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CATIA Training


c ou
f th
io no
s t r at

Mold Tooling Design

Version 5 Release 8
March 2002

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 1

Course Presentation

Objectives of the course

In this course you will learn how to use workbench Mold Tooling Design to create a
Plastic Injection Mold

Targeted audience
New Mold Tooling Design users

2 days
CATIA V5 Fundamentals

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 2

Table of Contents (1/4)

 Introduction to Mold Tooling Design p.7

Accessing the Workbench p.8
User Interface Presentation p.9
Mold Tooling Design Functions p.10
Mold Tooling Design Catalogs p.12
User Settings p.13
Mold Creation : General Process p.16

 Creating a new Mold p.17

Creating a new Mold Product p.18
Inserting the Molded Part p.19
Structure of the Molded Part p.20
Creating the Mold Base p.23
Positioning the Molded Part p.28

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 3

Table of Contents (2/4)

1. Editing the Mold Base p.30

Editing the definition of the existing Mold Base p.31
Adding a plate p.33
Splitting Core and Cavity Plates p.34

3. Creating Components p.36

Selecting a Component in a catalog p.37
Instantiating and Positioning a Component p.39

5. Editing Components p.48

Editing the definition of a Component p.49
Splitting a Component p.51
Deleting a Component p.52

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 4

Table of Contents (3/4)

1. Advanced Mold Base : Creating Inserts p.54

Defining and positioning an Insert p.55

2. Advanced Mold Base : Creating a Slider p.59

Defining and positioning a Slider p.60
Defining and positioning the Retainers p.64
Defining and positioning the Angle Pin p.65
Instantiating fixing Screws p.66
Performing the Screw drillings p.67

3. Creating Injection Features p.69

Creating a Gate p.70
Creating a Runner p.73
Creating a Coolant Channel p.74

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 5

Table of Contents (4/4)

1. Managing User Components p.78

What is a User Component p.79
Structure of a Mold Component p.80
Creating a Catalog of User Components p.82
Instantiating a User Component p.85

2. Analyzing Holes in Plates p.88

How to extract definition of Holes p.89

 Creating the Bill of Material p.90

Customizing the Bill of Material of a Mold Product p.91

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 6

Introduction to Mold Tooling Design

You will discover CATIA V5 Mold Tooling Design user interface and you will
review the general process to create a Mold

Accessing the Workbench

User Interface Presentation
Mold Tooling Design Functions
Mold Tooling Design Catalogs
User Settings
Mold Creation : General Process Description

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 7

Accessing the Workbench

Workbench Mold Tooling Design is a member of the family of Mechanical Design applications :

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 8

User Interface Presentation

Once inside workbench Mold Tooling Design, you have access to :

• Dedicated Mold Tooling Design tools
• General Assembly-level tools
• Standard tools

MTD Tools

Tools General

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 9

Mold Tooling Design Functions (1/2)

New Mold Base Add Slider

Add retainers
Add Mold Plate
Add Insert

Mold Base Elements

Add Leader Pin

Guiding Components
Add Bushing
Add Sleeve

Locating Components Add Locating Ring

Add Dowel Pin

Cap Screw
Fixing Components
Countersunk Screw

Locking Screw

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 10

Mold Tooling Design Functions (2/2)

Ejector Pin


Ejection Components Flat Ejector

Ejector Sleeve

Injection Components Sprue Bushing Core Pin

Sprue Puller Stop Pin

Injection Feature : Gate
Support Pillar Angle Pin

Injection Feature : Runner O-Ring Knockout Pin

Coolant Channel Plug

Miscellaneous Components
User Component

Eye Bolt

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 11

Mold Tooling Design Catalogs
For Mold Bases and components, the catalogs of major market providers are available :

Creation of a
new Mold Base

Creation of a new component

(e.g. Leader Pin)

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 12

User Settings (1/3) : Specific Mold Tooling Design settings

In Tools / Options …

.. there is a dedicated item Mold Tooling Design

in Mechanical Design

In tab General, you can :

• redefine the location of Mold catalogs
• redefine the storage directory of temporary files created by
application MTD (NB : Not relevant as of V5R8 SP2 : this
field is then deactivated as shown on picture)

In tab Components, you can define for each type of component :

