र्ा शाफ हदर्ा? और क्र्ों?

35. आचार्य द्रोण कौन र्थे?

36. लशक्षा पूरी िोने पर द्रोण ने अिुयन से गुरु-दक्षक्षणा में क्र्ा मााँगा?

37. द्रोण ने कुएाँ से गें द क्रकस प्रकार ननकाली।

38. दर्
ु ोधन को कुमंत्रणा कौन-कौन दे रिे र्थे?
39. धत
ृ राष्र का स्वभाव कैसा र्था?

40. दर्
ु ोधन क्रकस बात के ललए चचंनतत र्था?

41. धत
ृ राष्र दर्
ु ोधन का सार्थ क्र्ों दे ते र्थे?

42. वारणावत का मिल क्रकन-क्रकन चीजों से तैर्ार क्रकर्ा गर्ा?

43. पुरोचन पांडवों को किााँ ले गए?

44. वारणावत को िाते समर् ववदरु ने र्ुचधजष्ठर को क्रकस प्रकार सावधान क्रकर्ा?

45. ववदरु द्वारा भेिे गए व्र्जक्त ने भवन के अंदर क्र्ा क्रकर्ा?

46. रात्रत्र को भवन में आग क्रकसने लगाई ?

47. सुरंग बनाने वाले कारीगर ने पांडवों को अपना पररचर् कैसे हदर्ा?

48. लाख के भवन से बचकर पांडव किााँ चले गए? वे लोग किााँ क्रकस प्रकार अपना गुिारा करते र्थे?

49. वारणावत के लाख के घर में पिुाँचकर र्ुचधजष्ठर ने भीम से क्र्ा किा?

50. भीम ने बकासुर का वध कैसे क्रकर्ा?


Instructions --
Do holiday HW in a separate notebook. H.W is compulsory for all students.
Do Revision of chapter --1,2,3 with examples.
Learn table 2 to 20 daily.

(1) Multiplication of decimal numbers in fraction form.
(2) Show multiplication of integers on a number line.
(3) Make a bar graph and frequency table of 20 Students of their favorite sports.
(4) Make a chart of all properties of integers.

Questions 1- 150

1. Write a pair of integers whose sum is -8.

2. Write _a pair of integers whose difference is -12.
3 write_ a negative integer and a positive integer whose sum is -6.
4.For each of the following statements, write true and false.
(a) The smallest integer is zero.

(b) -10 is greater than -30.

(c) The sum of two negative integers is a negative integer.

(d) The sum of a negative and a positive integer is always a positive integer.

5. Simplify:
6. Find product using appropriate properties.
(-26) ×72+(-26) ×28.
7. Find. (-35) × (-12) ×(-4)×(5).
8.find 13× (-39)
9 In a class test containing 10 questions,5 Marks are awarded for every correct answer and (-2) marks are awarded
for every incorrect answer.
(a) Ravi gets 4 correct and 6 incorrect answer. what is his score?

(b) Heena gets 2 correct and 5 incorrect answer. what is her score.

10.Arrange in ascending order:

(a) 4/5,7/10,11/15,7/20.

(b) 8/25,8/17,8/7.

11. Simplify: (a) 3/5-7/15.


12. Simplify:

13. Find 11/14 of 63.

14.7/10 of an hour.

15.A tin contains 18kg ghee. After consuming 2/3 of it, how much ghee is left in the tin?

(a) 9÷3 (b) 24÷ 6/7
(c) 7/10÷3/5.

17. Express 7234paise into rupees.

18.Express 45 mm in cm, m, km.

19.Express as rupees using decimals.

(a) 67 paise

(b) 6 rupee 23 paise.

20. Find
(A) 0.0123×100

21. Find 0.32×0.045×2.4

22. Find 11.1× 1.1×0.11

23. Find 0.568÷ 100 24.0.23÷ 10
25. Find 0.288÷ 0.9

26. Find 0.477÷0.08

27. Find the mean of first eight odd numbers.

28. The weights of 10 students (in kg) are 40,14,15,38,20,14, 7,26,15

Find median and mode.

