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TEACHER MASENGU MPATA DATE __09___/___11___ /2022
Read the Text and Answer the Questions that Follow.


Kim is the woman we met in London. She works as a teacher.

Living in the city is very expensive! Transport and clothes cost a lot of money and food prices are
high too. Kim says: I can´t afford to go out very often, because I don’t have enough money. I
spend all my money I don’t have any money left at the end of the month.-it´s difficult to save
(=keep and not save).

Kim has an account with ADKL Bank. She has a cheque account with a cheque book so she can
write cheques (=printed forms from the bank). Her salary is paid directly into her account. She
also has a savings account where she saves money and earn interest (= money the bank pays
you).She can transfer money between these two accounts-she can move money from one account
into the other. She can go to the bank to do this, but it´s easier to ask ADKL`s internet banking
sevice.The bank sends a statement (=printed list of payments from and to the account) every
month, showing me that the balance (=how much money she has in the account).

Taken from the Business –Vocabulary-in Use-Elementary, Professional English by Bill

Mascull. Cambridge.

GROUP A -Question 1-(3 mark each)

a) How much does Kim saves per month? d) Does Kim goes out very often?

b) Why is it difficult for Kim to save? e) Where does Kim have an account?

c) Define saving account. f) What type of check does Kim have?

Question 2 –Write the corresponding adjectives of these countries. (1 mark all)

a) Kuwait-------------- b) Ruanda------------ c) Thailand--------------d) Ireland………..

GROUP B -Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of verb to be. (0, 25 each)

a) your/name/Tomé? b) programmer/a /you? c) His/English/good/very.

d) Alex and Rob/Italy/from. e) What her name? f)Mrs Lopez a lawyer.

Question 2-Complete the open spaces with the correct pronoun. (0.5 mark each).

a) I met……….at the party but ………didn’t recognize………

b) He took ………..with……….. c) What´s ……….doing here?

Question 3 Write the numbers in words. (2 marks)


1. $325,000.55
2. £7,500,00.25
3. R15,250,000,000
4. €299,700(around)
5. Kz87,675.35

GROUP C-Cross out any words that need an apostrophe, and rewrite them above.
( 2 marks )

Hello, Ana. How are things going? My brother (brother´s) wife, Shelly, is going to have her
fifth baby in June. The other four are girls, so she`s hoping for a boy. Then, my best friend son
has decided to go to live in Matala.He wants to plough the land, I think. And then, do you
remember my sisters? Katia and Katumbu? They have a florist in Mainga-Luanda. Well Katia
boss won two million kwanza in the last lottery, and she gave Katia a hundred thousand
kwanzas, now Katia and Katumbu are going to travel around the world, and my dad is going to
buy my sister shop. What about you? Any news? No, my life is really boring at the moment. I
have just spent half an hour at the dentist. That’s not very interesting, is it? And I have just been
to the shoe shop as well and changed a pair of Freddie shoes, because they were too small. And
then Carly, a friend of mine, is going to Namibia on holiday next week. I think that is all. No,
wait a moment. Do you remember my parent house in Cazenga? Yes? Well, I have got a photo
of it.Would you like to see it?

GROUP D –Match the words on the left with the words on the right then, make correct
sentences. (0,5 mark each)

1) high a) cash

2) unproductive b) amount of yen

3) meet c) cost of living.

4) big d) financial obligations

Question -2-Write six sentences using the present simple in the (+/-/?)

Use these verbs (count, owe, charge, put, do, own, send, lend) 2 mark each)


COMPOSITION-Choose from the two. (150 words) (3 marks)

1. Write a paragraph about start up (entrepreneurship).

2. Write a paragraph about your personal information.


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