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1.The liquid in the manometer is mercury (ρ=13,593 kg/m 3) which is open to air at atmospheric
(PATM=101.325kPa).What is the pressure of the gas in the tank (ρ =1.13kg/m 3),in the gauge and absolute
pressure ,if h=10cm ,h’ =3cm and h” =8cm?

2.A differential manometer is connected at two points A and B of two pipes as shown in the figure. The
pipe A contains a liquid of Specific gravity 1.5, While pipe B contains a liquid of specific gravity 0.9. The
pressures at A and B are 9.81 x 10 4 N/m2 and 17.66 x 104 N/m2 respectively. Find the difference in
mercury level (h) in the differential manometer.

3. A differential manometer is used to measure pressure difference between two fluid systems. Two
parallel pipes carrying freshwater and seawater are connected to each other by a double U-tube
differential manometer, as shown in Figure. Take the density of seawater at that location to be 1035
kg/m3, and the specific gravity of the oil is 0.72.Determine the pressure difference between the two
pipelines if h = 10 cm.
4.A U-tube manometer is arranged as shown, to measure the pressure difference between point A and B
in a pipeline conveying water of density 1000 kg/m 3. The density of the manometer fluid O is 13600
kg/m3, and point B is 0.3 m higher than point A. Calculate the pressure difference when h = 0.7 m.

5.The pressure of water flowing through a pipe is measured by the arrangement shown.For the values
given ,calculate the pressure in the pipe.

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