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1. Which drugs make a person temporarily unfit to drive?

A. Antihistamines
B. Amphetamines
C. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
D. All the above

2. What are the consequences for a person driving under the influence of drugs (cocaine,
dagga etc?)
A. Intoxication with dangerous hallucination.
B. Dependent on level of intoxication.
C. Compulsory medical or psychological examination

3. What side effects can drugs have?

A. Intoxication, dependence and addiction.
B. They make one unfit to drive to drive.
C. Reckless driving.

4. What can present a danger in road traffic?

A. Children crossing the road.
B. Headlights set too high.
C. Motor vehicles braking down in road traffic.

5. Which motor vehicles must if possible use the hard shoulder on country roads?
A. A motor bike that can be pedaled or driven by a low powered gasoline engine.
B. Farm tractors and working machines.
C. All the above

6. What leads frequently to accidents when overtaking on highways?

A. Tyre bursts especially on hot days.
B. Not keeping a close enough eye on the traffic situation behind.
C. Failure to indicate when turning.
7. You have missed the highway exit. What must you do?
A. Drive on to the next exit.
B. No stopping on the roadway or hard shoulder.
C. No reversing.

8. What applies on clearways for motor vehicles only?

A. No U- turns.
B. Join the clearway only at crossroads and junctions.
C. All the above.

9. Which dangers must you reckon with above all in rural areas?
A. Elderly people crossing the road.
B. Excessively wide farm vehicles.
C. A larger number of people farming.

10. You are driving on a good road. Visibility is good. Within what distance must you be
ready to stop at the latest?
A. Within the range of vision.
B. Five meters before impacting oncoming object.
C. Within the range of dipped headlights.

11. Pedestrians are crossing the road you want to turn into. You should:
A. Sound your horn.
B. Give way and wait till they cross.
C. Drive around them.

12. Identify the sign?

A. Use of horn prohibited.

B. No loud music allowed.
C. Do not cross.
13. Identify the sign?

A. Steep descent.
B. Left turn prohibited.
C. Stop

14. Identify the sign?

A. No stopping or standing.
B. Compulsory turn left.
C. Guarded railway crossing.

15. How can you reduce car noise when driving your vehicle in a built up area?
A. By closing the windows.
B. By driving in 4th and 5th gear in built up areas.
C. By removing unnecessary objects or material from car
16. Which car proceeds second?

A. B
B. A

17. Which car is breaking the law?

A. B
B. A

18. Where is parking prohibited?

A. At the edge of the roadway if this would prevent others from using designated
parking areas.
B. On priority roads outside built up areas.
C. Before sunken kerbstones
D. All the above
19. Which car goes first?

A. C
B. A
C. B

20. Which car goes first?

A. B
B. C
C. A

21. What is the minimum distance you must leave clear when parking or stopping in front of
a zebra crossing?
A. 10m
B. 5m
C. 15m
22. Which car goes first?

A. B
B. A
C. C

23. Who is parked?

A. Anyone who stops for more than 3 minutes.
B. Anyone who leaves his vehicle.
C. All the above.

24. Up to what distance is it not allowed to park before or behind a bus stop sign?
A. 5m
B. 10m
C. 15m

25. On the left and right of a street there are parking lanes for parking parallel to the
roadway. Where are you allowed to park?
A. On any free parking lane.
B. In two way streets only in the left hand parking lane and on the left hand or right
hand in one way streets.
C. All the above.

26. Which cars are allowed to stop in the second row alongside other vehicles?
A. Taxis to let passengers board or alight, traffic conditions permitting.
B. Buses to let passengers board or alight, traffic conditions permiting.
C. All the above
27. What is the minimum distance a vehicle must leave clear in front of traffic lights if the
traffic lights would be concealed by the vehicle?
A. 10m
B. 15m
C. 5m

28. What do you point out to passengers before they leave the car?
A. That they must watch out for moving traffic when leaving the car on the left hand
B. That they must watch out for pedestrians on the left hand side when leaving the
C. All the above.

29. You have a tyre failure on the highway. What must you do?
A. Leave highway on the next exit for mechanical support.
B. Park on shoulder and change tyre.
C. Place the warning triangle at a distance of 100m.

30. How do you secure a car with a manual gearbox against rolling away on a downhill
A. Apply the parking brake.
B. Engage first gear or reverse gear.
C. All the above

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