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The town of Ambervale has had a positive reputation throughout Terranis for the past

several decades, as it well should, for it is one of the biggest exporters of unique produce in

Northern Terranis; primarily, pumpkins.

Every year, come fall, the town holds their annual Amber Leaf festival, a three-day

celebration involving food, games, and alcohol… lots of alcohol, primarily a liqueur called

Autumn Fire, a particularly potent spirit made from; you guessed it, pumpkins.

This year, however, some nasty rumors have been going around. According to travelers

who have been to Ambervale recently, some of the townsfolk were acting strangely, and there

have been several rumors of missing people. There’s also talk of large quantities of Autumn Fire

being stolen from warehouses. By who, no one knows.

All this talk, however, hasn’t stopped you from making your way to Ambervale for the

festival. Whether to drink, play games, or stuff yourself silly. You’ve dealt with dangerous

things before, and even if some of those ugly rumors rear their heads, you know how to handle

yourself in a fight. You can deal with whatever some out of the way farming town can throw at

you… right?


Characters will be at 9th level. It is assumed that you have experience adventuring and

have seen your share of weird shit. All races and backgrounds are available. Backstories only

need to be about 1 to 2 paragraphs and must state your main reason for coming to the festival.

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