Qdoc - Tips Inside Out Pre Int Resource Pack

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Simone Foster Jon Hird Matthew Jones Neil McMahon Peter Maggs Carmen Santos Maldonado Priscilla Osborne Jeremy Page Jenny Roden David Seymour Katherine Stannett Inside Out Resource Pack Pre-intermediate Macmillan Ratueation Between Towers Road, Oxford OX4 30° A division of Mocrlan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives shaninhent the send ISBN 0833 9758 ‘Text © Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones and Philip Kerr 2002 Design and illustaation © Macniflan Publishers Linvited 2002 First published 2002 Permission to copy The material i this bank is copyright. However the [publisher grants permission for copies to be made without few on those pages marked with the PLOFOCOPIABLS symbol Drivato punchacere mey make copies fr their own ase oF for [Eso y classes of which they are in eharge; selvook pure nay make eapies for use, wilhin snd by the stall and students of the schoo! only. this permission does not extend toadditienal schools or branches of ¢n institution, Who should purehessa separate master copy of the book fo hei Tor copying in any other eitumstanees, prior pennission kn vwxiting mast he obainedt from Macmillan Publishers Limited. Designed by Seteh Nicholson Iitastrations by Kathy Baxendale pp2B. ppl4A, pp ist; Mark Draisey pp, ppl7B, Mark Duffin ppI8A; Mark Ruffle PBB, plc; bill Pggins pp5A, ppIA. pplZA Peter Mages ppID Cover design by Andiew Olivet Printed arei bound fy Groat Britain by Martins the Printers ‘000 2906 e004 Introduction ‘This Resource Pack for teachers contains thirty= seven practice activities for pee-intermediale students of English. (tis designed to be used with Inside Out Pre-intermedtiate Siudent’s Book, ‘Ton practising toachurs baye gonteibuted activities, yo you'll find a wealth of different ideas for pructising skills and specific language points. All the aetivitigs have been testad in the clas the worksheets: « the activities in many different ways. Bor example: cl the lessons 2 we we Student's Book + as revision of points in the Stucent’s Book, for eimple at the boginning of the following © fo supplement other courses + aga basis for standby leesons How to use the Resource Pack Rach activity consists of ene photocopiable worksheet original. The originals have buon dlesigned far maximum clarity when photocopied. However, if your photocopier has the facility to + you may sometimes find this vse! particularly for board games or worksheats vrbich are £9 be cut up into cards. Bach original appears on the right-hand page, with teacher's notes on the lefi-hanil page so that you can see then both at the same time, The notes explain she aims of the activity, describe the tak, tell you what you need to do to prepare and then givea step-by-step lesson plan, This makes then eagy to use if you haven't beon teaching long, but iis also tercific time-saver for experienced teachers. Regard the lesson plans asa starting point As you use the worksheets you'll find your own ways of making the best of them io class. Some of the worksheets nees! cutting up iate sections To make these easior tg handle in the classioom, glue therm onie sina pieces of cael = index eards or blank business cards, available from, most stationers, axe ideal. fter the lesson, éile the cards in an envelope for the next time yin se thom. Waite the name of the activity and the umber of eards on the outsie Some activities rogitive multiple gets oF cards. lo these cases. itis a good ide to distinguish eack set in some way, Puta different mark, preferably in lifferent cotowed pens, on the cates from each set (Or, even better, photocopy them on different coloured paps TThis will save you time when you resfile them af nl of the Iesson, Over to you If you have any comments about fnsice Oxt, you wil find a feodback form on our website at wie dnsideout wel, where you ean also register bo receive extra teaching materials free every week by cesmail. Your opinions wil! belp to shape our fuse publishin Contents ecg a Le Cal) oe ae 7 A What's in a name? 23-25 minvies | ‘To fine ea) information aso people ete question forms and word fn quest 1B Fanaly party 20 mina einorisedetals ina pietwie | To pracase question word o ad lok / tk ie 4 anise questi 2A. Colegorixe 20 minutes | To pat woads joto the correc To nviso and rotnforce vocabulary, ccleyery and divide the into especially countable ana countabtow snd uncountable nous, hn inl 2 of ht Pre-inkormaciats Student's Book 2B World 50-10 minutes | To write cues for x craswwonst and | Tu proetisa country names and thei fo complete it. sires pattem, BA. Friday the 13th Ominites | To write about a plesore 3p practise pas continous BB Childhood sweethearts | sous minutes | To rss a jigsaw tot end vo wo proctoe the pant trvea, cannmnicate to find the differences 4A. Broken sen ternces 1S rninutes | omatch parts uf tvoken sentences | To eevtew the use of conparadiven fo that they make one complate | and vocabulary for deserting, 4B Nuonbers, miombers, | sowinutes | Teak ard mswergencral | To eanwoldowe andl prasie numbove nunubers novledge/trivia quortions and euperlatves. 20 minutes | To caplet satemenieadoat | To carooicate asking questions classmates by mining ané aeking | aad tho topics and langage questions fsom vats 1 10 4 of tle Out Pro-toterrnetiate Statens How 30-5 minutes | To playa bard game where statents | To practise using Form questions using gerund and} infiiives aller particular verbs 6B Perfect watch 25-20 minutes | Th samplate avormation sbouk Wve ~] | friends or rolatiview and lo ty to sind parlness for then TA Susie's party Upto t howe | Th find out by exchanging rein faree wee ofthe priest niosmation,pessonal decals about a peyTect an past snnple | pers mel ata party ‘To ecll those | To pracine talking, abo 7B Half « conversation 30 minutes | Yo complate, practise and perform | Tu practise prowent perfec for Hine eanversitions. ‘ap fa now and past simple for finches ime 7C Changes 15-10 minutes | To-cstegorise» range of subjects | To practine prosent perlect lor according to whether they hawe | genoraf exprtonce at an uopecified changed completely, alle, or not at | tame i be pst fll voy the past tem years, BA Thirly-second firtures | 30-40 oymutes | 1 piay a board game veining 9 praciise present eomtinnois students to al abou: hake futures. | snd going tor future arrangements snl pass i SB The root af all ev Vpte thou | osead and wehwarse the play in| To praciae premunciation, expecially inal groups, sii and intanntion To periorm the play in g¢mups of | To avinforce quiag fo and the wse of ! ov tothe othor tude ve prceent continuous for the future OA. Obeying the rites 50 minates | To identify and discuss genus roles, | To practise models of obligalion 9 produce mks for the hase 9B Character exassword | saminntee | Te-complote a crossed by To consolidate and prociise wsing | Ientifying opposite character cbatuster neyectives cet | 10 1A, To seek information abo anu jobsre adverbs of frequency od quattions To peact To play @ review game in sv teams UB DA Phrasal verb jokes Ty saath questions and ancwens To writes manifesto ova _gcoup ane fh present itt the ene Ta review leva roan the Student's Book unit by choasing the currect altumetive m2 sentence To reviee, prasuce and expand phrasal verbs To practise vocabulary