29 A survey of 150 girls showed that 63 like tea while dislike it what is the probability that the chosen girl dislike

30. Make a double bar graph of marks given in PT _1 and PT_2 respectively out of 30
Eng_18 & 26
Maths_25& 26
Hindi _18& 28
S.S.T_ 20& 21
Science_ 16& 28.
(A) in which subject, has the improvement is least.

(B) in which subject, has the child improved his performance the most?

31. Starting from (-7) × 4, find (-7) × (-3)

32. Solve the following:

i (i) (-15) × 8 + (-15) × 4

ii (ii) [32 + 2 × 17 + (-6)] ÷ 15

33. The sum of two integers is 116. If one of them is -79, find the other integers

34. Write down a pair of integers whose sum is -5

35. Write. Difference is -7

36. Write a pair of integers whose difference is -1

37. Write a pair of integers whose sum is 0

38. Find the range of the following data:

21, 16, 30, 15, 16, 18, 10, 24, 26, 20

39. Find the mode of the following data:

24, 26, 23, 26, 22, 25, 26, 28

40. Find the mean of the numbers 8, 13, 15.

41.Find the median of the following data:

8, 6, 10, 12, 14

42.Find the median of the following data:

20, 14, 6, 25, 18, 13, 19, 10, 9, 12

43.A fair die is rolled, find the probability of getting a prime number.

44. Find the mean of the first 5 multiples of 3

45. A bag contains 5 white and 9 red balls. One ball is drawn at random from the bag. Find the probability of

(a) a white ball

(b) a red ball

46. A dice is tossed once. Find the probability of getting

i a number 5

ii a number greater than 5

iii a number less than 5

(iv) an odd number (v) an even number

(vi) a number greater than 6

47. A coin and a die are tossed once together. Find the total number of outcomes.

48. Solve 4x+8=24.

49. Solve equation 6p+7=27.

50. A bag contains 12 fruits, 7 mango, 5 bananas. Find the probability of choosing mango as random fruit.

51. Solve equation 3x-5=0.

52. 4x/8=20.
53.Solve equation (-51) +6-(-12).
54. Write statement
A no is two times is divided by 5 is 10.
55. Write statement for below

6 is subtracted from a no is equal to 4.

56. Find 0.4567×100.

57. Find 34.45× 10.

58. Find 321. ×1000.

59. Find 43.789×10.

60. Find 0.00004×1000.

61. Find 0.006×3.2

62. Find 0.12×0.13×1.2.

63. Find 34.1×1.1

64. Find 4567.8× 0.12

65. Find 8904×0.123 66. 12.780×3.1× 0.001

67. Find 34.1×0.4×0.06.

68. Find 71.2×0.03×0.21

69. Find 981× 0.123.

70. Find 45.2× 456.7

Separate variables and then solve following equations

71. 4x+6=18

72. 6p-12=48

73. 5y= 45

74. k/7=21

75. 5z+17=37

76. 6y=54

77. x+7=23 78. x-8=23

79. b/7=32.

80. -8p/5=40.

81.Find the product of 6/7 and 8/3 (ans 16/7)

82: If 2/3 of a number is 6, find the number

83. Solve: 45.600÷0.4

84.Multiply 2.05 and 1.3.

85.Solve the following:

(a) 3 – 2/3

(b) 4 + 2/5

86.Arrange the following in ascending order:

a) 2/7, 3/5, 5/7 b)1/5, 7/10, 3/7, 1/6

87. Find the products:

i (i) 2.4 × 100

ii (ii) 0.24 × 1000

iii (iii) 0.024 × 10000

88.A square paper sheet has 5/4cm long side. Find its perimeter and area. Ans(5cm,25/16cm)

89.Solve the following:

i (i) (-8) × (-5) + (-6)

ii (ii) [(-6) × (-3)] + (-4)

90 find.
1. (-10) × [(-13) + (-10)]
(2. (-5) × [(-6) + 5]

91. Starting from (-3) × 4, find (-3) × (-3)

92.Write five pair of integers (m, n) such that m ÷ n = -3. One of such pair is (6, 2).