• how it should appear in drawing sections (cut/uncut)
• if predefined selection filters should be applied at creation time
• if it is allowed to create several instances per reference

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 13

User Settings (2/3) : Recommended general settings

In General / Parameters / Knowledge, activate :

• Parameter Tree View : With value
• Parameter Tree View : With formula

In Infrastructure / Product Structure / Product Structure,

activate :
• Specification tree : Constraints
• Specification tree : Parameters
• Specification tree : Relations

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 14

User Settings (3/3) : Recommended general settings

In Mechanical Design / Part Design / Display, activate :

• Specification tree : Constraints
• Specification tree : Parameters
• Specification tree : Relations

In Mechanical Design / Assembly Design / General,

activate :
• Update : Automatic

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 15

Mold Creation : General Process

From a Define a Mold

Molded Part Base

Position the
Molded Part
Add Core and Cavity
components separation

Add injection
runners and End of Mold
coolant creation
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 16
Creating a new Mold

You will see how to create a new Mold Product from scratch, insert the Molded
Part in the new Product and create the corresponding Mold Base.

Creating a new Mold Product

Inserting the Molded Part
Structure of the Molded Part
Creating the Mold Base
Positioning the Molded Part

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 17

Creating a new Mold Product
A Mold Product is a standard CATIA V5 Product where specific Mold elements will be inserted later :

You can create a new CATIA V5 product by :

Starting workbench Mold Tooling Design :

Or explicitly creating a new Product :

A new Product is created

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 18

Inserting the Molded Part in the Mold Product

The Molded Part can be created in the Mold Product by inserting the already
existing CATPart :
From the contextual menu of the top Product : Components / Existing
Component, then selecting the name of the CATPart file
Or by using standard menu Insert / Existing Component…, , then selecting the
name of the CATPart file

The Molded Part is inserted in the Product

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 19

Structure of the Molded Part (1/3) : Requirements

Its Part Number (see tab Product in contextual menu Properties) must be

You can define as you wish the Instance name and the name of the CATPart

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 20

Structure of the Molded Part (2/3) : Requirements

The Molded Part must contain the part itself and also all the surface
elements required for core/cavity separation.
It is generally created as the result of the preparation work done in
workbench Core & Cavity Design.

 The Molded Part should contain the following elements, in an open body
called PartingBody :
 PartingSurface : the parting surface around the Molded Part, created
from the parting line
 CoreSurface : Join of the core side of the part and of PartingSurface
 CavitySurface : Join of the cavity side of the part and of PartingSurface

The elements bearing these names will be used by the application as default
elements (editable) for core/cavity split operations and for creating gates
and runners.
If they are not present, you will have to explicitly select other elements in
the Molded Part when performing core/cavity split operations.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 21

Structure of the Molded Part (3/3) : Example

The Core Side may come
from any operation (CCV
Define Pulling direction,
GSD Extract, …)

Core Side
Cavity Side

Filling Holes

Filling Holes may

come from any
filling operation CoreSurface = PartingSurface + Core Side + Filling
done in GSD or CCV Holes
CavitySurface = PartingSurface + Cavity side + Filling

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 22

Creating the Mold Base (1/4)

You can define a new Mold Base by :

Defining entirely the set of plates with their dimensions
Or selecting an existing Mold Base in a catalog

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 23

Creating the Mold Base (2/4)

You can create a new Mold Base by defining entirely the number, types and
dimensions of the plates :
The default Mold Base configuration includes all the different types of plates,
with default values for their dimensions.
You may deactivate some of them (except Core and Cavity, which are
mandatory), or modify on the fly each dimension depending on your design
• Mandatory plates are shaded in the panel and cannot be deactivated
Function Create a new • Optional plates can be deactivated : the preview of the Mold Base is
Mold allows you to then automatically updated
create a new Mold Base

Mold Base dialog

Box lets you
control the
definition of the
plates to include
in the Mold Base

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 24

Creating the Mold Base (3/4)

You can also select an existing Mold Base variant in a catalog


2 When you select a

Mold Base variant,
its dimensions
(Length and Width)
are pre-visualized in
the 3D viewer
Catalog Browser

