5.2 - G4 - Literature Review

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Have an employee retention policy to make sure you can keep your good, promising employees.

Once the enthusiasm of employees is gone, they will start to neglect their work, their creativity is
also limited. Thanks to employee retention policy, employees will feel respected and become
happier, leading to their work productivity is also more comfortable. Moreover, the company's
performance also increased, it was able to earn large profits as expected. In contrast the
replacement of employees makes the company's finances also suffer a great loss, the company
needs to spend a lot of money to find talented and suitable employees. This is not only a waste of
time, but also a waste of company performance. It costs U.S. businesses more than $1 trillion a
year to replace employees who voluntarily decide to leave their jobs according to Gallup.
Another thing is that not all employees can good at customer care, especially new inexperienced
employees, it will be difficult for them to handle some awkward situations with customers. The
long-term employees with full experience will give customers the best experience.

According to Terence et al. (2001), employees decide to leave their current jobs for many
reasons from personal to organizational. For instance, some personal reasons that can affect are
family life, professional advancement, and appealing work opportunities; besides, lack of career
opportunities, toxic working environment, etc. are considered as organizational factor. In
particular, the research conducted by Packard & Kauppi (1999) showed that employees were
more satisfied when being supervised democratically than autocratically. While David & Wesson
(2001) stated that employees, particularly those who are talented, will lose interest in working if
possibilities for growth are restricted and they do not receive appropriate promotion
opportunities. Moreover, other researches also suggested that unfriendly and unhelpful
colleagues (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2001) or job security affects work satisfaction and organizational
commitment. Because of the aforementioned factors, some retention strategies have been
planned. John Mason (2008)’s study analyzed some effective strategies:

1. Respectful treatment.

2. Develop effective retention methods leading to increased recruitment opportunities.

3. The proper person for the task.

4. Form employee committees to identify why employees remain and depart.

5. The management's leadership approach.

6. Appreciation.

7. Workplace merriment.

8. Benefits packages that are competitive.

Internships have always been one of the most efficient recruitment tools for employers to drive
recruitment strategies. In particular, time, money, and energy are elements employers could save
when using a ready supply of talented, experienced employees from interns. A well-run
internship program management can create prospective employees, which is a solution high-
reward, low-risk strategy for retention. As claimed by a 2021 LinkedIn Learning Report, 94% of
surveyed employees would stay longer if their company had good internship programs - paying
Internships, connecting mentors, making introductions, and empowering interns to have their
flexibility, etc. Fall 2020 - Fall 2021 RippleMatchs' survey showed that 80-84% of over 4000
students said they were attracted by fully remote opportunities. There is only a small amount
interested in company culture, work environments, or in-person internships. Many enterprises
have issued policies to manage flexible schedules: remote, in-person, or hybrid work models.
Employers can take advantage of this flexibility to turn their interns into full-time employees.

Talent management is a major problem, and creating rules and procedures that keep the best
people is crucial. It's critical at this time that the approach be in line with HR norms. Various
academics come up with novel strategies to keep employees in a business in this study. In
addition, whose literature has done its best to highlight the many studies undertaken and
contributions of various researchers in the areas of employee retention and job happiness, but in
the subject of employee retention and job satisfaction, there is still a lot of work to be done.
Compensation methods, leadership and supervision, career planning and development,
alternative work schedules, working environments, and other elements are currently being
investigated and considered in the field of employee retention. positions, flexible working hours,
and so on. When initiatives aren't adequately implemented, the company may experience
excessive staff turnover.

Thông qua khảo sát được hỗ trợ bởi hơn 100 người, trong đó chỉ có một phần nhỏ là thực tập
sinh và người đi làm, họ quan tâm đến văn hóa công ty, cơ hội thăng tiến trong công việc và mối
quan hệ giữa các đồng nghiệp. Bên cạnh đó, nhiều doanh nghiệp đã ban hành chính sách quản lý
lịch làm việc linh hoạt: mô hình làm việc từ xa, trực tiếp hoặc kết hợp. Nhà tuyển dụng có thể tận
dụng sự linh hoạt này để biến sinh viên thực tập của họ thành nhân viên chính thức.

Through a survey supported by more than 100 people, of which only a small percentage are
interns and employees, they are interested in company culture, career advancement opportunities
and relationships between employees. peers. In addition, many businesses have issued policies to
manage flexible work schedules: remote, face-to-face or combined working models. Employers
can take advantage of this flexibility to turn their interns into full-time employees.

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