93.Solve the following:

i (-15) × 8 + (-15) × 4 Ans (-180)

ii [32 + 2 × 17 + (-6)] ÷ 15. Ans (-4)

94. The sum of two integers is 116. If one of them is -79, find the other integers

95. If a = -35, b = 10 cm and c = -5, verify that:

(i) a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c

(ii) a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c

96. Write down a pair of integers whose

(i) sum is -5

(ii) difference is -7

(iii) difference is -1

(iv) sum is 0

97. Find the range of the following data: 21, 16, 30, 15, 16, 18, 10, 24, 26, 20 Ans (20)

98. Find the mode of the following data:

24, 26, 23, 26, 22, 25, 26, 28

99.Find the median of the following data:

8, 6, 10, 12, 14

100. Find the mean of the numbers 8, 13, 15.

101. Find the median of the following data:

20, 14, 6, 25, 18, 13, 19, 10, 9, 12

102. Find the mean of the first 5 multiples of 3. (9)

103. Find the mean of the first 5 multiples of 9 (27)

104. Find the mean of the first 5 multiples of 7. (21)

105. Define and give 4 examples of commutative property of integers in addition.

Find products of the following from question 106 to question 117.

106. (-34) × (21)

107. (-21) × (-12) × (-3)

108.(3) × (-32) × (-11)

109. 45× (788) ×0× 4566

110. (832) × (-23) × (11)

111. (4) × (-12) × (-12)

112. 654 × (-212)

113.(-678) × (-123)

114.(234) × (-45)

115.(-12) × (-11) × (-10)

116.(14) × (-50) × (-67)

117. – (-60) × (-345)

118 Change into mixed fractions


119. Write the following equations in statement form:


120.Write the following equations in statement form:


121. Write the following equations in statement forms:


122.Write the following equations in statement form: m−7=3

123. Write the following equations in statement forms:


124. Write the following equations in statement form: m−7=3

125.Write the following equations in statement forms:


126.Write the following equations in statement form:


127. Write the following equations in statement form: m/5=3

128.Solve the following statement in equation form: A number increased by nine is fifteen.

129 Solve the following statement in equation form

130. Solve the following statement in equation form:

Twice a number is eighteen.

131. Solve the following statement in equation form:

Four less than a number is twenty.

132.Solve the following statement in equation form:

A number divided by six is eight.

Find the following

133. 0.567÷0.03

134. 0.34516÷0.08

135. 0.051÷0.017

136. 0.4374÷ 0.009

137. 56.50÷0.15

138. 567.2÷100

139. 456÷1000

140. 32.12÷ 10
141.29÷ 1000

142. 62.5÷0.25

143. 765.4÷10

144. How many one-fifths are there in 200? (40)

145. The product of 9/7 and a number is 63. Find the number. (49)

146. Six-sevenths of a number is 36. Find the number. (42)

147. 4/5 of a class of 45 are boys. Find the number of girls in the class. (9)

148. Ronald drank orange juice from a 500 ml bottle. He found that 2/5 was remaining. How much did he drink?

149. 3/5 of a class of 45 are girls. Find the number of boys in the class. (18)

150. If I sleep 6 hours daily, then what part of a day I spend in sleeping? (1/4)

Social Science

Answer the following questions.

1.What is natural environment comprised of?


2.What is hydrosphere?


3.What holds the gravitational force of the Earth ?


4.When is the World Environment day celebrated?


5.What is meant by Environment?


6.How is Environment made?


7.What are fossils?


8.Why is the Earth called a dynamic planet?


9.Name the uppermost layer of the earth.


10.Draw a structure of the interior of the earth.


11.Draw the structure of the continental crust and oceanic crust .


12.Make a diagram of the components of the environment.