You have access to the catalogs of 5

several major market providers

Once you have selected

your Mold Base, a full
The new Mold Base has been
preview is displayed
created as a new Product inside
the top Product
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 25
Creating the Mold Base (4/4)

Structure of the resulting Mold Product

Once the Mold Base has been created, the overall structure of the Mold Product
is made up of :
 A top Product including the following two elements :
 A Component corresponding to the Molded Part
 Another Product corresponding to the Mold tool assembly itself, containing the Mold Base
plates, and where other components will be later inserted. This Product is structured into 3
main sub-assemblies : InjectionSide, EjectionSide and EjectorSystem

Mold Product

Component Molded Part

Mold Base product


Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 26

Additional Information…

Creation of the Molded Part :

 If the Mold Base is created prior to inserting the existing CATPart file
corresponding to the Molded Part, a new empty Component named Molded Part
will be automatically created by application Mold Tooling Design
 This component can then be interactively completed, using standard Part
Design, Core&Cavity Design, Generative Shape Design and Assembly Design

 It can also be further replaced, using

contextual menu function
Components… / Replace Component

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 27

Positioning the Molded Part

You can use function Snap to snap the local

axis system of the Molded Part, if it has one,
onto the local axis system of the Mold Base,
located at the bottom of the Core Plate.
You can also use main planes for snapping

You can also use the Compass to dynamically move the Molded Part in order
to ensure that the Parting Surface will fully split Core and Cavity plates, or to
define precise location values.
You can for example snap the Compass to the local axis system of the
Molded Part or to the Parting Surface, in order to drag it as desired.

You can also use function Manipulation to position the Part

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 28

Exercise Presentation

And now practice on Step 1 of the Master Exercise, to learn about :

Creating a new Mold Product

Defining the Molded Part
Selecting a Mold Base
Positioning the Molded Part

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 29

Editing the Mold Base

You will see how to edit the definition of a Mold Base.

Editing the definition of the existing Mold Base

Adding a Plate
Splitting Core and Cavity Plates

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 30

Editing the definition of the existing Mold Base (1/2)

It is possible to update in various ways the definition of the current Mold

Base by using contextual menu function MoldEdition :

You can select another Mold Base reference in the Catalog

You can browse the Design

Table containing the list of
Mold Base variants and select
a new one

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 31

Editing the definition of the existing Mold Base (2/2)

 In menu MoldEdition, it is also possible to :

 Update the dimension of some plates (either mandatory like CorePlate, or

optional ones, like the CoreSupportPlate)

 Remove optional plates by unselecting them in the panel

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 32

Adding a Plate
It is possible to add a plate inside an existing Mold Base. The new plate
must be of one of the predefined available types allowed for the current
Mold Base.
Current limitation : it is not possible to add other types of plates (user-
defined types of plates)

The Mold Base

preview is
updated with the
selected plate

Only types allowed

for the current Mold
Base are displayed

Note that it is not possible to

modify parameters which are
related to the overall size of the Once created, the new plate is
Mold Base inserted in the tree structure

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 33

Splitting Core and Cavity Plates

Core and Cavity Plates must be split to fit the shape of the Molded Part

For both Core and Cavity plates, there is a

dedicated function Split Component… in their
contextual menu.

The application will use by default as splitting

surface the one named CoreSurface (resp.
CavitySurface), if present in the Molded Part.
You can select another surface if you wish.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 34

Exercise Presentation

And now practice on Step 2 of the Master Exercise, to learn about :

Splitting Core and Cavity Plates

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 35

Creating Components

You will learn how to select and instantiate any type of component in a Mold.

Selecting a Component in a catalog

Instantiating and Positioning a Component

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 36

Selecting a Component in a Catalog (1/2)

The procedure to select, then position a component is similar for all the
available types of components (Leader Pin, Bushing, Locating Ring, Cap
Screw, …).

