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1. Group members

Tăng Tiểu Phụng – 46.01.751.152 Đoàn Ngô Mỹ Nguyên – 46.01.751.122

Sơn Thảo Quyên – 46.01.751.162 Lương Thị Diễm Trinh – 46.01.751.204
Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Nhi – 46.01.751.137 Mai Trúc Quỳnh – 46.01.751.164
Trần Nguyễn Bảo Trân – 46.01.751.199
2. Research topic

The clothing shopping trend of gen Z in Ho Chi Minh City

3. Research problem

The explosion of social media has changed the clothing shopping trend of young
people in Ho Chi Minh City.

4. Research question

What are the effects of social media on the clothing shopping trend of gen Z in recent

5. Interview method

Online one-to-one interview on Microsoft Teams

6. Interview questions

What is your inspiration for buying new clothes?

How often do you buy new clothes?

What season do you spend the most on clothes?

How much money do you spend each month on new clothes?

Which elements do you think are the most important when purchasing clothes?

When shopping, you are usually?

Which of the following methods do you usually shop through?

What challenges do you encounter when shopping online in Vietnam?

What inconveniences have you encountered while shopping?

What do you think about online shopping in the current year?

7. Interview transcript
Interviewer: Group 6

Interviewee: Group 1

Interview Setting: The interview was conducted online on Microsoft Teams at 8:30
PM on 8th October 2022.

(Start of Interview)

G6: What is your inspiration for buying new clothes?

G1: In these choices, I think that make me motivated to buy new clothes are discounts
and promotions.

G6: How often do you buy new clothes?

G1: As I mentioned before, I’m still a student so I don’t have so much money to
purchase new clothes, so I just buy 1 to 5 times a year.

G6: So you buy it when you want it or just need it?

G1: It depends.

G6: What season do you spend the most on clothes, like spring, summer, fall, or

G1: I think there’s no difference between the seasons because I mention, I will buy
new clothes when I see discounts or promotions.

G6: How much money do you spend each month on new clothes?

G1: As I mentioned, I just buy new clothes 1-5 times a year, and each item
approximately costs 300,000 VND. And the average money that I spend each month
on new clothes is less than 300,000 VND.
G6: I see. Which elements do you think are the most important when purchasing
clothes? You care about the quality, convenience, style, brand, color, or material, can
you tell me?

G1: I think that I always focus on quality first. When purchasing clothes, if I buy them
in stores, I will touch the material. If I feel comfortable with that cloth, I will decide to
buy it. But when I buy online, I will always search for reviews. If each item doesn’t
have any review, I will not buy it.

G6: Yes, of course. When you go shopping, you usually go to familiar stores, try new
stores, search and order online through online shopping platforms, or find out
information about the products you want to buy, then go directly to the store to
purchase them. Can you tell me, what you usually do?

G1: Well, the most important thing when I buy clothes is quality. So I think if I want
my items to have the best quality, I should go to the stores. When shopping, I usually
go to my familiar stores because I know that stores have good quality and the style is
suitable for me.

G6: One thing I would like to consider about online shopping. Which of the following
methods do you usually shop through? Websites selling clothes, social networking
forums (like Facebook, Instagram), or directly purchasing at the stores? Which of
these methods do you use the most all the time?

G1: Directly purchasing at the stores.

G6: What challenges do you encounter when shopping online in Vietnam? I mean the
challenges about the price, quality not being as advertised, ordering online being too
complicated, concern about personal information being leaked, poor shipping and
delivery service, or websites/mobile apps designed unprofessionally. Can you tell me?

G1: I think the challenge that I always encounter when shopping online in Vietnam is
the quality is not as advertised. You know that many shops have faked the review.
And they always say too many compliments on their products. So I suspect that where
is the true information?
G6: What inconveniences have you encountered while shopping? They can be staff
attitude, poor facilities, sample scarcity, or models that are not suitable.

G1: The first thing I have to mention I cannot find a suitable size. I’m not a model, the
stores always offer sizes like S, M, and L. I usually fit with the S size, however, when
I eat too much, I will turn to the M size or L size. But I’m not too tall, so it’s difficult
for me to find the size that fits my legs.

The second thing is the staff attitude. I don’t mention the staff disrespect customers,
but I mention here is the staff always follows me when I go shopping, and it makes me
feel uncomfortable.

G6: Yes, no one like that. And here is the last question for you, what do you think
about online shopping in the current year?

G1: I think that online shopping chances will be still booming this year because the
internet is one of the fastest and cheapest ways to send information long-distances so
it's no surprise that people make retail websites to take advantage of new technology.

G6: OK, I see. That’s all for the interview today. Thank you for your coming.

8. Link to the interview recording

9. Tracking report

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