connected with topical issues ene! fo practise the language bf expressing epinions 1B 3A, “Te ply auttaly 10 given To tlk about the wav achievements of peaple tm clferent Prolesions over pi To peuclse wing verbs in eller syns er state frie in fsommn sitsatians “Ta practi the pre ps ad syle. 138 Students aningle and comple @ 1 practise questions vith (low fg 4 present perteet simple /eavsinve anal ans with for /sinc, ts contest of lifestyle habits Hella Tarn, as Prin To make requests and offers over Te precise offers and sequests nd telyphone language To practise infoninl telephone sonvorsatons, requests and gait rections Te eunvac: (he grammer mistakes tr welve questions and to usw these questions for discussion, ‘Stans play a boar! gan coreg, tepies relating fo, To consalidate the malin language arent coveted by wns th ce 14 Ay fuse Out Preintarmedinte Studien’ Boo. Tov improve fueney ih spo To write down ao words samescnrnd and toon ploy matehiag, al stvies and ihe retell trem iron memory Aninal stories 18A f s/o questions salve 18B What happened? To complete short wot To sequence a vores of oven 9A pie poet and present Heyes by disesasing contuntioas stataments. To identity words with the sane sound but diforont spelling Te develop txhigies or imerowing Ts fired delining telat clauses acticu of past perfect and other question farms To pracrae apeetive tenes, To practise ws i + iaGnitive for poet hits ond sates 198 20 Interview with « cy out a role-play in the form of an interview witha centenarians “To guess tn given ie tal knowledge categories, To practise weet 4 + infinitive le question and answe forms “Toconsoletite some nf the vesbalary and topics finan Inside Qut Pee intermediate Student's Book [peacuew® Waves ] =e ig Carmen Santos Maldonado ‘Type of activity Speaking, Pair work Aim ‘To practise question forms and word order in questions Task To find out information about people. Preparation Make one capy ofthe worksheet for exch pair of students and et it nto two ns inated Timing 20-25 iin, mr ——— What's in a name? Procedure 4 Demonstrate the netivity by waiting the name of amembes of your family on the beard 2 Invite questions from the students about tis person, guiding the questions if necessary. 3B Tell the students they are going; to do the same, in paits, according ta 8 Instruetions on a worksheet me written 4 Divide the class into equal aumbers of Student As and Student Be. Give a copy of the A workst ot to Student A and a copy of B worksheet io Student B, Tell ther they are not to let their partners soe their worksheet, Ask the students to compleie the NAM seetion of the worksheet, They then tear off {iis section and exchange it with thelr partner 6 Ask the students to ask their partner al least three questions about oveh of their pastner's names, They ean use the questions on heir worksiests as guidance, 7 Cireulate and make sume students form ‘questions carrecth B When most stud for three students to describe ome person from 's havo finished, ask twa theix partner's list Notes & comments 1 some pairs finish early, ask thom to swap partners ancl star! again inlo a shorter exercise, and concluding paves (steps #, 2 anid 8) can be missed ut Mf you want to make this the Intoductor INSIDE OUT Resource Pack BEY Wrai's in a name? o< A Write the first name of ... NAMES 1 your best female fichd mene |] 2 one of Your neighbOuts ————————e | 2 3 amemberof your family ——_—_— ! 3 7 4 asports personality ne |g 1 Examples of questions | Tear off this section and give + Who /(name)? + speak/ English? —|-_‘t to your partner when you | ave writen all the names * How sold? + What /looktike? ' + where fiver * When birthday? | * Do/anysports? —» What do? ' oe ; 8 Write the first name of ... 1 one of your grandparents one of your colleaguesiclassmates mente | 2 3 yourbest male friend emammmmmemmmnpe | 3 4 alVorfilm personality ede des mnie: Examples of questions Tear off this section and give it to your partner when you have written all the names. © Who / (name)? + |s/ married? © What / look like? Have / children? © What / favourite hobby? + What /at weekends? 1 i 1 i \ 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 + How often / visit? + Have pets? | ae Type of activity Memory game. Pair work, Aims ‘To practise question word order and doa /leak Hike, Task jorise details in a picture and answer questions about it, Preparation Make a copy of the worksheet for each student in the class Timing 15-20 mnates, Procedure 1. Tell your stidents you are going to show thom a plonse and then ask them some questions about Tell them that they will havea time limit of two minutes and they must remember as mony details the picture as they can 2. Give each student a copy of the worksheet After two minutes, ask your students to lar aver their pisces of pape 3 Divide the class into pairs or small groups and tell the students you are going to ask them some questions 4. Read out ench question from the box on the: ight, giving students enough rime to discuss the answers logether. Fncomage them to make 2 guess sf they can't remember some of the details. 5 Check students’ answers (maybe waite them con the board) but offer no anawers of your own at ris stage, 6 Ask your shagents to check the picture again to find out the answers, 7 Cheek the answer in open class, The pair ‘with the most correct answers are the Answers 16 83 15 you 2 alas 9 abotte 16 ocap 30 10 no 76 as na 18 no 3 yes 12 cid 19: walking tick 6 apipe 15 Mowers 20.5 yy ns Follow up For homework, ask your students to find a picture wath Jots going on in iL Gin magazines or even comics) and vriie ten questions For it: In class they should then tes! each other's memory, Notes & comments ‘The picture fos thie activity could alsa be used for © describing people (Ken's got « moustache, He's wearing @ lie and smoke « pipe), © present continuous memory game (hat is Rew stoing?) Questions 1 How many children are there? 2 What has Julian gotin his hand? Dous Linda look happy? How msny people have got earnings? Can Jane play the guitaz? What has Ken gol in his mouth? Toes timma wear glasses? How many pictures are thou on the wall? What has Sue got in her hard? 10 Does Will look smart? IL How many people have gota moustache? 12 ts Tom young or old? 13 What has Mary got in her hand? 14 How many people have got long hate? 18 Dees Tim look like Ben? 16 What has Simon got on hie hand? 17 How many balloons are there? 