You first have to select the desired reference in a catalog :

Click the icon corresponding to the desired type of component
Select the desired catalog provider : DME, Hasco, Rabourdin, etc.
Select the desired reference for this component

Double-click the Double-click the

desired provider desired reference
name to select it to select it

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 37

Selecting a Component in a Catalog (2/2)

Then select the appropriate variant for this reference, depending on the
dimensions required :
 Note that if Selection / Filter is active in Tools / Options / Mechanical Design /
Mold Tooling Design (default setting), a knowledge rule is applied to filter
only the relevant dimensions. This knowledge filter is specific to each type of
component (please refer to the on-line documentation for the exhaustive
description of these rules). You can erase the proposed filter if you want to
see the whole list.
 Select the desired variant in the list

By default, the
relevant filter for
the current type Double-click the
of component is desired variant to
applied select it

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 38

Positioning a Component (1/7)
Once you have selected the desired variant of the
component, the corresponding definition panel for
this type of component is displayed.

The first method available to position the

component is to pick an existing 3D point in the
Mold Base :

Note that if you have selected a Mold Base from a

standard catalog, several 3D points are present in
this Mold Base, corresponding to the positions
recommended by the provider for the different types
of components. For example, the 3 three points
displayed with a round marker in the corner of the
Mold Base are intended for the positioning of Predefined
guiding elements (Leader Pin, Bushing, Sleeve). points for
You can also use a 3D point created beforehand
using for example workbench Wireframe and

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 39

Positioning a Component (2/7)

 Once you have picked the 3D point, a preview of the component is displayed,
and you can now adjust precisely its position by entering proper values for
Instance Origin, either by entering numerical values (absolute : X,Y,Z, or local :
U,V,W), or by using the green arrows displayed in the viewer (for translation) or
the green half-circle (for rotation).

 Button Reverse Component allows to invert Z orientation if needed

 Option Associated (active by default) will create an offset constraint between

the component and the selected position, thus ensuring that the component
cannot be moved independently from its reference 3D point.

Numerical values
and arrows
Predefined point included
positions are
in the Mold Base

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 40

Positioning a Component (3/7)

 Fields Drill From and To in tab Positioning allow to define the first and last
plates to be drilled by the component when it is inserted in the Mold Base. The
plates are automatically drilled by the application when validating creation.

The plates to be drilled can be

selected directly in the viewer or in
the tree.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 41

Positioning a Component (4/7)

Note that Mold Bases coming from catalogs of standard providers contain
predefined sets of points, automatically recognized by the application when
inserting a given type of component (automatic multi-instantiation).
Note that this is done only if option Preview All is active.

For example, when picking one of the points dedicated to the positioning of
Leader Pins, the corresponding additional instances of the Leader Pin are
automatically positioned on the other predefined points.

The current instance is highlighted in


You can cancel one instance by just

picking the W axis in its preview.

 Manual multi-instantiation : it is possible to multi-instantiate any given

component in a single operation : you just have to pick several positioning
points instead of one.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 42

Positioning a Component (5/7)

 When validating the creation (single- or multi-instantiation), the resulting

component(s) is (are) created in the Mold Base, together with the
corresponding holes in the impacted plates.

 The new component is created in the specification tree, in the sub-assembly

where the plate specified as Drill From belongs.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 43

Positioning a Component (6/7)

A second method available to position a component is to pick a planar face

of a plate (or another component), where you can further precisely adjust
the desired position for the component.
 The application then switches to mode Work on plane and the grid is displayed
(you can use standard sketcher option Snap to point if you wish).

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 44

Positioning a Component (7/7)

You can then :

 either pick a point on the face,
 or pick a point outside the face : the application will automatically project this point onto
the face,
 or select a point in a sketch on the face,
 or select a point in a sketch outside the face : the application will automatically project
this point onto the face,
 or select an existing edge or line which intersects the face : the application will
automatically compute the intersection point,
 or select the axis of an existing component (this axis will be displayed when hovering
the mouse over the component). Note in this case that this is just a positioning
capability and does not implicitly create a concentricity constraint between the existing
component and the new one.

 Once the position of the component has been determined, you can proceed for
the other parameters as described in the positioning method based on a 3D point.

A third method available to position components is to use a sketch of

points, for example to instantiate in a single shot many components of the
same type.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 45

Additional Information…

When positioning a component, you can apply not only translation

movements, but you can also define a rotation by using the green circle
arc displayed in the preview :
 Either by dragging this arc : it will rotate the component accordingly,
 Or by selecting MB3 while this arc is selected (highlighted in orange) :
contextual menu Edit angle will be displayed, allowing to rotate the
component by increment steps of the displayed value

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 46

Exercise Presentation

And now practice on Step 3 of the Master Exercise, to learn about :

Selecting Components
Instantiating and Positioning Components

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 47

Editing Components

You will see how to modify the definition of a component, how to fit its shape to
Core and Cavity requirements if needed, and how to delete it in a way that
ensures data consistency.

