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Session: 2023-24

General Instructions:

• All the questions are mandatory to attempt.

• Make separate thin notebook for each subject‘s work.

• Draw lines with scale after every answer.
• Do your work neatly.
• Holiday Homework will be assessed it should be submitted within a
week after school reopens.
• CO-ordinator Mr. Sajjan Rajput (Phone no.9997432056)
• Calling time to teachers if required: 3.00 pm to 5.00 p.m.
• For any query you may contact to your respective subject teacher.


In agriculture, there are certain parameters to be considered such

as the type of crop, properties of soil, climate etc. Depending upon
these parameters, farmers decide which crop is to be cultivated at
what time of the year and place. Moreover, to yield a high-quality
product, suitable soil, climate and season are not sufficient. It
requires a set of procedures which needed to be
followed. Following activities are to be done by the students:
Subject Teacher: Richa Jain
Contact No: 9759701600
Contact timing: 3p.m. to 5p.m.
Week : 1

India is chiefly an agricultural land. The cultivation of crops depends on a proper supply of
water throughout the year. From olden times large parts of our country have suffered from
periods of too much rain alternating with periods of drought. People have known that if
the excess waters of the flood seasons can be stored away for use in the fields during the
dry seasons, the problem would be solved. Unfortunately, they have had neither the
knowledge nor the means to do much in this matter. What little they knew they have tried
to put into practice. They have dug canals to carry away water from the great perennial
rivers. This was heavy and expensive work and practicable over only a small area. Large
tanks were excavated, small bundhs or dams built to hold water or hold back floods. But it
has not been possible to do anything on a country-wide scale.
Questions :
1. What is the chief occupation of the people in India?
(a) Business (b) Banking
(c) Agriculture (d) Mining
2. On what thing does the cultivation of land depend in India?
(a) Good seeds.
(b) Proper supply of water throughout the year.
(c) Good fertilizers.
(d) The prosperity of the farmer.
3. How has our country suffered from olden times?
(a) Too much rain and too much draught.
(b) Poor quality of seeds.
(c) Poor quality of fertilizers.
(d) Poor quality of farming methods.
4. What can be the best use of the excess waters of the flood?
(a) let it flow away soon
(b) Must be stored for drinking.
(c) Must be stored for animals.
(d) Must be stored for irrigation in the fields in a dry season.
5. What has been done to avoid floods and droughts?
(a) Canals have been dug.
(b) large tanks have been excavated.
(c) Small bundhs or dams are built.
(d) All the above-mentioned methods.
2. Prepare an attractive poster on ‘Importance of crop management and its method’ on the
chart paper.

Subject Teacher: Archna Jain Subject Teacher: Archna Jain
Contact No: 9458683518 Contact No: 8077274395
Contact timing: 3p.m. to 5p.m. Contact timing: 3p.m. to 5p.m.
Week : 2

फसल उगाने के ललए ककए जाने वाले कियाकलाप पर चार्ट तैयार कीजजए |

२. भारतीय त्योहारों के बारे में ललखिए जो फसल उगाने की िश

ु ी में मनाए जाते हैं |

Subject Teacher: Monika Sharma
Contact No: 8384052475
Contact timing: 3p.m. to 5p.m
Week : 3
1. Collect the data of top 10 agricultural production of last 5 years. Show it's comparative
study on double bar graph on chart paper.
2. Show the production of all 10 crops above-mentioned from 2020-22 on pie chart.
Subject Teacher: Anubha Saxena
Contact No: 8923920404
Contact timing: 3p.m. to 5p.m
Week : 3
Q1. Visit a nearby farm, garden, field or organic farm. Talk to the people who work there and find
out how the plants are grown, their water requirements and the care required. Write a diary
entry based on your findings.
Q2. Make a chart showing different agricultural practices.
Q3. Prepare a Herbarium file for types of crops. Collect specimen of each type of crop and paste
it on Herbarium file. Write their Classification and uses of specimen in file only.

Subject Teacher: Deeksha Singhal
Contact No: 81228443959
Contact timing: 3p.m. to 5p.
Week : 4
1. Make a political map of India and mark the following states with the help of
• Highest wheat producing state
• Highest rice producing state
• Highest oil seed producing state
• Highest coffee producing state
• Highest spices producing states
2. Suggest and explain any five new methods taken by the government to strengthen the
crop production in India.

Subject Teacher: Swati Varshney
Contact No: 79064912333
Contact timing: 3p.m. to 5p.m.
Week : 4
Make a bar chart on basis of production of different crops and their states.

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