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2022/8/25 下午3:35 Gmail - 🔎 (Day2) What do you do?

Angel L <>

🔎 (Day2) What do you do?

1 封郵件

Songy Knox <> 2020年8月7日 下午1:04

收件者: Angel <>


Here's your Day 2 exercise.

Here’s the thing – we are so judged by our ‘cover’ and we have so little time.

"People decide on your trustworthiness in a tenth of a second."

Making Up Your Mind After a 100-Ms Exposure to a Face

Psychological Science 2006

With that in mind, let me give you a helping hand with your intro.

When I ask you "What do you do?" and if your answer is


We have a problem!

Be sure to use the options I've given you in the PDF to formulate your intro
based on 'them - the people you serve' not on what you do and who you are.

Let me know what you come up with for your answer to the "What do you do?"

Feel free to reply to share your new and improved introduction with me.… 1/2
2022/8/25 下午3:35 Gmail - 🔎 (Day2) What do you do?

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Songy Knox

Personal Brand Coach & Photographer

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