18 Can Ellen sing? 19 What has Tom got in his hand? 20. How many bottles are there «an the table? Family party ) SAME | San tim ‘Ang 7 BRERA ss Ble gon brad RS Natas! ha woTES 25. Categorise Type of activity Voenbulory Growp'ar pei worke Aim To revise and reinforce vocabulary, especially countable and wncountable noms from wit 2 9 Inside Ou! Poe-iotermediate Student's Book, Task To put words in the comect category and divide them into countables and uncountables. Preparation Make one photocopy af the warksheet foreach group, Timing 20 minutes ae Procedure 1 Divide the siudents fo pairs or small groups, Give onch group 4 worksheet 2 ‘Tell studanss to catoorise all toe words on thelr ‘worksheot ander the cight hendings. The w Js the finsl group to categorize all thoi words ssucoessfully: Memitor the activity, helping wish any vacabalay profems that arise 3 Write the eight headinngs.on the bone! and ask. eprsentatives irom each group 4 came up to th Donte arid ws Tell stucents to read through the categorized wontls and mark each wan! with a U for ts the words wndlor the headings. uncountable and a C fo countable. The the first group to diviels all their words successfully. Answers transport deink eat © coffee C/U bus r wine U tex c ber C/U wwallic u twa cu buildings water U high-rise office Mock juice U ‘eastle © weather church © mn OU house c snow UW ‘geography sunshine U sea cu cloud C/U coast € wind U mountain c fog u canal 6 counties going out Bradt € nightlife u Turkey C theatre © Malta cinema e roland disco © Gwweee Cc food Baypt C fruit u bread vu vegetables ¢ cake cfu meat u rice u INSIDE QUT Resnurce Pack transport | buildings | geography going out food _] drink ] | sweater | countries | Ireland sunshine juice taxi Malta tea meat theatre Egypt mountain traffic fog nightlife Turkey fruit rain vegetables Greece rice water high-rise office wind block 5 wine house Now decide which are countable and which are uncountable. weR'S hore | Worldsearch mrs Type of activity Wailing, Group work. Speaking. Paix and group work, Aims ‘To practise country names and thelr stess pattorns, Task To write clues for a crossword and to complete i Preparation One copy of the worksheet, ct in hal a indicated for each prir of stunts in the cass. 1 would be ‘ry bof ts havea ap oF the world fata to sluclents unfamilier with some ofthese coontries ing 30-40 minutes Procedure Writes I fasnons for win, fod asd seme There is a famous tower inthe eapial city. on the board. Ask stad enis to guess the count (France). Yell the students they are going to waite same sienilar hints as eles for a crossword 2 Divide the elass nto Team A and ‘Team B. ;plain that you ave goliyg to give each group the same crossword but thal Team A will have the ‘across’ words alcady weitten in andl Teain B will have the ‘down’ words alzeady written, in, Their insk is to write the clues for the words wrstten on the crosswords 3B. Give a copy of crossword A fo cach student in Team A and copy of crossword H to each student in Team B. Ask the students to work together with people in their gimp to write a clue for eseh country. A. To nelp your sisidents prepore the eluoxs monitor carefully and encourage them to particularly about: a) geographical location, 'b) what the country produees, ¢) what it's famous for andi d) whet its eapital ity is called. sold make waetul clues, 5 When they have finished writing their clues, stuclonts should work with a partner from the ther group. They must not sbovr each other their ezessword. 6 Ask them to sit eing tums to ask their partner for clues to the fp onhex and take tin missing names on their crosswore. 7 When they have asked and answared sit the questions a mploted their crosswords, they ean look af each other's paper te check. Follow up ee yee a eer exer He GP ARADO follow up activity Ack aad aati WL ME BSR WORE oul which country name goes inte which column, according to how the counisy namie is pronounced “Explain there is room for only three counties in each column, Monitor students closely at this stage to hale any students who may be straggling, Check answers in open class Answers Bia aB afin Englond Japan New Zealand China Brassd Moreeco Turkey Kuwait Korea ee sHiee pele Germany Colombia Yonezuela Libya Slovakia Italy Austealia Madagascar Give one copy of this to each student in the lass Pat each country from your crossword in an appropriate column according to its stress pattern Ba aaa ase Venerutcla NSIDE OUT Resource Pack write the clues. 4 I's South American county. thas a.very strong oil industry. 12 13, 14 15 16 a7 18 o< Write the clues. 1 tsa South American country. The capital diy is Bogota Slain el=iole > -lelelo joe FREE >< lel-[= Ps iale =| Z=PEPeRe 10 Selo mar =| " TEACHERS NOTES EWR Sails Type of activity Whiting, Pai wi Aims 7 pec a Task To weile abemé a picture. Preparation Make one copy af the worksheet for each pair of students Timing Friday the 13th — Procedure 1. Write the following on the bord, Blicit the missing words Hea newspaper she the accent ns tying, hopped) 2 Divide me cass into paits, Give out ane copy of the piclure fo each pair Ask sidents to work together to write sentences asout the pictus Jing the same struerare. 3. Add the following sentence to the model Whew she ancient she aininlonce, ‘Ask students at random to read out one of their gontences. After each one ask whol happened next 4 ‘Tall each siudent to choose one of the people in the picture, Blieit a few questions and answers from open pals, 3, Wat were vow dng alten tle acidrt happened? 2 ou ating oF the Dae stop. What dit you do whew the accident happened? 1 roost £9 tp. Follow up Friday he 18th, part 2 Students work topether in rou to write about the rest ofthe day forthe poople rm prerae Notes & comments The same picture can be used to practise the present continuous and is especially good for this kind of transformation: ‘A man is reading @ bok Iuok: can also be used fox making predictions with ‘Sa aia reading w gig f0, for describing people and for present perfect with just You may «ant to make a large copy oF the pieture fo put on the classoom wall and get students to, attach examples of the relevant structure, TEACHERS NOTES EWR Sails Type of activity Whiting, Pai wi Aims 7 pec a Task To weile abemé a picture. Preparation Make one copy af the worksheet for each pair of students Timing Friday the 13th — Procedure 1. Write the following on the bord, Blicit the missing words Hea newspaper she the accent ns tying, hopped) 2 Divide me cass into paits, Give out ane copy of the piclure fo each pair Ask sidents to work together to write sentences asout the pictus Jing the same struerare. 3. Add the following sentence to the model Whew she ancient she aininlonce, ‘Ask students at random to read out one of their gontences. After each one ask whol happened next 4 ‘Tall each siudent to choose one of the people in the picture, Blieit a few questions and answers from open pals, 3, Wat were vow dng alten tle acidrt happened? 2 ou ating oF the Dae stop. What dit you do whew the accident happened? 1 roost £9 tp. Follow up Friday he 18th, part 2 Students work topether in rou to write about the rest ofthe day forthe poople rm prerae Notes & comments The same picture can be used to practise the present continuous and is especially good for this kind of transformation: ‘A man is reading @ bok Iuok: can also be used fox making predictions with ‘Sa aia reading w gig f0, for describing people and for present perfect with just You may «ant to make a large copy oF the pieture fo put on the classoom wall and get students to, attach examples of the relevant structure, PIN briday the 13th UO oe - Type of activity Reading and speaking, Individuak and pair work Aims Je practise the past tenses, Task To read a jigsaw toxt and to commnunteate to find the differences. Preparation Make one copy of the workshact for every two students Timing 30-40 minutes Procedure 11 Introduce the characters in the text to the: class. Explain thal they were at schoo! logether and that they have been married for 15 years. Tell students that they ace going to read an account of how they met 2 Pre-teach key vocabulazy Urisha’s story a goalkeeper, ¢ gout.» atch a quewe, a portion, purse fo pay eomeose back, to hat sonicome Ronnie's story ~ a gaabiveyer te faney someine, ot, sunt Altematively, students sould use dictionaries mp as they read 3 Divide the clas and Group Bh 4 Tell the class that they are going lo read either ‘Trisha or Konnio’s version of ‘How they met’ into two geuups ~ Group A, Explain that they both have a poor memory of how they met and often angue about the details! 