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Answer Key

3 A What's his name? 20 How old is she? 38 Brothers and sisters

B His name's Bruce.
A Where's he from? I b) thirty c) fourteen d) forty I 2 son 3 husband 4 daughter
B He's from Australia. e) fifteen f) fifty g) sixteen h] sixty 5 wife 6 sister 7 mother 8 brother
i) seventeen j) seventy k] eighteen 9 parents 10 children
A What's his job?
l) e'ighty m) nineteen n) ninety 2 2 granddaughter 3 grandmother
B He's a waiter.
2 b) seventy-seven c) twenty-six 4 grandson 5 grandfather
2 A What's her name?
B Her name's Aylin. d) forty-two e) fifty-one f) a hundred 6 grandchildren

A Where's she from? 3 2 years 3 How old are 4 I'm 3 2 Homer's 3 Marge's 4 Abe's
B She's from Turkey. 5 How old is 6 He's 5 Homer's 6 Mona's 7 Marge's
A What's her 4 2 Russian 3 American 4 British 8 Lisa's
B job? She's a s Chinese 6 Spanish 7 Brazilian 4 s is 4is SP 6P 7is BP
doctor. his name?
3 A What's 8 Italian 9 Turkish 10 Australian 5 subject pronouns: I, you, he, she,
A Where's he from? possessive
B His name's 6Sb) 23D 45 SD3 6D
a waiter 75 85 9D
a waitress 4 a 10D
doctor it, we, they adjectives: my, your, his,
B He's from Egypt. her, its, our, their
5 an actor 6 an actress 7 a taxi driver
A What's his job?
8 a manager 6 2 our 3 his 4 We 5 your 6 My, her
B He's a manager.
7 2 diaries 3 girls 4 watches 7 It 8 their 9 They, his 10 she, your
4 A What's her name?
5 countries 6 sandwiches 7 babies 7 2 are 3 's (is) 4 s (is) 5 Are 6 aren't I
B Her name's Carolina.
8 men 9 women 10 people 're not 7 's (is) 8 's (is) 9 Are 10 'm
A Where's she from?
11 are 12 'm 13 're 14 Is 15 isn't I
B She's from Mexico.
3A Two cities 's not 16 's
A What's her job?
B She's a teacher. Ia) 2 hot 3 new 4 small 5 friendly
4a) 2 Is he a police officer? 3 Is Aylin
3C Eat in or take away?
6 beautiful 7 expensive
from Germany? 4 Is she a doctor? b) 2 cold 3 old 4 big 5 unfriendly 1 2 a mineral water 3 an egg sandwich
s.Is Hamadi from France? 6 ls he a 6 ugly 7 cheap 4 a Coke 5 a tea 6 a coffee
manager? 7 Is Carolina from 7 an orange juice 8 a croissant
Mexico? B ls she a waitress? 2 2 My teacher is very friendly. 3 It's a
9 a cappuccino 10 a cheese and
very old phone. 4 She's a good
b) 2 No, he isn't. I No, he's not. tomato sandwich
doctor. 5 The cameras are expensive.
3 No, she isn't. I No, she's not. 6 It's a very big house. 7 Egypt is a 2 b) seven euros c) twenty cents
4 Yes, she is. 5 No, he isn't I No, he's hot country. 8 The sandwiches are d) fifteen pounds e) twenty-five p I
not., 6 Yes, he is. 7 Yes, she is. very nice. pence f) nine (pounds) seventy
8 No, she isn't. I No, she's not. 3 1 How much is 2 How much are
3 2 're 3 's 4 are 5 aren't I 're not
5 A Am I in this class? 6 're 7 isn't I s not (is not) 8 's (is) 3 How much are 4 How much is
Yes, you are.
•(',,·; .
B 9 aren't I 're not (are not) 10 're 4 ASSISTANT Can l help you?
2 A Are you Russian? 11 isn't I 's not (is not) 12 's 13 's CUSTOMER Yes, a coffee and a
B Yes, I am. croissant, please.
4a) 2 Are 3 Are 4 's 5 ls 6 Are 7 's 8 ls
3 A Is your phone Japanese? A Sure. Anything else? .
B No, it isn't. b) 2 Yes, they are. 3 No, they aren't. I C No, that's all, thanks.
4 A Are you a musician? No, they're not. 4 It's in Giza (near A Eat in or take away?
B No, I'm not. the Pyramids). 5 No, it isn't. I c Eat in, please.
5 A Is it from Brazil? No, it's not. 6 No, they aren't. I A OK, that's £3.20, please.
B Yes, it is. No, they're not. 7 He's in a cafe, c Thanks a lot.
8 Yes, it is. A You're welcome,

2C Personal information 5 2 I'm from Moscow. 3 You aren't in 2 ASSISTANT Can l help you?
this class. I You're not in this class. CUSTOMER Yes, a cappuccino,
I 1 Good evening 2 Mr 3 Good 4 He isn't from London. I He's not
evening 4 Good night 5 Good night please.
from London. 5 What's your name? A Sure. Anything else?
6 Good morning 7 Good morning 6 She isn't Spanish, she's Mexican. I
8 Good afternoon 9 Mrs 10 Good c Yes, an egg sandwich, please.
She's not Spanish, she's Mexican. A Eat in or take away?
afternoon 7 We're in Spain and it's very hot. c Take away, please.
2 2 What's your surname? 3 How do 8 They aren't actors, they're waiters. I A OK, that's £4.40, please.
you spell that, please? 4 What's your They're not actors, they're waiters. c Thank you very much.
nationality? 5 What's your address? 6 2c) 3b) 4c) Sa) 6b) 7c) Sa) A You're welcome.
6 What's your email address? 7 Are
you married? 8 What's your mobile

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