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Title: Jacinto Convit - A legacy in medicine and scientific research

Full name: Jacinto Convit Garcia

Birth September 11, 1913
Caracas Venezuela

Death May 12, 2014

(100 years)
Caracas Venezuela

2. Trajectory:

- Highlights Convit's achievements and recognitions in the medical field.

1. Leprosy Vaccine Development: Convit is recognized worldwide for its pioneering work in developing an
effective vaccine against leprosy, a chronic and stigmatized disease. His live attenuated bacilli vaccine,
known as the "Convit Vaccine", revolutionized the treatment of leprosy and has benefited millions of
people around the world.

2. Immunology Research: Convit made important contributions to the field of immunology. His research
on the immune response and the interaction between the immune system and diseases such as leprosy
and cancer opened up new perspectives and treatment possibilities.

3. Chagas disease study: Convit also conducted fundamental research on Chagas disease, a tropical
disease transmitted by insects. Their studies helped to better understand the disease, its transmission
mechanisms and possible treatment approaches.
4. Cancer Vaccine Advances: Convit investigated the possibility of developing a therapeutic vaccine for
the treatment of cancer. His studies explored the use of vaccines and the stimulation of the immune
system to fight cancer cells, opening new avenues in the fight against this disease.

5. Recognitions and awards: Convit received numerous recognitions and awards throughout his career,
including the Prince of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technical Research in 1987, as well as
recognition from the World Health Organization for his work in the fight against leprosy.

Jacinto Convit's achievements and contributions in the field of medicine have left a lasting mark, and his
legacy continues to inspire future researchers and physicians in their tireless pursuit of innovative
medical solutions.

- Mention his most outstanding contribution: the development of the leprosy vaccine.

1. Leprosy Vaccine Development: Convit is recognized worldwide for its pioneering work in developing an
effective vaccine against leprosy, a chronic and stigmatized disease. His live attenuated bacilli vaccine,
known as the "Convit Vaccine", revolutionized the treatment of leprosy and has benefited millions of
people around the world.

3. Scientific discoveries:

- Lists the significant scientific advances of Convit in the field of immunology and dermatology.

• Vaccine against leprosy

• Immunological therapy in dermatology

• Study of immunotherapy against cancer

• Contributions to basic immunology

- He mentions his research on Chagas disease and the cancer vaccine.

Cancer Immunotherapy Study: Convit investigated the application of immunotherapy in the treatment of
cancer. His studies focused on stimulating the immune system to attack and destroy cancer cells, opening
up new perspectives in the fight against this disease.

4. Legacy and recognitions:

- Highlights the awards and honors received by Convit, such as the Prince of Asturias Award for
Scientific and Technical Research.

- Mentions the creation of the Jacinto Convit Foundation, dedicated to medical research and the fight
against tropical diseases.
Recognitions and Awards: Throughout his career, Convit received numerous recognitions and awards in
recognition of his contributions to medicine and science. Among them are the Prince of Asturias Award
for Scientific and Technical Research in 1987, the Alfonso X el Sabio Medal and the Order of the Liberator
of Venezuela, among others.

Jacinto Convit Foundation: To continue his legacy, the Jacinto Convit Foundation was created, which is
dedicated to scientific research, especially in tropical diseases, and the promotion of health in
underprivileged communities. The foundation seeks to continue Convit's work and disseminate its
advances in medicine.

5. Notable quote:

- Includes an inspiring quote from Jacinto Convit that sums up his passion for medicine and science.

"True science is a tireless search, an unwavering commitment to improve the lives of others. Let's not get
tired of investigating, discovering, dreaming. Because in each discovery, in each advance, we find hope
for a better world." - Jacinto Convit
7. Additional information:

- Provide additional information about their life, such as their educational background and the
institutions in which they worked.

He began his studies at the Liceo La Guaira, today "Andrés Bello", being an outstanding student of
Rómulo Gallegos in the chair of Philosophy and Mathematics, of whom he stated:

What good memories, an exemplary teacher of visionary talent.

His evaluations earned him honorable mentions in subjects such as physiology and human anatomy,
clinical medicine, and clinical surgery. Years after beginning to stand out as a scientist, he expressed that:

We studied a lot, with great intensity and there was a lot to memorize. There was a time when I got to
feel a kind of tiredness. The number of hours that had to be studied was great.

In 1932 he entered the School of Medicine of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) where he
obtained the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences in 1938. He specialized in dermatology in the United
States. As a member of the medical team of the Cabo Blanco Leprosy Hospital (Vargas state) he
dedicated himself to clinical treatment against leprosy, while in collaboration with Dr. Martín Vegas he
began an educational campaign in the neighboring community of the central coast aimed at eradicating
the collective belief of contagion of this disease by simply living with lepers. His growing experience in
the treatment and research of leprosy allowed him to interact with other foreign specialists, coming to
attend as a Venezuelan delegate the Pan-American Leprosy Congress held in 1946 and the International
Leprosy Congress that took place two years later, in 1948.3

After obtaining a position as a dermatologist at the Hospital Vargas in Caracas through competitive
examination, he joined Professor Leopoldo Briceño Iragorry's chair of dermatology, being appointed
instructor and director of his laboratory. Jacinto Convit held this position until 1950, when he was
appointed head of the Dermatological Clinic.

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