5. Pur the following questions on the board (sae Answers on the eight. 1 Wore they frends at seh Did they vesiew cach other a foottuil matches? Weve di they fest spunk? Wiad did Trisha onter fo eat? Whe pail for her food? Why? Who was mare futerested in their conversation? 7 What happened on the zea home? ‘Ask each group to road thoie ‘account’ and answer the questions, Explais tae the {questions are the same for each group. 6 Give out the toxls to the relevant groups and give students time to road. Monitor aid teneouraye students in the same proup to 7 Re-group students so that an A student sits with a B student 8 Toll stuclents to go through the questions, exchange answers and find the differences 9 Students discuss in groups how Ronnie's telathonship may have devalaped after that day. Answers 1 No. 2 Trisha Yes Ronnie: No 3 In the queue al MeDonalal’s 4 Thishar To portions of tris. Ronnie: Two burgers and a partion of fi Trisha: Ronaie, because Trisha had ne noy in her purve. Rounio: Rimnio, becauise Teicha couldn't find her purse. 6 Trisha: Both interested, Ronnie: Trisha. 7 Trishy Ronnie: Konnie gave her a quick kiss. Ronnie kissed he': Follow up Wel sons that Rennie fs now a fans footballer and Thsha isa pap star. Students tke the roles of Ronnie an ishe ond chat show host on a TV chatahow. Thy talcabou how thy ara and what happened in the intervening 15 years INSIDE GUT Kesource Pack Childhood sweethearts first noticed Ronnie at school when he was in the football team. He was the goalkeeper andl I always stood behind the goal when he played but | dow't think he knew Twas there —he was wo interested in the game! [ fell in Jove with him the fist time T saw hin play. One cay, we all went to Burger King after the match and Iwas in front of him in the queue. L was very hungry so I ordered two portions of fries, Then as [was looking in my purse, t realised that I didivt have any money! { felt really embarrassed and asked the assistant to cancel the order. Then | heard a voice behing me saying ‘Don't worry, Pll pay for you’, L turned around and Jooked! into his healthy, banclsome face. 1 knew immediately that he was the man I wanted to marry. He said ‘You can pay me back next week ai the match. He chatted me up for a bit and we arranged to see each other at the match the next week. I was taining really bard outside, and he asked me if | wanted to go to his house until the rain stepped. I decided not to go because we didn't really know cach other. Then he suddenly kissed me in the rain. Te Was so romantie!! [ran home and tolel my mother everything, She smiled andl asked if she should buy a hat for the big day! Ronnie's story = "Toss and | were at the same school in different years. 1 didn't really notice her but | knew that she liked football because she used to watch our school matches. 1 was the goalleeeper in the team but she never looked at me. I think she fancied the captain of the team because she was abways looking at his legs! Anyway, one week we were all in MeDonalels after the match. I was very hungry and 1 was standing in the queue when I realised that Tisha was in front of me, She ordered two burgers andl a portion of fries. Her order took so long that | began to get impatient. I listened to her conversation with the sales assistant, She couldnt find her purse so [ olfeved to pay for her I didn't expect her to pay me back girls never do, do they? She was so geateful thar she didn’t stop talking to me after that. Lcouldl see thai she liked me but all L wanted was my burger! When we got outside she followed me home! { had to invite her in because the weather was so wet but she refused. T gave her a quick kiss and said that 1 would probably see her around. I never thought I'd speak to her again ~ she just seemed so young and silly!! 2 ke aia a aiPaeer eran Type of activity Speaking, Group work Aims ‘To review he tse of comparatives and vocabulary Jor describing Task To match parts of broken sentences si thal they make one complete sentence. Preparation Make one cay of the worksheet for every two students and cut it up as indicated, Timing 15 mimates, Procedure 1 Review the comparisons af adjectives presented in uinit4 with the whale class Remi structure. 2 Explain that the fask will help the class eview the use of comparisons and language for firme .d the students of the wa! as. a6 Piviee the class into pais, 4 Tell the students that each pnir will receive sentences divided into two parts, Explain that their task is tn make complete sentences fromm the two halves. 5 Civeout one copy of Stuilent 4 sen halves fo each Stadent A, and one cony of Student B sentence halves to cael Student. 6 Do the Hirst one as an example with the stdents, Read wut: People int longer a. and sk the Student B ut getting fatter. Then ask Student Bs to read out the next sentence half Fav mult fitter... and ask the Student As to find thy cgrzect half. tha ens fast year 7 Circolate and monitor. are toting to find the B if necesaary, go through the complete sentences vith the whole class al the end Answers * Penple in the UK are living lan fatter Tim much fitter than } was last yen but getting © Almost 400% of the population never tak: kind of exercise, ss any © Healthior living and taking exercise makes all ‘of us look and feel better, @ More people join a gym in January shan at any fother tine of the year © Doing sport from an early age helps establish good exercise habits for life. © Walking is one of the best farms of exereise © He cane three timen week. rot as healthy as he thinks he is nipartant to do thirty rainutes of exorcise © Exercising gently every week is better than exercising very hard but only ence a month © Playing tennis once or bwice a week helps me relax and foe} leas stress © Many peaple profer to wareh sport on TV than to take part in any kind of physical activi Swimming is an excellent way of exercising all ‘your muscles, = Activit such as dancing and skiing make our bones stronger and more dense, e should ty to do different kinds of physical exercise so that keeping fit doesn't become boring. + Yoga can be started at any age and at any level of fi # If you'se out of condition, don’t start with 2 tense physical routine ey) Broken sentences o< End of sentence | Beginning of sentence ‘ E OUT Resource Peck |__student a__| [ Student B | —_ End of sentence | Beginning of sentence START HERE! People in the UK are living longer elook and fee! More people join a otter. gym in January ap sas healthy ashe | It'simportant to do thinks he is thirty minutes of exercise .. exercising very | Playing tennis once hard but only once | or twice a week a month. > halps establish | Walking is one of good exercise the .. habits for life .-steoriger and People should try .. exertising all your muscles. f best forms of exercise, Activities such as dancing and skiing make our bones... oo never fakes any | Healthier living and kind of exercise, exercise makes all ofus than at any other | Doing sport from time of the year. an early age .. => but getting fatter. | I'm much fitter... op helpsme relax | Many people profor moro dense. to do different kinds | and feel less to watch sport on ofphysical exercise | stressed. 