ASSIGNMENT # A Functions Enthuse Student Copy 230426 091240

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JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024

JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024
One or more than one correct :
1. Given the graphs of the two functions, y = f(x) and y = g(x). In the adjacent
figure from point A on the graph of the function y = f(x) corresponding to
the given value of the independent variable (say  x0), a straight line is drawn
parallel to the X-axis to intersect the bisector of the first and the third quadrants
at point B . From the point B a straight line parallel to the Y-axis is drawn to
intersect the graph of the function y = g(x) at C. Again a straight line is
drawn from the point C parallel to the X-axis, to intersect the line NN ¢ at D
. If the straight line NN¢ is parallel to Y-axis, then the co-ordinates of the
point D are
(A) (f(x0), g(f(x0))) (B) (x0, g(x0))
(C) (x0, g(f(x0))) (D) (f(x0), f(g (x0)))
2. Which of the following function is surjective but not injective
(A) f : R ® R f (x) = x4 + 2x3 – x2 + 1 (B) f : R ® R f (x) = x3 + x + 1

(C) f : R ® R+ f (x) = 1+ x 2 (D) f : R ® R f (x) = x3 + 2x2 – x + 1

3. Let ƒ : R ® R be a real valued function such that ƒ(10 + x) = ƒ(10 – x) " x Î R
and ƒ(20 + x) = –ƒ(20 – x)" x Î R. Then which of the following statements is true -
(A) ƒ(x) is odd and periodic (B) ƒ(x) is odd and aperiodic
(C) ƒ(x) is even and periodic (D) ƒ(x) is even and aperiodic
x rx
4. Let ƒ(x) = and let g(x) = . Let S be the set of all real numbers r such that ƒ(g(x)) = g(ƒ(x))
1+ x 1- x
for infinitely many real number x. The number of elements in set S is-
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5
5. Let f (x) = sin2x + cos4x + 2 and g (x) = cos (cos x) + cos (sin x). Also let fundamental period of f (x)
and g (x) be T1 and T2 respectively then
(A) T1 = 2T2 (B) 2T1 = T2 (C) T1 = T2 (D) T1 = 4T2
6. If the domain of ƒ(x) is [–1,2] then the domain of the function ƒ([x] – x2 + 4) is (where [.] denotes
greatest integer function) -

(A) éë -1, 7 ùû (B) éë - 3, -1ùû È éë 3, 7 ùû

(C) éë - 3, 7 ùû - (-1, 2) (D) éë 13, 15 ùû

7. If 1 < x2 < 9, then number of solutions of the equation {| x |} = í 2 ý (where {.} denote fractional part
îx þ
function) is -
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4


JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024


é | cos x | ù
8. If ƒ(x) = x5 + sinx + ê ú is an odd function, then which is true for parameter a (where [.] denotes
ë a û
greatest integer function) is -
(A) 0 < a < 1 (B) a = 1 (C) a > 1 (D) 0 < a < 2
x 2
9. Let ƒ(x) = 2 & g(x) = x , then number of solution of ƒog = goƒ is equal to -
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
10. A function f(x) = x2 – x + 1, x ³ is given number of solutions of f(x) = f–1(x) is
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

11. The function f is not defined for x=0, but for all non zero real number x, f(x) + 2f ç ÷ = 3x . The
equation f(x) = f(–x) is satisfied by -
(A) exactly one real number (B) exactly two real numbers
(C) no real numbers (D) all non zero real numbers
12. Number of non-singular mappings f : A ® A, where A = {1,2,3} such that f(2) ¹ 2 is equal to -
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
13. The graph of the function y = g (x) is shown.
The number of solutions of the equation g ( x ) - 1 = , is
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 8
14. Let ƒ : R ® R be defined as ƒ(x) = 3–|x| – 3x + sgn (e–x) + 2
(whre sgn x denotes signum function of x). Then which one of the following is correct ?
(A) ƒ is injective but not surjective (B) ƒ is surjective but not injective
(C) ƒ is injective as well as surjective (D) ƒ is neither injective nor surjective
15. Let f : R ® R; f(x) = x + 2x – x + 1
4 3 2

