Gr10 Prepositions Chapter Test ICSE

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Gr- 10 English
UNIT- Prepositions

Total Marks : 15 Time : 15 minutes Marks Received :

Q No Marks

QI Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 1X10

1.He has a passion __arguing
2. Recently there has been a reduction__ the price of milk.
3. The weather is pleasant here ___ the spring.
4. The area of a square may be equal __to that of a triangle.
5. The avaricious man is greedy __gain.
6. He is very dIfferent__ her sister
7. The head-dress of the Cossacks is similar__ that of the ancient Persians.
8.He was born__ humble parents In Nagpur.
9. Her views do not accord __mine
10. She is going ___ the market.

Q II Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences 1X5=5

1. ---- university is ---- institution of higher education.
a. a / an
b. - / an
c. an / a
d. the / the

2. I'm busy. Please visit me ---- time.

a. another
b. others
c. other
d. the other

3. What ---- you ---- in English so far?

a. have / learned
b. were / learned
c. did / learn
d. was / learning

4. I haven't seen him ---- today.

a. nowhere
b. somewhere
c. everywhere
d. anywhere

5. I can't hear very well. Please turn the radio ----.

a. up
b. down
c. on
d. off

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