13.Draw the rock cycle.


Q.14. What is ' Jhoothan ‘ about ?


Q 15. What suggestion was given to Ansaris by the property dealer?


Q.16 On what basis were the Ansaris treated unequally?


Q.17. Who have been employed to cook the meal under Mid day meal scheme ?


Q.18. Define constitution.


Q.19. Which is the most common form of inequality in India ?


Q.20. What is meant by the term “Dalits”?

Q.21. When was the Civil Right Act enacted in USA ?


Q.22. What do the people expect from the government?


Q.23. Name the categories of healthcare.


Q.24. Where are RMPs found ?


Q25. Name some of the water borne diseases.


Q26. Who was Dantidurga?


Q27. Who paid revenue ?


Q.28. What were prashastis ?


Q 29. Who were the writers of prashastis ?


Q.30. Who was Kalhana ?


Q.31. Who wrote Kitab- al – Hind?


Q32. Who was Prithviraj in ?


Q33. Who destroyed the temple of Somnath ?

Q.34. What was Sabha ?


Q.35. What do you understand about the cartographer?


Q36. Who was Al – Harisi ?


Q.37. Who used the term Hindustan first of all ?


Q.38. Who used the word ' Hind ' and when ?


Q.39. From which language is the word ' Ajnabi ' related ?


Q40. How did the scribes copy manuscripts in absence of Printing Press ?


Q41. Fill the following maps :

A. On world map, locate the 7 continents and oceans of the world.

B. On Political map of India , locate all the States with their Capitals.
C. Locate neighbouring countries of India.
D. Locate Union Territories of India with their Capitals.


A. Learn all the chapters done in the class.

B. Do activity no. 1.1, 2.1, 3.2 , 5.1 and 13.1 in lab manual.
C. Answer the following questions:

(a).Unscramble the following to form terms related to modes of nutrition:-

• RASPAEIT - _________________
• ROPEHYTSAP - _________________
• TOROPHAUT - _________________
• SIBIOMSYS - ___________________

(b). Leaf – the plant's food factory. Explain the

Process with the help of appropriate labelled





(c). Sometimes when you are eating food. You get choked and you start coughing.

• What do you think has happened?


• What type of first aid should be given to the person whose coughing does not stop?



(d). Solve the following riddles:-

• I turn red in acidic solution and blue in a basic solution. Who am I?

• I turn red in acidic solution and yellow in basic solution. Who am I?
• I turn colourless in acidic solution and pink in basic solution. Who am I?


• I am found at home and turn bright red when I come in contact with soap. Who am I?

( e). Write a short note on ruminant – digestive system

Also draw the diagram.






1. Topic -Fibre to fabric (Chapter 3 of the textbook)

Since time immemorial, natural fibres have been used for apparel and home fashion. Today, many

man-made fibres have been developed into beautiful fabrics that are being used by major designers.

This summer break, have a great time sorting out your clothes and engaging with thegiven activity. Hope you
enjoy doing this!

A. Reading and Understanding – Begin with reading the chapter in the text book.
B. Research - Collect as many different pieces and scraps of fibres and fabrics. Gather information

on ANY ONE CHOSEN FABRIC under the following heads:

(i) Name of the Fabric and its source (Plant/ animal/ man-made)

(ii) Fabric and relevance of the region where it is used within India (cold and hot climate)

(iii) Fabric and relevance to the use (its purpose – like for making bags, clothes, mats,etc)

(iv) Properties of the fabric like strength, durability, absorption of water, etc.

C. Fabric assemblage /Collage -Now think of how you would like to present your collected fabrics

as a collage.

• Take an A4 sheet of paper. Ensure that the Project is done only on an A4 sheet.

• Prepare a collage on one side of the paper using the fabrics collected.

• Use the other side to present the information about one chosen fabric , that you collected .

2. Prepare a model on any topic related to your science book.

For example - digestive system of human, arrangement of teeth in mouth etc.