Statement-1: f(x) is an into

Statement-2: A polynomial of degree even defined from R ® R is always into.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
16. Let ƒ : R ® R and g : R ® R be mappings such that ƒ(g(x)) is an injective mapping then which of the
following statement(s) is(are) true ?
(A) ƒ(x) may be many-one mapping
(B) g(x) must be injective mapping
(C) If g(x) is surjective then ƒ(x) must be injective
(D) If g(x) is into mapping then ƒ(x) must be many-one mapping.
17. Let ƒ(x) = x 2 + kx; k is a real number. The set of values of k for which the equation
f(x) = 0 and ƒ(ƒ(x)) = 0 have same real solution set contains

(A) 15 (B) π (C) e3 (D) 19


JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024

18. The number of solutions of the equation [x2 + 2x + [x2 + 2x]] = 2sinx, (where [.] denotes the greatest
integer function) is -
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

x2 + a
19. The set of all real values of a so that the range of the function y = is R, is-
x +1
(A) [1,¥) (B) (–¥,–1) (C) (1,¥) (D) (–¥,–1]
20. Let ƒ(x) = max.{sin t : 0 < t < x}
g(x) = min.{sin t : 0 < t < x}
and h(x) = [ƒ(x) – g(x)]
where [ ] denotes greatest integer function, then the range of h(x) is-
(A) {0,1} (B) {1,2} (C) {0,1,2} (D) {–3,–2,–1,0,1,2,3}

ì x2 ; x < -1
ì x ; x<0 ï
21. Let ƒ(x) = í & g(x) = í2x + 3 ; -1 £ x £ 1 . Then range of g(ƒ(x)) is -
î1 - x ; x ³ 0 ï x
î ; x >1

(A) (–¥,¥) (B) [1,3) È (3,¥) (C) [1,¥) (D) [0,¥)

22. In which of the following cases there does not exist any function -
(A) ƒ2(x2) + ƒ(2x) + 1 = 0 " x Î R (B) ƒ2(x2 – x) – 4ƒ(2x – 2) + x2 + x = 0 " x Î R

(C) ƒ(x) + ƒ ç ÷ = 2x " x Î R – {0} (D) ƒ(sinx) + ƒ(cosx) = x " x Î R
23. If f(x) = max {1 + sinx, 3– cosx, 2} & g(x)= min {x2, 1 –x, 4x – 3}, then -
(A) fog (0) = 2 (B) fog (0) > 2 (C) gof(0) = –1 (D) gof(0) < – 1
24. Which of the following is/are bijective function(s) -

e x + e -|x|
(A) f : ( -¥, 0] ® (0, 1] , f (x) = (B) f : R ® R, f(x) = x3 – 3x2 + 2x
e x + e|´|

æ 1ö
(C) f : (0, ¥) ® R, f (x) = ln ç x + ÷
(D) f : R ® R, f(x) = log2log3log4(4 + e )
è xø

25. Let ƒ : {1,2,3,4,5} ® {1,2,3,4,5} is such that ƒ(x) is a one-one function satisfying following condition
ƒ(x) = x + 1 if and only if x is even (i.e. ƒ(3) ¹ 4, ƒ(4) = 5 etc). Then ƒ–1(2) can be-
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 2
æ 2x + 29 ö
26. A function ƒ(x) satisfies 2ƒ(x) - 80 = 100x - 3ƒ ç ÷ , x ¹ 2 . If ƒ(x) can be expressed as
è x-2 ø
ƒ(x) = l - mx + , then
(A) 2000 - = 5n (B) 17l = 3m (C) 99l = 34n (D) 5l = 17m


JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024

27. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct ?
(A) If f is a one-one mapping from set A to A, then f is onto.
(B) If f is an onto mapping from set A to A, then f is one-one
(C) Let f and g be two functions defined from R ® R such that gof is injective, then f must be injective.
(D) If set A contains 3 elements while set B contains 2 elements, then total number of functions from A to
B is 8.
æ p ù
28. Let ƒ : ç - , a ú ® ( -¥, b] be an invertible function with longest domain defined as
è 2 û
ƒ(x) = tanx + cotx–2 then -
(A) Ordered pair (a,b) is ç - , -
4+2 3 ö
÷ ) æ p ö
(B) Ordered pair (a,b) is ç - , -4 ÷
ç 3 3 ÷ è 4 ø
è ø

æ x + 2 + x 2 + 4x ö -1
-1 x + 2 - x 2 + 4x ö
(C) ƒ (x) = tan ç -1
÷ (D) ƒ (x) = tan ç ÷
ç 2 ÷ ç 2 ÷
è ø è ø
Comprehension Type :
Paragraph for Question 29 & 30

Consider the function ƒ : A ® [0,5] ƒ ( x ) = 9 - ( x - 1 )( x - 3 )( x - 5 )( x - 7 ) .

(Where set A represents all values of x for which ƒ(x) is defined.)
29. In the domain of the function -
(A) number of possible integral values of x is equal to 7
(B) number of possible integral values of x is equal to 6
(C) maximum integral value of x = 7
(D) maximum integral value of x = 6
30. Identify the correct option -
(A) function is many one (B) function is one-one
(C) function is onto (D) function is into
Paragraph for Question 31 to 32

ex - e- x
The function ƒ : R ® R is defined as ƒ(x) = and function g : R ® [1, ¥) is defined as
ex + e- x
g(x) = .

ƒ(x) 2h(x)
31. Let h(x) = , then is equal to
g(x) 1 + h 2 (x)
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) h(2x) (D) h(x)ƒ(x)

é ƒ(x) ù
32. Number of integers contained in the range of the function k(x) = ê ú (where [.] denotes G.I.F.) is
ë g(x) û
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) more than 2


JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024

Paragraph for Question 33 to 34
Let f (x) = x2 – 2x – 1 " x Î R. Let f : (– ¥, a] ® [b, ¥), where 'a' is the largest real number for which
f (x) is bijective.
33. Let f : [a, ¥) ® [b, ¥), then f –1(x) is given by
(A) 1 + x + 2 (B) 1 – x + 3 (C) 1 – x + 2 (D) 1 + x + 3
34. Let ƒ : R ® R, then range of values of k for which equation ƒ(|x|) = k has 4 distinct real roots is -
(A) (–2,–1) (B) (–2,0) (C) (–1,0) (D) (0,1)
Paragraph for Question 35 to 36
Consider a continuous function such that each image has atmost three preimage & atleast one image
has exactly three preimages. This type of function is to be called as three-one function.
On the basis of above information, answer the following questions :
35. Which of the following function is a three-one function ?
(A) |ln|x|| (B) e|x|
(C) x3 + 3x2 – 7x + 6 (D) cos(cos–1x)
36. If ƒ(x) is a three-one function such that ƒ(a) = ƒ(b) (where a ¹ b), then number of maximum possible
values of b is -
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Paragraph for Question 37 to 38
Consider the expression ƒ(x) = sin2x + 2(1 – a)sinx – 3a, where x Î [0, p) and 'a' is a real parameter.
On the basis of above information, answer the following questions :
37. If a < 1, minimum value of ƒ(x) is p and maximum value of ƒ(x) is q, then minimum integral value of (p
+ q) is -
(A) –5 (B) –4 (C) –3 (D) 3
38. If the equation ƒ(x) = 0 has four real solutions, then the set of values of 'a' is -
æ 2 7ö æ 5 ö æ 5ö
(A) ç , ÷ (B) ç - , 0 ÷ (C) ç 0, ÷ (D) f
è 3 3ø è 3 ø è 3ø
Match the column Type :
39. Column-I contains functions and column II contains their properties. One or more entries of Column-II can
be matches with one entry of column-I.
Column-I Column-II
(A) f(x) = sin22x – 2 cos2x (P) Many one but not even function

