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Grand Test 1 CPT ENGLISH I year 12-5-21

NAME : ________________ SEC/ROLL NO:______________

I. Categorise the words from each group of words (and phrases) given below positive, negative or neutral. One is
done for you as an example. (Answer any five) 5X1=5.

Positive Denotation Negative connotation

Gaze Look steadily Stare

1. Gathering, a large group, mob

2. Discuss with others, debate, argue
3. Observe, watch, spy
4. Assertive, firmly confident, pushy
5. Frugal, economical, stingy
6. Tempting, attractive, interesting

II. Read each of the following sentences. Decide from the context whether the speaker is showing approval or
disapproval of the topic. Then identify the word that most suits the context. 5X1=5
1. Please ask Rohit to turn down the volume. It is difficult for me to concentrate with all that (noise/music)
2. Mr. Nair had better be wary of his new neighbor, Ms.Banerjee; she is a (crafty/clever) one.
3. I have great respect for your brother who is rather (reserved, antisocial) and dignified.
4. My friend can’t stand her mother-in law who is very (thrifty/miserly); she has a lot of money but refuses
to help others.
5. The new saleswoman tends to be (enthusiastic, pushy) while dealing with customers. She is scaring
them away.

III. In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.5 X 1 = 5

1. beneficent 2.magnanimous 3. Destitute4. elegant

2. furious
1. very playful 2. very calm 3. very angry 4. very interested
3. Perpetual
1. General 2. Emotional 3. Stubborn 4. Continuous
4. Fissure
1.Opening 2. Big 3. To fetch 4. Excite
5. Despot
1. Tyrant 2. Storage 3. Hot meal 4. Against

IV. Select a suitable antonym for the word given in question 5X1=5

1. patient2. Rigorous3. deceptive 4. active
1. mitigate 2. engender 3. check 4. ) mollify
1.Wordy 2. Verify 3. Annoy 4. Amused


1.Beginner 2. Spin 3. Experienced 4. Absolute


1.Indecency 2. Charming 3. Property 4. Appropriate

V. Frame at least two words using the following roots. 5X1=5

Roots Meaning Words

1 Arch First, prime ,
2 Bio Life

3 Derm Skin

4 cracy To rule

5 Vis To see

VI. Choose the correct meaning of the given root words 5 X 1 =5

1. Ced 2. Go 3. Sleep 4. Wake
2. Ego
1. Other 2. Together 3. Another 4. Self

3. Corp:

1.body 2. house 3. Institute 4. unit


1.unbelief 2. believe 3.hope


1. deccan 2.dec 3.ten 4.hundred

VII. Try to form collocations for the given words: 10x1/2= 5

1. ______completely
2. ______pain
3. --------- damage
4. --------- rooted (in)
5. ----------agree
6. ________freedom
7. ______rule
8. __________decision
9. __________wind
10. _______a presentation

VIII. Select the correct meaning of the idioms/phrases given below: 5X1=5
1. Best of both worlds
1.first and second word 2. All the advantages 3. Subject of dispute 4. none
2. Cut corners
1. edges 2. Corners of 3. Both 1 and 2 4. done badly to save money.

3. To grease the palm eat butter 2. To offer bribe3. To swim in deep sea 4. To be in deep thought
4. Storm in a teacup
1. Crave for something 2. Drink tea often
3. Get into quarrels 4. Make a big issue out of a small thing
5. On the ball
1.quarrel2.understand the situation well. 3.misunderstanding 4. None

IX . Identify the idiom in the given sentences and determine the meaning from the context. 5x1=5

1. Tommy’s mother didn’t even lecture him after he came home late again; it was like beating a dead
2. When Mrs. Banerjee told the students that she was going
to share the answers, they were all ears.
3. While the boss was away, the two workers decided to shoot the breeze over a cup of coee.
4. Dad wanted to let me othe hook, but mom said, “He made his bed. Now he has to lie in it.”
5. You knew there was no answer to this problem, yet you sent me on a wild goose chase.

X. In each sentence below, underline the word that means the opposite of the italicized word. Then,

identify meaning of the italicized word from the options given below. 5X1-5
1. Many people have pointed out the harmful effects that a working mother may have on the family,
yet there are many salutary effects as well.
a. well-known b. beneficial c. hurtful
2. Trying to control everything your teens do can impede their growth. To advance their development,
allow them to make some decisions on their own.
a. hamper b. predict c. improve
3. During their training, police officers must respond to simulated emergencies in preparation for
dealing with real ones.
a. made-up b. mild c. actual
4. “I’ve seen students urreptitiouslys check answer sheets during exams,” said the professor. “However,
until today I never saw one openly lay out a cheat sheet on his desk.”
a. legally b. secretly c. loudly
5. In formal communication, be sure to avoid ambiguous language. Clear language prevents confusion.
a. wordy b. ineffective c. unclear


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