Editing the definition of a component

Splitting a component
Deleting a component

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 48

Editing the definition of a Component (1/2)

For each type of component, there is an Edit Component function in its

contextual menu.
This function gives access to the definition panel of the component,
enabling you to edit most of the parameters defined at creation time : you
can for example change the component variant to select other dimensions.

Tab Parameters allows access

to the Design Table containing
the list of available dimensions

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 49

Editing the definition of a Component (2/2)

When several instances of a given component have been created by multi-

instantiation, editing the position of one instance (via fields Instance Origin
or using the green arrows in the preview) applies to the selected instance
When several instances of a given component have been created by multi-
instantiation, changing the dimensions of one instance affects all the other
instances too (if option Several Instances per reference in Tools/Options
was active at creation).

Only the vertical position of the

selected instance has been modified

Selecting a new variant with different

dimensions has been applied to all instances

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 50

Splitting a component

For the types of components which are impacted by Core/Cavity separation

(Sprue Bushing, Ejector Pin, …), a dedicated function Split Component is
available in their contextual menu.
This function works in the same way as the splitting of Core and Cavity

Note that, for consistency reasons, it is not possible to split a component

for which several instances have been created from the same reference. To
do so, it is necessary that option Several Instances per reference for this
component has been deactivated at creation time.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 51

Deleting a Component

 For all components, there is a dedicated function Delete Component in their

contextual menu.

 This function will perform a “smart” delete, removing not only the
components, but also its associated holes in the various plates. It is
mandatory to use it instead of the standard Delete function, which does not
ensure such consistency.

 Several components can be deleted simultaneously, by multi-selecting them

graphically or in the specification tree.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 52

Exercise Presentation

And now practice on Step 4 of the Master Exercise, to learn about :

Editing a Component
Splitting a Component

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 53

Advanced Mold Base : Creating Inserts

You will learn how to define an Insert in the Mold.

Defining and positioning an Insert

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Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning an Insert (1/4)

Defining Inserts :
If necessary, you can create Inserts in your Mold Base, for example in the case
of a multi-impression Mold.
You can create in Core Plate and Cavity Plate the main inserts corresponding to
your part, but you can also create additional inserts inside these main inserts, if
the complexity of your part requires so.

Creating an Insert :
 You must first update the overlap values between Core and Cavity plates (= 80%
by default), since contact between InjectionSide and EjectionSide of the Mold
will happen via the inserts on each side, and no longer via Core and Cavity
Select Mold Edition in Click button F(x) Edit the value of the overlap
contextual menu of the
Mold Base

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Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning an Insert (2/4)

Creating an Insert :
 To create an Insert, use function Add Insert after creating your Mold Base.

Select one of the predefined

types of Inserts available

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Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning an Insert (3/4)

 Creating an Insert :
Define the position of the insert :

You can pick any of the following elements in order to position

the insert :
• A planar face of the plate. The application switches to mode
“Work on plane” : you can then use the grid to define the
position of the insert. The behaviour of this mode can be
controlled via Tools/Options/Mechanical Design/Sketcher
• A 3D point
• A 2D point (point in sketch, vertex)

Pick a position on this face to have a preview of the

Insert and adjust its position by using Instance Origin
values and/or the green arrows and half-circle
attached to the preview of the Insert

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Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning an Insert (4/4)

Creating an Insert :
 Define the elements of the Mold to be drilled by this insert (typically the Core
Plate for the main Core Insert, and the Cavity Plate for a main Cavity insert).
 Adjust the dimension of the insert using tab Parameters
 Split the Insert using function Split Component… in contextual menu

Adjust the relevant

dimension values
and validate
Select field Drill From, then pick the
relevant Plate in the viewer.
Repeat these operations for field To.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 58

Advanced Mold Base : Creating a Slider

You will learn how to define a Slider mechanism.

