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Practice Test 3 ¢ Listening Part1 (QUEL For each question, choose the correct picture. 1. Which book does David want to buy? 82. PRACTICE TEST 3 « LISTENING + PART 1 4 How much wil the man's mineral water cost? 5 Where's the magazine now? ar PRACTICE TEST 3 « LISTENING + PART. 23 Practice Test 3 ¢ Listening Part 2 (QIEGY For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or anumber or a date or a time. ‘You will hear a museum guide giving some information about a science museum. ee Science Museum New exhibition is about: 6. It includes: interesting 7___ and photos Food available on: Student science quiz Groups of: Date of quiz: 84 PRACTICE TEST 3 » LISTENING + PART 2 Practice Test 3 ¢ Listening Part 3 (DES For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Paul talking to his friend, Anna, about a schoo! trip. 11 The group of students are going to visit ‘A anewspaper office. B the city hospital. C asports staci 12 How does Anna feel about going on the underground? A. She prefers traveling by bus because its cheaper. B She doesnt lke it because you cant see the city. She doesn't like it because it takes too long. 13 The students must meet at school at A 810am, B 820am Cc 830am. 14 The students need to take A Uneir raincoats, B their project books. their mobile phones. 45. The total price for the trip is. A £575 each B £8.25 each. © £925 each, PRACTICE TEST 3 + LISTENING + PART3. 85 Practice Test 3 ¢ Listening Part 4 QED For each question, choose the correct answer. 16 Youwill hear a boy, Andy, talking to his mother. What's the matter with Andy? A. Hes forgotten to do his homework. B He was late for his doctor's appointment. C He hasn't been able to eat anything 17 Youwill hear a girl talking to her father. ‘What's the problem? A She can't find her schoolwork The dog has eaten her English homework. She hasn't done her homework for today's lessons. 18 You will hear a woman telling passengers in an airport about their fight. How can they find out when it will leave? ‘A. They can ask the staff at the check-in desks. They can look at the message boards. © They can go to the gate in the airport. 49 You will hear a woman talking to her son. What does he think about what she’s bought? A. He excited to have it because its new. B_ He thinks it will help him study. C_He wants to see it working. 20 You will hear a boy, Antonio, talking toa girl, Why did Antonio fil his driving test? ‘A. He hit an animal that was on the road. B He drove through traffic lights when they said stop. © He went the wrong way down a one-way street. ‘86 PRACTICE TEST’ « LISTENING « PART 4 Practice Test 3 ¢ Listening Part 5 (DIE For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Peter talking to his teenage daughter about what he needs to do next week. What must he do on each day? Days 21 Monday = [_] 22 Tuestay =] 23 Wednesday [—] 24 Fidy = 25 sunday =] Things to do A Visit dentist collect fight tickets repair bike get theatre tickets play hockey phone friend 440 food shopping buy deck PRACTICE TEST 3 « LISTENING + PARTS. &7

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