1V than 0 that... =p -atany level of | Ityou'zo out of wthrostimesa — | Exercising gently fitness. condition, don't | week, overy weok is start with belter than . .-than Iwas last | Almost 40% ofthe |... keeping fit Yoga can be started : pean population ... doesn'tbecome — | at any age and... boring, stotake part in — | Swiraming is an any kind of excellent way of. physical activity. ‘avery intense i physical routine. ‘Type of activity Quiz, Aims “To consolidate and practise numbers ond supertatives Task 1m groupe: of thee, t0 a8 and answoy general knowledge trivia questions. Preparation “Make one copy of the worksheet por group of trop students and cut it up as ind eat Timing 30 les Procedure 1. Preeach key vocabulary: if, linguist, grape, diameter, spin, nul! 2. Pot the students into groups of three and give adit cach student. The students must not shore each other their workseets 3B Student A shoud then read out the fest {question on his / her ist. Students B and © look at their pool of answers and ty to agree €n the corivet answer The clues deg: Kph, ey, nt set of questions and answers to lites, eontimetves, ete.) should help them Student A writes this down fn the “Answers! colunin, Then Student Breads aut the first question on his / her hist and Students A and C try to find the correct answer The students continue taking turns to ask their questions until al) the questions have been asked * Circulate and monitor 5 Check the anserers in open class The group, with the most correct answers is the wines. Answers Student A 112 4 2000 2 206 5 in the 18505, 63d years 6 272 comlimetres Student B Student € 1 250 1 100,000 times « day 23 2 12,756 km 338 litres 3 25% a 1948 4 900 yours a0 5 58C 51,570 kph 6 99.8 metes 6 5400 Notes & comments Some additions} information: Student A. 1 In 2000, there were 192 eciuntries iv the world 2 The adult body has 206 bones, but we are born with 300, 4 ‘This was at the: Werle! Cup final in Brazil in 1950, 6 The world’s tallest person was Robert Wadlov, fan American, whe died ins 1920 Student 1. This is the seme as 4.2 babies per secand, 360,800 per day oF 131,800,000 por year, The population was 6,{100,000,000 in the year 2000 and will roaeh 19,000,000,000 by the year 2050. In contrast, there axe only 105 douths per minute 2 Frenchman Goorgos Henri Sehmicit is the holder of thi The shop Ww: record. opened! in Celifornta, ‘The holtest temperature ever was recorded at AI Azizyah in Libya in 1922, 6 This was at the annual World Grape Tarowing Championship. The grape was actually caught by someone in their mouth, student © 1 Thar's the same a8 3 billion times in an average Hfotime, 3. ‘There are a total of 25 million km of roads on Barth. That's to the moon and bacle 66 times 4 Sunglasses vere first worn by Chinese judges to hide their eyes 60 that people couldn't tell what they wore thinking 6 The human nose ean only identify about 5,000 ‘oF the 17,00 known distinet smells. INSIDE GUT Kespuree Pack Numbers, numbers, numbers Student A’s questions Answers How many countries ara there in the world? How many hones are there in the hurnan body? What is the world's avarage fifo oxpactancy? What was the biggest crowd ever at a Football matett? Whar did Levi Strauss make the first pair ot jeans? How tall was the woes tallest human beng? Answers to Student B's and €’s questions 99.8merres 32 900 yoars azo 100.000 times aday 25% 38 tres 1948 1.670 kph 250 12.756 em 5,000 Student B’s questions How many babies are born per minute in the world? How many languages can the best linguist in the worid speak? Horr muci water fs in the adult human boy? When did the MeConala brothers open thelr trst shop? ‘Whai was the hottast temperature reearded on Earth? Wat's the furtiest anyone has thrown a grape? Answers to Student A’s and C's questions 200000 12,756km 5,000 272axntimetes 205 1,670 kph 634 years 192 900 years ago in the |B50s 25% 100.000 times a day POSED IOL GO CSCPSOOCPCO PF PCP COSTTP OS Student C’s questions 1 How many times does the human heart beat? 2 What is the diameter of the Earth? J What percentage of the world’s roads are in the USA? 4 When did people first wear sunglasses? How fast does the Earth spin? How many different smelis can the human nose identity? Answers to Student A’s and B’s questions 1948 250 GBA years © 192 58°C OB metres inthe 1850s 38 Itres WMleentirerres 200000 32-206 [reaches woves Type of activity Class mingle and sentence completion, Aims To consolidate asking questions and the topies and language irom units 1. te 4 of laslite Out e-intermediale Sladen’ Book. Task fo complete statements about classmates by mingling, and asking questions Preparation Make one copy of the worksheet per student Timing 30 minutes Procedure 1 Fold the workancot so onty tha of wotumn visible. Give one workshvet to each student 2. Ask the stuenis to write a differont lassmnto’s name on eacl line in the left column, Altematively, the worksheet is 1 the class and the students write thelr oon names on rhe Fines, (The passed ar later ensvres all students! names appear equally as often) 3 The worksheet is unfolded to reveal incomplete stataments about the shudents’ classmates. For example, Thigery foots Ely is named af 4 The students mingle around the classroom, _. today. er asking ane answering questions and comple z the stazemients, For example, Tikery fics eorred abou! his exae today. Enily is ame after le gromduthes, 5. Encourage the siudents to ask further {questions to fing ott more information. 6 When all the sentences have been completed, the sidents, in pairs or small roups, tell each other what they have loamed. Ask the students to report to the class any thing interesting they have learned. meer Notes & comments Wmay prepare the questions they nocd te ask before they do stage 4, For example: Hoi fa you fot roday?, Who are youe annie ofter?, Who £ Which fearous a of 19 ve de wre do yors took like?, Who do you have the wos? ith, What #8 your dren hedidey?, How do you heey fi? An altemative procedure is for the students to by. to guess the respunses before they ask she questions, The person who guessed the most correctly is the winner = WEB ee guici questions INSIDE OUT Resource Pack feels | today. : ismamed after ___ | thinks he/she looks like is sometimes called _ oo by his/her friends. ‘s favourite county is aa would really like to visit - would love to go ona date with ‘s fovourlte celebrity is 's dream holiday is Eloiecsce Type of activity Speaking. Group work Aim Ta practise using gerands ane infinitives after particular verbs, Task ‘Ta play a boar game where students form questions using gerunds and infinitives, These ‘questions form the hasis of group discussion. Preparation Mak a of tice to five students. Obtain dice md asa of py of the worksheet for « aunt or aaah FON Timing 30-45 minutes Procedure 1 Write two examples on the board ~ one which fe gerund and one which requives Ihe infinitive Do yon Fike Have yon decited (go) 20 he theatse? (going) G0) on tonight? {ta ge) 2 licit the correct form for each santonce. Divide dhe class inlo groups of threw to five 4 Explain the rules of the game + Students tivew the dice and move around the board + LF they land oa question, tho student must form the question corey using the gerune sks dis «question to another member of the group Abe must give an appropriate mswor + Tfthe student lands on a one word promp!, €4g DECIDL, them any other member of the group avast form a ov int ne studden} then ive form, question for the persen whe landed on thal square, The question must use the key (word in an appropriate tense and with the eorreet verb pattern e.ge: Wher i you doce to corne io Erghand? © Tho students procead smsil someone has finished. I time and inclination allows, they con stactagnin in now groups Answers 2 Do you enjoy speaking Frglish? 