Defining and positioning a Slider

Defining and positioning the Retainers
Defining and positioning the Angle Pin
Instantiating fixing Screws
Performing the Screw drillings

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 59

Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning a Slider (1/4)

The definition of a Slider mechanism is done by creating the following

components :
 The Slider component itself
 The corresponding Retainers component
 The Screws components fixing the Retainers to the Mold Base
 The Angle Pin

As for Core and Cavity plates, it is necessary to have prepared beforehand

the Split surface of the Slider component, for example by using application
Core&Cavity Design (CCV).

The Molded Part contains

an undercut area requiring
the creation of a Slider

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 60

Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning a Slider (2/4)

Creating a Slider :
 To create a Slider, use function Add Slider

 Creating a Slider :
Define the position of the Slider :

You can use the same positioning capabilities as for the other types of components, for
example by first picking a planar face on the top of the Core Plate, then adjusting the
position with the green sliders

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 61

Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning a Slider (3/4)

Creating a Slider :
 Define the elements of the Mold to be drilled by the Slider (typically the Core
Plate and the Cavity Plate)
 Adjust the dimension of the Slider using tab Parameters

Note that the Slider has been created with a location

point and a location axis for further reuse when
defining the Angle Pin
Note that the Slider has
been placed in the tree
structure at the same
level as the main sub-
assemblies of the Mold.

This is necessary to
ensure proper kinematic

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Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning a Slider (4/4)

Creating a Slider :
 Split the Slider using function Split Component… in contextual menu

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Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning Retainers
Creating Retainers :
 To create the Retainers, use function Add Retainers
 Define the plates to be drilled (Drill From and To)
 Position the retainers using standard positioning functions
 Select the Slider in the 3D viewer to automatically adjust the size of the Retainers

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 64

Advanced Mold Base : Defining and positioning the Angle Pin
Creating the Angle Pin :
 To create the Angle Pin, use function Add AnglePin
 Select the Angle Pin in catalog
 Position the Angle Pin by picking the location axis and point defined in the Slider
 Adjust the Z position of the Angle Pin
 Define the plates to be drilled (Drill From and To)

1 2

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 65

Advanced Mold Base : Instantiating fixing Screws

 Inserting the Screws :

 To create the Screws, use function Add CapScrew
 Select the Screw in catalog
 Position the screws on the top face of the Retainers
 Adjust the Z position of the Screws

3 4
Note that standard drilling
mechanism (Drill From… To)
operates only on plates, not on
components, like Retainers.

Therefore, further specific drilling

operation has to be performed.

For the same reason, the sub-

assembly where the screws should
be located has to be defined
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 66
Advanced Mold Base : Performing the Screw drillings

Creating drillings :
 This is done using function Tools/Drill Component…
 The Retainers should be drilled with the DrillHole of each CapSCrew
 The CorePlate should be drilled with the TapHole of each CapScrew


Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 67

Exercise Presentation

And now practice on Step SliderMechanism of Master Exercise to learn about :

Creating a Slider
Creating corresponding Retainers
Creating corresponding fixing Screws
Creating corresponding Angle Pin
Drilling corresponding holes

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 68

Creating Injection Features

You will become familiar with …

Creating a Gate
Creating a Runner
Creating a Coolant Channel

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 69

Creating a Gate (1/2)

There are 3 different types of gates :

Direct : the Gate is located directly on the Molded Part
Side (2 sub-types are available) : the Gate is located on the Parting Line
Submarine (3 sub-types are available) : the Gate is located close to the Molded
Part, joining it via a small nozzle.

The creation of a Gate is done in 2 steps :

First step : define the Gate location (point)

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Creating a Gate (2/2)

Second step : once the location point is created (materialized by a yellow

square), you can define the characteristics of the Gate :
 Select the desired type, then subtype of the Gate, using Catalog icon in the Gate definition

 Set the other parameters of the gate : Stamp and dimensions

At the end of these two steps, the Gate is

materialized only by a yellow square in
the 3D viewer.
Its real shape will be created only once
the Injection Runner has been created.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 71

Additional Information

Gate creation
The application creates in MoldedPart an Open Body called
GateBody. It will contain the location (as Point name Gate.N)
of all the gates created in this Part.
You can modify their location by directly selecting them in
the tree.
You may create any number of gates.
Note that the Gates are picked from catalogs : you can create
your own catalogs with gates of one of the predefined types
(direct, side, submarine), but with your own sketch.

