Earth Science Reviewer Finals

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Earth Science Reviewer 3.

Transform (↑↓)
 Scissor or lateral; move past each other
MINERALS causes Shearing Stress
 Ex: San Andreas fault
Mineral Resources-Reasonable for economic 7 major Tectonic Plates in the world:
Geology- Study of dynamic processes taking place on 1. Pacific plate
earth’s surface and in earth’s interior 2. North American plate
3. Eurasian plate
What are the earths major geological 4. African plate
processes and hazards? 5. Antarctic plate
 Earthquake 6. Indo-Australia plate
 Volcanic eruption 7. South American plate

Why earth is a dynamic planet? Juan De Fuca- Greek navigator who found a
passage from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic
 It constantly changing Ocean.
Juan De Fuca plate:  small tectonic
plate (microplate) generated from the Juan de Fuca
 20 earthquakes a day happens in PH Ridge that is subducting beneath the northerly
 55 earthquakes around the world portion of the western side of the North American
 Strongest earthquake: 1960 on Chile with Plate at the Cascadia subduction zone.
9.2 magnitude
 Deadliest tsunami: Indian ocean tsunami
Geological Processes
(Indonesia, 2004)  Internal- earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic
 Most recent and deadly: Japan eruption. Main cause is the Earth’s core
 External- Erosion, weathering,
3 major concentric zone of earth sedimentation, mining, pollution. Cause by
Human activities
1. Crust (oceanic and continental)
2. Mantle Asthenosphere- Layer between crust and mantle
3. Core Lithosphere- Crust
3 plate boundaries Mantle Plumes- is an area under the rocky outer
layer of Earth, called the crust, where magma is
1. Divergent (↔) hotter than surrounding magma.
 Division or spreading Earthquake- Movement of plates
 Tensional Stress- when something is
Seismic waves- Energy created by earthquake 
pulled apart
 Ex: Mid-Atlantic ridge; Pangea Fault- Surface where they slip
2. Convergent (→←) Epicenter- Point at the surface directly above the
 Collision causes Compressional stress focus
 3 Types Focus (Hypocenter)- Point within the earth where
o Oceanic → Continental an earthquake rapture starts. types:
(Subduction zone where oceanic  Deep-shallow (0-70Km) more destructive
sinks bc its denser than  Deep-focus (70km above)
continental) Seismogram- Locates earthquake and produces
o Oceanic → Oceanic seismogram.
(Trenches. Ex: Challenger Deep; Richter scale- Measures Magnitude
deepest trench found in Mercalli Intensity scale- Measures Intensity
Mariana’s trench) The Higher the magnitude the earthquake is 10x
o Continental → Continental stronger.
(Mountain ranges and ridges. Ex: Tsunami- Earthquake focus located in oceanic
Sierra Madre & Himalayan mt.) floor
Rocks and Minerals
Renewable resources- Natural resources that can
Minerals- Element or organic compound in earth’s
be used and replaced over relatively short time. Ex:
Rock cycle- Slowest cycle; takes millions of years  Solar energy- from sun. Cons: Expensive
Russia has 75 trillion Dollars’ worth of mineral  Nuclear Energy- From fission or fusion
resources. (1st) reactions. Cons: radioactive waste,
USA (2nd) Alaska and Texas are the main mineral espensive
resources  Wind energy- From wind. Cons: Expensive
Canada, France, China, Iran, Iraq, Australia, Saudi  Hydroelectricity- energy from flowing
Arabia water. Cons: displaces people(indigenous)
 Biomass- energy from burning organic
Ore- The one that is being mined (contains living matter. Cons: not advisable since it
minerals) need to burn organic matter(tress) and
High grade ore- Konti ang gastos, mas mataas releases carbon dioxide.
ang return/kita (maraming gold and minerals)  Geothermal- uses heat from earths core.
Cons: dangerous bc sa mga near volcanic
Low Grade Ore- Maraming gastos, mababa ang
area sya nakukuha
Non-renewable- cannot be replaced instantly; take
years to recover. 2 mains problems are; non-
renewable and harmful. Ex:

 Fossil fuels- Natural resources that

generate electricity. 3 kinds:
o Coal- Located in a land where it is a
marine/rainforest before.
o Oil and natural gas- Formed from
organic matter of dead animals and
plants due to heat and pressure.

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