3. Take some turmeric and make a paste. Take a small piece of cloth and makes few spots of turmeric paste on
the cloth. Now you can use this cloth for testing various materials to check whether those are acidic or basic in
nature. Bases will turn the turmeric red whereas it remains yellow in acids and neutral. Make a table to show
your result.

Avoid junk food and drink plenty of water and eat salad and fibrous fruits more and more in the summer to stay

प्र०1 अपनीपाठ्यपुस्तकके सुभाषिताषनपाठसेषकन्हींचारश्लोकोंकोषिखेंऔरउनके अर्थकोभीषिखें–

श्लोक 1----------------------


श्लोक 2--------------

श्लोक 3-------------


श्लोक 4---------------


प्र०2 शब्दरूपनदीकोयादकरके प्रर्मासेसंबोधनतकषिखें-


प्र०3 धातुरूपचल्कोचारोंिकारोंमेंयादकरके षिखो-



िङ् िकार-

प्र०4 इनअंकोंकोसंस्कृ तमेंषिखो-






प्र०5 पूर्थिाक्येनउत्तरत-

कसिथदाकु त्रसुखम्?




गश्रीकण्ठस्यआषतथ्यवके अकु िथन्?


घकृ ष्र्मूत:े कषतकमथकरा: सषन्त?


ङश्रीकण्ठ: कृ ष्र्मूते: गृहंकदाअगच्छत्?


चकच्छप:कु त्रगन्तुवगच्छाषम?


छकू मथ: षमत्रयो: िचनंषिस्मृत्यषकम्अिदत्?


जकु त्रषिस्मय: नकत्तथव्य: ?




ञत्यििज्ज: कु त्रसुखीभिेत्?


प्र०6 शब्दार्थषिखो-



कू मथ:



General knowledge
1. Make a project file on each page, paste picture of great personalities of the world Or India. Write what is
common among them.
2. Write 20 new good thoughts.

3.Read newspaper daily & make five current affairs on important subjects.

4. Some General knowledge Based Question:-

1. Who invented the Light Bulb?

2. Which planet in our solar system is known as the Red Planet?
3. What is the name of the biggest planet in our solar system?
4. Who invented the Telephone?
5. Who discovered Penicillin?
6. Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?
7. Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?
8. Who invented the Printing Press?
9. Who successfully built and flew the world’s first Aeroplane?
10. What is the name of the largest moon of Saturn?
11. Which is the smallest bird in the world?
12. Who invented the Computer?
13. Who are the founders of Google?
14. How many continents are there, and their names?
15. Which is the largest continent?
16. Where were the last Olympic Games held, and when?
17. Which is the longest river on Earth?
18. Who is the first male Tennis star to win 21 Grand Slam titles?
19. Which of the following is the first state in the country to make gender education compulsory at the
graduation level?
20. Who among the following took over as the 29th Chief of the Army Staff?
21. Which of the following city hosted the Semicon India Conference 2022?
22. When is World Homoeopathy Day observed?
23. List the name of four Vedas.
24. Name the first national park in India to be equipped with satellite phones?
25. What is the theme of World Hearing Day 2022?


Do yourG.K. holiday homework in the separate notebook.

• Make a box with the help of popsicle.
• Make any 2 bookmark on the theme of warli art and madhubani art.
• Make one yarn ornament.
• Make a collage by paper tearing technique with glaze paper.
• Make a design by paper quilling on A4 sheet.
• Make a rainbow wall hanging.
• Prepare a bottle with mandala art Or dot art.

1. Write different Shortcut keys on A4 size sheet.

2. Write various Computer Problems and their Remedies on A4 size Sheet.

3. Convert the following binary number into decimal numbers and vice versa.

• (11111)2
• (10101)2
• (001100)2
• (85)2
• (70)10
• (190)10

4. Solve the following:-

• 1000+1111

• 1111-1010
• 1100*111
• 11110-11
(Do Que. No. 3 and 4 in computer notebook)

5. Do practice of ch-1 and 2.

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