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Leer el siguiente fragmento extraído de The Home Winemakers Manual de Lum Eisenman y:
1.1. Responder Verdadero, Falso, No se explicita.

1.1.1. El contenido total de azúcar debe ser cuidadosamente controlado.

1.1.2. La explosión de una botella de espumante no causa ninguna gracia.
1.1.3. El número de accidentes producto del descorche de espumantes se ha
incrementado ostensiblemente.
1.1.4. Se recomienda agregar azúcar blanco.
1.1.5. Se desaconseja utilizar azúcar moreno.

1.2. Extraer dos oraciones condicionales y dos oraciones en modo imperativo.

1.3. Traducir las cuatro oraciones del ejercicio anterior.

Measuring the Sugar

The total sugar content of the cuvee must be very carefully controlled. If the sugar content is too
low, the finished wine will not have enough effervescence. However, if the sugar content is too high,
excessive pressures will be generated in the bottle, and high pressures can cause the bottles to
explode. When commercial sparkling wines are made, enough sugar is added to produce bottle
pressures of about 90 pounds per square inch (psi). However, home winemakers are strongly
advised to work with less pressure. Exploding bottles are the subject of jokes, but they can be very
serious hazards.
One and one-half (1.5) ounces of sugar for each gallon of completely dry wine is recommended. This
quantity of sugar will produce a lively sparkle in the finished wine, and bottle pressures will be held
to about 40 psi. Ordinary white, granulated household sugar should be used. The starting wine must
be completely dry, and the residue sugar should be measured with a Clinitest tablet. The quantity
of sugar must be 122 accurately weighed, and the volume of the cuvee accurately measured. Do not
guess at any of these quantities. The carefully measured sugar and a small amount of yeast nutrient
should be added to the wine. About 1/4 tsp. of diammonium phosphate in 5 gallons of wine is the
right amount. Stir the cuvee until all of the sugar and DAP are dissolved.

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