(B) f(x) = log 0.5 sec(sin 2 x) (Q) Both many one and even function

æ 1 - x2 ö
(C) f(x) = sgn ç 2 ÷
+ cos2p éëx 2 - 5x + 6 ùû (R) Periodic but not odd function
è 1 + x ø
where sgn x and [x] denote signum function of x (S) Range contains atleast one integer
& greatest integer less than or equal to x respectively but not more than three integers.

cos x æ x2 - x ö
(D) f(x) = + cos ç ÷ (T) Bounded function.
| cos x | è x -1 ø


JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024

40. Column-I contains rational algebraic expressions and column-II contains possible integers which lie in
their range. Match the entries of column-I with one or more entries of the elements of column-II.
Column-I Column-II

x 2 - 2x + 4
(A) y= ,xÎR (P) 1
x 2 + 2x + 4

x 2 - 3x - 2
(B) y= ,x ÎR (Q) 4
2x - 3

2x 2 - 2x + 4
(C) y= ,xÎR (R) –3
x 2 - 4x + 3
(S) –10
Numerical Type
41. Given ƒ(x) is a function satisfying the functional equation x2ƒ(x) + ƒ(1 – x) = 2x – x4, then the value
|ƒ(3)| + ƒ(2) is

Let ƒ : R - ìí üý ® R - ìí üý , ƒ(x) =
1 1
42. be a function such that x = m is the solution of ƒ(x) + 2ƒ–
î2þ 2
î þ 2x - 1
1(x) + 2 = ƒ(ƒ(x)), then m is equal to

43. Let ƒ(x) be an even function satisfying ƒ(x) + ƒ(x + 2) = ƒ(x + 1) " x Î R, where ƒ(–13) = 4, then
ƒ(–5) + ƒ(1) is equal to

44. If [2 sinx] + [2 + cosx] = –1, then number of integers in the range of the function ƒ(x) = sin x + 3 cos x
in [0,2p] is (where [.] denotes greatest integer function)
45. The number of solutions of 3|x| (||x|2 – 4|x| + 3|) = 1 is

- x 3 + 15
46. Let ƒ(x) = and a be the number of real roots of ƒ(x) = ƒ–1(x), b be the number of real roots
of ƒ(x) = x, then |a – b| is
47. Let ƒ : R ® R be a function satisfying ƒ(10 – x) = ƒ(x) and ƒ(2 – x) = ƒ(2+x)" xÎR. If ƒ(0) = l (where
l Î R). Then the minimum possible number of values of x satisfying ƒ(x) = l in the interval [0,38], is

ì1 ü
48. If 2 < x2 < 3, then the number of positive roots of {x 2 } = í ý is (where {.} denotes fractional part
îx þ
49. The number of solutions of the equation [x + 1]2 = 2x + 3{x} where [.] and {.} denotes the greatest
integer function and fractional part function, respectively, is

50. Number of integers in the domain of ƒ(x) = (2 - 3x - 2x 2 ) sin 2 (x - 2) is

51. A function ƒ is defined for all positive integers and satisfies ƒ(1) = 2005 and ƒ(1) + ƒ(2)
+ ............ + ƒ(n) = n2ƒ(n) for all n > 1. Then the value of 2002ƒ(2004).


JEE (Main + Advanced) 2024


1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
6. B 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. B
11. B 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. A
16. A,B,C 17. A,B 18. C 19. B 20. C
21. C 22. A,B,C,D 23. B,C 24. A,D 25. B,C
26. A,C,D 27. C,D 28. B,D 29. A,C 30. A,C
31. C 32. C 33. A 34. A 35. C
36. B 37. B 38. D
39. (A) ® (Q,R,S,T); (B) ® (Q,S,T); (C) ® (Q,S,T); (D) ® (P,S,T)
40. (A) ® (P); (B) ® (P,Q,R,S); (C) ® (P,Q,S)
41. 5 42. 2 43. 8 44. 0 45. 8
46. 4 47. 13 48. 1 49. 3 50. 4
51. 1


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