3 Do you spore lo of fn ronding in Kgl? 4 What nis of ste do you hate ming to? 6 What kind of house do you hope lo live in when you're 602 7 Are there any household jobs you sony? 8 Do you prefer going to the nema or watching videos? Are there any sports you hate playing? TL What incl of job do you hope ie have in five years one? n't stand 18 Do you mind wiher people smoking next to you in publie places? 14 What count yene? 26 Have you planned to. go anywhere on holiday es do you w ext year? 17 When did you start learning English? 39 What do you lave doing on Friday evenings? 20 What sports da you enjoy watching but not playing? 21 Do you mind going to the dentist? 22 Do you genoratly feel like going out on a wintery day? 23 When wae the In tine you avsangad 10. moet 25. What do men waste time doing bn your country? 27. Is there any food that you don't bother washing before you eat it? INSIDE OUF Revowree Prek ) Sy ~ 1 ‘Do you enjoy ‘Do you spend 4 i (spea'o alot of time What ins oF bal lis gn Give reasons for yonr | lingsh? Why/ Why Gisten) «? answer se? Ave there any woarnidet —) B sosormnsir | F tonanotsars | 8 jou ae aon fr > +> ~ <> 9 VO secrscseay | TW womxinoor | 12 TRY spots you hate | do you nope LEARN (olay? Why? Quay tn | five yours time? 16 wuneyon | 1S V4 rar comics | 18 vo you nica wlanned ___ (ge) DECIDE do you want ‘other people ____. anywhoro on holiday (visit) next year? (smoke) next to you next year? Im publie places? peice VB wissen | 19 20 sai sortsao rt__-doar) | Love... qloyon yor anjoy Ruelist? Tae about | Priday evenings? PREFER | (ates) i not sour first teacher, olay? : <> ~~ 4 23 woio” [22 oon soeio] 21 ese win (inet) someone? out) om a wintery. dentist? Why/ Why What happened? day? Whyway nor | not V6 Fist (98 og] ieee Boy | EE pier ——/\ ak \ _/ Perfect match Type of activity Speaking, Class gle Aim “To practise verbs dat are followed by the gerund, Task To complete information about twe friends ox relatives and th try to find pasiness for them, Preparation Make one copy of the worksheet for every student Timing 25-301 minutes. sear Procedure 1. Tell studenis thoy are going tn campleto some infarmalion about one female fiend or rslative snl ong male friend or relative, who both need neve partners 2. Hand ont the worksheets. Do an example on the board. Draw a pichre of a (singe) friend lf yours in» square an the boar and write fhe noscesery information to fill che gaps. 3 Axle indents 10 do tho same for thoir two friends © relatives, 4 Demonstiste the activity with # volunteer stuslont, Using the information on the hoatd, talk about your friend and ask the stadent abo hie/ her posible match My fea enjoys cooking vel music. What dow yor friend enjoy doing? 5 Ask students to mingle and exchange information about thofr riends/relatives “They should try to find suitable partners wen havo virmilar sntorest 6 Atthe end of the activity get some feedback «the “ew ciniples’and encourage the class to comment on their suitability Alternative version Ifthe students know each other sufficiently well, Unoy could camplete the information for another stuclent in the elass and then try ta ‘sell’ that stuclent, If they don’t know each other well enough, they could sntesviev the student first to find pot about their good and badd qualities before lying to ‘sell them, ane ismy __ Good qualities She tikes She loves _ She somotimes enjoys | She doesn't mind She hates _ | Bad qualities She doesn't bother She can't stand _ | She spends too much time ___ She prefers to She wastes time This is He is my Good qualities | He likes He loves __ He sometimes enjoys He doesn’t mind He hates ___ Bad qualities He doesn't bother . He can’t stand He spends too much time He prefers __ He wastes time in her free time: ____.with her friends. INSIDE OUT Resource Pack __ at weekends. with his friends. at weekends. etah maces. Type of activity Speaking. Whole alas, Aims Jo reinforce use of the present perfect and past simple, Ti practise (alking about jobs Task To find ont, by exchanging infasmation, personal details about a person met aki party: ‘Yo recall those details Preparation ec te clas, You may want to enlarge them, Borne names are speciicly male ar fomale, but others ean be adapted tosis Timing Up to an howe Procedure 1 Ask the students if they Rave been toa birtheay party 2 Ask what people talk abour wh the frst Gime, Uli: exchange vf personal details, the muse, the food, the host/ hostess ete) 3 OE a they meet for plain thal they are going, to pretend to be at sie’s birthday party. Susie is a model. They all know Susio, but don’t all know each other, 4 ve one cord te each stuchant, Explain that they have to\be the person on the card andl that they Ist ask questions to fing out Information about the other people at the par Elicit the questions (see Answers below), Flicit what people say when they want to end a conversation, e.g. Tus get mother dink, o% Ob, there's X, rould you axcnse me? 7 The students do the role-play. They are not allowed to write anything down or show each thor their cords, Walk around and listen and correct if neces Susie’s party 8 Stop the students and let tenn sit doven, ‘ell them Mey must ty aie semember the deta they've found out. Tell thems is new one year latee. They are going to meet again at Susie's birthday party. They are going to try to fell each other what they remember 9 Demonstrate with one student: 1 thine you're Sam: anal you're n harder: (Remember to add a year fo the lime they have known Susie) 10. Do the rk-play again. (Use name labels if there are a lot of names to remember) Answers What's your nan? What do you du? £ What's your job? How long have you known Susie? Where did_yow meet her? Follow up ‘Ask the stucents to write down vehat they know about Lot them compare notes in pairs/growps and discuss, iusie ~ er age, her job, her ifestyle, ete INSIDE OUT Resource Pack airdtesser How long you have known Susie: § months p: How you first met: Shs tad an appointment in your salon. She's had her hair done thor }) ever since. Name: Gabtie/Gabrielle Malini Occupation: Personal essistent How long you have known Susie: € months How you first met: You came to live next door, Susie invited you in far 8 cup of tea, ) Heme: Fatima Omie Occupation: Housewiie How fong you have known Susie: 20 yeers ) How you first matz At school. You were in F cifferont classes, tut you met at playtime and } after school. lame: Daniel Daniella Wiliarns Oecupation: Computer programmer ) How long you have known Susie: One day Hovr you first met: Here at the party, You F came with your frienc, Tom Mortis, Name: Tom Moris y Occupation: Computer programmer. How long you have known Susie: 2 years How you first met: You met her ai # disco ard asked her oui. You have been her boyfriend ever sinee & Occupation: Truck civer How long you have known Susie: 6 yo1s b) How