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The teacher and the community: Teacher;s Ethical and Professional Behavior

ACTIVITY #1 Think, Pair, Share

1. Think of your favorite teacher. Why was he/she your favorite?

 This teacher was one of my favorite professors in high school since she is kind and
approachable whether it comes to questions regarding the work or personal matters. She can
also teach not just her major but also other subjects that have been allocated to her.

What qualities did he/she possess? Is he/she your ideal teachers?

 She possessed the qualities of intelligence, diligence, approachability, kindness, and

humility. She is my perfect teacher and will serve as my inspiration when I eventually
become one.

What influence did he/she have in your life? Did act in accordance to the expectations of the

 She has a positive and motivating influence on me. Yes, she performed in accordance with
the community expectations.

Take note of qualities common among your favorite teachers.

 Approachable
 Friendly
 Kind
 Humble
 Intelligent especially when it comes to their profession
 With dignity


Here are quotes on teachers. Read and understand them. Do you agree with each of the quotation?

1. ‘’Teachers change the world, one child at a time’’

 It was neutral since a teacher cannot always after the world, especially if the pupil is
unwilling to change.

2. ‘’ Teachers, I believe are the most responsible and most important members of society because
their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth."
 Yes, I believed in this quotation since the teacher is the one who educated all
professions. Teachers are the key of learning.

3. "Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands
the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be." - Rita Pierson

 Yes, I agree, because motivation is beneficial to not only students, everybody who
wishes to achieve success in life.

4. "The influence of a good teacher can never be erased’’

 Yes, It is absolutely true, I also experienced that quote when I was in high school because
even though she is no longer my teacher. I constantly remember he since she is kind
approachable and intelligent.

5. “I am a teacher.
I am not in it for the income.
I am in it for the outcome.
I am a teacher.
It's who I am.
It's my passion, my calling, and my world."

 This quote, in my opinion, is completely appropriate if a teacher is truly committed to his

or her profession. However, if a teacher is ‘’napilit lang ng pamilya’’ in his or her
vocation, this quotation will not apply to them. So, in general, my take on this quote is

What is your favorite quote? Any message for you?

1. My favorite quote, was the quote number 4 which indicates’’ The influence of a good
teacher can never be erased’’
 Being a good teacher has a significant impact on your student’s lives. Continue to be
good and passionate to your profession and everything will follow.

Analysis-Lets Analyze

1. Are the traits shared in your small groups the same traits that schools and the larger
community expect of professional teachers?

 Yes
2. . Based on your observation, do all teachers embody the traits expected of
professional teachers?

 Honestly speaking based on my experience not everyone embodies the traits of

professional teachers.

Application- Let’s Apply

1. Here is what one Dean of a College of Education told her freshmen teacher education students in her
Welcome Address on Orientation Day: Believing that you don't learn everything in the classroom, the
College of Education, which will be your home for four years has prepared a menu of annual co-
curricular activities for you. All of these are meant to help you become the true professional teacher
that this College and University have envisioned you to become....

a) What message do you get from the Dean's Welcome Address?

b) In the context of this Welcome Address, what does this statement "... do more,
learn more, and have more..." (Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progressio, 1967) What
message do you get in relation to your pre-service education?

2. A professional teacher creates a conducive learning environment to facilitate learning. Based on

experiences, illustrate with a drawing or comic strip what a conducive learning environment is. Display
your work in class. Conduct a gallery walk for everyone to see and comment/ask questions about the
comic strips.

3. The Bible says: "You are the salt of the earth. Bus if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made
salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are
the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it
under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same
way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in
heaven. (Matthew 5:13-16)

Based on this Chapter on the teacher as a community leader, How do these biblical passages apply to
the professional


 This biblical verse is intended to remind instructions that they should always be
prepared, have backup plans, and be open to change

4."I don't hear what you are saying because who you are speaks louder than what you say". How does
this quote apply to the professional teacher as a community leader? Discuss.
 According to the sentence above, the person speaking believes that what you say is not
representative of your true personally. Because what you say does not reflector appear
in your actions or who you are in general, you are not who you claim.
Actions, conduct, belief, ideals and values all reveal a person’s true intentions and
purest of character. We can’t just trust what a person says because if what he says
contradicts who he is as a person , he either fabricating a story or simply embellishing a
lie or deception.

5.A teacher is fully convinced that her religion is the only true religion, the only way to salvation. As a
result, she proselytes. Can her good intention of salvation for all justify her proselyting? Why or why

 In depends on where she is evangelizing ( in or out of the classroom) and what she’s
teaching I believe people have the right to speak and advocate for their opinions.

6.As a community leader, what will you do if you see something negative in the community culture?

 As a community leader, you have the ability to govern the people in your community. As
a result, if I notice something wrong in my neighborhood. I will address it as soon as
possible , I’ll motivate folks to take action and assists me in eradicating the negative
aspects of my community.

7.Your mayor has a teacher candidate for a teaching position. Your ranking is over. Your mayor's
candidate was not part of the ranking and is not a licensed teacher. As a professional teacher, what
would you do?

 I shall not confront them or engage in any irrational behavior. I’ll simply address it
professionally to the head offices, and the head offices will be control of the situation.

8. Cite at least 3 specific ethical behaviors of a professional teacher based on Article III of the Code of
Ethics for Professional Teachers. Come up with a power point presentation or a skit.

Let’s Check for Understanding

1. Give at least 3 expectations that community has for teachers.

 ‘’ A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other
partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive
any money or service or other valuable material from any person or entity for such

2. How should a professional teacher regard indigenous people’s culture?

 Professional institutors can see indigenous people culture with respect for them, their
students, and any indigenous person.

Let's Reflect

1. The mother of this author was once a public school teacher. When this author was in her
preschool age her mother taught in the remote barrios of the town and so where her mother
was assigned the family went along. This author vividly remembers how her mother was dearly
loved by the community. She was teacher, counselor and consultant to everyone who came. She
was indeed a missionary. Her transfer to another school was always an emotional one, a mother
crying, too. To top it all, the one most touching etched in my memory was one community
leader had a big rooster. So many wanted to buy that rooster but refused to sell it. On the eve of
our departure, he butchered it for that last evening meal with them. This author will never
forget such act of generosity. In their poverty, these people can give all.

a) If given the opportunity, would you welcome teaching in the far flung schools? Why or Why not?

b) If you say yes to the call to teach in a far flung school what should be doing more in your preservice

 Yes, because student and teachers receive pre-service teacher education before, they
begin teaching. In- service teacher education, on the other hand, allows practicing
teachers to continue their education.

LET Clinchers

1.a 4.a

2.b 5.b


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