Gate edition
You can edit a Gate via option Gate Edition in its contextual

Gate deletion
At this stage, you can delete a Gate using standard function
Delete, since it is only a point.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 72

Creating a Runner

The creation of a Runner is done in two steps :

Creating its layout using the Sketcher
Defining its shape characteristics

Step 1 : Sketching the Runner layout

The Gate point location must coincide with one extremity of the layout.
There must be tangency continuity between all elements of the sketch.

This is mandatory to ensure a correct projection of the sketch onto the support
surface, operated by the application in the next creation step.

Step 2 : Creating the Runner

• Click icon Add Runner

• Define the characteristics of the Runner
In the case of the Oval section shape, you can define Core or Cavity side as stamp
In the case of the Round shape, the stamp may be in Core, Cavity or both

Note that when creating the Runner, the Gate is also created in the 3D viewer

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 73

Creating a Coolant Channel (1/2)
Coolant Channels can be created in all the plates of the Mold Base, e.g.
in CavityPlate, CorePlate, CoreSupportPlate…

They can be created using various types of support geometry :

Two 3D points, which will be used as extremities of the Coolant Channel
A 3D line : the application will then automatically use its extremity vertices
as extremities of the Coolant Channel
A Sketch made up of one or several segments

The support geometry must be created before entering function Add

Coolant Channel, by using for example workbench Wireframe and
 Note that support geometry must be
created in component CoreCooling
or CavityCooling, whatever plate the
Coolant Channel will be drilled in.
These components are automatically
created by the application when the
Mold Base is defined.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 74

Creating a Coolant Channel (2/2)

The creation of a Coolant Channel is done by

activating function Add Coolant Channel :

Pick first its support elements. If you have

selected a sketch, a Coolant Channel will be
created for each segment of the sketch.

Point1 is the start point and Point3

Then define the parameters of the cooling pipe is the end point

D1 = inner diameter
D2 = counterbore diameter
L = counterbore depth
A = V-bottom angle

The Cooling Channel is automatically located in

a Body named CoolingBody

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 75

Additional Information…

Coolant Channel creation

If none of the elements you enter as extremities
of the Coolant Channel belongs to the outer
planes delimiting the faces of the plate, the
system will automatically propose a pipe
segment reaching one of these planes : you
can use option Reverse to select the opposite
pipe segment

If you use a predefined sketch, the system will

prompt you, for each segment of the sketch,
with the Reverse dialog box, in order to let you
invert the pipe created on this segment if you

Coolant Channel edition

You can edit a Coolant Channel via function
Coolant Channel Edition… in its contextual

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 76

Exercise Presentation

And now practice on Step 5 of the Master Exercise, to learn about :

Creating a Gate and a Runner

Creating Coolant Channels

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 77

Managing User Components

You will see how any Mold component is structured, and how to create and
instantiate user-defined components

What is a User Component ?

Structure of a Mold Component
Creating a Catalog of User Components
Instantiating a User Component

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 78

What is a User Component ?

In addition to the predefined types of components (Leader Pin, CapScrew,

Bushing, …) available, it is possible for you to create you own types of
components (special plates, stamps, springs, …)

You can also create your own designs for predefined types of components
(e.g. a custom Leader Pin) to extend the libraries offered in the application

The structure of a user-defined component must follow some rules to

ensure it can be managed in application Mold Tooling Design in the same
way as the standard components offered in the application

You can put your user components in your own catalogs and link your
catalogs to those known by the application

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 79

Structure of a Mold Component (1/2)

A Mold Tooling Design component, either coming from provided standard catalogs
(e.g. a Leader Pin), or defined by the user, must have the same basic structure.

It is usually defined as a CATPart file, including potentially a list of variants (defined

by a Design Table). It can be put in a dedicated catalog, but the file can also be
selected directly in MTD functions.