you first met: Your wife introdusad you, y Sho and Susie wore bast trends et school Name; MicheliMishelle Lebrun Occupation: Photographer How long you have knows Susie: & years Hour you first met: On 2 photoshoot. You started chatting end have been good fronds ever since, ) Name: Frances/Froncis Meithews 5, Oceupation: Musician How fong you have knovm Susie: 5 yess y How you first met: You were a friend of P Susie's brother. Name: Jotloe Chambers Occupation: Sales manager How long you have known Susie: 3 years Howr you first met; Susio was promoting one ‘of your produets at 9 show, Name; Charlie Smith \, Oocupation: interior designer How long you have known Susie: 1 year p) How you first met: She used your company to decorate her house Name: Chris Glon ‘Occupation: Teacher How long you have known Susie: 8 years How you first met: 41 college. Susie was on the same course but left to become a model, p) Name: NickiNicky McAllister Occupation: Nurse Hou long you have known Susie: 4 months )) How you first mot: Susis broke her fing File she was modeling some sports } eavipment You halped to look ater he. )) Mame: Sarah Jacobson Occupation: Model How long you have known Susie: 8 months How you first met: On tho same mocelling job, Name: Sendy Beach ., Occupation: Chef How long you have known Susie: 3 years How you first met: Susie came to eal zt you restaurant and loved the focd| You've done her ing ever since Serer Type of activity Writing anid spontung, Pair work. Aims To practise present perfect for time up to nove and past simple for finished time, Task Te complete practin-and perform conversations Preparation Make one copy of the warkshoot for every four sfucomts and ct in fal whore indicated Timing 30 minutes. Procedure Divide Mo class inte wo grnups, A and 6. Hand oul Worksheet A to cach student in Group A ard worksheet B to one student in Group 8. 2. Yell students that they are going to read one tion and they val half of a telephone conver must thy to seennstruct he 0! Students could work individually or in pais within their groups, 3 Tell tham to look al Andy’s Gist sentence and nagine what Bob's reply is, They should write Bob's reply in the ‘blank conversation section of the worksheet 4 Studenis continue, writing Bob's replies bo Andy's semarks Chculate, checking students are completing Bob’s half of the conversation naturally and accurately onto the warksheot, Note down any ious or interesting, mistakes for later correction, 5S When studemts have finished, nsk them to tear off the ‘blank conversation’ section of their worksheet and exchange it with a student Frorn the other group. The students from Group A will now be looking at Group B's ‘blank conversation’ sections and view G Tell students to ree Bob's yepties in their new ‘blank conversation’ sections and ne what Andy's remarks are, They should then write Andy's semarks an the Ines provided in their new “blank conversation’ sections, 7 When all students have Finished writing, Andy's cernarks, ask them to get inte pairs will one student from Croup Aand one stucleot from Group B th cael pair, In their pairs, students then eheek each other's conversations for n kes and practise readin them aloud 8 When all pairs have practised the conversssiang, ask several pins ko perform their for the eloss. Follow up After the students have perlormed thei finished conversations, combine the pairs iit groups of four, Ask the students to study the slructare of the conversations, Elteit suggestions and write them on the boned Tell the stuclents they are going to write complete conversation for homework about a new topic, using, the some structure. Notes & comments If this isthe first time your elass hne done this lype of activity, you may wish to do a complete example first on the board. Alremativaly, you could skip stage 6 so studenis only create half the conversations themselves, INSIOE OUT Resource Pack MES Hai a conversation Conversation A Conversation B Read Andy's conversation and © BE Read Andy's conversation and write Bob's replies below. write Bobs replies below. Andy: Have you seen Angie Andy: Have you been on holiday recently? ..... How is she? ..... this year? ..... Where did Really? What happened? ... you go? ..... \Wow! What Amazing! ..... No, { haven't. i did you do there? wu... Have you? ..... You lucky mant ..... No, 1 haven't, but I've heard it’s fantastic. What do you think? row = : Foww ee = Blank conversation A Blank conversation B 1 Write Bob’s replies here, Then tear Write Bob's replies here. Then tear off this section and swap it with off this section and swap it with someone from Group B. someone from Group & Andy: Bob: __ Andy: Bob: TEACHEWS NOTES Changes Type of activity Speaking. Pair ane group work: Aims ‘To practise present perfect for general experience alain unspecified (ime in the past Task To categorise a range of subjects according to whether Hiey have changed completely, a litle, oF spot at all avex the past ten years. Preparation Make one photocopy of the workshaet for aneh student Timing 15-60 minute Procedure 1 Write the following Ure titles, as enlsnan headings an the board Has coumetoly changed in the Txt 10 years fle in he Fest 10 ys Has fran Mi 2 Demonstrate de task by discussing one of the 2b chrmgod af all in the dest 10 years subjecs in elation to yourself your opinion and plang the subject mv the appropriate oti 3 bither dictate the subjects one by one or tell students to read the subjects and place them inthe appropriate column for themselves 41 Give students tie to prepare (justify the category choices 5 Tell students to interview their partner and complete the second chart for thems, giving veasone for thet ehoices fate, monitoring use of present perfect and past simple, 7 Feedback on language. 8 Putstucents into groups of four to discuss the topies they have put into different columns 9 your students are all from the same county, you could then discuss as a elase the snorel Lopies, ex. the way people do their Jobs, trying to zeach consensus om the appropriate columns. Follow up Studonts might precct how these subjects may Notes & comments Tis generate maximum participles, intervene whore students ave not giving ihe reasons for their choices to one another Allow wat tv for past states and habits. Highlight face and mei yning fF necessary) Pop music Fashion in your country Your personality The cost of living in your country ‘The way people de their jobs The weather in your country Telecommunications Family life in your country ee Has completely changed in the last ten years * * * * eR ae YOUR CHART Has changed a tittle in the last ten years NSIDE OUT Resonree Prck The kind of holidays you like Transport in your country Your social life Television and newspepers in your country | Education in your country Shops in your country The things you like to eat and drink Sport in your country Hasn't changed at all in the last ten years Oey GU ae esr e Has completely changed in the last ten years Has changed a little in the last ten years Hasn't changed at all in the last ten years Matthew Jones Type of activity Speaking, Cirowp work Aims To practise present continuous and going 10 for future arrangements and pans. Task ‘To play a board game requiring students to talk about their (utes Preparation Make one copy of the workshuet er group of three or fan Hach group will need one coi ach student will need one counter. Timing 0-40 mrinuites: Procedure 1. Show students the board gama, 2 Demonsisate the lask: toss ae» and explain that one side of the coin means move to spnees; the other means mase one space, Move your counter onto a square and speak for 30 seconds on the subject of the square, Encourage questions, 3B Divide the students into groups of three oF fo ‘cach group, and one counter for each student 4 Students work their way arnund the board 5. Circulate, monitoring language and noting dow any serious or interosting, mistakes fot Inistribute one board ancl one coin to later enszection. 