Past, Present and Future

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I was born in Florida Valle del Cauca, and during my elementary years, I attended the Sagrado
Corazón de Jesús School. During my high school years, I initially considered becoming a pilot
because I was fascinated by the idea of flying. Later on, I thought about joining the Colombian Air
Force pilot program, but ultimately, thanks to my last grades at school, I decided to study
Economics. I chose Univalle because of its reputation, not only nationally but also internationally.
Although there are universities in Colombia with more prestige, Univalle was more accessible to
me, both in terms of financial possibilities and proximity. Before entering the university, I worked
temporarily at a grocery store. At Univalle, I have worked as a Microeconomics monitor.


Generally, during the semester, I have a nearly strict routine. I wake up at 4 am to attend classes at
7 am. Throughout the day, I am either in class or studying for exams or working on assignments
until 8 pm. Finally, I arrive home at 10 pm, have dinner, and then go to bed. This is my schedule
from Monday to Friday. Currently, I have a project to improve my English skills. It is a personal
endeavor, but I know it is important. I enjoy music, and I usually listen to bands like Queen, Guns N'
Roses, The Rolling Stones, etc. When it comes to food, I'm not particularly fond of pasta, although I
do eat it occasionally. It's not my preference. My challenge is to maintain my academic average and
strive for academic excellence.


My plan is to graduate with honors in Economics because I am studying what I love, and they say
that what you do out of passion turns out much better. Afterwards, I would like to pursue a
postgraduate degree in Applied Economics and specialize in Finance. Among other things, I also
plan to participate in politics and aspire to positions in the congress, ultimately aiming to become
the president of the republic.

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