The CATPart must obey the following rules, illustrated below

on a predefined type of component (Leader Pin) :
 The same name must be used for the CATPart (property) and for
the user component referenced in the catalog (here
 The shape of the part itself must be defined in PartBody (it may
consist of Pads, Shafts, etc.)
 The negative volumes associated to the shape must be created in
a Body named DrillHole. They must be defined using features with
negative polarity (such as Hole, Pocket, …). These negative
volumes will be automatically subtracted from the Mold Base
plates when inserting the component (Remove features)
 The part must have a reference point used to place the component
in the Mold. This point must be named Base and be located in a
Body named BaseBody.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 80

Structure of a Mold Component (2/2)

For some specific types of components

(typically a screw), an additional Body named
TapHole can be present to define the threaded
holes to be drilled. Just like Body DrillHole,
this Body will be used to perform a Remove
operation, but only in the last plate impacted
when inserting it. This is the plate specified as
To when defining the first (Drill From) and the
last (To) plate to be bored when inserting a

A user component can be a CATProduct made

up of several CATParts following the rules
described above.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 81

Creating a Catalog of User Components (1/3)

Once you have created CATParts or CATProducts containing your user

designs, following the structure described previously, you can create a new
catalog to insert them :

Use workbench Catalog Editor
to create a new catalog

Rename the default chapter to fit the
kind of user components it will contain.

You can add other chapters if you wish

to add other kinds of user components.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 82

Creating a Catalog of User Components (2/3)

Then you can reference your components in the new catalog :

Use function Add Family to define in the chapter a first
family, i.e. a first set of this kind of user components.

You can create other families in the chapter if you wish.

If your user-component Part contains a Design Table

corresponding to variants of your design, you must use
instead function Add Part Family.

Use function Add Component to define the
physical location of the CATPart or CATProduct
containing your design.

You can create other components in the family

if you wish.

Use function Add Keyword to define the
relevant parameters for your component

Then save the new catalog file, using the
name you wish

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 83

Creating a Catalog of User Components (3/3)

Then you must link you own catalog to the existing User Catalog provided
with the application :

Open existing master User Component catalog :

Use function Add link to other catalog to
make a reference from the master catalog
to the chapter of the new user catalog

Define now a value for Keyword Supplier
for the newly added chapter

Save the new version of

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 84

Instantiating a User Component

To instantiate a User Component in a Mold, use dedicated icon Add User Component :
you have access to your own components in the same way as for predefined
components (preview, positioning capabilities)

You also have access to some specific components delivered with application MTD :

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 85

Additional Information…

When your user component is of a predefined type known by the

application, you can link your catalog to the one of this type, instead of
linking it to UserComponent.catalog :
For example, if you have created your own type of Leader Pin, you can link your
catalog to LeaderPin.catalog, which is located in the same folder

It is not mandatory to put your user component in a catalog. When you want
to instantiate it, it is possible to pick directly the CATPart file :

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 86

Exercise Presentation

And now practice on Step UserComponents of Master Exercise, to learn about :

Creating a User Catalog

Linking your catalog to the master user Component catalog

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 87

Analyzing Holes in Plates

You will become familiar with …

How to extract definition of Holes in Mold Base Plates

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 88

How to extract definition of Holes in Mold Base Plates

For further machining purposes, you may need to collect, for some or all
the plates of the Mold, the list of the holes with their characteristics : XY
position, diameter, depth, etc. :
This is done using macro
Before running it, make sure document Mold is the current document. The
result is a .txt file (text) for each selected plate, located in folder C:\Temp
You can reformat it as for example an .xls file (Excel) and insert it in a Drafting

Current limitation : Coolant Channels holes are not taken into account.

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 89

Creating the Bill of Material

You will become familiar with …

Customizing the Bill of Material of a Mold Product

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Customizing the Bill of Material

You can access the Bill of Material directly from

menu Analyze.

It contains additional properties compared to the

standard function accessible in workbench
Assembly Design.

Redefine output format :

Standard output format add as Displayed properties
MTD-specific Heat
Treatment and Material

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 91

To Sum Up

In this course you have seen :

How to create a new Mold Product

How to define the Molded Part
How to define the Mold Base
How to create, edit or delete Mold Base Components
How to define advanced Mold features : Insert, Slider
How to create Injection Features
How to create your own User Components
How to extract the definition of the holes in Mold Base Plates
How to customize the Bill of Material of the Mold

Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 92

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