6 The activity continues until ali oy neatly all of the groups have reached the ‘Finish’ Notes & comments Bneovage stadonie to ast further guestions of the kor on each win, NSIDE QUT Resource Bret es futures Sy ) 2) Your best friend’s ambitions a _) What you're doing this Weekend “are most looking forward to —_-” Your career 7. © ‘The next time you're m i ng I7> appointment you must not forget to keep FF) somesning in the future you are worried about [TEACHERS NOTES Petia axel Type of activity Stitt play Aims To practise pronunciation, especially stress arid intonation. To reinforce going 20 and the use of the present eontinugs for the future Task To seadl and sehearsa the play in small groups, To perform the play in groups of four Lo the other students, Preparation Make coptes of the worksheet for all the students Make one ‘wad of bank notes’ for each group of four stucents. Cut up paper to represent about fen bank notes, Roll them tagether to make 9 wad Classroom time Up to an hour The root of all evil Procedure 1 Write dhe gitte of the play on the board, Tell the students the saying, Money ts the root of alt oid, Ak them what they think t mens (money often brings out the worst in people) Sive one copy of the worksheet to each student, Lot the atuctents read it, Ask if they think events in the play slusszare the title, B Divide the staients into groups of four Ifthe class des not divide equally, shastents in smaller groups ean double up. Alternatively, bone student can be the dizector instead of aa 4° Ask the sradenis w take pasts and read the play out loud. Explain that the sex of the characters js nol importans, and he's can be changed to sie’s if appropaiote, 5 Walk round, helping especially with stress and intonation. 6 If ceossary, call the students’ attention to the ‘more diffieult sentences sich a3 I fuiow, why lon’t we share i? and Te-see Ifanyone's come bat: te Fook for it, and dil 7 Ask the students fo perform the play with actions and props (the ‘banknotes’. They may need another rehearsal bof the final performance, Follow up IF the students have enjoyed the activity, let thom ‘ase a video camera to film it and then watch and comment on their own performance and spoken lagi INSIDE QUT Resource Pack Be The root of all evil What's the matter? B Look what Ive found AA Money! How much is there? 8 Looks ike mora than 400 quid! Hang on while | coun &. (counts) £801 A Where aié you tng it? B Just ousi¢e in the street. (moves towards the door Where are you going? To the police station. nr going to hand iin A (snatches te money) Walt, you cant do that! You should koop it B Bult not nine... someone may be looklng for it rght now. (tes to tke te rmioney back) Here, give it back. | found i! (they tussie over the money) © (enters) What's going on? (4 anc B slop. A stl hes the amanay.) Whore aid you ol thas? A (pointing at B) Ho/Sne found it! Just outset © What are you going to do with it? A Koop it. Spend it } ; (togeth B Take ito the police station, f Marte") © kno, why con't we share i? Let's go out fora mea A Yep, late buy come new! clothes and go toa smart restaviant. B We can't do that isnt ours! Give it back (suatehes back the money) Vi taking ito the potce station! (Aand € tush fo stop him. D comes in. B What's going on? (4,8 and € stp gaag) Were du you get that? A {pointing at B) HerShe found it Just outside! B_ What are you going to do with it? B Tako Ito tha poles station, A Keep I Spand tl Jeevan © Go out for an apensve moe Buy now clathes 1 Hey. you con‘theep i isnt yours, Let me have tf a minute, (lakes the money and moves towards the door A 8 } eet Whore are you going? c To see it anyone's come back to look frit (D walks out. A Band C wait. Half a minute goes by. O doesn't return, They get uneasy), ‘A I'm going to sae what he's doing. (goes out. pause returns, upset). He's gone! D's gone! He's nowhere to be sean! He's ‘aken the cnanoy! Ho's taken the money! } togetnan no! [reacwe ws Nores | ace Type of activity Spcoking anel-writing, Group work und pait work Aims To practise modtats of ubligation Task To identify and discos genuine rules. Yo produce rules for the class, Preparation Make sn enpy ofthis Workhiel for evety ha prudent Timing 58 ints, Procedure Aste the etucents if they've over Lived In a Fs, Hany of the different country and, countey's ‘rules’ wore different from what they were used to, 2 Divide the class into pairs. Give one copy of Explain that the ‘worksheet contains ten rules for living in the worksheet t0 each pa Britain, Somme ove true, others are false. Mlow 3 minuto or two for the students to read through and check any unknown vocabulary with you or in dictionaries 3. Aak the students to try to identify whieh niles are true and which ave false 4 Altes ten minutes combine the pairs in gramps Cf four (or six] and asic them to discuss the rules and by to reach an agreement 5 Ask the groups to report back on their diceussion 6 Once ail the groups have reported back, teil them the ronect answers 7 Divide tho students into pains again, Ask them to decide if the answers fo the task are exactly the seme for their country. 8 Ask differences between Britain and their country 1 students to report back on any Obeying the rules Answers {Trp 2 Falso 3 False 4 False 5: True 6 False 7 The 8 False § False 10 False Follow up {sk the students to write a set of rules for theit cls, cvering te following opis: punctuality, homework, speaking in their own language, ete Notes & comments This activity ws es woll in both mong-and multi- lingual classes. In mono-ling nal classes, be prepared for the students # have eifforent pisions about what is ‘normal’ for the same: country, INSIUE OU Resonree Pack Obeying the rules | Living in B i ~ — 6 You should always shake hands when you say goodbye to someone. 1 You have to drive ary a. 8 \ Gad ap 2 You mustn't use a mobile 7 ee You should usually give a phon taxi driver a tip. 3 You should olways weara —g hat in public a meee oo, “PE o 4 You should never speck 10 9 You must never drink tea @ siranger on the train without milk. [acesm ll FY ne a) 10 You shouldn't eat chocolate in the street Nores) TEACHERS me Type of activity Crossword, Aims: To consolidate and practise using character adjectives, Task To complote a crossword by identifying, opposite character Character crossword Answers adjectives Preparation Ge copy of the workshoot por CE student eee FeeeP ae Timing 3 minvtes. Procedure i 1 Giveone copy ofthe workshiet ES to each student. 2 Tell students to complete the ‘crossword using the words on the worksheet and the clues given. Explain that there is only one correct way of completing the crossword, using all the woris on the worksheet ale- op REPS fo =[ele lz |= l= it ler lee elelo-erpr se

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