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[Teele f © SALRAM «Ane COLLEGE fen ‘An Astonomoun ination | ARMA AE Uy Aso ATE How Da ‘tonsa MBERREOCresroaed Sat Leo aa ls Tabara hrm aaamodtn CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT TEST Question Paper Code | C80 0323F0402_ cial Intelligence ; Course Code = 20CSPC6OL Course Name Degree - Program : B.E/B.Tech(CSE&IT) Year/ Semester: 1N'/VI Date of Exam: 01.03.2023 Duration 21% Hours + Max. Marks 250 ‘Answer ALL Questions PART — A (5x 2=10 Marks) K-Level Oo 1 Define Rationality. KI col 2 Define Agent. KI con 3 What is Branching Factor? KI col 4 Define Global Maximum and Global Mi Tied a KI Co? tar 5 Define Annealing process j Rit (Con PART ~ B (2x 13 =26 Marks) Mark Ke CO Splitup Level 6. 2) Explain Agent Program and its types in detail BK cor id (Or) § b) Represent the PEAS Description for the Following Agents 1B Kz cot Taxi Driver Agent © ‘Medical Diagonis System Part-Picking Robot Interactive English Tutor 7. a) Discuss about Simulated Annealing Process Boke coz (or) i y b) Discuss about Search in Partially observable Environments 13 kK2 coz oe 84 Analyze: KS — Ea — pemember; K2 ~ Understand; K3 ~ APP 7 KS- Evaluate; K6~Create Page 1 of 2 PART = kK CO PART = (1 ty oc fh Marks) aiten Lise WK} COL 8. a) Solve the flowing problem with Greg Best and A* search Technique | Consider Path Cost» 1 j ' F On | f ae b) Compa the perfomance of unnfomed Search Stateyes forthe below MK col ‘graph. Consider Fas the goal state é A | Course Outcomes é Gor | tlertheaeent iarakrses and is prlem solving approaches. (2) | ~$eleet appropriate search algorithms for any AT problem. (KI) ~ cor pes of Al ingame paying K (a Gos | Aariv ie rn Construct and solve a problem using, ase predicate Toe SY cos aay Te ds oT ang poles ng ain nd ering 3) 05 | tapi atl a casings Arca Ttligence (| cos ame oF (Percentage wise) cod | cos C06 Distribution of C¢ col cor D3 31% m ly cer (SEM yee eT © ‘sw mmengineERINs COMLEGE fe RA ENGINEERING COLLEGE ja reed RA LNA 's| ABO 2075 Coe a DNA rd ‘Woat Tarbaram, Channa 0 O44, wivwsalram.aduin, CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT TEST ~ Il Question Paper Code | C1104» DF oy Course Name: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENC!: Course Code. :20CSPC601 Program BAEB-TeeN(CSEIT- ) | Year / Semester :l/ VI Date of Exam —: 11.04.2023 / Duration : 1% Hours Max. Marks 150 Answer ALL Questions { PARTS (Sx. 2m0 Marks) | K-Level CO What is mean by AND-OR Tree? What is Min-Max Algorithm? Lawn eo Write the Syntax of FOL Define CNF ' All men are Moxtal.Sgerates isa Prove that Socrates I} a Mortal us ' - S ee. PART -B (2 « 1326 Ms a) Why Alpha — Beta Pruning is preferged over. Mark Ke Splitup Level K2 C03 ay 7. a) Consider the Following sentence i, If. jis on top of y then y * ji. Ifxis above y and they tc : is on top of y ' £ iii, A cupis above the book iv. A cupis touching a book Prove that “Book Support Cup” by Backward Bice (Or) b) Explain about knowledge-engineering process 8 eo co PART =C (1x 14 = 14 Marks) spite ube 8. ai. Describe the process of alpha beta pruning, 7 ge | ii Consider a vocabulary with the following symbols: i pe cos Occupation(p, 0): Predicate. Person p has occupation 0. Customer (p1, p2): Predicate. Person p1 is a customer of person p2. Boss(p1, p2): Predicate. Person p1 is a boss of person p2. Doctor , Surgeon, Lawyer , Actor : Constants denoting occupations. Emily, Joe: Constants denoting people. Use these symbols fo write the following asertons in firstorder } ly is ag ‘surgeon or a lawyer. j isan actor, but he also holds another jo F 1s are doctors. i" d. Joe does not have a lawyer (ie, isnota customer prof any Tat © Emily has boss who. (Or) ;chastic games are handled? all animals is loved by someone. Anyone wha d by no one. Jack loves all animals. ar Either Jack or Curiosity killed the cat, who,ié named Tuna. Did Curiosity kill the cat? a Course Outcomes COI | infer the agent ch Con | Select appropri of ATin game playing. ©) se Cos | Apply the princi C04 | Construct and solve a problem using first ordet Fan predicate logic. (K3) al Cos | Henly the metjods of solving problems using planning and Teaming. (K3) C06 | Implement applicat guageProcessing that use Artificial Intelligence, (K3) CONo. % 1 Remember K2— Understand K3 — 4 Tuli s| oyna ec We OD et ie ween rt ‘Sal ea agar, West Tambarae, Chennai 710 O44 wen stam edn _ CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT TEST 1 WME Year | Semester PART —A (5 2=10 Marks) K-level CO | State the rule for partial order planning. KI COs 2 Define Least Commitment Search KI COS 3 Define Action Schema KI COS 4 List the characteristics of Information Retrieval KI C06 5 Listout Applications of NLP KI COB 2) Explain partial order planning algorithm with an example 1B K2 COs (Or) 2) Write STRIPS representation for the Air Cargo Problem ia) 2) cos 7.) Discuss about Phase Structure Models, 13. 2 COs (Or) b) Explain about Syntactic Analysis 13 K2 COs Learning Rules Consider the following PCFG for simple verb phrases: 7 K3 COB }1:V Po Verb 02:VP + Copula Adjective re — Remember 12 — Understands KS — Apply; KA Analyze: KS Evaluate; K6—Create Page Lof? 05:VP Verb the Noun 02:VP+VP Adverb 05::Verb is 05: Verb shoots 0.8 :Copula + is 0.2 : Copula + seems 05 : Adjective — unwell Adjective + well Adverb — well verb + badly loun ~ duck 0.4: Noun + well ‘a, Which of the following have a nonzero probability as a VP? (i) shoots the duck well well well (Gi) seems the well well (Or) b)i. Explain in detail about Knowledge in Learning i. Discuss about N-gram Character Model and how to perform ‘Smoothing Course Outcomes, [eo [infers gant arate ads probing approche, 2) con | Select ‘appropriate Search algorithms for any Al problem. (K1) cos | Apply ‘the principles of Al in game playing, (3) Construct and solve a problem using first order and predicate logic. (K3)_ Distribution of COs (Percentage wise) K1~ Remember, K2 ~ Understand, K3 ~ Apply: Ka= Analy «= WS ~ Evahuate, Ke ~ Create Identify the methods of solving problems using planning and learning, (K3) Dy Implement applications for Natural Language Processing that use Artificial Intelligence. ) cos C06 Vag 242

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