The Trapped Leopard

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The Trapped Leopard

This incident is from the resthouse adjacent to the

Kombaru sanctuary in Karnataka.
A leopard was chasing the dog. The dog entered
the toilet through a window. The toilet was closed
from the outside. 
The leopard entered behind the dog, and both got
stuck in the toilet. When the dog saw the leopard,
he panicked and quietly sat in one corner. He
didn't even dare to bark.
Even though the leopard was hungry and was
chasing the dog, he did not eat the dog. He could
have had dinner by tearing off the dog in one leap.
But the two animals were together in different
corners for almost twelve hours. During these
twelve hours, the leopard was also quiet. 
The forest department zeroed in on the leopard
and captured him using a tranquilizer dart. 
Now the question is, why didn't the hungry leopard
tear off the dog when it was easily possible??
The wildlife researchers responded to this question: According to them, wild animals are very sensitive
to their freedom. As soon as they realize their liberty has been taken away, they can feel deep sorrow,
so much so that they can forget their hunger. 
Their natural motivation to feed the stomach begins to fade away.
Freedom and happiness are connected. Freedom to think, act and live in a way that we wish.
We represent that leopard while the dog represents the things we chase in this world—money, fame,
and power that we often do not realize that end us locked up in sin. 
Not until we realize that our liberty has been taken away from us, not until we feel deep sorrow for
getting stuck in sin, we won't lose our appetite or hunger for these worldly things.
How can we realize that our liberty has been taken away from us?
Signs that you are not free (but not limited to):
 Someone else is in charge of your time. 
You are too busy. You can no longer make time with God (pray, bible study, witnessing).
 You live people's expectation
When you seek self-glory that you do your best for people's recognition/praise, you do not
realize that you live their expectations.
 People decide who you will become
When you let people make you compromise your principle and identity, you let them decide
who you will become.
 When you find yourself trapped, let God zero in on you His tranquilizer dart, and capture
Let God capture your heart through what He and his Son Jesus sacrificed on the cross only to
set you free.
“It was to redeem us that Jesus lived and suffered and died. He became “a Man of Sorrows,” that we
might be made partakers of everlasting joy. God permitted His beloved Son, full of grace and truth, to
come from a world of indescribable glory, to a world marred and blighted with sin, darkened with the
shadow of death and the curse. He permitted Him to leave the bosom of His love, the adoration of the
angels, to suffer shame, insult, humiliation, hatred, and death. “The chastisement of our peace was
upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5. Behold Him in the wilderness, in
Gethsemane, upon the cross! The spotless Son of God took upon Himself the burden of sin. He who
had been one with God, felt in His soul the awful separation that sin makes between God and man.
This wrung from His lips the anguished cry, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” Matthew
27:46. It was the burden of sin, the sense of its terrible enormity, of its separation of the soul from God
—it was this that broke the heart of the Son of God.” EGW, SC 13.1
But wait, there is a risk when you let God frees you from sin and death. When He frees you, you will
be a prisoner and slave of His eternal love.

“But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads
to sanctification and its end, eternal life.” Romans 6:22

Are you willing to be trapped?

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